938 resultados para Floors, Concrete
This work studies the effect of incorporating fine recycled aggregates on the rheology of self-compacting concrete over time (at 15,45 and 90 min). The fine fraction of the natural aggregates was replaced at 0%, 20%, 50% and 100% with recycled sand. The fresh-state properties were studied by empirical tests (slump-flow, J-Ring, L-Box) and fundamental ones in an ICAR rheometer. The mixes with 50% and 100% recycled sand lost their SCC characteristics at 90 min. Contrarily the mix with 20% replacement maintained suitable passing and filling ability. The causes of this trend were an initial increase of plastic viscosity and afterwards an increase of yield stress. The compressive strength of the 50% and 100% replacement mixes decreased significantly and that of the 20% replacement mix less than 10%. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The basic objective of this work is to evaluate the durability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) produced in binary and ternary mixes using fly ash (FA) and limestone filler (LF) as partial replacement of cement. The main characteristics that set SCC apart from conventional concrete (fundamentally its fresh state behaviour) essentially depend on the greater or lesser content of various constituents, namely: greater mortar volume (more ultrafine material in the form of cement and mineral additions); proper control of the maximum size of the coarse aggregate; use of admixtures such as superplasticizers. Significant amounts of mineral additions are thus incorporated to partially replace cement, in order to improve the workability of the concrete. These mineral additions necessarily affect the concrete’s microstructure and its durability. Therefore, notwithstanding the many well-documented and acknowledged advantages of SCC, a better understanding its behaviour is still required, in particular when its composition includes significant amounts of mineral additions. An ambitious working plan was devised: first, the SCC’s microstructure was studied and characterized and afterwards the main transport and degradation mechanisms of the SCC produced were studied and characterized by means of SEM image analysis, chloride migration, electrical resistivity, and carbonation tests. It was then possible to draw conclusions about the SCC’s durability. The properties studied are strongly affected by the type and content of the additions. Also, the use of ternary mixes proved to be extremely favourable, confirming the expected beneficial effect of the synergy between LF and FA. © 2015 RILEM.
This work intends to evaluate the (mechanical and durability) performance of concrete made with coarse recycled concrete aggregates (CRCA) obtained using two crushing processes: primary crushing (PC) and primary plus secondary crushing (PSC). This analysis intends to select the most efficient production process of recycled aggregates (RA). The RA used here resulted from precast products (P), with strength classes of 20 MPa, 45 MPa and 65 MPa, and from laboratory-made concrete (L) with the same compressive strengths. The evaluation of concrete was made with the following tests: compressive strength; splitting tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; carbona-tion resistance; chloride penetration resistance; capillary water absorption; and water absorption by immersion. These findings contribute to a solid and innovative basis that allows the precasting industry to use without restrictions the waste it generates. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
The objective of this research is the production of concrete with recycled aggregates (RA) from various CDW plants around Portugal. The influence of the RA collection location and consequently of their composition on the characteristics of the concrete produced was analysed. In the mixes produced in this research RA from five plants (Valnor, Vimajas, Ambilei, Europontal and Retria) were used: in three of them coarse and fine RA were analysed and in the remaining ones only coarse RA were used. The experimental campaign comprised two tests in fresh concrete (cone of Abrams slump and density) and eight in hardened concrete (compressive strength in cubes and cylinders, splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption by immersion and capillarity, carbonation and chloride penetration resistance). It was found that the use of RA causes a quality decrease in concrete. However, there was a wide results scatter according to the plant where the RAs were collected, because of the variation in composition of the RA. It was also found that the use of fine RA causes a more significant performance loss of the concrete properties analysed than the use of coarse RA. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
Durante séculos a madeira foi dos materiais mais privilegiados e usados na construção. Ainda hoje, existem construções antigas em madeira em bom estado de conservação e que, desempenham as suas funções adequadamente. Com o aparecimento do betão e do aço, os projetistas deixaram de usar este tipo de estruturas. Isto provocou um desinteresse na indústria da madeira, adiando a criação de regulamentos e normas relativamente às exigências funcionais deste tipo de estruturas. Com a necessidade da reabilitação do património edificado, verifica-se uma inversão desta tendência, devido às edificações no centro histórico serem constituídas por estruturas de madeira, essencialmente os pavimentos e coberturas. Na maioria das vezes estas estruturas apresentam um elevado nível de degradação e a solução mais rentável é demolir. Os pavimentos de madeira são então substituídos por lajes