844 resultados para Função individual e função social
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A comunicação acústica em beija-flores durante muito tempo foi negligenciada em função da coloração conspícua que representa uma sofisticada comunicação visual da maioria dos representantes deste grupo. Entretanto, estudos recentes constataram que há indícios de aprendizagem vocal em algumas espécies de Trochilidae. O presente estudo aborda o comportamento vocal do beija-flor Phaethornis superciliosus, espécie abundante na região amazônica. Esta espécie apresenta como sistema de acasalamento a formação em arena, que consiste na agregação de machos em um pequeno território, onde se exibem para outros machos e fêmeas, com o intuito de atrair estas últimas para acasalar. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento vocal de P. superciliosus dispostos em seis arenas no Parque Ecológico de Gunma, Santa Bárbara do Pará, 50 km ao norte de Belém, considerando a emissão e estrutura física do canto, seu repertório, a frequência de emissão ao longo do dia e do ano e a dinâmica das arenas. Verificamos que a população estudada apresenta um repertório vocal composto de duas notas que são emitidas de maneira alternada. Os cantos dos indivíduos analisados apresentaram diferenças significativas entre si considerando os parâmetros físicos do som (frequências máxima e mínima, duração e intervalo entre as notas e o ritmo de emissão das notas). Esta diferenciação inter-individual pode estar relacionada à seleção sexual, na qual o canto pode permitir o reconhecimento individual, sua posição social e seu desempenho para a atração das fêmeas. Constatamos que a atividade vocal é mais intensa no segundo semestre, entre junho e novembro, período que provavelmente corresponde à estação reprodutiva. Realizamos testes de playback, que consistem em reproduzir um som previamente gravado e registrar a resposta provocada em uma das arenas em dois pontos distintos, simulando a entrada de outro indivíduo. Constatamos que o som emitido em resposta ao teste diferiu significativamente do canto espontâneo em todos os parâmetros físicos analisados. A resposta ao playback mostra que houve uma redução na faixa de frequência com que o canto foi emitido e o ritmo de emissão de notas mais rápido. Tais características do canto podem estarrelacionadas a um comportamento mais agressivo. As arenas são formadas emáreas de borda e sempre próximas a igarapés, com o tamanho da área variando entre 86m2 e 14m2, compostas de dois a quatro indivíduos distantes de 7m a 72m entre si. Nossos resultados mostraram que a organização social da arena deve ser melhor compreendida através de estudos mais detalhados sobre o possível significado que as diferenças individuais no canto podem representar para o estabelecimento da posição hierárquica dos indivíduos nas arenas.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A compreensão do fenômeno jurídico como sistema de inclusão é fundamental para a compreensão dos aparatos normativos que regulam a tutela dos interesses metaindividuais. Mais apropriada aos desafios do século XXI, as normas principais deste sistema processual no Brasil, estão expressas na Lei 7.347/85 c/c a Lei 8078/90 e necessária interação com as normas da Constituição Federal que rege a matéria, onde o modelo de Legitimidade ad cansam, deferida e entes sociais públicos e particulares reflete a sua natureza de instrumento de pacificação de conflito social. O fenômeno da pluralidade de partes no processo de tutela coletiva, o destaque à noção processual de terceiro é um pressuposto essencial para a compreensão deste fenômeno em sede de tutela coletiva, cujo litisconsórcio é a expressão maior do fenômeno processual, desprendendo-se a sua construção das relações do direito material que podem originar-se em suas diversas modalidades. O respeito à garantia processual do contraditório e da ampla defesa, como direito e garantia fundamental, importante e necessária ao tecido social, que pode e deve ser exercido sob parâmetros sociais mais elásticos fim onde se inserem as especiais regras do processo de tutela coletiva, criando o legislador pátrio curvaturas de respeito ao seu prisma individual, mas destacando a sua função social, expressas nos parágrafos 1º, 2º e 3º do artigo 103 da Lei 8.078/90. A eficácia da sentença em sede de tutela coletiva, pela sua natureza sempre terá repercussões sobre os interesses de terceiros, aliás destinam-se mesmo à tutela de tais sujeitos, dai se dizer que possuem eficácia ultra partes ou erga omnes, mas distinguem-se dos efeitos erga omnes e ultra partes da coisa julgada, previsto no Capítulo IV do Título III da Lei 8.078/90, que somente excluem-se na forma das curvaturas previstas pelo legislador. Nenhum empecilho haveria da extensão coletiva pro et contra, dos efeitos erga omnes ou ultra partes na coisa julgada na tutela de qualquer dos interesses metaindividuais, sem exceção, porque em nada limitariam a tutela dos interesses individuais dos membros destas coletividades, comunidades ou conjuntos de vítimas pois este não foi o objeto do processo coletivo, mas a cautela exigiu as diversas curvaturas, para deixar a salvo estes interesses individuais no caso de improcedência da ação coletiva, uma vez que no caso de procedência, fixada a responsabilidade global do réu, estando este interesse individual no seu raio de ação, falta-lhe interesse de agir a pretender a tutela particular, basta ser liquidada dentro do processo de execução coletiva.
