936 resultados para Functional-groups


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Structural and surface property changes of macadamia nut-shell (MNS) char upon activation and high temperature treatment (HTT) were studied by high-resolution nitrogen adsorption, diffuse reflectance infra-red Fourier transform spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed desorption. It is found that activation of MNS char can be divided into the low extent activation which may involve the reactions of internal oxygen-containing groups and leads to the formation of comparatively uniform micropores, and the high extent activation which induces reactions between carbon and activating gas and produces a large amount of micropores. The surface functional groups (SFGs) basically increase with the increase of activation extent, but high extent activation preferentially increases the amount of -C-O and -C=O. HTT in air for a short tithe at a high temperature (1173 K) greatly increases the micropore volume and the amounts of SFGs. By appropriately choosing the activation and HTT conditions, it is possible to control both the textural structure and the type and amounts of SFG. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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In this paper we apply a method recently developed by Do and co-workers(1) for the prediction of adsorption isotherms of pure vapors on carbonaceous materials. The information required for the prediction is the pore size distribution and the BET constant, C, of a corresponding nonporous surface (graphite). The dispersive adsorption force is assumed to be the dominant force in adsorption mechanism. This applies to nonpolar and weakly polar hydrocarbons. We test this predictive model against the adsorption data of benzene, toluene, n-pentane, n-hexane, and ethanol on a commercial activated carbon. It is found that the predictions are excellent for all adsorbates tested with the exception of ethanol where the predicted values are about 10% less than the experimental data, and this is probably attributed to the electrostatic interaction between ethanol molecules and the functional groups on the carbon surfaces.


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In this paper, we present a model accounting for the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction in the adsorbed phase in the description of adsorption of pure vapors on carbonaceous materials. The details of the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction of a particular species are obtained from the analysis of its adsorption data on non-porous carbon black. The predictability of the model is tested against the adsorption isotherm data for benzene, toluene, n-pentane, n-hexane, carbon tetrachloride, methanol and ethanol on microporous activated carbon. It was found that the model prediction for non-polar adsorbates are satisfactory while it under-predicts for polar adsorbates, which is attributed to their additional interaction with functional groups. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A general overview of the protein sequence set for the mouse transcriptome produced during the FANTOM2 sequencing project is presented here. We applied different algorithms to characterize protein sequences derived from a nonredundant representative protein set (RPS) and a variant protein set (VPS) of the mouse transcriptome. The functional characterization and assignment of Gene Ontology terms was done by analysis of the proteome using InterPro. The Superfamily database analyses gave a detailed structural classification according to SCOP and provide additional evidence for the functional characterization of the proteome data. The MDS database analysis revealed new domains which are not presented in existing protein domain databases. Thus the transcriptome gives us a unique source of data for the detection of new functional groups. The data obtained for the RPS and VPS sets facilitated the comparison of different patterns of protein expression. A comparison of other existing mouse and human protein sequence sets (e.g., the International Protein Index) demonstrates the common patterns in mammalian proteornes. The analysis of the membrane organization within the transcriptome of multiple eukaryotes provides valuable statistics about the distribution of secretory and transmembrane proteins


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The radio frequency (RF) plasma-modified surfaces of kaolinite were investigated by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT) and deuteration techniques to determine the nature of RF plasma-induced surface functional groups, the altered sites in the lattice, and interaction mechanism between RF plasma and the surface of the kaolinite. It has been concluded that the RF plasma-induced infrared (IR) vibration absorption bands at 2805, 3010, and 3100 cm(-1) are attributable to the stretching vibration of hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl groups, and the band at 1407 cm(-1) is attributable to the bending vibration of (HO-)Al-O or (HO-)Si-O groupings with hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl groups. Structural alteration occurred on both the surface and subsurface region of the kaolinite during RF plasma treatment. Further structural alteration or adjustment was also observed on well-modified and well-deuterated kaolinite. There are two types of OD bands visible in the DRIFT spectra of this kaolinite, one type which decreased rapidly as a function of time in moist air, and the other which remained unchanged during the measurement. Furthermore, the appearance of broad IR bands at 3500-3100 cm(-1) as a result of deuteration is evidence of structural disturbance by RF plasma treatment lattice deuteration. An RF plasma-induced hydrogen bonding model on the surface of the kaolinite is proposed.


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A qualidade do betão pode ser controlada pelo comportamento da fluidez da pasta de cimento, o qual está relacionado com a dispersão das partículas de cimento. Um dos maiores avanços na tecnologia do betão tem sido o desenvolvimento de aditivos. Um destes tipos de aditivos, os Superplastificantes (SP), fornecem a possibilidade de se obter uma melhor dispersão das partículas de cimento, produzindo pastas com elevada fluidez. Com o desenvolvimento de betões de alta resistência e elevado desempenho, os superplastificantes tornaram-se indispensáveis. Os superplastificantes são adsorvidos nas partículas de cimento e esta adsorção depende da composição do clínquer do cimento e do tipo de SP utilizado. Com a difusão do emprego dos aditivos redutores de água, têm surgido vários problemas de compatibilidade cimento/adjuvante. Esta investigação dedicada aos superplastificantes, fortes redutores de água, visou estudar quais as propriedades que poderiam influenciar a sua compatibilidade/robustez com o cimento. Também se procurou ganhar experiência com as técnicas analíticas de caracterização de adjuvantes. Assim, utilizou-se um tipo de cimento e dois tipos de superplastificantes (poli(étercarboxilatos) e poli(naftalenossulfonatos)) disponíveis no mercado português. Mantendo a mesma razão água/cimento (A/C), pretendeu-se determinar a natureza química, grau de funcionalização, teor e tipo de contra-ião, teor de sulfatos/sulfonatos do adjuvante e o comportamento dos superplastificantes nas pastas cimentícias, de forma a poder determinar indicadores de compatibilidade entre cimentos e superplastificantes. Constatou-se que a natureza química, o grau de funcionalização e a quantidade consumida dos superplastificantes têm influência nas pastas. Os indicadores de compatibilidade por parte dos superplastificantes parecem estar relacionados com o comprimento da cadeia lateral de éter e com o rácio CO2R/CO2 -. A alteração do momento da adição do adjuvante tem influência na compatibilidade cimento/adjuvante, sendo benéfico para os poli(étercarboxilatos) e prejudicial para o poli(naftalenossulfonato).


