789 resultados para Forest management -- Catalonia -- Maçanet de la Selva
Trees, trust and the state: A comparison of participatory forest management in Pakistan and Tanzania
Land use and land use change affect deadwood amount, quality and associated biodiversity in forest ecosystems. Old growth or virgin forests, which are exceptionally rare in temperate Europe harbor more deadwood and associated fungal species than managed forests. Whether and how more recent abandonment of management, to reestablish more natural forests, affects deadwood amount and fungal diversity on deadwood is unknown. Our main aim was to compare deadwood amount, characteristics and deadwood inhabiting fungi in differently managed forest types typical for large areas of Central Europe. We sampled deadwood inhabiting fungi on 27 forest plots of 400 m2 each in three geographically distant regions in Germany. Three forest management types, namely managed coniferous, managed deciduous and unmanaged deciduous forests, were represented by nine plots each. In autumn 2008 we collected all fungal fruiting bodies on deadwood >7 cm of diameter. We found deadwood amounts and fungal species numbers in unmanaged forests to be lower than in managed forests, which we attributed to the lack of natural tree death during the short time since management abandonment of usually 10–30 years. However, rarefaction analysis among deadwood items in forest plots indicated a slightly higher species density in unmanaged forests, which may be the first signal of a positive effect on fungal species richness on deadwood after management was abandoned. Although the three study regions span a large geographical gradient, we did not detect differences in the fungal species composition or in deadwood amounts and patterns, which reflects the wide distribution of this group of organisms and points to consistent management procedures among study regions. A very clear composition difference however occurred between deciduous and coniferous wood showing species substrate specialization. We conclude that the amount of deadwood is the main driver of deadwood fungal species richness, and substrate diversity in terms of various decay degrees, deadwood tree species and deadwood size are also important. Thus, to promote species richness of deadwood fungi it is vital to enhance deadwood amounts and diversity
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation plus (REDD+) encourages economic support for reducing deforestation and conserving or increasing existing forest carbon stocks. The way in which incentives are structured affects trade-offs between local livelihoods, carbon emission reduction, and the cost-effectiveness of a REDD + programme. Looking at first-hand empirical data from 208 farming households in the Bolivian Amazon froma household economy perspective, our study explores two policy options: 1) compensated reduction of emissions fromold-growth forest clearing for agriculture, and 2) direct payments for labour input into sustainable forest anagement combined with a commitment not to clear old-growth forest. Our results indicate that direct payments for sustainable forest management – an approach that focuses on valuing farmers' labour input – can be more cost-effective than compensated reduction and in some cases is themost appropriate choice for achieving improved household incomes, permanence of changes, avoidance of leakages, and community-based institutional enforcement for sustainable forest management.
Forest management is known to influence species diversity of various taxa but inconsistent or even contrasting effects are reported for arthropods. Regional differences in management as well as differences in regional species pools might be responsible for these inconsistencies, but, inter-regional replicated studies that account for regional variability are rare. We investigated the effect of forest type on the abundance, diversity, community structure and composition of two important ground-dwelling beetle families, Carabidae and Staphylinidae, in 149 forest stands distributed over three regions in Germany. In particular we focused on recent forestry history, stand age and dominant tree species, in addition to a number of environmental descriptors. Overall management effects on beetle communities were small and mainly mediated by structural habitat parameters such as the cover of forest canopy or the plant diversity on forest stands. The general response of both beetle taxa to forest management was similar in all regions: abundance and species richness of beetles was higher in older than in younger stands and species richness was lower in unmanaged than in managed stands. The abundance ratio of forest species-to-open habitat species differed between regions, but generally increased from young to old stands, from coniferous to deciduous stands and from managed to unmanaged stands. The response of both beetle families to dominant tree species was variable among regions and staphylinid richness varied in the response to recent forestry history. Our results suggest that current forest management practices change the composition of ground-dwelling beetle communities mainly by favoring generalists and open habitat species. To protect important forest beetle communities and thus the ecosystem functions and services provided by them, we suggest to shelter remaining ancient forests and to develop near-to-nature management strategies by prolonging rotation periods and increasing structural diversity of managed forests. Possible geographic variations in the response of beetle communities need to be considered in conservation-orientated forest management strategies.
With the increasing pressure to improve the contribution of forests to help dealing with global changes, it is critical to understand the different perceptions of those involved in the forest. How do forest owners, managers and members of local communities who often depend on the forest, value it and what are the problems affecting the forests in terms of being able to meet these new challenges? In Portugal, this task has taken on an even greater priority as more than 90% of the forest is private and forest management relies on the individual decisions of thousands of forest owners. To understand stakeholder views on forest and forest management, a transversal social perception survey was implemented in the form of a case study of central Portugal which included decision-makers, local technicians, forest owners and the general public. The results show that there is a consensus on the main issues affecting forests and forest management. A shift from classic forest owners to the emergence of indifferent forest owners was observed, although this shift has not been recognized by the forest owners in the survey, who maintain the individual management of their properties.
