994 resultados para Fungal decay potential
To comprehend the recent Brookhaven National Laboratory experiment E788 on (4)(Lambda)He, we have outlined a simple theoretical framework. based on the independent-particle shell model, for the one-nucleon-induced nonmesonic weak decay spectra. Basically, the shapes of all the spectra are tailored by the kinematics of the corresponding phase space, depending very weakly on the dynamics, which is gauged here by the one-meson-exchange potential. In spite of the straightforwardness of the approach a good agreement with data is achieved. This might be an indication that the final-state-interactions and the two-nucleon induced processes are not very important in the decay of this hypernucleus. We have also found that the pi + K exchange potential with soft vertex-form-factor cutoffs (Lambda(pi) approximate to 0.7 GeV, Lambda(K) approximate to 0.9 GeV), is able to account simultaneously for the available experimental data related to Gamma(p) and Gamma(n) for (4)(Lambda)H, (4)(Lambda)H, and (5)(Lambda)H. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The decomposition of organic hydroperoxides into peroxyl radicals is a potential source of singlet molecular oxygen [O(2) ((1)Delta(g))] in biological systems. This study shows that 5-(hydroperoxymethyl)uracil (5-HPMU), a thymine hydroperoxide within DNA, reacts with metal ions or HOCl, generating O(2) ((1)Delta(g)). Spectroscopic evidence for generation of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) was obtained by measuring (i) the bimolecular decay, (ii) the monomolecular decay, and (iii) the observation of D(2)O enhancement of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) production and the quenching effect of NaN(3). Moreover, the presence of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) was unequivocally demonstrated by the direct characterization of the near-infrared light emission. For the sake of comparison, O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) derived from the H(2)O(2)/HOCl system and from the thermolysis of the N,N`-di(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-1,4-naphthalenedipropanamide endoperoxide was also monitored. More evidence of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) generation was obtained by chemical trapping of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) with anthracene-9,10-divinylsulfonate (AVS) and detection of the specific AVS endoperoxide by HPLC/MS/MS. The detection by HPLC/MS of 5-(hydroxymethyl)uracil and 5-formyluracil, two thymine oxidation products generated from the reaction of 5-HPMU and Ce(4+) ions, supports the Russell mechanism. These photoemission properties and chemical trapping clearly demonstrate that the decomposition of 5-HPMU generates O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) by the Russell mechanism and point to the involvement of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) in thymidine hydroperoxide cytotoxicity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The minimum energy path along the lowest-lying pi pi* excited state of 2-aminopurine was calculated to elucidate the mechanisms of radiationless decay and emission in water. The sequential Monte Carlo quantum mechanics approach with a multiconfigurational and perturbative description of the wave function was employed to compute the minimum, transition state, and conical intersection. It was found that the barrier in the potential energy surface to access the conical intersection funnel increases in aqueous environment, making the system prone to enlarge the emission yield. These results rationalize the observed enhancement of emission in 2-aminopurine upon increasing of the solvent polarity. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We make a careful study about the nonrelativistic reduction of one-meson-exchange models for the nonmesonic weak hypernuclear decay. Starting from a widely accepted effective coupling Hamiltonian involving the exchange of the complete pseudoscalar and vector meson octets (pi, eta, K, rho, omega, K*), the strangeness-changing weak LambdaN --> NN transition potential is derived, including two effects that have been systematically omitted in the literature, or, at best, only partly considered. These are the kinematical effects due to the difference between the lambda and nucleon masses, and the first-order nonlocality corrections, i.e., those involving up to first-order differential operators. Our analysis clearly shows that the main kinematical effect on the local contributions is the reduction of the effective pion mass. The kinematical effect on the nonlocal contributions is more complicated, since it activates several new terms that would otherwise remain dormant. Numerical results for C-12(Lambda) and He-5(Lambda) are presented and they show that the combined kinematical plus nonlocal corrections have an appreciable influence on the partial decay rates. However, this is somewhat diminished in the main decay observables: the total nonmesonic rate, Gamma(nm), the neutron-to-proton branching ratio, Gamma(n)/Gamma(p), and the asymmetry parameter, a(Lambda). The latter two still cannot be reconciled with the available experimental data. The existing theoretical predictions for the sign of a(Lambda) in He-5(Lambda) are confirmed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We give general expressions for the vector asymmetry in the angular distribution of protons in the nonmesonic weak decay of polarized hypernuclei. From these we derive an explicit expression for the calculation of the asymmetry parameter, a(Lambda), which is applicable to the specific cases of He-5(Lambda) and C-12(Lambda) described within the extreme shell model. In contrast to the approximate formula widely used in the literature, it includes the effects of three-body kinematics in the final states of the decay and correctly treats the contribution of transitions originating from single-proton states beyond the s-shell. This expression is then used for the corresponding numerical computation of a(Lambda) within several one-meson-exchange models. Besides the strictly local approximation usually adopted for the transition potential, we also consider the addition of the first-order nonlocality terms. We find values for a(Lambda) ranging from -0.62 to -0.24, in qualitative agreement with other theoretical estimates but in contradiction with some recent experimental determinations.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is an important fungal pathogen. The disease it causes, paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), ranges from localized pulmonary infection to systemic processes that endanger the life of the patient. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis adhesion to host tissues contributes to its virulence, but we know relatively little about molecules and the molecular mechanisms governing fungal adhesion to mammalian cells. Triosephosphate isomerase (TPI: EC of P. brasiliensis (PbTPI) is a fungal antigen characterized by microsequencing of peptides. The protein, which is predominantly expressed in the yeast parasitic phase, localizes at the cell wall and in the cytoplasmic compartment. TPI and the respective polyclonal antibody produced against this protein inhibited the interaction of P. brasiliensis to in vitro cultured epithelial cells. TPI binds preferentially to laminin, as determined by peptide inhibition assays. Collectively, these results suggest that TPI is required for interactions between P. brasiliensis and extracellular matrix molecules such as laminin and that this interaction may play an important role in the fungal adherence and invasion of host cells.
