957 resultados para Freedmen in Rome.


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Esta dissertação propõe analisar a relação institucional entre dois grupos de jovens abrigados em instituições de acolhimento, nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro e Roma. Por meio de observações participantes e de entrevistas, em que se teve acesso às trajetórias e narrativas dos sujeitos, foi possível apresentar as vias de conflito e proximidade, encontros e desencontros que se dão através das relações concretas entre meninos institucionalizados e corpo técnico do abrigo. Constitui-se numa pesquisa descritiva das singularidades dos dois cenários apresentados, mostrando também alguns pontos de semelhança e diferença entre os minori stranieri non accompagnati em Roma e meninos abrigados provenientes das ruas, bem como meninos vítimas de negligência/violência familiar, no Rio de Janeiro. Dois grupos de jovens diferentes com processos de vida distintos, mas que compartilham o fato de possuírem uma carreira de rupturas; a formação de vínculos frágeis no processo de construção de suas identidades; as vidas tuteladas por uma instituição e por essa se constituir no único meio de associação com o mundo externo formal, seja por via do trabalho ou da adoção de uma família. O objetivo foi, portanto, verificar como se formam os vínculos institucionais e de que modo os jovens abrigados interpretam e questionam a função social do acolhimento em suas vidas e como isso reflete na relação cotidiana com a instituição.


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Giovanni Battista Montano (1534-1621), who was born in Milan and trained as a woodcarver, relocated permanently to Rome in the early 1570s where his interest in sculpting was replaced by intense study of the city’s antique monuments and ruins. Although Montano carried out several sculptural and architectural projects during his time in Rome, it is his surviving corpus of drawings that testifies to his passion of exploring ancient architecture through the medium of drawing. While Montano was not famous during his lifetime, a large body of his intriguing designs became celebrated and widely circulated after his death thanks to the 1624 publication of Montano’s designs by his loyal pupil, Giovanni Battista Soria. Montano’s lifelong work differs from virtually all of his predecessors and contemporaries in its “fantastical” and ornamental nature. This thesis explores Montano’s artistic training as it relates to his later interest in imaginatively reconstructing antique buildings, along with his disregard for archaeological or historical accuracy. The subject matter upon which Montano focused is discussed, along with his objective in creating a large corpus of half-historical, half-invented drawings. His drawing techniques are explored with specific reference to the largest group of extant Montano drawings, today housed in Sir John Soane’s Museum, London, England, and also in reference to three original Montano drawings in the Centre Canadien d’Architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal. Also explored is the legacy and impact of Montano’s drawings and the later publications of his designs on the works of Roman Baroque architects, specifically Borromini and Bernini. This thesis ultimately attempts to understand the impact of the intellectual and artistic environment surrounding Montano in late sixteenth and early seventeenth century Rome, his drawing techniques, his choice of subject matter, and the reception that his unique works received from contemporary artists and intellectuals, along with those of the following generation.


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Not Available


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A presente dissertação assenta na análise comparativa da obra de Marcial e Juvenal e tem como principais objectivos evidenciar a natureza burlesca e satírica que lhes assiste, assim como a (a)temporalidade e o alcance pedagógico-didáctico que as suas palavras comportam. Neste sentido, a análise tomou como matéria a abordagem que ambos fazem de temáticas comuns, no âmbito da representação da sociedade imperial do século I d.C. O trabalho divide-se em duas partes: I. Contexto e Condicionalismos; II. A vida quotidiana em Roma. A primeira subdividida em dois capítulos: 1. O espírito burlesco e o espírito satírico; 2. Apologia pro opere suo, e a segunda em quatro: 3. Modus vivendi Romani: prazeres e distracções em Roma; 4. (A)masculinidade Romana; 5. A condição feminina e o seu lugar em Roma; 6. Clientelismo e patronato sob o olhar de Marcial e Juvenal. Depois de uma contextualização dos termos burlesco e satírico, fundamentalmente alicerçada no primitivo espírito romano, procedeu-se à abordagem dos condicionalismos culturais, sócio-políticos e bibliográficos que melhor contribuem para a compreensão das principais diferenças/semelhanças entre a natureza, as intenções, as estratégias discursivas e a projecção das obras em causa. Na segunda parte, a análise comparativa da representação que os autores fazem da vida quotidiana em Roma focou essencialmente quatro aspectos, abordados em capítulos distintos, conforme supra-enunciado: no primeiro, a visão global que os autores projectam de Roma, através da representação dos principais divertimentos e distracções que ocupam e agradam aos Romanos; no segundo, a moralidade/falsidade que assiste aos comportamentos masculinos; no terceiro, a invectiva à mulher e ao lugar que esta ocupa nas relações sociais, afectivas e sexuais; no quarto, a instituição patronatoclientelismo e os valores sociais e morais que a revestem. A partir desta análise atestam-se as afinidades e o alcance de um fim semelhante nas obras de Marcial e Juvenal, não obstante a natureza e as diferenças estruturais que lhes assistem. Desta dissertação constam também uma Introdução e uma Conclusão, uma Bibliografia, bem como um Índice geral e um Index auctorum et locorum latinorum.


