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There are many wireless sensor network(WSN) applications which require reliable data transfer between the nodes. Several techniques including link level retransmission, error correction methods and hybrid Automatic Repeat re- Quest(ARQ) were introduced into the wireless sensor networks for ensuring reliability. In this paper, we use Automatic reSend request(ASQ) technique with regular acknowledgement to design reliable end-to-end communication protocol, called Adaptive Reliable Transport(ARTP) protocol, for WSNs. Besides ensuring reliability, objective of ARTP protocol is to ensure message stream FIFO at the receiver side instead of the byte stream FIFO used in TCP/IP protocol suite. To realize this objective, a new protocol stack has been used in the ARTP protocol. The ARTP protocol saves energy without affecting the throughput by sending three different types of acknowledgements, viz. ACK, NACK and FNACK with semantics different from that existing in the literature currently and adapting to the network conditions. Additionally, the protocol controls flow based on the receiver's feedback and congestion by holding ACK messages. To the best of our knowledge, there has been little or no attempt to build a receiver controlled regularly acknowledged reliable communication protocol. We have carried out extensive simulation studies of our protocol using Castalia simulator, and the study shows that our protocol performs better than related protocols in wireless/wire line networks, in terms of throughput and energy efficiency.


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Recession flows in a basin are controlled by the temporal evolution of its active drainage network (ADN). The geomorphological recession flow model (GRFM) assumes that both the rate of flow generation per unit ADN length (q) and the speed at which ADN heads move downstream (c) remain constant during a recession event. Thereby, it connects the power law exponent of -dQ/dt versus Q (discharge at the outlet at time t) curve, , with the structure of the drainage network, a fixed entity. In this study, we first reformulate the GRFM for Horton-Strahler networks and show that the geomorphic ((g)) is equal to D/(D-1), where D is the fractal dimension of the drainage network. We then propose a more general recession flow model by expressing both q and c as functions of Horton-Strahler stream order. We show that it is possible to have = (g) for a recession event even when q and c do not remain constant. The modified GRFM suggests that is controlled by the spatial distribution of subsurface storage within the basin. By analyzing streamflow data from 39 U.S. Geological Survey basins, we show that is having a power law relationship with recession curve peak, which indicates that the spatial distribution of subsurface storage varies across recession events. Key Points The GRFM is reformulated for Horton-Strahler networks. The GRFM is modified by allowing its parameters to vary along streams. Sub-surface storage distribution controls recession flow characteristics.


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Complexity of mufflers generally introduces considerable pressure drop, which affects the engine performance adversely. Not much literature is available for pressure drop across perforates. In this paper, the stagnation pressure drop across perforated muffler elements has been measured experimentally and generalized expressions have been developed for the pressure loss across cross-flow expansion and cross-flow contraction elements. A flow resistance model available in the literature has been made use of to analytically determine the flow distribution and thereby the pressure drop of mufflers. A generalized expression has been derived here for evaluation of the equivalent flow resistance for parallel flow paths. Expressions for flow resistance across perforated elements, derived by means of flow experiments, have been implemented in the flow resistance network. The results have been validated with experimental data. Thus, the newly developed integrated flow resistance networks would enable us to determine the normalized stagnation pressure drop of commercial automotive mufflers, thus enabling an efficient flow-acoustic design of silencing systems.


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Metabolism is a defining feature of life, and its study is important to understand how a cell works, alterations that lead to disease and for applications in drug discovery. From a systems perspective, metabolism can be represented as a network that captures all the metabolites as nodes and the inter-conversions among pairs of them as edges. Such an abstraction enables the networks to be studied by applying graph theory, particularly, to infer the flow of chemical information in the networks by identifying relevant metabolic pathways. In this study, different weighting schemes are used to illustrate that appropriately weighted networks can capture the quantitative cellular dynamics quite accurately. Thus, the networks now combine the elegance and simplicity of representation of the system and ease of analysing metabolic graphs. Metabolic routes or paths determined by this therefore are likely to be more biologically meaningful. The usefulness of the approach is demonstrated with two examples, first for understanding bacterial stress response and second for studying metabolic alterations that occurs in cancer cells.


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Attempts to model any present or future power grid face a huge challenge because a power grid is a complex system, with feedback and multi-agent behaviors, integrated by generation, distribution, storage and consumption systems, using various control and automation computing systems to manage electricity flows. Our approach to modeling is to build upon an established model of the low voltage electricity network which is tested and proven, by extending it to a generalized energy model. But, in order to address the crucial issues of energy efficiency, additional processes like energy conversion and storage, and further energy carriers, such as gas, heat, etc., besides the traditional electrical one, must be considered. Therefore a more powerful model, provided with enhanced nodes or conversion points, able to deal with multidimensional flows, is being required. This article addresses the issue of modeling a local multi-carrier energy network. This problem can be considered as an extension of modeling a low voltage distribution network located at some urban or rural geographic area. But instead of using an external power flow analysis package to do the power flow calculations, as used in electric networks, in this work we integrate a multiagent algorithm to perform the task, in a concurrent way to the other simulation tasks, and not only for the electric fluid but also for a number of additional energy carriers. As the model is mainly focused in system operation, generation and load models are not developed.