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This research aimed at studying the social role of reading, its importance in building knowledge and training of readers, as well as reflect on the teaching of reading in schools, with children in the literacy process. For their achievement, were used as theoretical support authors who are dedicated to the study of language, thematic reading, and phenomena that occur through it in the school environment, especially those of Bakhtin, Kleiman, Chartier, Foucambert, among others . The research was carried out using the approach of qualitative research, using participatory action research, through which the researcher could have direct contact with the observed phenomena, to participate and collect the participants' actions in its natural context, the from their perspective and their views. As for collecting and analyzing data, we used the tools of questionnaire, interview and participant observation. Its subjects a literacy class and their respective teacher, in 2009. By analyzing this information, one can draw a picture of reading in the school environment and teaching practices that surround this object. The results of the literature survey and data analysis suggest that reading is a social practice, and as such has indispensable social function in society today. And the school, one of the greatest instruments of contact with the world of letters, therefore, of reading for children means not literate, have key role in developing and training of readers who are aware of the importance of reading and perpetuate this practice in their daily lives. Similarly, subjects of research, have achieved an advanced level of literacy and understand the social role of reading and its importance to live in society, in which they belong
Literature is a treasure for humanity and for the school. It causes psychological function of the individual, inserts it in the context of various cultures and historic moments, and, by having formative nature, School and Literature are intrinsecally related institutions. But literature is not the end of the first teaching, while the school has the purpose of teaching literature. Literature is not a source of good leads standards; have to be educated without this process to misrepresent. Thus, it was estalished is to investigate the inadequacy of schooling of Children's Literature pointed out by Soares in 2006, is still reality that becomes present in school or if there was any change in that status. Specific objectives were established: 1)Scanning separately in each of the books education system, from first to fifth grade of elementary school, according to the following categories involving education of literary reading: selection of genres and authors; presentation of these genres and no change from one genre to another; 2)analyze the way children's literature is presented by note-books analyzed education system develop the sensitivity of the student for pluris-signification and expressiveness of literary language, while fulfilling its social function and knowledge; 3)review the comprehension activities of literary reading proposed by notebooks to seize their educational goals. Therefore, we carried out basic theoretical research, demonstrating the functions of literature and the teaching of literature in school, and documentary research. Were analyzed 20 documents (the system apostilled notebooks), paying attention to classwork it to him of genres, authors and works chosen to be worked out, observing the cases of texts fragmentation and transport the genre to the page of the notebook system apostilled, and investigating the goals of literary reading instruction through the analysis of comprehension activities. The data received quantitative...