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 25 de Julho 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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A produção de biodiesel como combustível para motores diesel, aumentou fortemente nos últimos anos e espera-se que cresça mais e mais num futuro próximo. O aumento do consumo de biodiesel exige processos de produção optimizados que permitam grandes capacidades de produção, operações simplificadas, rendimentos altos, bem como a utilização de matérias-primas mais económicas. Por isso, o desenvolvimento de processos de produção de baixo custo exige a especificação de catalisadores heterogéneos eficientes na promoção da reacção de transesterificação, permitindo a imediata separação da glicerina pura, não necessitando de uma purificação dispendiosa deste subproduto. Os xerogéis de carbono surgem então como materiais promissores para aplicação como catalisadores heterogéneos para a produção de biodiesel, devido às suas excelentes propriedades ao nível da sua textura e superfície química. Neste trabalho o principal objectivo foi a preparação de um xerogel de carbono, com o intuito de posteriormente ser aplicado na produção de biodiesel por catálise heterogénea. Amostras de xerogel de carbono foram preparadas pelo método sol-gel e oxidadas em fase líquida sendo posteriormente caracterizados os seus grupos funcionais e a sua área específica. Os resultados obtidos mostram que é possivel obter um xerogel de carbono com área superficial alta, tendo sido atingido um valor máximo para a amostra número dois (803 m2/g). Os resultados atingidos ao nível da preparação do catalisador permitem concluir que as condições de operação influenciam a estrutura final do xerogel de carbono. Quanto à caracterização da química superficial do xerogel, foi possível verificar que a diferença do número de acidez entre as amostras oxidadas e não oxidadas do mesmo lote é alta, o que permite afirmar que a oxidação do material de carbono incrementa a concentração de grupos oxigénio à superfície do xerogel. O valor máximo para o número de acidez foi obtido com a amostra número três (Amostra oxidada - 916 μmol/g, Amostra não oxidada - 207 μmol/g). Apesar de terem sido realizados ensaios para a produção de biodiesel os resultados obtidos foram nulos. A escolha das condições de reacção para a catálise heterogénea com este tipo de material poderá não ter sido a mais indicada, assim como a quantidade e o tipo de grupos funcionais introduzidos no catalisador não terem acidez suficiente para permitir uma catálise efectiva.


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The main objective of this research is to exploit the possibility of using an ex situ solvent extraction technique for the remediation of soils contaminated with semi-volatile petroleum hydrocarbons. The composition of the organic phase was chosen in order to form a single phase mixture with an aqueous phase and simultaneously not being disturbed (forming stable emulsions) by the soil particles hauling the contaminants. It should also permit a regeneration of the organic solvent phase. As first, we studied the miscibility domain of the chosen ternary systems constituted by ethyl acetate–acetone–water. This system proved to satisfy the previous requirements allowing for the formation of a single liquid phase mixture within a large spectrum of compositions, and also allowing for an intimate contact with the soil. Contaminants in the diesel range within different functional groups were selected: xylene, naphthalene and hexadecane. The analytical control was done by gas chromatography with FID detector. The kinetics of the extractions proved to be fast, leading to equilibrium after 10 min. The effect of the solid–liquid ratio on the extraction efficiency was studied. Lower S/L ratios (1:8, w/v) proved to be more efficient, reaching recoveries in the order of 95%. The option of extraction in multiple contacts did not improve the recovery in relation to a single contact. The solvent can be regenerated by distillation with a loss around 10%. The contaminants are not evaporated and they remain in the non-volatile phase. The global results show that the ex situ solvent extraction is technically a feasible option for the remediation of semi-volatile aromatic, polyaromatic and linear hydrocarbons.


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Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that is used as an adjuvant and/or chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of all stages of hormone-dependent breast cancer. Currently there is a deep interest in the study of tamoxifen biotransformation and identification of metabolites since they can significantly contribute to the overall pharmacological or adverse effects of the drug. Accordingly, the study of the electrochemical behavior of tamoxifen in aqueous solution is reported. To clarify the occurring oxidative process and to assess the influence of the functional groups on the oxidation mechanism, the voltammetric assessment was extended to the study of tamoxifen’s analogues (E)-tamoxifen and dihydrotamoxifen, and to its main phase I oxidative metabolite, N-desmethyl tamoxifen. The data found shows that the oxidative processes occurring in tamoxifen are essentially related with the two chemical moieties present in the molecule: the substituted aromatic nucleus and the tertiary amine group. Moreover, the results obtained suggest that the ethylenic linkage is not critical for tamoxifen’s oxidation although it could play an important role in the course of the oxidation process. These results could contribute to highlight some remaining questions regarding tamoxifen’s metabolic behavior and to the development of new analytical strategies, based on electrochemical approaches.


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Mestrado Engenharia Química. Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química Pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecn


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Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Bioenergia


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Dissertation presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology (Molecular Genetics) at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Engineering Sciences and Technology