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In our previous work, bone cell networks with controlled spacing and functional intercellular gap junctions had been successfully established by using microcontact printing and self assembled monolayers technologies [Guo, X. E., E. Takai, X. Jiang, Q. Xu, G. M. Whitesides, J. T. Yardley, C. T. Hung, E. M. Chow, T. Hantschel, and K. D. Costa. Mol. Cell. Biomech. 3:95-107, 2006]. The present study investigated the calcium response and the underlying signaling pathways in patterned bone cell networks exposed to a steady fluid flow. The glass slides with cell networks were separated into eight groups for treatment with specific pharmacological agents that inhibit pathways significant in bone cell calcium signaling. The calcium transients of the network were recorded and quantitatively evaluated with a set of network parameters. The results showed that 18 alpha-GA (gap junction blocker), suramin (ATP inhibitor), and thapsigargin (depleting intracellular calcium stores) significantly reduced the occurrence of multiple calcium peaks, which were visually obvious in the untreated group. The number of responsive peaks also decreased slightly yet significantly when either the COX-2/PGE(2) or the NOS/nitric oxide pathway was disrupted. Different from all other groups, cells treated with 18 alpha-GA maintained a high concentration of intracellular calcium following the first peak. In the absence of calcium in the culture medium, the intracellular calcium concentration decreased slowly with fluid flow without any calcium transients observed. These findings have identified important factors in the flow mediated calcium signaling of bone cells within a patterned network.


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The current power grid is on the cusp of modernization due to the emergence of distributed generation and controllable loads, as well as renewable energy. On one hand, distributed and renewable generation is volatile and difficult to dispatch. On the other hand, controllable loads provide significant potential for compensating for the uncertainties. In a future grid where there are thousands or millions of controllable loads and a large portion of the generation comes from volatile sources like wind and solar, distributed control that shifts or reduces the power consumption of electric loads in a reliable and economic way would be highly valuable.

Load control needs to be conducted with network awareness. Otherwise, voltage violations and overloading of circuit devices are likely. To model these effects, network power flows and voltages have to be considered explicitly. However, the physical laws that determine power flows and voltages are nonlinear. Furthermore, while distributed generation and controllable loads are mostly located in distribution networks that are multiphase and radial, most of the power flow studies focus on single-phase networks.

This thesis focuses on distributed load control in multiphase radial distribution networks. In particular, we first study distributed load control without considering network constraints, and then consider network-aware distributed load control.

Distributed implementation of load control is the main challenge if network constraints can be ignored. In this case, we first ignore the uncertainties in renewable generation and load arrivals, and propose a distributed load control algorithm, Algorithm 1, that optimally schedules the deferrable loads to shape the net electricity demand. Deferrable loads refer to loads whose total energy consumption is fixed, but energy usage can be shifted over time in response to network conditions. Algorithm 1 is a distributed gradient decent algorithm, and empirically converges to optimal deferrable load schedules within 15 iterations.

We then extend Algorithm 1 to a real-time setup where deferrable loads arrive over time, and only imprecise predictions about future renewable generation and load are available at the time of decision making. The real-time algorithm Algorithm 2 is based on model-predictive control: Algorithm 2 uses updated predictions on renewable generation as the true values, and computes a pseudo load to simulate future deferrable load. The pseudo load consumes 0 power at the current time step, and its total energy consumption equals the expectation of future deferrable load total energy request.

Network constraints, e.g., transformer loading constraints and voltage regulation constraints, bring significant challenge to the load control problem since power flows and voltages are governed by nonlinear physical laws. Remarkably, distribution networks are usually multiphase and radial. Two approaches are explored to overcome this challenge: one based on convex relaxation and the other that seeks a locally optimal load schedule.

To explore the convex relaxation approach, a novel but equivalent power flow model, the branch flow model, is developed, and a semidefinite programming relaxation, called BFM-SDP, is obtained using the branch flow model. BFM-SDP is mathematically equivalent to a standard convex relaxation proposed in the literature, but numerically is much more stable. Empirical studies show that BFM-SDP is numerically exact for the IEEE 13-, 34-, 37-, 123-bus networks and a real-world 2065-bus network, while the standard convex relaxation is numerically exact for only two of these networks.

Theoretical guarantees on the exactness of convex relaxations are provided for two types of networks: single-phase radial alternative-current (AC) networks, and single-phase mesh direct-current (DC) networks. In particular, for single-phase radial AC networks, we prove that a second-order cone program (SOCP) relaxation is exact if voltage upper bounds are not binding; we also modify the optimal load control problem so that its SOCP relaxation is always exact. For single-phase mesh DC networks, we prove that an SOCP relaxation is exact if 1) voltage upper bounds are not binding, or 2) voltage upper bounds are uniform and power injection lower bounds are strictly negative; we also modify the optimal load control problem so that its SOCP relaxation is always exact.

To seek a locally optimal load schedule, a distributed gradient-decent algorithm, Algorithm 9, is proposed. The suboptimality gap of the algorithm is rigorously characterized and close to 0 for practical networks. Furthermore, unlike the convex relaxation approach, Algorithm 9 ensures a feasible solution. The gradients used in Algorithm 9 are estimated based on a linear approximation of the power flow, which is derived with the following assumptions: 1) line losses are negligible; and 2) voltages are reasonably balanced. Both assumptions are satisfied in practical distribution networks. Empirical results show that Algorithm 9 obtains 70+ times speed up over the convex relaxation approach, at the cost of a suboptimality within numerical precision.


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Water service providers (WSPs) in the UK have statutory obligations to supply drinking water to all customers that complies with increasingly stringent water quality regulations and minimum flow and pressure criteria. At the same time, the industry is required by regulators and investors to demonstrate increasing operational efficiency and to meet a wide range of performance criteria that are expected to improve year-on-year. Most WSPs have an ideal for improving the operation of their water supply systems based on increased knowledge and understanding of their assets and a shift to proactive management followed by steadily increasing degrees of system monitoring, automation and optimisation. The fundamental mission is, however, to ensure security of supply, with no interruptions and water quality of the highest standard at the tap. Unfortunately, advanced technologies required to fully understand, manage and automate water supply system operation either do not yet exist, are only partially evolved, or have not yet been reliably proven for live water distribution systems. It is this deficiency that the project NEPTUNE seeks to address by carrying out research into 3 main areas; these are: data and knowledge management; pressure management (including energy management); and the associated complex decision support systems on which to base interventions. The 3-year project started in April of 2007 and has already resulted in a number of research findings under the three main research priority areas (RPA). The paper summarises in greater detail the overall project objectives, the RPA activities and the areas of research innovation that are being undertaken in this major, UK collaborative study. Copyright 2009 ASCE.


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This paper describes a computational study of lean premixed high pressure methane-air flames, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) together with a reactor network approach. A detailed chemical reaction mechanism is employed to predict pollutant concentrations, placing emphasis on nitrogen oxide emissions. The reacting flow field is divided into separate zones in which homogeneity of the physical and chemical conditions prevails. The defined zones are interconnected forming an Equivalent Reactor Network (ERN). Three flames are examined for which experimental data is available. Flame A is characterised by an equivalence ratio of 0.43 while Flames B and C are richer with equivalence ratios of 0.5 and 0.56 respectively. Computations are performed for a range of operating conditions, quantifying the effect in the emitted NOx levels. Model predictions are compared against the available experimental data. Sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the effect of the network size, in order to define the optimum number of reactors for accurate predictions of the species mass fractions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper addresses the design of mobile sensor networks for optimal data collection. The development is strongly motivated by the application to adaptive ocean sampling for an autonomous ocean observing and prediction system. A performance metric, used to derive optimal paths for the network of mobile sensors, defines the optimal data set as one which minimizes error in a model estimate of the sampled field. Feedback control laws are presented that stably coordinate sensors on structured tracks that have been optimized over a minimal set of parameters. Optimal, closed-loop solutions are computed in a number of low-dimensional cases to illustrate the methodology. Robustness of the performance to the influence of a steady flow field on relatively slow-moving mobile sensors is also explored © 2006 IEEE.


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Osteocytes respond to dynamic fluid shear loading by activating various biochemical pathways, mediating a dynamic process of bone formation and resorption. Whole-cell deformation and regional deformation of the cytoskeleton may be able to directly regulate this process. Attempts to image cellular deformation by conventional microscopy techniques have been hindered by low temporal or spatial resolution. In this study, we developed a quasi-three-dimensional microscopy technique that enabled us to simultaneously visualize an osteocyte's traditional bottom-view profile and a side-view profile at high temporal resolution. Quantitative analysis of the plasma membrane and either the intracellular actin or microtubule (MT) cytoskeletal networks provided characterization of their deformations over time. Although no volumetric dilatation of the whole cell was observed under flow, both the actin and MT networks experienced primarily tensile strains in all measured strain components. Regional heterogeneity in the strain field of normal strains was observed in the actin networks, especially in the leading edge to flow, but not in the MT networks. In contrast, side-view shear strains exhibited similar subcellular distribution patterns in both networks. Disruption of MT networks caused actin normal strains to decrease, whereas actin disruption had little effect on the MT network strains, highlighting the networks' mechanical interactions in osteocytes.