We study the properties of the three-boson system with absorption, through a short range interaction in the limit where the range reduces to zero. We derive an analytic expression for the three-boson width that relates it to the real part of the three-boson energy, two-boson binding energy and decay constant. One of the characteristics of this expression is that, in this limit, the ratio between the width and the three-boson binding energy is proportional to the range.
Freshly harvested lemons [(Citrus limon (L.) Burm)] were dipped 3 min in water with and without imazalil (IMZ) at 50, 100, and 200 ppm at 50 degrees C and at 1000 ppm IMZ at 20 degrees C. Following treatments fruit were kept at 9 degrees C and 90%-95% relative humidity (RH) for 13 weeks and an additional week at 21 degrees C and ca. 75% RH, to simulate a marketing period (SMP). No decay control was observed with fruit dipped in water at 50 degrees C. In contrast, IMZ treatments provided 90%-96% control of Penicillium rots during cold storage and SMP. Fungi other than Penicillium spp. were also found in all samples as differences among treatments were negligible. IMZ treatment caused some external damage to the fruit (peel browning), and the percentage of damaged fruit was related to the amount of active ingredient (AI) present in it. Dipping in 200 or 1000 ppm IMZ promoted off-flavor development after 10 weeks of storage, and fruit were judged to be unacceptable for consumption after 13 weeks of cold storage. After 1000 ppm IMZ dipping at 20 degrees C, residue concentration in fruit was 8.20 ppm; this value doubled that found in a previous investigation on lemons treated with comparable IMZ levels. Residue concentrations in fruit after treatment at 50 degrees C was strictly related to the amount of fungicide employed. After 13 weeks Al residues in fruit decreased to average ca. 35% of the initial values. During the 1 week SMP, residue levels decreased by a further ca. 25%. It was concluded that it is possible to achieve significant control of decay in lemons during longterm storage by dipping fruit in 50 ppm IMZ mixtures at 50 degrees C. Such treatment should be advised to remarkably reduce potential pollution in the environment due to packinghouse wastewater disposal.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes infection by the host inhalation of airborne propagules of the mycelia phase of the fungus. These particles reach the lungs, and disseminate to virtually all organs. Here we describe the identification of differentially expressed genes in studies of host-fungus interaction. We analyzed two cDNA populations of P. brasiliensis, one obtained from infected animals and the other an admixture of fungus and human blood thus mimicking the hematologic events of the fungal dissemination. Our analysis identified transcripts differentially expressed. Genes related to iron acquisition, melanin synthesis and cell defense were specially upregulated in the mouse model of infection. The upregulated transcripts of yeast cells during incubation with human blood were those predominantly related to cell wall remodeling/synthesis. The expression pattern of genes was independently confirmed in host conditions, revealing their potential role in the infection process. This work can facilitate functional studies of novel regulated genes that may be important for the survival and growth strategies of P. brasiliensis in humans. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
We investigate the escape of an ensemble of noninteracting particles inside an infinite potential box that contains a time-dependent potential well. The dynamics of each particle is described by a two-dimensional nonlinear area-preserving mapping for the variables energy and time, leading to a mixed phase space. The chaotic sea in the phase space surrounds periodic islands and is limited by a set of invariant spanning curves. When a hole is introduced in the energy axis, the histogram of frequency for the escape of particles, which we observe to be scaling invariant, grows rapidly until it reaches a maximum and then decreases toward zero at sufficiently long times. A plot of the survival probability of a particle in the dynamics as function of time is observed to be exponential for short times, reaching a crossover time and turning to a slower-decay regime, due to sticky regions observed in the phase space.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
After a short introduction to the nonmesonic weak decay (NMWD) ΛN→nN of Λ-hypernuclei we discuss the long-standing puzzle on the ratio Γn/Γp, and some recent experimental evidences that signalized towards its final solution. Two versions of the Independent-Particle-Shell-Model (IPSM) are employed to account for the nuclear structure of the final residual nuclei. They are: (a) IPSM-a, where no correlation, except for the Pauli principle, is taken into account, and (b) IPSM-b, where the highly excited hole states are considered to be quasi-stationary and are described by Breit-Wigner distributions, whose widths are estimated from the experimental data. We evaluate the coincidence spectra in Λ 4He, Λ 5He, Λ 12C, Λ 16O, and Λ 28Si, as a function of the sum of kinetic energies EnN=En+EN for N=n, p. The recent Brookhaven National Laboratory experiment E788 on Λ 4He, is interpreted within the IPSM. We found that the shapes of all the spectra are basically tailored by the kinematics of the corresponding phase space, depending very weakly on the dynamics, which is gauged here by the one-meson-exchange- potential. In spite of the straightforwardness of the approach a good agreement with data is achieved. This might be an indication that the final-state- interactions and the two-nucleon induced processes are not very important in the decay of this hypernucleus. We have also found that the π+K exchange potential with soft vertex-form-factor cutoffs (Λπ≈0. 7GeV, ΛK≈0.9GeV), is able to account simultaneously for the available experimental data related to Γp and Γn for Λ 4H, and Λ 5He. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Simple and coincidence spectra of the NM weak decay of light hypernuclei have been evaluated in a systematic way for the first time. We have only considered 1N induced processes, neglecting entirely the events induced by 2N emission, as well as the effects of the FSIt's. As the theoretical frameworkwe have used the IPSM with three different parametrizations for the transition potential. The comparison with data strongly suggests that the soft π + K exchange model could be a good starting point to describe the dynamics in the NM weak decays of s- and p-shell hypernuclei. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.