947 resultados para Forest genetic resources


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The worldwide spread of barley cultivation required adaptation to agricultural environments far distant from those found in its centre of domestication. An important component of this adaptation is the timing of flowering, achieved predominantly in response to day length and temperature. Here, we use a collection of cultivars, landraces and wild barley accessions to investigate the origins and distribution of allelic diversity at four major flowering time loci, mutations at which have been under selection during the spread of barley cultivation into Europe. Our findings suggest that while mutant alleles at the PPD-H1 and PPD-H2 photoperiod loci occurred pre-domestication, the mutant vernalization non-responsive alleles utilized in landraces and cultivars at the VRN-H1 and VRN-H2 loci occurred post-domestication. The transition from wild to cultivated barley is associated with a doubling in the number of observed multi-locus flowering-time haplotypes, suggesting that the resulting phenotypic variation has aided adaptation to cultivation in the diverse ecogeographic locations encountered. Despite the importance of early-flowering alleles during the domestication of barley in Europe, we show that novel VRN alleles associated with early flowering in wild barley have been lost in domesticates, highlighting the potential of wild germplasm as a source of novel allelic variation for agronomic traits.


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Abstract Background: The amount and structure of genetic diversity in dessert apple germplasm conserved at a European level is mostly unknown, since all diversity studies conducted in Europe until now have been performed on regional or national collections. Here, we applied a common set of 16 SSR markers to genotype more than 2,400 accessions across 14 collections representing three broad European geographic regions (North+East, West and South) with the aim to analyze the extent, distribution and structure of variation in the apple genetic resources in Europe. Results: A Bayesian model-based clustering approach showed that diversity was organized in three groups, although these were only moderately differentiated (FST=0.031). A nested Bayesian clustering approach allowed identification of subgroups which revealed internal patterns of substructure within the groups, allowing a finer delineation of the variation into eight subgroups (FST=0.044). The first level of stratification revealed an asymmetric division of the germplasm among the three groups, and a clear association was found with the geographical regions of origin of the cultivars. The substructure revealed clear partitioning of genetic groups among countries, but also interesting associations between subgroups and breeding purposes of recent cultivars or particular usage such as cider production. Additional parentage analyses allowed us to identify both putative parents of more than 40 old and/or local cultivars giving interesting insights in the pedigree of some emblematic cultivars. Conclusions: The variation found at group and sub-group levels may reflect a combination of historical processes of migration/selection and adaptive factors to diverse agricultural environments that, together with genetic drift, have resulted in extensive genetic variation but limited population structure. The European dessert apple germplasm represents an important source of genetic diversity with a strong historical and patrimonial value. The present work thus constitutes a decisive step in the field of conservation genetics. Moreover, the obtained data can be used for defining a European apple core collection useful for further identification of genomic regions associated with commercially important horticultural traits in apple through genome-wide association studies.


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Com a divulgação da lista das espécies medicinais pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), de acordo com a Resolução RDC Nº10, de 09 de março de 2010, o uso dessas plantas passa a ter a chancela oficial do órgão governamental regulamentando seu uso e, em consequência disso, ter sua demanda bastante aumentada. A obtenção desses materiais adquire então grande importância, uma vez que haverá a necessidade de se produzir essas plantas. Com o objetivo de se avaliar a situação das pesquisas agronômicas com essas espécies, particularmente as de ocorrência na Mata Atlântica, foi feito um levantamento do número de publicações a partir dos nomes científicos, na base de dados eletrônica CAB Abstract, de 1990 a 2011. A pesquisa mostrou que o número de publicações por espécie varia de 2 a 1129, sendo que as espécies com maior número de artigos são aquelas já cultivadas como alimentícias. Das 66 espécies listadas, 36 são exóticas, 24 são da Mata Atlântica e 6 são nativas de outros biomas. Dentre as espécies da Mata Atlântica, foram excluídas as ruderais, frutíferas e arbóreas, devido à maioria dos trabalhos na área agronômica estarem relacionados ao manejo, controle ou produção de frutos e não ao seu cultivo sobre o ponto de vista medicinal. A única exceção foi a espécie medicinal arbórea Maytenus ilicifolia. Assim, foram selecionadas 16 espécies, as quais tiveram as publicações divididas em quatro áreas: Agronomia; Fitoquímica, Ensaios biológicos e Outros. Nesta pesquisa foi possível identificar que 32% dos artigos publicados são agronômicos, área que apresenta menos publicações do que a área de atividade biológica, que tem 40% das publicações, e a área de fitoquimica tem 20% das publicações. Estes resultados mostram que os pesquisadores estão atentos à importância das pesquisas agronômicas com plantas medicinais, mas que se faz necessário realizar trabalhos de domesticação das espécies selvagens e de fitotecnia com as espécies menos estudadas, para viabilizar o cultivo, a conservação dos recursos genéticos vegetais e do meio ambiente.


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The genus Arachis is divided into nine taxonomic sections. Section Arachis is composed of annual and perennial species, while section Heteranthae has only annual species. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic relationships among 15 Brazilian annual accessions from Arachis and Heteranthae using RAPD markers. Twenty-seven primers were tested, of which nine produced unique fingerprintings for all the accessions studied. A total of 88 polymorphic fragments were scored and the number of fragments per primer varied from 6 to 17 with a mean of 9.8. Two specific markers were identified for species with 2n = 18 chromosomes. The phenogram derived from the RAPD data corroborated the morphological classification. The bootstrap analysis divided the genotypes into two significant clusters. The first cluster contained all the section Arachis species, and the accessions within it were grouped based upon the presence or absence of the 'A' pair and the number of chromosomes. The second cluster grouped all accessions belonging to section Heteranthae.


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The cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an allotetraploid, with two types of genomes, classified as AA and BB, according to cytogenetic characters. Similar genomes to those of A. hypogaea are found in the wild diploid species of section Arachis, which is one of the nine Arachis sections. The wild species have resistances to pests and diseases that affect the cultivated peanut and are a potential source of genes to increase the resistance levels in peanut. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic variability within AA and BB genome species and to evaluate how they are related to each other and to A. hypogaea, using RAPD markers. Eighty-seven polymorphic bands amplified by ten 10-mer primers were analyzed. The species were divided into two major groups, and the AA and the BB genome species were, in general, separated from each other. The results showed that high variation is available within species that have genomes similar to the AA and the BB genomes of A. hypogaea.


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Arachis villosulicarpa is a perennial species cultivated for its soft and tasty seeds by indigenous inhabitants of the Mate Grosso State, Brazil. Besides A. hypogaea, this species is considered as the only species of Arachis which represents a valuable food source for human consumption. Due to the lack of knowledge concerning the genetic diversity of A. villosulicarpa, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic variability of the accessions from the Germplasm Collection of CENARGEN/EMBRAPA (Brasilia, DF, Brazil) and Institute Agronomico (IAC, Campinas, SP, Brazil). In addition, the genetic similarity between A. villosulicarpa, the related wild species A. pietrarellii, and the cultivated peanut A. hypogaea cv. Tatu was evaluated. From the entire sample analyzed of A. villosulicarpa, the accession from Institute Agronomico showed the highest indices of diversity for both enzymatic systems analyzed, pointing this accession as a promising source of genetic variability that must be preserved in the Germplasm Bank. A high level of genetic similarity was observed between A. pietrarellii and A. villosulicarpa, supporting previous suggestions that A. pietrarellii could be the ancestral progenitor species of A. villosulicarpa or that both species originated from a common ancestor.


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The genus Arachis is endemic to South America and comprises 80 species, 69 of which have already been described and eleven not yet published. The genus includes the cultivated peanut ( A. hypogaea) and several forage species, the most important ones being A. glabrata and A. pintoi. Accessions of section Rhizomatosae, including three tetraploid species 2n = 4x = 40 (A. glabrata, A. pseudovillosa and A. nitida nom. nud.) and one diploid species 2n = 2x = 20 (A. burkartii), were evaluated using RAPD markers to assay genetic variability within and among species. The ten random primers used yielded a total of 113 polymorphic bands. The data were scored as the presence or absence of each band in each sample. A distance matrix and dendrogram were obtained using Link's coefficient and the neighbor-joining method. Most accessions analyzed grouped into two major clusters: the first comprised most accessions of A. glabrata and accessions of A. nitida, and the second cluster comprised accessions of A. burkartii. Arachis pseudovillosa and a few accessions of A. glabrata and A. nitida were placed between these major clusters. The diploid and tetraploid species were grouped quite separately, suggesting that the tetraploids did not originate from the diploid species analyzed.