Postgraduate studies in Psychology have passed through intense process of growth and consolidation, attested by current high levels of scientific production. It is questionable, however, the return that psychological science has given to a society that has made large investments. Considering the increasing integration of Psychology in the social welfare area, a form of possible and necessary contribution is by the expansion of social policy debate. This work aimed to discuss how Psychology postgraduate studies can contribute to understand the issue of social policy. The object were academic theses defended in the 2007/2009 triennium related to one of the five thematic criteria, which resulted in 105 theses of 824 defended in the period. The main results point to the existence of the issue in Psychology programs in a sprayed way, predominantly, albeit for a limited set of researchers and programs, "social policy" appears as a priority object of research, indicating incipient systematization of these studies. Moreover, it was found that while the majority of theses can be characterized by fragility of the theoretical frameworks in relation to the subject, with most research in a strictly technical perspective, some proportion of the studies reveals concern about putting the social policy debate into a broader social context, which represents the essential condition to construct a reasoned and robust theoretical critic. In conclusion, this thesis defends that psychological science can only contribute effectively to the society development if academic community promotes a structured articulation around the theme, deepens the theoretical debate and transforms the knowledge built into organized political practice
The school has the social function of educating the individual, building knowledge, attitudes and values that make supportive, critical, ethical and participatory. It is understood, however, in this study, these functions will only be, in fact, met at school if the family engagement at school. As a result, the objective of this research is to rescue the stories of families literacies yesterday and today and their expectations forward to school literacy of children. Theoretically, this research is based on studies of literacy (STREET, 1984; KLEIMAN, 1995; TFOUNI, 1995; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2008) and in research on family literacy (HEATH, 1982; 1983; DANTAS; MANYAK, 2010). Methodologically, it is a qualitative research which fall within the field of Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006), characterized as an approach of the kind interpretative (MAYRING, 2000; CRESWEL, 2010). It takes as research area Municipal School Councilman Jose Sotero - Igapó / Natal-RN, using data generation tools such as: interview, questionnaire, teaching sequence and conversation wheel, aiming to seek answers to the following questions: How important to recover the reading and writing practices of the parents? What are the relationships between the history of the parents and the reading practices prevalent in the family? Which way to articulate these two systems: family and school, giving new meaning to the literacy practices experienced in the family context and the implications of literacy in school literacy of children? From the analysis of the data generated is expected to understand the family-school binomial and its interference in the literacy process of the students.
The school has the social function of educating the individual, building knowledge, attitudes and values that make supportive, critical, ethical and participatory. It is understood, however, in this study, these functions will only be, in fact, met at school if the family engagement at school. As a result, the objective of this research is to rescue the stories of families literacies yesterday and today and their expectations forward to school literacy of children. Theoretically, this research is based on studies of literacy (STREET, 1984; KLEIMAN, 1995; TFOUNI, 1995; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2008) and in research on family literacy (HEATH, 1982; 1983; DANTAS; MANYAK, 2010). Methodologically, it is a qualitative research which fall within the field of Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006), characterized as an approach of the kind interpretative (MAYRING, 2000; CRESWEL, 2010). It takes as research area Municipal School Councilman Jose Sotero - Igapó / Natal-RN, using data generation tools such as: interview, questionnaire, teaching sequence and conversation wheel, aiming to seek answers to the following questions: How important to recover the reading and writing practices of the parents? What are the relationships between the history of the parents and the reading practices prevalent in the family? Which way to articulate these two systems: family and school, giving new meaning to the literacy practices experienced in the family context and the implications of literacy in school literacy of children? From the analysis of the data generated is expected to understand the family-school binomial and its interference in the literacy process of the students.
We examined how individual differences in social understanding contribute to variability in early-appearing prosocial behavior. Moreover, potential sources of variability in social understanding were explored and examined as additional possible predictors of prosocial behavior. Using a multi-method approach with both observed and parent-report measures, 325 children aged 18-30 months were administered measures of social understanding (e.g., use of emotion words; self-understanding), prosocial behavior (in separate tasks measuring instrumental helping, empathic helping, and sharing, as well as parent-reported prosociality at home), temperament (fearfulness, shyness, and social fear), and parental socialization of prosocial behavior in the family. Individual differences in social understanding predicted variability in empathic helping and parent-reported prosociality, but not instrumental helping or sharing. Parental socialization of prosocial behavior was positively associated with toddlers' social understanding, prosocial behavior at home, and instrumental helping in the lab, and negatively associated with sharing (possibly reflecting parents' increased efforts to encourage children who were less likely to share). Further, socialization moderated the association between social understanding and prosocial behavior, such that social understanding was less predictive of prosocial behavior among children whose parents took a more active role in socializing their prosociality. None of the dimensions of temperament was associated with either social understanding or prosocial behavior. Parental socialization of prosocial behavior is thus an important source of variability in children's early prosociality, acting in concert with early differences in social understanding, with different patterns of influence for different subtypes of prosocial behavior.