999 resultados para Fractional dynamics


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In this paper we study several natural and man-made complex phenomena in the perspective of dynamical systems. For each class of phenomena, the system outputs are time-series records obtained in identical conditions. The time-series are viewed as manifestations of the system behavior and are processed for analyzing the system dynamics. First, we use the Fourier transform to process the data and we approximate the amplitude spectra by means of power law functions. We interpret the power law parameters as a phenomenological signature of the system dynamics. Second, we adopt the techniques of non-hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling to visualize hidden relationships between the complex phenomena. Third, we propose a vector field based analogy to interpret the patterns unveiled by the PL parameters.


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Atmospheric temperatures characterize Earth as a slow dynamics spatiotemporal system, revealing long-memory and complex behavior. Temperature time series of 54 worldwide geographic locations are considered as representative of the Earth weather dynamics. These data are then interpreted as the time evolution of a set of state space variables describing a complex system. The data are analyzed by means of multidimensional scaling (MDS), and the fractional state space portrait (fSSP). A centennial perspective covering the period from 1910 to 2012 allows MDS to identify similarities among different Earth’s locations. The multivariate mutual information is proposed to determine the “optimal” order of the time derivative for the fSSP representation. The fSSP emerges as a valuable alternative for visualizing system dynamics.


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We re-examine the dynamics of returns and dividend growth within the present-value framework of stock prices. We find that the finite sample order of integration of returns is approximately equal to the order of integration of the first-differenced price-dividend ratio. As such, the traditional return forecasting regressions based on the price-dividend ratio are invalid. Moreover, the nonstationary long memory behaviour of the price-dividend ratio induces antipersistence in returns. This suggests that expected returns should be modelled as an AFIRMA process and we show this improves the forecast ability of the present-value model in-sample and out-of-sample.


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This paper relaxes the standard I(0) and I(1) assumptions typically stated in the monetary VAR literature by considering a richer framework that encompasses the previous two processes as well as other fractionally integrated possibilities. First, a timevarying multivariate spectrum is estimated for post WWII US data. Then, a structural fractionally integrated VAR (VARFIMA) is fitted to each of the resulting time dependent spectra. In this way, both the coefficients of the VAR and the innovation variances are allowed to evolve freely. The model is employed to analyze inflation persistence and to evaluate the stance of US monetary policy. Our findings indicate a strong decline in the innovation variances during the great disinflation, consistent with the view that the good performance of the economy during the 80’s and 90’s is in part a tale of good luck. However, we also find evidence of a decline in inflation persistence together with a stronger monetary response to inflation during the same period. This last result suggests that the Fed may still play a role in accounting for the observed differences in the US inflation history. Finally, we conclude that previous evidence against drifting coefficients could be an artifact of parameter restriction towards the stationary region. Keywords: monetary policy, inflation persistence, fractional integration, timevarying coefficients, VARFIMA. JEL Classification: E52, C32


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Atomic structure of ZrO2 and B2O3 was investigated in this work. New data under extreme conditions (T = 3100 K) was obtained for the liquid ZrO2 structure. A fractional number of boron was investigated for glassy structure of B2O3. It was shown that it is possible to obtain an agreement for the fractional number between NMR and DFT techniques using a suitable initial configuration.


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We discuss the modelling of dielectric responses of amorphous biological samples. Such samples are commonly encountered in impedance spectroscopy studies as well as in UV, IR, optical and THz transient spectroscopy experiments and in pump-probe studies. In many occasions, the samples may display quenched absorption bands. A systems identification framework may be developed to provide parsimonious representations of such responses. To achieve this, it is appropriate to augment the standard models found in the identification literature to incorporate fractional order dynamics. Extensions of models using the forward shift operator, state space models as well as their non-linear Hammerstein-Wiener counterpart models are highlighted. We also discuss the need to extend the theory of electromagnetically excited networks which can account for fractional order behaviour in the non-linear regime by incorporating nonlinear elements to account for the observed non-linearities. The proposed approach leads to the development of a range of new chemometrics tools for biomedical data analysis and classification.


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This brief proposes a new method for the identification of fractional order transfer functions based on the time response resulting from a single step excitation. The proposed method is applied to the identification of a three-dimensional RC network, which can be tailored in terms of topology and composition to emulate real time systems governed by fractional order dynamics. The results are in excellent agreement with the actual network response, yet the identification procedure only requires a small number of coefficients to be determined, demonstrating that the fractional order modelling approach leads to very parsimonious model formulations.