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A slab optical waveguide (SOWG) has been used for study of adsorption of both methylene blue (MB) and new methylene blue (NMB) in liquid-solid interface. Adsorption characteristics of MB and NMB on both bare SOWG and silanized SOWG by octadecyltrichlorosilane (ODS) were compared. The simultaneous determinations of both MB and NMB were explored by flow injection SOWG spectrophotometric analysis and artificial neural networks (ANNs) for the first time. Concentrations of MB and NMB were estimated simultaneously with the ANNs. Results obtained with SOWG were compared with those got by conventional UV-visible spectrophotometry. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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A number of recent studies have pointed out that TCP's performance over ATM networks tends to suffer, especially under congestion and switch buffer limitations. Switch-level enhancements and link-level flow control have been proposed to improve TCP's performance in ATM networks. Selective Cell Discard (SCD) and Early Packet Discard (EPD) ensure that partial packets are discarded from the network "as early as possible", thus reducing wasted bandwidth. While such techniques improve the achievable throughput, their effectiveness tends to degrade in multi-hop networks. In this paper, we introduce Lazy Packet Discard (LPD), an AAL-level enhancement that improves effective throughput, reduces response time, and minimizes wasted bandwidth for TCP/IP over ATM. In contrast to the SCD and EPD policies, LPD delays as much as possible the removal from the network of cells belonging to a partially communicated packet. We outline the implementation of LPD and show the performance advantage of TCP/LPD, compared to plain TCP and TCP/EPD through analysis and simulations.


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The distribution and movement of water can influence the state and dynamics of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems through a diversity of mechanisms. These mechanisms can be organized into three general categories wherein water acts as (1) a resource or habitat for biota, (2) a vector for connectivity and exchange of energy, materials, and organisms, and (3) as an agent of geomorphic change and disturbance. These latter two roles are highlighted in current models, which emphasize hydrologic connectivity and geomorphic change as determinants of the spatial and temporal distributions of species and processes in river systems. Water availability, on the other hand, has received less attention as a driver of ecological pattern, despite the prevalence of intermittent streams, and strong potential for environmental change to alter the spatial extent of drying in many regions. Here we summarize long-term research from a Sonoran Desert watershed to illustrate how spatial patterns of ecosystem structure and functioning reflect shifts in the relative importance of different 'roles of water' across scales of drainage size. These roles are distributed and interact hierarchically in the landscape, and for the bulk of the drainage network it is the duration of water availability that represents the primary determinant of ecological processes. Only for the largest catchments, with the most permanent flow regimes, do flood-associated disturbances and hydrologic exchange emerge as important drivers of local dynamics. While desert basins represent an extreme case, the diversity of mechanisms by which the availability and flow of water influence ecosystem structure and functioning are general. Predicting how river ecosystems may respond to future environmental pressures will require clear understanding of how changes in the spatial extent and relative overlap of these different roles of water shape ecological patterns. © 2013 Sponseller et al.


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This study described the drug release, rheological (dynamic and flow) and textural/mechanical properties of a series of formulations composed of 15% w/w polymethylvinylether-co-maleic anhydride (PMVE-MA), 0-9% w/w polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and containing 1-5% w/w tetracycline hydrochloride, designed for the treatment of periodontal disease. All formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow with minimal thixotropy. Increasing the concentration of PVP sequentially increased the zero-rate viscosity (derived from the Cross model) and the hardness and compressibility of the formulations (derived from texture profile analysis). These affects may be accredited to increased polymer entanglement and, in light of the observed synergy between the two polymers with respect to their textural and rheological properties, interaction between PVP and PMVE-MA. Increasing the concentration of PVP increased the storage and loss moduli yet decreased the loss tangent of all formulations, indicative of increased elastic behaviour. Synergy between the two polymers with respect to their viscoelastic properties was observed. Increased adhesiveness, associated with increased concentrations of PVP was ascribed to the increasing bioadhesion and tack of the formulations. The effect of increasing drug concentration on the rheological and textural properties was dependent on PVP concentration. At lower concentrations (0, 3% w/w) no effect was observed whereas, in the presence of 9% w/w PVP, increasing drug concentration increased formulation elasticity, zero rate viscosity, hardness and compressibility. These observations were ascribed to the greater mass of suspended drug in formulations containing the highest concentration of PVP. Drug release from formulations containing 6 and 9% PVP (and 5% w/w drug) was prolonged and swelling/diffusion controlled. Based on the drug release, rheological and textural properties, it is suggested that the formulation containing 15% w/w PMVE-MA, 6% w/w PVP and tetracycline hydrochloride (5% w/w) may be useful for the treatment of periodontal disease.