831 resultados para Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (Brasil)


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Demographic census from the last decades of the twentieth century began to reveal a tendency concerning the increasing average age of the population. The Brazilian government began introducing ways to manage the effects and consequences of this trend, the most recent being the creation of the "Fundos do Idoso" (Funds for seniors) in the Federal, state and municipal spheres. That law allows transferring federal taxes from common citizens and companies to the funds. This article is specifically written as a critical examination of this governmental initiative towards the problem of an ageing population from the point of view as to how the law has been implemented. With the creation of the funds there will be the enlargement and improvement of services destined for seniors. However, the law mentioned above does not predict an active participation of the seniors in the management of this funds and policies that will come as result.


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O artigo analisa questões envolvendo a dimensão social da sustentabilidade. A pesquisa compara os indicadores de desenvolvimento territoriais do Brasil, como o nível de desenvolvimento econômico, por meio do Produto Interno Bruto e o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano. O objetivo é verificar o real nível de desenvolvimento socioeconômico das regiões brasileiras. A metodologia consiste de uma pesquisa descritiva de natureza quantitativa, com coleta de dados secundários. A análise dos dados indica que os indicadores sociais devem ser muito bem pesquisados e analisados para poder concluir sobre a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos e que os IDH´s específicos não explicam de forma consistente o IDH geral dos Estados, sendo objeto de análise mais aprofundado das variáveis componentes destes elementos e seus cruzamentos regionais.


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In many hemolytic disorders, such as malaria, the release of free heme has been involved in the triggering of oxidative stress and tissue damage. Patients presenting with severe forms of malaria commonly have impaired regulatory responses. Although intriguing, there is scarce data about the involvement of heme on the regulation of immune responses. In this study, we investigated the relation of free heme and the suppression of anti-inflammatory mediators such as PGE(2) and TGF-beta in human vivax malaria. Patients with severe disease presented higher hemolysis and higher plasma concentrations of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and lower concentrations of PGE(2) and TGF-beta than those with mild disease. In addition, there was a positive correlation between SOD-1 concentrations and plasma levels of TNF-alpha. During antimalaria treatment, the concentrations of plasma SOD-1 reduced whereas PGE(2) and TGF-beta increased in the individuals severely ill. Using an in vitro model with human mononuclear cells, we demonstrated that the heme effect on the impairment of the production of PGE(2) and TGF-beta partially involves heme binding to CD14 and depends on the production of SOD-1. Aside from furthering the current knowledge about the pathogenesis of vivax malaria, the present results may represent a general mechanism for hemolytic diseases and could be useful for future studies of therapeutic approaches. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 185: 1196-1204.


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The coating of cotton fiber is used in the textile industry to increase the mechanical resistance of the yarn and their resistance to vibration, friction, impact, and elongation, which are some of the forces to which the yarn is subjected during the weaving process. The main objective of this study was to investigate the use of synthetic hydrophilic polymers, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), and poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) to coat 100% cotton textile fiber, with the aim of giving the fiber temporary mechanical resistance. For the fixation of the polymer on the fiber, UV-C radiation was used as the crosslinking process. The influence of the crosslinking process was determined through tensile testing of the coated fibers. The results indicated that UV-C radiation increased the mechanical resistance of the yarn coated with PVP by up to 44% and the yarn coated with PVA by up to 67% compared with the pure cotton yarn, that is, without polymeric coating and crosslinking. This study is of great relevance, and it is important to consider that UV-C radiation dispenses with the use of chemical substances and prevents the generation of toxic waste at the end of the process. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 119: 2560-2567, 2011


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Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo responder a seguinte questão: Em que medida projetos como o Programa Escola da Família- PEF, contribuem para a democratização do espaço escolar? Para isso buscaremos compreender como funciona o Programa Escola da Família PEF, implantado por iniciativa da Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo SEE, desde o ano de 2003, em parceria com a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura UNESCO até o ano de 2006 e sob responsabilidade, desde então, do Fundo para o Desenvolvimento da Educação FDE. Este estudo será desenvolvido com os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos : a partir de um olhar autobiográfico considerando minha atuação como educador profissional desde o ano de 2007. Análise bibliográfica, análise documental e empírica sobre o PEF; a partir de dados de observações participativa; de documentos sobre o Programa e da análise de entrevistas com dois expoentes da Academia, o Professor Dr. Décio Azevedo Marques de Saes e o Professor Dr. Paolo Nosella. Os entrevistados foram escolhidos por sua filiação teórica na expectativa de que as mesmas se manifestassem nas respostas obtidas, oferecendo assim oportunidade de cotejar pontos de vista fundamentados em referenciais teóricos diferentes.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XV - Educação, Cultura e Desporto.