aligeiradas ou de betão armado provocando alterações estruturais inadequadas nas fachadas a manter. Pretende-se com esta dissertação mostrar as potencialidades dos pavimentos de madeira e assim incentivar ao seu uso, principalmente nas áreas a reabilitar. São analisados todos os regulamentos e normas aplicáveis às exigências estruturais, térmicas, acústicas e contra incêndio dos pavimentos de madeira. A análise da normalização aplicável vai ser sintetizada, ou seja, só vão ser referidos os aspetos a ter em conta para a verificação das exigências funcionais em pavimentos de madeira. A aplicação dos conceitos e das verificações necessárias são aplicadas a um pavimento de madeira a ser construído na parcela C4 do Quarteirão das Cardosas. Os resultados obtidos neste caso de estudo são encorajadores, e abrem uma perspetiva das potencialidades que este sistema construtivo apresenta.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-17
Short Term Scienti c Mission, COST ACTION TU-0601
This work is a contribution to the definition and assessment of structural robustness. Special emphasis is given to reliability of reinforced concrete structures under corrosion of longitudinal reinforcement. On this communication several authors’ proposals in order to define and measure structural robustness are analyzed and discussed. The probabilistic based robustness index is defined, considering the reliability index decreasing for all possible damage levels. Damage is considered as the corrosion level of the longitudinal reinforcement in terms of rebar weight loss. Damage produces changes in both cross sectional area of rebar and bond strength. The proposed methodology is illustrated by means of an application example. In order to consider the impact of reinforcement corrosion on failure probability growth, an advanced methodology based on the strong discontinuities approach and an isotropic continuum damage model for concrete is adopted. The methodology consist on a two-step analysis: on the first step an analysis of the cross section is performed in order to capture phenomena such as expansion of the reinforcement due to the corrosion products accumulation and damage and cracking in the reinforcement surrounding concrete; on the second step a 2D deteriorated structural model is built with the results obtained on the first step of the analysis. The referred methodology combined with a Monte Carlo simulation is then used to compute the failure probability and the reliability index of the structure for different corrosion levels. Finally, structural robustness is assessed using the proposed probabilistic index.
Corrosion of reinforcement bars in concrete structures is the most significant deterioration mechanism in these structures. Corrosion is extremely difficult to predict and, consequently, can be regarded as an unpredictable event. Following this, robustness assessment methods can be employed to define the susceptibility of a structure to corrosion. In this work, robustness is measured in terms of the remaining safety of a deteriorated structure. The proposed methodology is illustrated by means of a reinforced concrete (RC) slab subjected to dead and live loads. The performance of the corroded slab is evaluated using non-linear analysis. The reliability index is adopted to assess the safety of the deteriorated structure. To compute the reliability index a strategy combining the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) and the Response Surface Method (RSM) is used.
Proceedings IGLC-19, July 2011, Lima, Perú
International Seminar on Seismic Risk and Rehabilitation of Stone Masonry Housing, Azores, Portugal, 1998
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil
Seismic events are a major factor to consider in structural design of buildings in many countries. With the purpose of saving lives, most of the design codes lead to structural solutions that withstand large seismic actions without collapsing, but without taking into account a possible usage of the structures after the earthquake. As a result, it is necessary to consider the time needed to repair/retrofit the damaged structures (i.e. the downtime) since this period of inactivity may result in huge financial implications for the occupants of the buildings. In order to minimise the damages and simplify repair operations, structural solutions with rocking systems and negligible residual displacements have been developed during the last two decades. Systems with precast concrete rocking walls were studied with the aim of investigat- ing suitable and convenient structural alternatives to minimise the damage in case of an earthquake. Experimental, numerical and analytical analyses on post-tensioned solutions, with and without energy dissipation devices, were carried out in this research. The energy dissipation devices were made from steel angles that were further developed during the research. Different solutions for these devices were experimentally tested under cyclic loading and the results are presented. Numerical and analytical work on steel angles was also carried out. Regarding the concrete rocking wall systems, two concrete rocking wall systems were studied: post-tensioned walls and post-tensioned walls with energy dissipation devices. In the latter, the solution was to fix them externally to the wall, allowing their easy replacement after an earthquake. It is shown that the dissipaters are a viable solution for use in precast concrete rocking wall systems. A building case study is presented. The comparison between a traditional monolithic system and a hybrid solution was carried out, allowing the evaluation of the efficiency of the solution that was developed.