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Desenho), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Desenho), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014


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Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas (Escritas de Cena).


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Tony Biernacki's rowing career began in 1950 in Ottawa with his first Henley medal in 1952 in the coxless four. Sculling became his real means to success. Since 1955 he has posted record times and had numerous wins in the single. He represented Canada at the National Team between 1958 and 1967 and raced in the single at the British Empire Games and Pan Am Games (Chicago, silver medal) and pair at the Worlds in Yugoslavia in 1966. He won the Olympic trials in 1960 in Rome, but was unable to go. Upon his retirement from competition Tony was hired as the Team Manager for the following Pan Am Games. Tony was hired by Brock University in 1965 as a technician in the Chemistry Department. He became the head rowing coach that same year and began women’s rowing at the university level in Ontario with the first women’s crew in 1967. As Brock's second coach ever, he led the teams to championship form and kept the athletes racing through the summer regatta season. Tony remained at Brock from 1965 to 1980. He was one of the founders of The Canadian Masters Rowing Committee and he helped to initiate master's racing at the Canadian Henley. In 1985 he won the single, double and quad at the World Masters Regatta in Toronto. For a number of years he was also the world record holder for his age category on the C2 ergometer. His last heartfelt project was the construction of a wheelchair ramp at Resurrection Lutheran Church where he was an active member. Mr. Biernacki passed away on January 9, 1998 at the age of 66 after a valiant battle with cancer only a month after being awarded the Canadian Coaching Provincial Coaching Award. He is survived by his wife Janet, daughters Tracy, Tammy Pauls, and Tory Phannenhour, and son, Tony Jr. He is also survived by several grandchildren.


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Entre 1378 et 1417, l’Église est d’abord divisée entre deux, puis entre trois papes concurrents. Alors qu’Urbain VI et ses successeurs s’installent à Rome, Clément VII et son successeur rentrent en Avignon. Cette thèse répertorie et analyse les différentes expériences normandes en réponse au Grand Schisme d’Occident. Les engagements normands pour résoudre le schisme sont pluriels et s’expriment différemment selon les milieux. S’appuyant sur des sources diverses telles que le Registre des suppliques des archives du Vatican, les archives de l’Université de Paris et les archives locales, elle met en évidence les différents courants qui ont coexisté en Normandie en réaction au Grand Schisme d’Occident. Alors que la noblesse normande était généralement favorable aux papes d’Avignon, reconnus officiellement par le roi de France, d’importants courants de résistance envers cette papauté se sont aussi manifestés dans les milieux universitaires et au sein du clergé normand, poussant même certains à choisir l’exil en terre urbaniste. Ces exilés normands, bien que peu nombreux, ont exercé une influence considérable et ont été peu étudiés en tant que groupe auparavant. Parmi l’importante majorité de ceux qui restèrent dans l’obédience avignonnaise, plusieurs intellectuels normands furent pourtant reconnus comme étant d’acerbes critiques, voire des ennemis de Clément VII et de Benoît XIII. Les liens qu’ont maintenus les exilés normands avec leurs collègues restés en terre clémentiste ont joué un rôle appréciable dans le rapprochement des obédiences opposées au début du XVe siècle. La présente thèse permet de mettre en lumière les multiples attitudes normandes en réponse au schisme, d’approfondir la connaissance portant sur les milieux normands touchés par la crise, ainsi que sur les débats qui l’ont entourée, et de poursuivre la réflexion sur la question de l’obéissance et des réseaux normands à l’œuvre pendant cette période.