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Avalia a educação básica brasileira quanto à qualidade do ensino. São usados para avaliar um ou mais níveis da educação básica brasileira: o SAEB (Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Básica), o IDEB (Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica), o ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, logo, restrito ao ensino médio), o ENCCEJA (Exame Nacional de Certificacao de Competências de Jovens e Adultos), a Prova ABC (Prova Brasileira do Final do Ciclo de Alfabetização) e o PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment - Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Estudantes), que é um exame internacional.


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A educação pública brasileira apresentou grandes avanços nas últimas décadas, como a ampliação do acesso, mas a sua qualidade ainda está aquém do desejável. Visando à melhoria da qualidade do ensino público, importantes iniciativas vêm sendo lançadas, tanto pelo governo quanto pela sociedade civil. Uma destas iniciativas, lançada recentemente pelo governo Lula, foi o Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação (PDE), que apresentou como novidade o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB). A sociedade civil também tem buscado organizar-se em coalizões, visando a articular atores de diversas instituições, governamentais e não-governamentais, sob uma mesma bandeira: a luta por uma educação pública de qualidade. Identificamos duas coalizões advocatórias em formação no Brasil: a Campanha Nacional pelo Direito à Educação e o Todos pela Educação, que, apesar do objetivo comum, possuem origens, composições, fontes de recursos, metas, formas de atuação e de relacionamento com o governo completamente diferentes. Considerando este contexto, buscamos, neste trabalho, a partir de levantamento de dados e da realização de entrevistas com atores internos e externos às duas coalizões, analisar o seu processo de formação e suas estratégias para influenciar a definição e a implementação de uma política pública de caráter nacional.


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This study aims to verify the impact of the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) in income and school attendance of poor Brazilian families. It is intended to also check the existence of a possible negative effect of the program on the labor market, titled as sloth effect. For such, microdata from the IBGE Census sample in 2010 were used. Seeking to purge possible selection biases, methodology of Quantilic Treatment Effect (QTE) was applied, in particular the estimator proposed by Firpo (2007), which assumes an exogenous and non-conditional treatment. Moreover, Foster- Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index was calculated to check if there are fewer households below the poverty line, as well as if the inequality among the poor decreases. Human Opportunity Index (HOI) was also calculated to measure the access of young people / children education. Results showed that BFP has positively influenced the family per capita income and education (number of children aged 5-17 years old attending school). As for the labor market (worked hours and labor income), the program showed a negative effect. Thus, when compared with not benefiting families, those families who receive the BFP have: a) a higher family income (due to the shock of the transfer budget money) b) more children attending school (due to the conditionality imposed by the program); c) less worked hours (due to sloth effect in certain family groups) and d) a lower income from work. All these effects were potentiated separating the sample in the five Brazilian regions, being observed that the BFP strongly influenced the Northeast, showing a greater decrease in income inequality and poverty, and at the same time, achieved a greater negative impact on the labor market


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Today's society is in a real collapse of an environmental nature. The populations are lost due to a dream of development without thinking of the consequences that said development can bring to human populations. Thus, it is necessary that strategies be developed for the purpose of protecting the flora and fauna that is at risk from suffering the pressure to achieve this development. Thus important issues involving the need to conserve nature and the creation of protected areas as these strategies are increasingly being developed in research, whether in the biological and / or social. In this sense, the aim of this research through environmental perception social actors for the formation of significant elements for understanding the relationship between man and nature, and from there to provide actions for sensitization. As well as changing attitudes towards environmental issues, to thereby provide analysis based on Environmental Education in order to provide the production of environmental knowledge as a tool that provides value shift. This area of research was to study the Environmental Protection Area Jenipabu - APA Jenipabu, located in northeastern Brazil. Where, from the environmental perception of students from schools within and around this Nature Conservation Unit notes were made regarding the value and meaning given by students, and how this, the feeling of belonging to these groups. This dissertation is composed of two chapters, the first is titled Environmental perception and feeling of belonging in the area of environmental protection in coastal RN - Brazil, where it makes a diagnosis of how these groups understands and realizes the Unity of Nature Conservation. The second, which is titled Construction of environmental knowledge and conservation of invertebrates in the Environmental Protection Area in the northeast coast of Brazil, specifically developed in the school from within the APA Jenipabu, in order to promote a sense of belonging for those students who become multipliers, in order to realize the importance and necessity of having this unit for Nature Conservation. Looking to the degree of importance of environmental education as a tool to raise awareness on conservation of invertebrates and is all the fauna and flora exists, whether in a conservation of nature or not


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC