129 resultados para Fluorene


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La chimie supramoléculaire est un domaine qui suscite depuis quelques années un intérêt grandissant. Le domaine s’appuie sur les interactions intermoléculaires de façon à contrôler l’organisation moléculaire et ainsi moduler les propriétés des matériaux. La sélection et le positionnement adéquat de groupes fonctionnels, utilisés en combinaison avec un squelette moléculaire particulier, permet d’anticiper la façon dont une molécule interagira avec les molécules avoisinantes. Cette stratégie de construction, nommé tectonique moléculaire, fait appel à la conception de molécules appelées tectons (du mot grec signifiant bâtisseur) pouvant s’orienter de façon prévisible par le biais d’interactions faibles et ainsi générer des architectures supramoléculaires inédites. Les tectons utilisent les forces intermoléculaires mises à leur disposition pour s’orienter de façon prédéterminée et ainsi contrecarrer la tendance à s’empiler de la manière la plus compacte possible. Pour ce faire, les tectons sont munies de diverses groupes fonctionnels, aussi appelés groupes de reconnaissance, qui agiront comme guide lors de l’assemblage moléculaire. Le choix du squelette moléculaire du tecton revêt une importance capitale puisqu’il doit permettre une orientation optimale des groupes de reconnaissance. La stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire, utilisée conjointement avec la cristallisation, ouvre la porte à un domaine de la chimie supramoléculaire appelé le génie cristallin. Le génie cristallin permet l’obtention de réseaux cristallins poreux soutenus par des interactions faibles, pouvant accueillir des molécules invitées. Bien que toutes les interactions faibles peuvent être mises à contribution, le pont hydrogène est l’interaction prédominante en ce qui a trait aux réseaux cristallins supramoléculaires. La force, la directionnalité ainsi que la versatilité font du pont hydrogène l’interaction qui, à ce jour, a eu le plus grand impact dans le domaine du génie cristallin. Un des groupements de reconnaissance particulièrement intéressants en génie cristallin, faisant appel aux ponts hydrogène et offrant plusieurs motifs d’interaction, est l’unité 2,4-diamino-1,3,5-triazinyle. L’utilisation de ce groupement de reconnaissance conjointement avec un cœur moléculaire en forme de croix d’Onsager, qui défavorise l’empilement compact, permet l’obtention de valeurs de porosités élevées, comme c’est le cas pour le 2,2’,7,7’-tétrakis(2,4-diamino-1,3,5-triazin-6-yl)-9,9’-spirobi[9H-fluorène]. Nous présentons ici une extension du travail effectué sur les cœurs spirobifluorényles en décrivant la synthèse et l’analyse structurale de molécules avec une unité dispirofluorène-indénofluorényle comme cœur moléculaire. Ce cœur moléculaire exhibe les mêmes caractéristiques structurales que le spirobifluorène, soit une topologie rigide en forme de croix d’Onsager défavorisant l’empilement compact. Nous avons combiné les cœurs dispirofluorène-indénofluorényles avec différents groupements de reconnaissance de façon à étudier l’influence de l’élongation du cœur moléculaire sur le réseau cristallin, en particulier sur le volume accessible aux molécules invitées.


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Les fichiers additionnels sont les données cristallographiques en format CIF. Voir le site de la Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre pour un visualiseur: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk


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Spiro-starburst-structures with symmetric globular structures in forms of first and second generations that readily form stable amorphous glasses have been synthesized and then characterised in this work. During the synthesis of these materials, possibilities of the extension of the chains of the phenyl rings in 2,2’,7 and 7’-positions of the central core of the spirobifluorene as well as the 2’,7 and 7’-positions of the terminal spirobifluorene units of the spiro-starburst-structures have been investigated so that solubilities and morphologies of the compounds are not negatively influenced. Their morphological properties have been explored by recording their decomposition temperature and glass transition temperature. These compounds possessing two perpendicular arrangement of the two molecular halves show high glass transition temperature (Tg), which is one of the most important parameter indicating the stability of the amorphous state of the material for optoelectronic devices like organic light emitting diodes. Within the species of second generation compounds, for example, 4-spiro3 shows the highest Tg (330 °C) and the highest branching degree. When one [4B(SBF)SBF-SBF 84] or two [4SBFSBF-SBF 79] terminal spirobifluorene units are removed, the Tg decreases to 318 °C and 307 °C respectively. Photo absorption and fluorescence spectra and cyclic voltammetry measurements are taken in account to characterize the optoelectronic properties of the compounds. Spiro-starburst-structures emit radiation in the blue region of the visible spectrum. The peak maxima of absorption and emission spectra are observed to be at higher wavelength in the molecules with longer chromophore chains than in the molecules with shorter chromophore chains. Excitation spectra are monitored with their emission peak maxima. The increasing absorbing species in molecule leads to increasing molar extinction coefficient. In the case of 4B(TP)SBF-SBF 53 and 4B(SBF)SBF-SBF 84, the greater values of the molar extinction coefficients (43*104 and 44*104 L mol-1 cm-1 respectively) are the evidences of the presence of four times octiphenyl conjugation rings and eight times terminal fluorene units respectively. The optical properties of solid states of these compounds in the form of thin film indicate that the intermolecular interaction and aggregation of individual molecules in neat amorphous films are effectively hindered by their sterically demanding structures. Accordingly, in solid state, they behave like isolated molecules in highly dilute solution. Cyclic voltammetry measurements of these compounds show electrochemically reversibility and stability. Furthermore, the zeolitic nature (host-guest) of the molecular sieve of the synthesized spiro-starburst-structures has been analysed by thermogravimetric analysis method.


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The diazirine functionalised fluorenone, 3-[3-(trifluoromethyl)diazirin-3-yl]phenyl-9-oxo-9H-fluorene-2-carboxyla te was synthesised to act as a model compound capable of modifying a wide variety of polymeric substrates. Photochemical activation of the diazirine moiety of the fluorenone derivative was utilised to afford highly reactive carbenes capable of insertion into or addition to a wide variety of functionalities. In this paper the photoinduced attachment of a fluorenone derivative to nylon 6,6 has been studied using UV-visible spectroscopic analysis. Incorporation of the fluorenone chromophore onto the backbone of nylon at different loading levels and after different coating cycles has been investigated and is detailed in this paper.


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This work describes syntheses and electrochemical, spectroscopic, and bonding properties in a new series of dinuclear ruthenium(II) complexes bridged by polyaromatic (biphenyl, fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene) alkynyl ligands. Longitudinal expansion of the π-conjugated polyaromatic core of the bridging ligands caused a reduced potential difference between the anodic steps and reinforced their bridge-localized nature, as evidenced by UV/vis/near-IR and IR spectroelectrochemical data combined with DFT and TDDFT calculations. Importantly, the intricate multiple IR ν(CC) absorption bands for the singly oxidized states imply a thermal population of a range of conformers (rotamers) with distinct electronic character. This behavior was demonstrated with more accurate DFT calculations of selected nontruncated 1e− oxidized complexes in three different conformations. The combined experimental and theoretical data reveal that thermally populated rotamers featuring various mutual orientations of the ligated metal termini and the bridging diethynyl polyaromatic moieties have a significant impact on the electronic absorption and ν(CC) wavenumbers of the singly oxidized systems.


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The exhaust emission of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) considered toxic to human health were investigated on two spark ignition light duty vehicles, one being gasohol (Gasohol, in Brazil, is the generic denomination for mixtures of pure gasoline plus 20-25% of anhydrous ethyl alcohol fuel (AEAF).)-fuelled and the other a flexible-fuel vehicle fuelled with hydrated ethanol. The influence of fuel type and quality, aged lubricant oil type and use of fuel additives on the formation of these compounds was tested using standardized tests identical to US FTP-75 cycle. PAH sampling and chemical analysis followed the basic recommendations of method TO-13 (United States. Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. Compendium Method TO-13A - Determination of polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in Ambient Air Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (CG/MS). Center for environmental research information, Cincinnati, p. 78), with the necessary modification for this particular application. Results showed that the total PAH emission factor varied from 41.9 mu g km(-1) to 612 mu g km(-1) in the gasohol vehicle, and from 11.7 mu g km(-1) to 27.4 mu g km(-1) in the ethanol-fuelled vehicle, a significant difference in favor of the ethanol vehicle. Generally, emission of light molecular weight PAHs was predominant, while high molecular weights PAHs were not detected. In terms of benzo(a)pyrene toxicity equivalence, emission factors varied from 0.00984 mu g TEQ km(-1) to 4.61 mu g TEQ km(-1) for the gasohol vehicle and from 0.0117 mu g TEQ km(-1) to 0.0218 mu g TEQ km(-1) in the ethanol vehicle. For the gasohol vehicle, results showed that the use of fuel additive causes a significant increase in the emission of naphthalene and phenanthrene at a confidence level of 90% or higher; the use of rubber solvent on gasohol showed a reduction in the emission of naphthalene and phenanthrene at the same confidence level; the use of synthetic oil instead of mineral oil also contributed significantly to a decrease in the emission of naphthalene and fluorene. In relation to the ethanol vehicle, the same factors were tested and showed no statistically significant influence on PAH emission. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polyfluorene end-capped with N-(2-benzothiazole)-1 8-naphthalimide (PF-BNI) is a highly fluorescent material with fluorescence emission modulated by solvent polarity Its low energy excited state is assigned as a mixed configuration state between the singlet S(1) of the fluorene backbone (F) with the charge transfer (CI) of the end group BNI The triexponential fluorescence decays of PF-BNI were associated with fast energy migration to form an intrachain charge-transfer (ICCT) state polyfluorene backbone decay and ICCT deactivation Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy exhibited biexponential relaxation with a fast component of 12-16 ps in addition to a slow one in the range 0 8-1 4 ns depending on the solvent showing that depolarization occurs from two different processes energy migration to form the ICCT state and slow rotational diffusion motion of end segments at a longer time Results from femtosecond transient absorption measurements agreed with anisotropy decay and showed a decay component of about 16 ps at 605 nm in PF BNI ascribed to the conversion of S(1) to the ICCT excited state From the ratio of asymptotic and initial amplitudes of the transient absorption measurement the efficiency of intrachain ICCT formation is estimated in 0 5 which means that on average, half of the excited state formed in a BNI-(F)(n)-BNI chain with n = 32 is converted to its low energy intrachain charge-transfer (ICCT) state


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This work investigated the effect of woven E-glass mass (25 g/m2, 50 g/m2, 85 g/m2, 135 g/m2) on the painted surface finish of various thermoset (EPIKOTETM RIM935, EPIKOTETM 04434, Ultratec LpTM ES300, Ultratec LpTM SPV6035) carbon fibre composite laminates, before and after aging at 95 °C for 168 h. The as-moulded laminate surfaces were evaluated using surface profilometry techniques and the painted and aged surfaces were evaluated using a wave-scan distinctness of image (DOI) instrument. It was found that the 25 g/m2 E-glass surface layer assisted with reducing the roughness of the as-moulded surfaces and the long-term waviness of the painted surfaces due to the increase in resin-richness at the surface. The EPIKOTETM 04434 resin system that contained diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F (DGEBF) epoxy had the least change in long-term waviness with thermal aging due to the rigid fluorene-based backbone in comparison to the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) systems.


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The aim of this work is the treatment of produced water from oil by using electrochemical technology. Produced water is a major waste generated during the process of exploration and production in the oil industry. Several approaches are being studied aiming at the treatment of this effluent; among them can be cited the biological process and chemical treatments such as advanced oxidation process and electrochemical treatments (electrooxidation, electroflotation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation). This work studies the application of electrochemical technology in the treatment of the synthetic produced water effluent through the action of the electron, in order to remove or transform the toxic and harmful substances from the environment by redox reactions in less toxic substances. For this reason, we used a synthetic wastewater, containing a mixture H2SO4 0,5M and 16 HPAs, which are: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k) fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a, h)anthracene, benzo(g, h, i)perylene. Bulk electrochemical oxidation experiments were performed using a batch electrochemical reactor containing a pair of parallel electrodes, coupled with a power supply using a magnetic stirrer for favoring the transfer mass control. As anodic material was used, a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) of Ti/Pt, while as cathode was used a Ti electrode. Several samples were collected at specific times and after that, the analysis of these samples were carried out by using Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS) in order to determine the percentage of removal. The results showed that it was possible to achieve the removal of HPAs about 80% (in some cases, more than 80%). In addition, as an indicator of the economic feasibility of electrochemical treatment the energy consumption was analyzed for each hour of electrolysis, and based on the value kWh charged by ANEEL, the costs were estimated. Thus, the treatment costs of this research were quite attractive


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A variety of chemicals can adversely affect the immune system and influence tumor development. The modifying potential of chemical carcinogens on the lymphoid organs and cytokine production of rats submitted to a medium-term initiation-promotion bioassay for carcinogenesis was investigated. Male Wistar rats were sequentially initiated with N-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), N-butyl-N-(4hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN), dihydroxy-di-n-propylnitrosamine (DHPN), and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) during 4 weeks. Two initiated groups received phenobarbital (PB) or 2-acetyl amino fluorene (2-AAF) for 25 weeks and two noninitiated groups received only PB or 2-AAF. A nontreated group was used as control. Lymphohematopoietic organs, liver, kidneys, lung, intestines, and Zymbal's gland were removed for histological analysis. Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-12, interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), IL-10, and transforming growth factor betal (TGF-beta1) levels were determined by ELISA in spleen cell culture supernatants. At the fourth week, exposure to the initiating carcinogens resulted in cell depletion of the thymus, spleen and bone marrow, and impairment of IL-2, IL-12, and IFN-gamma production. However, at the 30th week, no important alterations were observed both in lymphoid organs and cytokine production in the different groups. The results indicate that the initiating carcinogens used in the present protocol exert toxic effects on the lymphoid organs and affect the production of cytokines at the initiation step of carcinogenesis. This early and reversible depression of the immune surveillance may contribute to the survival of initiated cells facilitating the development of future neoplasia. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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ABSTRACT: In Guajará bay, mouth of the Amazon River, is located the capital of Pará state (Belém) and its metropolitan area. Exists in this area an intense boat traffic, as well as transportation and sale of fuels in floating docks and activities related to the storage and transportation of oil in Miramar Petrochemical Terminal (TEMIR). Small spills and discharges of oil in water can serve as sources of pollution by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are organic compounds generated by incomplete combustion of organic matter (OM) and are among the contaminants of most interest in environmental studies due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. One way to detect and evaluate the impact of PAHs in an environment is using biomonitors, however the qualitative and quantitative analysis in sediments are most widely used. This study aimed to evaluate, by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), the 16 PAHs considered as priority by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States in sediments and benthic organisms (Namalicastys abiuma) of TEMIR. Field expeditions were carried out in December 2012, March, May and June 2013 representing the dried, wet (two samples) and dried seasons successively. Fine sediments levels dominated in both sampling periods and the %Fines in Guajará bays has a direct relationship to the %OM. In relation to the 16 PAHs studied, 10 of them were detected in the wet season sediments samples and 8 in the dried season. Even with a low diversity of aromatic compounds, sediment samples of the dried season presented greater ΣHPAs (1.351,43 ng g-1) than the sediments of the wet season (263,99 ng g-1), which can be related to the increased hydrodynamic in Guajará bay this last period. Correlation analysis indicated that ΣHPAs not seem to be influenced by %Fine and %OM. Benzo(a)pyrene accounted for 87% of ΣHPAs during the wet season, the other PAHs showed percentage ≤ 3%. During the other period stood out: pyrene (18% of ΣHPAs) fluoranthene (16%), the chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene (15%) and benzo(a)pyrene (11%). The use of the geochemical reason to interpret likely sources of PAHs indicated that there is a predominance of aromatics from pyrolytic origin in TEMIR. The activities that may be responsible for the PAHs levels observed in sediments and benthic organisms in TEMIR are the discharge of untreated domestic sewage and the emissions of particulates from cars and small/medium boats. The ΣHPAs seems to influence the density of polychaetes because a reduction of about 50% in the number of organisms was observed during the dry season when there was the greater amount of ΣHPAs in their body structure. Among the 16 PAHs studied, 11 were detected in the polychaetes during the dry season (ΣHPAsMED = 848,71 ng g-1) and 10 in the wet season (ΣHPAsMED = 141,85 ng g-1). Were highlighted during the dried season: indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene (47%) and pyrene (23%). While in the wet season: pyrene (23%), chrysene (17%), fluorene (17%) and fluoranthene (13%). The %Rec obtained was >>100% indicating a matrix effect and reducing the quantitative accuracy of results. The use of the polychaete N. abiuma as biomonitor of pollution by PAHs in estuaries not seem to be effective when the sample period is limited, because collecting it requires a great effort to obtain a small amount of mass and it still results in a matrix effect in the chromatographic analysis (method %Rec >> 100%) that may not be corrected due to the restricted availability of sample mass. Studies with a larger number of samples, enabling depth statistical analysis, and covering other collection points in Guajará bay are required to prove mathematically that has been stated in this dissertation.


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The development of new electroluminescence polymers for specific colour tuning in Polymer Light Emitting Devices (PLEDs) is currently one of the most important fields for organic electronics. This work reports a synthesis of a new electroluminescent polymer and the concomitant test as PLED emissive layer. The polymer, synthesised from fluorene, is poly(9,9`-n-dihexil-2,7-fluorenodiilvinylene-alt-2,5thiophene) or PFT The luminescence shows large bands with maxima around 480 nm in absorption and 560 nm in emission. The device was made in a three layer structure, with PEDOT:PSS as hole transport layer, PFT as emissive layer and butyl-PBD as electron transport layer. The electroluminescence spectrum shows a strong band peaked at 540 nm. For an applied voltage of 12 Volt, the brightness at normal angle of viewing is near 10 cd/m(2) and the luminous efficiency is of 0.01 lm/W. A discussion about carrier transport and the electroluminescence properties is made.


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Fluorene-based systems have shown great potential as components in organic electronics and optoelectronics (organic photovoltaics, OPVs, organic light emitting diodes, OLEDs, and organic transistors, OTFTs). These systems have drawn attention primarily because they exhibit strong blue emission associated with relatively good thermal stability. It is well-known that the electronic properties of polymers are directly related to the molecular conformations and chain packing of polymers. Here, we used three oligofluorenes (trimer, pentamer, and heptamer) as model systems to theoretically investigate the conformational properties of fluorene molecules, starting with the identification of preferred conformations. The hybrid exchange correlation functional, OPBE, and ZINDO/S-CI showed that each oligomer exhibits a tendency to adopt a specific chain arrangement, which could be distinguished by comparing their UV/vis electronic absorption and C-13 NMR spectra. This feature was used to identify the preferred conformation of the oligomer chains in chloroform-cast films by comparing experimental and theoretical UV/vis and C-13 NMR spectra. Moreover, the oligomer chain packing and dynamics in the films were studied by DSC and several solid state NMR techniques, which indicated that the phase behavior of the films may be influenced by the tendency that each oligomeric chain has to adopt a given conformation.