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Some Arachis species are widely used as commercial plants, e.g. the groundnut A. hypogaea, an important source of good quality protein and oil, and A. pintoi and A. glabrata, that are utilized as forage species. Germplasm of most Arachis species is available in germplasm banks. However, little it is known about the genetic attributes of this germplasm, and mainly about its genetic variability, which is very important for its maintenance. In the present study RAPDs were used to assay the genetic variation within and among 48 accessions of five sections of the genus Arachis and to establish the genetic relationships among these accessions. Ten of 34 primers tested were selected for DNA amplification reactions since they yielded the largest numbers of polymorphic loci. A dendrogram was constructed based on data from the 10 primers selected. Eighty RAPD polymorphic bands were analyzed among the accessions studied. The relationships among species based on RAPDs were similar to those previously reported based on morphological, cytological and crossability data; demonstrating that RAPDs can be used to determine the genetic relationships among species of the different sections of the genus Arachis. In general, wide variation was found among accessions and low variation was found within the accessions that had two or more plants analyzed. However, higher polymorphism was found in the section Trierectoides and in one accession of A. major, indicating that generalizations should be avoided and each species should be analyzed in order to establish collection and maintenance strategies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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One of the greatest challenges for the agricultural system is to establish agricultural production combined with the conservation of genetic resources, mainly aiming to protect the Permanent Preservation Areas. In this context, mulungu ( Erythrina velutina Willd), among other native species, has been suffering with anthropogenic pressures in various ecosystems, causing reductions in its genetic basis. This work aims to identify ecological and genetic population parameters as indicators of sustainability in two natural populations of mulungu, located in riparian forest, in the state of Sergipe, and to assess the tendency to their sustainability, aiming genetic conservation of the species. The matrix of Pressure-State-Impact/Effect-Response (PEI/ER) was used with the selection of 13 indicators, from the use of RAPDmolecular markers and biochemical (enzymes) markers in populations, in order to present them as relevant information to measure progress as for sustainability and conservation ofmulungu. The studied populations presented low tendency to sustainability, requiring strategies to change this status.


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This study evaluated the genetic erosion risk factors and the strategic points for the conservation of Lychnophora ericoides population in “Paraíso Perdido” farm, Serra da Canastra (20° 37’ 54” S; 46° 19’ 37” W; 833 m height) in São João Batista do Glória City, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The number of young and adult plants, the soil and the phenology were evaluated in two sample areas of 125 m2. Information about the species utilization was obtained with local informants. Data on the region were obtained through literature review, in loco evaluation, GPS and geo-referenced map. In addition, local use of the plant for mixtures of drug was evaluated. According to the results obtained, the soil of the population is lithic with a weathered portion of frank-sandy texture, very acidic and dystrophic. The population density is 0.16 individuals/m2, 0.078 young/adult plant. The predominant phenophase was fruiting (100% plants) followed by flowering (21.62% plants). The local community uses the leaves of the plant in the form of hydroalcoholic extracts, as anti-inflammatory. Based on the evaluated parameters, the population is at 73% risk of genetic erosion. The detected key points were the development of activities including the participation of the local community for habitat protection as well as germplasm collection, seedlings production and reintroduction, together with environmental education, supervision, and reduction in the propensity for fire.


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Low temperatures at the initial stages of rice development prevent fast germination and seedling establishment and may cause significant productivity losses. In order to develop rice cultivars exhibiting cold tolerance, it is necessary to investigate genetic resources, providing basic knowledge to allow the introduction of genes involved in low temperature germination ability from accessions into elite cultivars. Japanese rice accessions were evaluated at the germination under two conditions: 13 degrees C for 28 days (cold stress) and 28 degrees C for seven days (optimal temperature). The traits studied were coleoptile and radicle length under optimal temperature, coleoptile and radicle length under cold and percentage of the reduction in coleptile and radicle length due to low temperature. Among the accessions studied, genetic variation for traits related to germination under low temperatures was observed and accessions exhibiting adequate performance for all investigated traits were identified. The use of multivariate analysis allowed the identification of the genotypes displaying cold tolerance by smaller reductions in coleoptile and radicle lenght in the presence of cold and high vigour, by higher coleoptile and radicle growth under cold.


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Brazil is one of the main centers of origin of pineapple species presenting the largest genetic variation of the Ananas genus. Embrapa Cassava and Fruits is a Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation and has an ex-situ collection of 678 accessions of the Ananas genus and some other Bromeliaceae. The use of ornamental pineapple has increased in the last years demanding new varieties, mainly for the external market, due to the originality and colors of its tiny fruits. The main aim of the present study was describing accessions from the pineapple gene bank in order to quantify their genetic variation and identify possible progenitors to be used in breeding programs of ornamental pineapples. Eighty-nine accessions of Ananas comosus var. comosus, A. comosus var. bracteatus (Lindl.) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. ananassoides (Baker) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. erectifolius (L. B. Smith) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. parguasensis (Camargo et L. B. Smith) Coppens et Leal and A. macrodontes Morren were evaluated with 25 morphological descriptors. According to the results, the evaluated accessions were separated into the following categories: landscape plants, cut flower, potted plants, minifruits, foliage and hedge. The genetic distance among accessions was determined using the combined qualitative and quantitative data by the Gower algorithm. The pre-selected accessions presented genetic variation and ornamental potential for different uses. The multicategory analysis formed seven clusters through a classification method based on the average Euclidean distance between all accessions using the cut-point of genetic dissimilarity (D dg = 0.35). The genotypes A. comosus var. erectifolius were selected to be used as landscape plants, cut flower, minifruits and potted plants. Accessions of A. comosus var. bracteatus and A. macrodontes were selected as landscape plants and hedge. The highest variation was observed in A. comosus var. ananassoides genotypes, which presented high potential for use as cut flowers.