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Constructed, beginning in 1576 by the architect Domenico Fontana, the Villa Montalto, named after the Cardinal Felice Peretti Montalto, was for a long rime described as having surpassed the splendor of all the villas in Rome. Located to the north of the city in an arid and practically deserted zone, between vineyards, Antique ruins and early Christian churches, the villa occupies a privileged place within the history of urban landscape. Elected pope in 1585, under the name of Sixtus V, Felice made his villa the largest that had ever existed inside of the walls, establishing the upper city of the Monti, the Città Felice, as a new economic and religious center, crystallizing his ambitions for a major territorial reform. By simultaneously focusing on the gardens, the painted decorations, the literature, and the architecture of the villa, but also on its economic and social role, this article proposes an original interpretation of the Villa Montalto, demonstrating the fundamental importance of the imagined landscape in the Rome of Sixtus V. Through the ideal space of his villa, the Pope sought to propose a new model of economic and social development necessary to the reform of the then poor and insalubrious Rome. The ultimate goal was none other than the reestablishment of a Christian Eden on Earth. Sixtus V thus placed himself within the lineage which, since Adam, had attempted through the virtue of agricultural labor, to atone for the original sin.


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El propósito de este estudio fue describir la Calidad de vida laboral (CVL) y el estilo de liderazgo percibido por el personal administrativo/asistencial de un centro oncológico y estimar la asociación entre ellas, considerando las características sociodemográficas. Para ello se aplicó el Cuestionario de Vida profesional [CVP-35] y el Test de Adjetivos de Pitcher [PAT]. En general, los participantes presentan una CVL satisfactoria, caracterizada principalmente por motivación intrínseca, lo cual fue más evidente en el personal asistencial. Respecto al liderazgo, se observó una percepción de ausencia de liderazgo o características poco deseables de éste, lo cual aunque no determina la CVL, si constituye un factor modulador de la misma, las variables sociodemográficas no guardaron relación con la CVL. Por último se resalta la responsabilidad social que tienen los directivos sobre bienestar de los trabajadores de la salud, y consecuentemente sobre la atención al paciente. Se discuten estos hallazgos y lo pertinente de utilizar las categorías emergentes del PAT.


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S'estudia l'obra filològica d' Antoni de Bastero i Lledó (1675-1737), des d'una perspectiva de conjunt, per tal de concretar I'activitat d'aquest estudiós en els camps de la lingüística, la filologia o la crítica literària, i fer-ne una valoració adequada als coneixements actuals sobre I'exercici d'aquestes disciplines durant la primera meitat del segle XVIII. La tesi inclou un estudi biogràfic, absolutament necessari per establir moltes de les circumstancies vitals del canonge Bastero, que ens resultaven obscures i que són decisives per explicar el propi interès per la filologia, les relacions amb determinats cercles acadèmics, la datació aproximada dels diversos projectes iniciats, la interpretació correcta de la seva activitat. S'inclou, així mateix, un catàleg exhaustiu de tots els manuscrits conservats d'Antoni de Bastero i que tenen alguna relació amb el seu treball filològic. En total es tenen en compte 69 volums manuscrits, actualment escampats per diversos arxius i biblioteques de Barcelona i Girona, alguns dels quals eren fins ara desconeguts. D'aquests 69 volums, 48 contenen pròpiament obres de Bastero o altres materials publicables, i la resta són materials de treball. En conseqüència, l' obra filològica del canonge es pot concretar en: la producció d'una gramàtica italiana i d'una gramàtica francesa, en català, que va deixar inacabades; la realització de La Crusca provenzale, un magne diccionari etimològic i d'autoritats que recull una gran quantitat d'hipotètics provençalismes italians -només es va publicar el primer volum d'aquesta obra a Roma, l'any 1724, però n'he localitzat pràcticament tot el contingut; l'elaboració d'una extensa antologia de poesies trobadoresques, copiades amb gran rigor d'alguns còdexs de la Biblioteca Vaticana; el plantejament d'una Història de llengua catalana, que havia de ser una gran compilació dels mèrits i les excel·lències d'aquesta llengua -que l'autor identifica amb la provençal- i la seva literatura, i que es va poder desenvolupar nomes de forma parcial. Precisament, la part central de la tesi l'ocupa l'estudi particular i l'edició crítica de les parts redactades d'aquesta obra, que suposa la concreció de la particular percepció lingüística i literària que Bastero havia anat perfilant al llarg dels seus anys d'estudi. Es tracta d'una edició molt complexa, perquè l'obra ens ha arribat només en un esborrany, que presenta múltiples correccions i esmenes i evidencia diferents estadis redaccionals; els manuscrits inclouen, així mateix, nombrosos papers amb anotacions o fragments que, o no pertanyen al cos de l'obra, o bé s'han hagut de resituar en el lloc que els correspon. EI resultat és, tanmateix, un text prou coherent que comprèn quasi la totalitat del Llibre primer -sobre l'origen, el naixement i els diversos noms de la llengua, i sobre el nom de Catalunya- i un capítol del Llibre tercer -sobre la primitiva extensió del català per tot Espanya. EI més rellevant d'aquesta obra és el fet que s'hi basteix una original teoria sobre la formació de les diverses llengües romàniques que té el català com a eix central -proposa la identificació del català provençal amb la lingua romana dels documents alt medievals, en una operació que s'avança quasi cent anys a François Raynouard, que propugnava això mateix, referint-se nomes al provençal, amb un àmplia aprovació de la comunitat científica del seu temps. Destaquen també un excepcional rigor històric i documental, i una notable sensibilitat vers l'oralitat lingüística, que és objecte d'algunes anotacions ben interessants. Tanquen la tesi un seguit d'annexos documentals on es transcriuen diversos documents relacionats amb els aspectes tractats anteriorment.