Epixylic bryophytes are important components of forest vegetation but are currently endangered by increment of wood harvest and intensive forest management. In this paper we present a study about the relationship between forest management, deadwood abundance, deadwood attributes and species richness of epixylic bryophytes on 30 plots comprising three forest types (managed coniferous, managed deciduous and unmanaged deciduous forests) in three regions in Germany. Additionally we analyzed the relations between deadwood attributes (wood species, decay, deadwood type, size) and bryophytes on deadwood items (n = 799) and calculated species interaction networks of wood species and bryophytes. Overall, species richness of epixylic bryophytes was positively related to deadwood abundance and diversity. The mean deadwood abundance was lowest in unmanaged forests (9.7 m3 ha-1) compared with 15.0 m3 ha-1 in managed deciduous and 25.1 m3 ha-1 in managed coniferous forests. Accordingly, epixylic bryophyte species richness per plot increased from 7 species per 400 m 2 in unmanaged, 10 in managed deciduous and 16 in managed coniferous forests. The interaction network provided evidence of importance of tree-species diversity for bryophyte diversity and the relevance of particular wood species for rare bryophytes.
Generally, the results demonstrate a considerable lack of deadwood in all forest types, even in unmanaged forests. Species richness of epixylic bryophytes was strongly limited by available substrates within the observed deadwood abundance ranging up to only 60 m3 ha-1. Altogether, this suggests a high demand to increase both abundance and diversity of deadwood in forests.
SDC has been involved in rural development in Cabo Delgado for more than 30 years. Shortly after the independence of Mozambique, projects in water supply and integrated rural development were initiated. The silvoagropastoral project FO9 based in Mueda was a very early experience in forestry in Cabo Delgado. Andreas Kläy was responsible for the forestry sector in FO9 for 3 years in the early 1980s and had an opportunity to initiate an exchange of ideas and experience in rural development theory and approaches with Yussuf Adam, who was doing research in human anthropology and history in the province. 25 years later, the current situation of forest management in Cabo Delgado was reassessed, with a specific focus on concessions in the North. The opportunity for a partnership between the MITI SA, the University of Eduardo Mondlane, and CDE was created on the basis of this preliminary study1. The aim of this partnership is to generate knowledge and develop capacity for sustainable forest management. The preliminary study showed that “…we have to face weaknesses and would like to start a learning process with the main institutions, organisations, and stakeholder groups active in forest management and research in the North of Cabo Delgado. This learning process will involve studies supported by competent research institutions and workshops …” The specific objectives of ESAPP project Q804 are the following: 1. Contribute to understanding of the forestry sector; 2. Capacity development for professionals and academics; 3. Support for the private sector and the local forest service; 4. Support data generation at Cabo Delgado's Provincial Service; 5. Capacity development for Swiss academic institutions (CDE and ETHZ). A conceptual planning platform was elaborated as a basis for cooperation and research in the partnership (cf. Annex 1). The partners agreed to work on two lines of research: biophysical and socio-economic. In order to ensure a transdisciplinary approach, disciplinary research is anchored in common understanding in workshops based on the LforS methods. These workshops integrate the main stakeholders in the local context of the COMADEL concession in Nangade District managed by MITI SA, and take place in the village of Namiune. The research team observed that current management schemes consist mainly of strategies of nature mining by most stakeholders involved. Institutional settings - formal and informal - have little impact due to weak capacity at the local level and corruption. Local difficulties in a remote rural area facilitate external access to resources and are perpetuated by the loss of benefits. The benefits of logging remain at the top level (economic and political elites). The interests of the owners of the concession in stopping the loss of resources caused by this regime offers a unique opportunity to intervene in the logic of resource degradation and agony in rural development and forest management.
En este artículo se presentan los esquemas generales en base a los que, los pequeños y medianos productores rurales de la provincia de Misiones, se relacionan con aquel ámbito que reconocen como “naturaleza”. El análisis de la lógica de la naturaleza se realiza distinguiendo espacios en que los productores se mueven en su vida cotidiana, y las distinciones de uso entre géneros. La lógica local de la naturaleza está directamente ligada al modelo de producción rural que predominó en la región durante todo el siglo XX, y comienza a tener transformaciones a partir de presencia local de discursos y propuestas ambientalistas.
Natural regeneration-based silviculture has been increasingly regarded as a reliable option in sustainable forest management. However, successful natural regeneration is not always easy to achieve. Recently, new concerns have arisen because of changing future climate. To date, regeneration models have proved helpful in decision-making concerning natural regeneration. The implementation of such models into optimization routines is a promising approach in providing forest managers with accurate tools for forest planning. In the present study, we present a stochastic multistage regeneration model for Pinus pinea L. managed woodlands in Central Spain, where regeneration has been historically unsuccessful. The model is able to quantify recruitment under different silviculture alternatives and varying climatic scenarios, with further application to optimize management scheduling. The regeneration process in the species showed high between-year variation, with all subprocesses (seed production, dispersal, germination, predation, and seedling survival) having the potential to become bottlenecks. However, model simulations demonstrate that current intensive management is responsible for regeneration failure in the long term. Specifically, stand densities at rotation age are too low to guarantee adequate dispersal, the optimal density of seed-producing trees being around 150 stems·ha−1. In addition, rotation length needs to be extended up to 120 years to benefit from the higher seed production of older trees. Stochastic optimization confirms these results. Regeneration does not appear to worsen under climate change conditions; the species exhibiting resilience worthy of broader consideration in Mediterranean silviculture.
