244 resultados para Flock


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Mudanças de nicho entre ilhas e continente, ou entre diferentes ilhas, incluem expansões de habitat e faixas mais amplas de estratos verticais de forrageamento. Organismos estão geralmente aptos a explorar apenas uma porção dos recursos que se encontra disponível no ambiente. A maneira como partilham esses recursos, além de definir seu nicho ecológico, pode indicar como as interações entre as espécies influenciam na estrutura da comunidade. Estas espécies, por sua vez, encontram-se associadas por suas relações de alimentação. Entre aves, diferentes espécies se associam para explorar recursos alimentares em agregações como a de espécies que seguem correição de formigas ou em bandos mistos. A associação de aves a bandos mistos tem sido relacionada à diminuição da predação e aumento da eficiência do forrageamento. Nesse tipo de associação, as espécies são categorizadas de acordo com a sua frequência e importância, e podem contribuir com a formação, coesão e manutenção do bando. O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar o comportamento de forrageamento de Xiphorhynchus fuscus entre áreas de Mata Atlântica de ilha e continente a fim de investigar se existem diferenças em decorrência do isolamento. Foram realizadas transecções e observado o comportamento de forrageamento da espécie entre áreas de ilha e continente adjacente. Os resultados mostram uma diferença nos uso dos estratos verticais entre ilha e continente e entre indivíduos forrageando solitários e em bandos mistos de aves. A maior amplitude dos estratos verticais na ilha e a restrição deles no continente pela espécie, ao forragear solitariamente, indicam um provável efeito relacionado à competição. As diferenças entre o uso dos estratos verticais entre ilha e continente indicam a influência da composição das espécies em bandos mistos no estrato vertical utilizado por X. fuscus quando associado a estes. A menor adesão de X. fuscus a bandos mistos em ilha indica que a ausência de espécies de aves consideradas responsáveis pela associação das espécies e sua manutenção em bandos mistos seja responsável pela diferença encontrada em relação ao continente. Portanto, a diferença entre o número de espécies entre ilha e continente (com menor número na ilha) parece ser preponderante na utilização dos estratos verticais de forrageamento por X. fuscus estando ele associado a bandos mistos ou não


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The purpose of this project is to model seabird flock size data to provide recommendations to the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management for offshore wind turbine placement. Our hypothesis is that ecological characteristics influence which statistical distribution will provide the best fit to seabird flock size data. To test this, seabird species can be grouped based on shared ecological traits, such as foraging mechanism or diet.


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下载PDF阅读器2004年10月-2005年5月,在云南纳帕海自然保护区采用定点扫描法对越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的集群类犁和集群大小进行了观察.结果表明黑颈鹤夜间集群夜栖,形成较大的夜栖群,平均群体大小为67.9只(16-157,n=17):按照有无灰鹤加入,又将其分为同种集群和混种集群两种类型,其中同种集群的黑颈鹤数量占整个越冬种群的65.3%.在白昼,黑颈鹤以家庭鹤、集群鹤及特殊群体3种类型活动,家庭鹤和集群鹤的平均大小分别为2.7只(2-4,n=145)和16.1只(3-65,n=1017).黑颈鹤的集群大小并不稳定,在日内和月份间均有明显变化(P=0.000<0.05).存越冬期,最大集群形成于12月,其次为11月和1月;在日内,早上8时集群最大,随后减小并保持相对稳定,18时黑颈鹤开始向夜栖地靠拢,使得集群再次开始增大.随后观察中还发现,黑颈鹤的家庭解体过程开始于3月底,当幼鹤被成鹤驱逐离群后,逐渐加入集群鹤活动,从而使得家庭鹤和集群鹤的大小和组成发生改变.黑颈鹤的集群大小和组成受自身状况、种内关系、天气、食物等多种因素的共同影响,随时间和季节变动而发生变化,是对自身、种群和环境条件变化的综合反映.


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2006年10月2007年5月,在云南省西北部纳帕海,采用路线调查结合瞬时扫描行为取样法,对越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)种群的时间分配及其与年龄、集群和时间的关系进行了观察.结果说明,黑颈鹤越冬活动主要足以觅食为主,占日间时间的(76.81±9.1)%.越冬期间黑颈鹤日间行为的节律性较为明显,具有适应高寒气候的特点.集群形式对成鹤的行为有着显著影响,集群和家庭中活动的成鹤红觅食、警戒和争斗中存在显著差异(F1.76=0.27、0.77,U=2779,P=0.001-0.000).年龄是影响鹤群行为的因素之一.幼鹤相比成鹤有较多的觅食时间和休息时间,警戒行为比例较低(F1.76=0.04-2.59,U=188-2779,P=0.006-0.000),且小受集群形式的影响.随着越冬期间的早、中、晚3个时期的环境变化,黑颁鹤的时间分配有显著变化(F2.36=4.63-26.54,x22=5.29-13.68,P=0.0016-0.000).不同越冬地的黑颈鹤行为存在差异.气候、食物资源和人为影响可能是造成这些差异的主要因素.