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El artículo explora el papel de los archivos en el Imperio de los Austrias, durante la edad protomoderna, en ambos lados del Atlántico. Con ese propósito se analizan las diferentes tareas que incumbían a los archivos en el siglo XVI y XVII. Se examinan el archivo de la ciudad de Cuenca (actual Ecuador) en el ámbito municipal, el de la Audiencia de Quito en el ámbito regional, el archivo de Simancas (Castilla) en el nivel real y, por último, el archivo en la embajada española en Roma. También se ofrecen reflexiones sobre el carácter y las particularidades de los repositorios documentales, prestando especial atención a la escritura como medio de gobierno.


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This edition presents for the first time in print what is probably the earliest known secular, 'regular' play by a woman in Italy. As suggested in the introduction to the work, Torelli's play offers a fascinating example of female dramaturgy and creative adaptation of the pastoral genre in the context of late sixteenth-century Parma. Critical textual study is combined with new biographical material on the author and her literary milieu. The edition provides the first detailed palaeographical study of the complex Cremona manuscript of the play, which unusually includes emendations thought to be in the hand of the author herself (besides others). The transcription also describes for the first time in detail a newly discovered second manuscript of the play in Rome. The play-text is presented in the original Italian with a new facing English translation. Also included is the first transcription of the paratextual verse from the Cremona manuscript and the first transcribed collection of the author’s extant verse (both with translation).


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This thesis aims to investigate the development and functions of public libraries in Rome and the Roman world. After a preface with maps of libraries in Rome, Section I discusses the precursors for public library provision in the private book collections of Republican Rome, and their transfer into the public domain with the first public libraries of Asinius Pollio and Augustus. Section II contains three 'case studies' of public libraries' different roles. The Augustan library programme is used in Ch.II.l to examine the role of imperial public libraries in literary life and the connections between Rome's libraries and those of Alexandria. Chapter II.2 concentrates on the libraries of Trajan's Forum to explore the intersection of imperial public libraries and monumental public architecture. This chapter responds to an important recent article by arguing for the continued identification of the Forum's libraries with twin brick buildings at its northern end, and suggests a series of correspondences between these libraries and its other monumental components. The conclusions of this chapter are important when considering the public libraries of the wider empire, several of which seem to have been inspired by the Trajanic libraries. Chapter II.3 considers imperial public libraries and leisure by looking at the evidence for libraries within bath-house complexes, concluding that their presence there is consistent with the archaeological and epigraphic evidence and fits in well with what we know of the intellectual and cultural life of these structures. Section III examines various aspects of the practical function of Roman public libraries: their contents (books and archives), division into Latin and Greek sections, provisions for shelving and cataloguing, staff, usership, architectural form, decoration, and housing of works of art. The picture that emerges is of carefully designed and functional buildings intended to sustain public, monumental, and practical functions. Section IV uses a variety of texts to examine the way in which libraries were viewed and used. Ch. IV. 1 discusses the evidence for use of libraries by scholars and authors such as Gellius, Galen, Josephus, and Apuleius. Ch. IV.2 examines parallels between library collections and compendious encyclopaedic elements within Roman literature and considers how library collections came to be canon-forming institutions and vehicles for the expression of imperial approval or disapproval towards authors. The channels through which this imperial influence flowed are investigated in Ch. IV.3, which looks at the directors and staff of the public libraries of Rome. The final section (V) of the thesis concerns public libraries outside the city of Rome. Provincial libraries provide a useful case study in 'Romanisation': they reveal a range of influences and are shown to embody local, personal, and metropolitan imperial identities. There follows a brief conclusion, and a bibliography. There are also five appendices of numismatic and epigraphic material discussed in the text. This material has not been adequately or completely gathered elsewhere and is intended to assist the reader; where appropriate it includes illustrations, transcriptions, and translations.