[1-4]. Vista de Alcalá de la Selva y sus alrededores, en una foto Francisco Roglá López, 1915 (4 pares estereoscópicos) (4 fot.) [5]. Francisco Roglá López en la Ermita de San Roque y Loreto, al fondo el pueblo de Alcalá de la Selva, 1915 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [6]. Dos hombres en la Ermita de San Roque y Loreto, 1915 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [7]. Grupo de hombres sentados en el Humilladero de Alcalá de la Selva, 1915 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [8-9]. Grupo de casas en Alcalá de la Selva, dos hombres junto a un arroyo (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) [10]. Iglesia de San Simón y San Judas, 1915 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [11]. Un hombre y una mujer junto a la puerta de una casa, destaca el empedrado característico de la calle Castillo Abajo de Alcalá de la Selva (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [12-13]. Fiesta de los toros en la plaza de la Iglesia de Alcalá de la Selva, la gente se amontona en los balcones (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) [14]. Rincón de una plaza con arcos, Rubielos de Mora? (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [15-23]. En el campo grupo de excursionistas, entre ellos Francisco y Rosalía Roglá López en algunas fotos montan en burro (9 pares estereoscópicos) (9 fot.) [24-25]. Día festivo hombres ataviados a caballo, mujer con sombrero sentada en una mula (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) [26]. Francisco y Rosalía Roglá López con tres amigos en el campo a la derecha sombrilla sobre un muro de piedra (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [27-28]. Construcción característica granero, Ojos Negros? grupo de gente alrededor de una carretilla para la mina (4 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) [29-31]. Grupo de excursionistas, descansando junto a un abrevadero, andando por un camino de tierra, hombre solitario en una carretera en construcción (4 pares estereoscópicos) (3 fot.) [32-47]. Paisaje montañoso y vistas desde peñascos, en una de las fotos hombre y niño subidos a un árbol, zona de Alcalá de la Selva o Virgen de la Vega, árbol y losa de piedra, vistas de la Vega y las masías desde los peñascos de la Sierra de Gudar (16 pares estereoscópicos) (13 fot.) [49]. Campos y masías, labrador arando el campo (1 par estereoscópico) (2 fot.) [50-51]. Ganadería en los prados de la Vega (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) [52-54]. Paisaje en torno a la Virgen de la Vega dos mulas pastando, y grupo de aldeanos en burros por un camino al fondo varias masías, una masía solitaria, 1915 (3 pares estereoscópicos) (3 fot.) [55-57]. Vista del Santuario de la Virgen de la Vega, chopera de la carretera que lleva al Santuario, gente alrededor de un árbol junto al Santuario, 1915 (3 pares estereoscópicos) (3 fot.) [58]. Gente con niños comiendo en el campo junto a una fuente, 1915 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [59]. Anciana sobre un burro al fondo paisaje (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [60-62]. Barranco de la Fuente con la represa de Las Lavaderas en Alcalá de la Selva? (3 pares estereoscópicos) (3 fot.) [63-64]. Dos hombres junto a un arroyo (2 pares estereoscópicos) (1 fot.) [65-70]. Cascada de Las Lavaderas? y varios parajes sin identificar, río Alcalá?, camino con las huellas de las ruedas de los carros (6 pares estereoscópicos) (6 fot.) [71-75]. Tres jóvenes en una pinada, hombre de rodillas ante una persona junto a un muro de piedra en el campo, dos hombres cogiendo el tronco de un árbol, cuatro amigos en actitud divertida, hombre con sombrero y bigote (5 pares estereoscópicos) (5 fot.) [76]. Castillo de Alcalá de la Selva, 1915 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [77-79]. Rosalía Roglá López con otras dos mujeres en el patio de armas del Castillo de Mora de Rubielos, y en la puerta principal, Rosalía en la puerta del castillo a contraluz, 1915 (3 pares estereoscópicos) (3 fot.) [80]. Iglesia de la Natividad de Nuestra Señora (ex-Colegiata) en Mora de Rubielos, en la plaza la fuente y grupos de gente, 1915 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) [81-82]. Visita al Puig patio del Monasterio del Puig en el acto de exaltación de la Virgen, restos del castillo de Jaime I de Aragón presidida por una Cruz en la cima del cerro varias personas alrededor (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.)
No. 2, in vol. 141 with binder's title: Teatro Español : serie A.
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"Serial no. 99-47."