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A questionnaire to obtain information on nematode control practices and sheep management was sent to over 1000 farmers in Northern Ireland. Replies were received from 305 flock owners, and data from 252 of them were analysed. Farms were divided into lowland and upland areas. Sizes of pasture and stocking rates on lowland and upland farms were 59.5 hectares, 6.99 sheep/hectare and 62.9 hectares and 10.01 sheep/hectare, respectively. Mean drenching rates for lambs and adults were 2.33 and 2.44, respectively, in lowland flocks and 2.73 and 2.71, respectively, in upland flocks. Between 2008 and 2011, the most frequently identified compounds in use were benzimidazoles and moxidectin in lowland flocks, and benzimidazoles and avermectins in upland flocks. Over the same period the most frequently identified commercial formulations were Tramazole (R), Panacur (R) and Allverm (R) (white drench), Levacide (R) (yellow drench), Oramec (R) (clear drench; avermectin), Cydectin (R) (clear drench; moxidectin) and Monepantel (R) (orange drench).

Most respondents (56.35%) treated their lambs at weaning and the most common time to treat ewes was identified to be pre-mating (67.86% of respondents).

The results of the questionnaire survey revealed that lowland annual drench frequency was 233 and 2.44 in lambs and ewes, respectively, although drench frequencies were higher in upland flocks: 2.73 and 2.71 for lambs and ewes, respectively.

Annual drench rotation was practiced by 43.96% of flock owners, but whether this was true rotation or pseudo-rotation (i.e., substitution of one anthelmintic product by another product belonging to the same chemical group of anthelmintics) could not be explicitly determined. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Overwintering diving ducks at Lough Neagh have declined dramatically in recent years, but it has been suggested that on-to-offshore redistribution may have led to an underestimate of numbers. Most species feed nocturnally and their distribution at night is unknown. We used radar and visual observations from on board commercial sand barges to determine the diurnal distribution of diving duck flocks in an effort to assess the feasibility of using standard
boat-mounted radar to describe their nocturnal feeding distribution. Sand barge radar was poor in identifying flocks compared to independent visual observations as it was sensitive to interference by waves during windy conditions. However, visual observations were useful in describing diurnal distribution. Sand barges were on average 1.5km from shore when a flock of diving ducks was observed and the probability of detection declined with distance from shore. This supports the reliability of shore-based counts in monitoring and surveillance. Given the poor performance of commercially available boatmounted radar systems, we recommend the use of specialised terrestrial Bird Detecting Radar to determine the movements of diving ducks at Lough Neagh.


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Le vétérinaire aide le producteur laitier à garder son troupeau en santé. Lorsqu’une vache est malade, il peut prescrire des antibiotiques. Le cas échéant, le lait de la vache traitée aux antibiotiques est jeté. Il n’est donc pas vendu pour consommation. Tout le lait produit est analysé avant d’être pasteurisé et transformé afin de s’assurer que les produits laitiers ne contiennent pas de résidus d’antibiotiques. Si les analyses indiquent que le lait renferme des traces d’antibiotiques, il est jeté et le producteur en cause doit assumer la perte. Les épreuves de dépistage actuelles de ces résidus médicamenteux sont onéreuses et inapplicables sur le terrain. Pour résoudre cette problématique aux pieds de la vache, la solution proposée dans ce projet est la fabrication d’un kit de détection basé sur les polymères à empreinte moléculaire. Il s’agit de polymères dont la conformation moléculaire est complémentaire à celle des antibiotiques. Dans ce projet, il est question d’améliorer l’efficacité des épreuves de dépistages des résidus de tétracyclines en augmentant le nombre de sites d’interaction entre l’antibiotique et des polyesters. Trois polymères sont utilisés portant respectivement des groupements aromatiques, carboxyliques et hydroxyles. Une étude antérieure dans notre laboratoire avait déjà donné un pourcentage de rétention de tétracycline de 50% pour une composition de 1/3 PLAOH- 1/3 PLACOOH- 1/3 PLAOBn. Avec des ajustements, le pourcentage passe à 38.93 % pour une composition de 1/4 PLAOH- 1/2 PLACOOH- 1/4 PLAOPh, de 44.81 % pour une composition de 1/4 PLACOOH- 1/2 PLAOH- 1/4 PLAOPh, de 66.34 %pour une composition de 1/4 PLAOH- 1/4 PLACOOH- 1/2 PLAOPh et de 78.07 % pour une composition de 1/6 PLAOH- 1/6 PLACOOH- 2/3 PLAOPh. Notre hypothèse était que la présence accrue du groupement phényle augmenterait le nombre de sites d’interaction spécifique avec l’antibiotique augmentant ainsi le pourcentage de rétention de l’antibiotique à travers les MIP. Les résultats ont confirmé cette hypothèse.


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En année 408 après J.-C., l’Espagne, malgré sa position péninsulaire à la fin de l’Europe, était intégrée à une culture pan-Méditerranéenne qui s’étendait du Portugal jusqu’à la Syrie. Trois décennies n’étaient pas encore passées depuis l’instauration du Christianisme comme religion de l’état romain et l’Eglise Catholique était en pleine croissance. L’année suivante, l’Espagne entra sur une voie de transformation irrémédiable alors que les païens, avec leurs langues barbares Germaniques franchirent les Pyrénées portant la guerre et la misère aux Hispano-Romains et fondant leurs royaumes là où auparavant gouvernait l’état romain. Dans le désarroi du Ve siècle, les évêques Catholiques luttèrent pour imposer leur dominance dans les communautés et dans les coeurs des pieux. À la lumière des progrès dans l’archéologie et la qualité des éditions critiques de nos sources littéraires est venu le moment d’identifier les évêques ibériques avec une attention aux conditions régionales. Ce mémoire caractérise les évêques de l’Espagne et du Portugal et démontre les épreuves auxquelles ils firent face comme intermédiaires entre indigènes et envahisseurs, comme évangélistes parmi les païens, persécuteurs des apostates et gardiens de la romanitas à la fin du monde Antique.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war, durch Aziridinierung homochiraler 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxinen eine neue Methode zur Synthese von alpha-Aminoaldehyden und den ableitbaren Aminosäuren mit alpha-quartären Zentren zu entwickeln. Die chiralen 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine sind mit hohen Enantiomerenüberschüssen durch asymmetrische Doppelbindungsisomerisierung von 5-Methylen-1,3-dioxanen zugänglich. Die Metall-katalysierte Aziridinierung der 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine mit der Nitrenquelle (N-Tosylimino)phenyliodinan führte direkt zu N-Tosyl-geschützen 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehyden. Vermutlich über ein Aziridin als nicht isolierbare Zwischenstufe werden über eine Ringöffnungs-/Ringverengungsreaktion die Oxazolidinderivate gebildet, vorzugsweise in Gegenwart von Cu(I)-Katalysatoren, während die Rhodium-katalysierte Reaktion ausschließlich zu Insertionsprodukten führt. In der Cu-katalysierten Aziridinierung ist das Verhältnis von Aziridinierung/Insertion abhängig von der Katalysatorkonzentration. Die Aziridinierung mit N-(p-Nitrobenzolsulfonyl)- und N-(Trimethylsilylethylsulfonyl)- substituierten Nitrenquellen führt zu Oxazolidinderivaten mit leichter abspaltbaren Schutzgruppen. Diese Nitrenquellen können in situ aus den korrespondierenden Sulfonamiden mit Iodosobenzol dargestellt werden. Bei dem Einsatz homochiraler 4H-1,3-Dioxine ist Erhalt der Stereoinformation abhängig vom Substituenten in 2-Position der Dioxine sowie von der Polarität des Lösungsmittels. Die höchsten Selektivitäten wurden in tert-Butylmethylether erzielt. In Falle des 2-tert-Butyl-4-methyl-3-(toluol-4-sulfonyl)-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehyds kristallisiert das Hauptdiastereomer in enantiomerenreiner Form. Die Absolutkonfiguration wurde durch Röntgenkristallstrukturanalyse ermittelt. Das Anwendungspotential dieser neuen Methode konnte durch Überführen der Serinale in Aminoalkohole und alpha-Methylserin-Derivate sowie in der Synthese der unnatürlichen Aminosäure alpha-Vinylalanin gezeigt werden.