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We propose a SUSY variant of the action for a massless spinning particles via the inclusion of twistor variables. The action is constructed to be invariant under SUSY transformations and tau-reparametrizations even when an interaction field is including. The constraint analysis is achieved and the equations of motion are derived. The commutation relations obtained for the commuting spinor variables lambda(alpha) show that the particle states have fractional statistics and spin. At once we introduce a possible massive term for the non-interacting model.


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In this work, we deal with a micro electromechanical system (MEMS), represented by a micro-accelerometer. Through numerical simulations, it was found that for certain parameters, the system has a chaotic behavior. The chaotic behaviors in a fractional order are also studied numerically, by historical time and phase portraits, and the results are validated by the existence of positive maximal Lyapunov exponent. Three control strategies are used for controlling the trajectory of the system: State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) Control, Optimal Linear Feedback Control, and Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control. The controls proved effective in controlling the trajectory of the system studied and robust in the presence of parametric errors.


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We propose a SUSY variant of the action for a massless spinning particles via the inclusion of twistor variables. The action is constructed to be invariant under SUSY transformations and τ-reparametrizations even when an interaction field is including. The constraint analysis is achieved and the equations of motion are derived. The commutation relations obtained for the commuting spinor variables λα show that the particle states have fractional statistics and spin. At once we introduce a possible massive term for the non-interacting model. © SISSA 2006.


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Numerous researchers have studied about nonlinear dynamics in several areas of science and engineering. However, in most cases, these concepts have been explored mainly from the standpoint of analytical and computational methods involving integer order calculus (IOC). In this paper we have examined the dynamic behavior of an elastic wide plate induced by two electromagnets of a point of view of the fractional order calculus (FOC). The primary focus of this study is on to help gain a better understanding of nonlinear dynamic in fractional order systems. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we applied the Riemann-Liouville approach and the fractional Euler-Lagrange equations in order to obtain the fractional-order nonlinear dynamics equations of a two link robotic manipulator. The aformentioned equations have been simulated for several cases involving: integer and non-integer order analysis, with and without external forcing acting and some different initial conditions. The fractional nonlinear governing equations of motion are coupled and the time evolution of the angular positions and the phase diagrams have been plotted to visualize the effect of fractional order approach. The new contribution of this work arises from the fact that the dynamics equations of a two link robotic manipulator have been modeled with the fractional Euler-Lagrange dynamics approach. The results reveal that the fractional-nonlinear robotic manipulator can exhibit different and curious behavior from those obtained with the standard dynamical system and can be useful for a better understanding and control of such nonlinear systems. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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In order to refine the solution given by the classical logistic equation and extend its range of applications in the study of tumor dynamics, we propose and solve a generalization of this equation, using the so-called Fractional Calculus, i.e., we replace the ordinary derivative of order 1, in one version of the usual equation, by a non-integer derivative of order 0 < α < 1, and recover the classical solution as a particular case. Finally, we analyze the applicability of this model to describe the growth of cancer tumors.


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Background: Altered deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the airway smooth muscle (ASM) layer as observed in asthma may influence ASM mechanical properties. We hypothesized that ECM in ASM is associated with airway function in asthma. First, we investigated the difference in ECM expression in ASM between asthma and controls. Second, we examined whether ECM expression is associated with bronchoconstriction and bronchodilation in vivo. Methods: Our cross-sectional study comprised 19 atopic mild asthma patients, 15 atopic and 12 nonatopic healthy subjects. Spirometry, methacholine responsiveness, deep-breath-induced bronchodilation (Delta R-rs) and bronchoscopy with endobronchial biopsies were performed. Positive staining of elastin, collagen I, III and IV, decorin, versican, fibronectin, laminin and tenascin in ASM was quantified as fractional area and mean density. Data were analysed using Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: Extracellular matrix expression in ASM was not different between asthma and controls. In asthmatics, fractional area and mean density of collagen I and III were correlated with methacholine dose-response slope and DRrs, respectively (r = 0.71, P < 0.01; r = 0.60, P = 0.02). Furthermore, ASM collagen III and laminin in asthma were correlated with FEV1 reversibility (r = -0.65, P = 0.01; r = -0.54, P = 0.04). Conclusion: In asthma, ECM in ASM is related to the dynamics of airway function in the absence of differences in ECM expression between asthma and controls. This indicates that the ASM layer in its full composition is a major structural component in determining variable airways obstruction in asthma.