880 resultados para Formação Serra Geral


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná tem posição de destaque, em nível nacional, com relação a sua potencialidade para recursos hídricos, por abrigar várias unidades produtoras, com ênfase no Sistema Aqüífero Guarani (SAG). O presente estudo representa uma aplicação do método de análise de bacias para caracterização dos sistemas aqüíferos Botucatu, Serra Geral, Caiuá e Bauru, todos de idade mesozóica, no Planalto Ocidental Paulista. Com base na integração de informações provenientes de poços tubulares profundos, mapas estruturais, mapas e seções estratigráficas, foi possível apontar áreas favoráveis a execução de projetos para exploração de água subterrânea, de acordo com as características geológicas de cada área identificada nesta província geomorfológica do território paulista. Palavras-chave: Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná; Sistema Aqüífero Guarani; Planalto Ocidental Paulista; Exploração de Água Subterrânea.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a avaliação da potencialidade hidrogeológica baseada na análise e cruzamento de informações históricas, bibliográficas, sensoriamento remoto e de geologia na área do Condomínio Residencial Villa Verde, no município de Araçariguama – SP. No condomínio Villa Verde existem dois poços artesianos, sendo que o primeiro foi feito durante a construção do condomínio e o segundo poço foi perfurado em 2002, quando o consumo de água do condomínio se tornou maior que a capacidade de produção do primeiro poço. Após a realização de um estudo geológico e geofísico para determinar a melhor localização do poço na área do condomínio, ele foi locado e perfurado, mas o poço não produziu água. Geologicamente a área de estudo esta localizada sobre o Granitóide São Roque e os metassedimentos da Formação Serra do Itaberaba (xistos argilosos). Diante deste contexto geológico o modelo de aquífero considerado foi o fraturado, tornando importante a caracterização estrutural do maciço rochoso com ênfase nas descontinuidades. Os estudos desenvolvidos neste trabalho tiveram um foco prático e voltado para a definição de estruturas com potencial para abrigar um aquífero do tipo fraturado, indicando as áreas para um estudo prospectivo de detalhe, podendo ser o mesmo direto (sondagem) ou indireto (geofísica terrestre).


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study area is located in the geological parameters of the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt (GO), it is part of the Pilar de Goias Group’s meta-volcano-sedimentary sequence. This is a homoclinal package constituted by terrigenous metassediments containing intercalations of meta-ultramafic rocks and iron formations. The units that were informally named in this work, are interpreted as belongs to the Serra do Moinho Formation. Through mineralogical associations the area’s metamorphism were classified as high greenschist facies garnet zone. Prior to this work were detected in the area, through soil samples, some auriferous anomalies. One of the objectives of this work is the detection of possibles hidrotermal alterations related to these anomalies presents in the study area


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The Urucuia Aquifer System represents a strategic water source in western Bahia. Its baseflow is responsible for the flow rate of the main tributaries of São Francisco river left bank in the dry season, including the Rio Grande, its main tributary in Bahia state. This river has a hydrological regime heavily affected by groundwater and is located in a region with conflicts about water resources. The aquifers geology is constituted by neocretacious sandstones of Urucuia Group subdivided in Posse Formation and Serra das Araras Formation. The embasement is formed by neoproterozoic rocks of Bambuí Group. This work focuses on an important tool application, the mathematical model, whose function is represent approximately and suitably the reality so that can assist in different scenarios simulations and make predictions. Many studies developed in this basin provided the conceptual model basis including a full free aquifer, lithological and hydraulical homogeneity in entire basin, null flux at plateau borders and aquifer base. The finite element method is the numerical method used and FEFLOW the computational algorithm. The simulated area was discretized in a single layer with 27.357,6 km² (314.432 elements and 320.452 nodes) totaling a 4.249,89 km³ volume. Were utilized 21 observation wells from CERB to calibrate the model. The terrain topography was obtained by SRTM data and the impermeable base was generated by interpolation of descriptive profiles from wells and electric vertical drilling from previous studies. Works in this area obtained mean recharge rates varying approximately from 20% to 25% of average precipitation, thus the values of model recharge zones varying in this range. Were distributed 4 hydraulic conductivity zones: (K1) west zone with K=6x10-5 m/s; (K2) center-east zone with K=3x10-4 m/s; (K3) far east zone with K=5x10-4 m/s; e (K4) east-north zone with K=1x10-5 m/s. Thereby was incorporated to the final conceptual model...


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In the Serra de Jacobina, localized in the North Central portion of the state of Bahia, occours the Jacobina Group. It’s a sedimentary basin and the gold deposit is stocked on the basal portion, which consist on quartzites intercalated with oligomítico metaconglomerates of Serra do Córrego Formation. There are controversies about the origin of the gold mineralization, but the currently most accepted hypothesis corresponds to a paleoplacer deposit with subsequent ore remobilization and concentration by hydrothermal process. The sulphidation is one of the main results of hydrothermal process, which was more detail characterized, besides identifying if there was more than one sulfides phase generation and its relationship with gold mineralization. The analyzes were performed from the main reef's (metaconglomerates mineralized levels) of Mine Canavieiras: Maneira, Holandez, Liberino, Piritoso, MU and LU. Chemical analyzes semi-quantitative were developed with EDS in MEV and also petrographics analyses. The main sulfide is pyrite, followed by chalcopyrite. Six groups of pyrite were classified according with chemical composition, however they show similarities in their habit and occurrence. Were identified four types of chlorite, labeled A, B, C, D. Gold occurs in free form, associate to pyrites, to Fe-Ti-Muscovite, to chlorite type B and to microfractures with iron hydroxide. Gold presents three different compositions: pure, with Ag or associated with U-Zr. The results of chemical analysis showed that the hydrothermal process have as their main source, ultramafic rocks present in the Jacobina Basin


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This article presents TDEM results from an area with recent induced shallow seismicity. The purpose was to do a geoelectrical mapping of sedimentary and fractured basaltic aquifers for better understanding of the hydrogeologic setting. The study area is in the Parana basin where flood basalts are overlain by sedimentary units near the city of Bebedouro, northern Sao Paulo State, Brazil. 86 TDEM soundings were acquired in an area of 90 km(2) in the Andes and Botafogo study areas. The soundings were chosen next to wells for calibration, and also along profiles crossing the seismically active areas. 1-D interpretation results showed the general geoelectrical stratigraphy of this part of the Parana basin. The upper geoelectrical layer is the shallow sedimentary aquifer (Adamantina formation) with less than 80 m thickness. The second geoelectrical layer contains the upper basalts of the Serra Geral formation at about 60-80 m depths. A saturated fractured basalt zone between 100 and 300 m depths was identifiable on various TDEM soundings. This depth range corresponds to the range of hypocentral depths for more than 3000 micro-earthquakes in this area. The lower basalt layer was estimated to lie between 400 and 650 m depth. The deepest geoelectrical layer detected by various TDEM soundings corresponds to the Botucatu sandstone (Guarani aquifer). Results suggest that the high-discharge wells are located in the fractured zone in the middle basalt of the Serra Geral formation. There is a good correlation between seismically active areas, high discharge wells (>190 m(3)/h), and fracture zones in the middle basalt. The results reinforce the hypothesis that the shallow seismic activity in the Bebedouro region is being triggered by high rates of groundwater withdrawal. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.