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Der Vielelektronen Aspekt wird in einteilchenartigen Formulierungen berücksichtigt, entweder in Hartree-Fock Näherung oder unter dem Einschluß der Elektron-Elektron Korrelationen durch die Dichtefunktional Theorie. Da die Physik elektronischer Systeme (Atome, Moleküle, Cluster, Kondensierte Materie, Plasmen) relativistisch ist, habe ich von Anfang an die relativistische 4 Spinor Dirac Theorie eingesetzt, in jüngster Zeit aber, und das wird der hauptfortschritt in den relativistischen Beschreibung durch meine Promotionsarbeit werden, eine ebenfalls voll relativistische, auf dem sogenannten Minimax Prinzip beruhende 2-Spinor Theorie umgesetzt. Im folgenden ist eine kurze Beschreibung meiner Dissertation: Ein wesentlicher Effizienzgewinn in der relativistischen 4-Spinor Dirac Rechnungen konnte durch neuartige singuläre Koordinatentransformationen erreicht werden, so daß sich auch noch für das superschwere Th2 179+ hächste Lösungsgenauigkeiten mit moderatem Computer Aufwand ergaben, und zu zwei weiteren interessanten Veröffentlichungen führten (Publikationsliste). Trotz der damit bereits ermöglichten sehr viel effizienteren relativistischen Berechnung von Molekülen und Clustern blieben diese Rechnungen Größenordnungen aufwendiger als entsprechende nicht-relativistische. Diese behandeln das tatsächliche (relativitische) Verhalten elektronischer Systeme nur näherungsweise richtig, um so besser jedoch, je leichter die beteiligten Atome sind (kleine Kernladungszahl Z). Deshalb habe ich nach einem neuen Formalismus gesucht, der dem möglichst gut Rechnung trägt und trotzdem die Physik richtig relativistisch beschreibt. Dies gelingt durch ein 2-Spinor basierendes Minimax Prinzip: Systeme mit leichten Atomen sind voll relativistisch nunmehr nahezu ähnlich effizient beschrieben wie nicht-relativistisch, was natürlich große Hoffnungen für genaue (d.h. relativistische) Berechnungen weckt. Es ergab sich eine erste grundlegende Veröffentlichung (Publikationsliste). Die Genauigkeit in stark relativistischen Systemen wie Th2 179+ ist ähnlich oder leicht besser als in 4-Spinor Dirac-Formulierung. Die Vorteile der neuen Formulierung gehen aber entscheidend weiter: A. Die neue Minimax Formulierung der Dirac-Gl. ist frei von spuriosen Zuständen und hat keine positronischen Kontaminationen. B. Der Aufwand ist weit reduziert, da nur ein 1/3 der Matrix Elemente gegenüber 4-Spinor noch zu berechnen ist, und alle Matrixdimensionen Faktor 2 kleiner sind. C. Numerisch verhält sich die neue Formulierung ähnlilch gut wie die nichtrelativistische Schrödinger Gleichung (Obwohl es eine exakte Formulierung und keine Näherung der Dirac-Gl. ist), und hat damit bessere Konvergenzeigenschaften als 4-Spinor. Insbesondere die Fehlerwichtung (singulärer und glatter Anteil) ist in 2-Spinor anders, und diese zeigt die guten Extrapolationseigenschaften wie bei der nichtrelativistischen Schrödinger Gleichung. Die Ausweitung des Anwendungsbereichs von (relativistischen) 2-Spinor ist bereits in FEM Dirac-Fock-Slater, mit zwei Beispielen CO und N2, erfolgreich gemacht. Weitere Erweiterungen sind nahezu möglich. Siehe Minmax LCAO Nährung.


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The potential benefit of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus) production is still under-exploited in Kenya despite the efforts by different stakeholders to mainstream this production system as a pathway to rural development. The production system is often characterized by low input-low output productivity and low commercialization of the enterprise. This study which dwells on the current management practices and challenges faced by smallholder indigenous chicken farmers was conducted to gain insights into the underlying causes of production constraints. In Western Kenya women (76%) dominate the indigenous chicken production system. The flock composition consists mainly of chicks, hens and pullets (80%) which reflects their retention for production purposes. Less than half of the farmers access institutional support services such as extension, training, credit and veterinary services. In addition, indigenous chicken is largely reared in a low input-low output free-range system with only few farmers (24.2%) adopting management interventions as disseminated by extension service. To improve production and attain increased productivity, policy should focus on repackaging extension messages that considers farmers economic situations and strengthens collective action initiatives. Accessing joint input purchase and collective marketing of chicken products may further assist the farmers to increase profit margins.


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The diffusion of highly productive breeds across developing countries goes along with a neglect of indigenous breeds, which are well suited to their environment but often show low yields. Thus, in Niger, the flock of Koundoum sheep are rapidly decreasing. The Koundoum is one of the few wool sheep breeds of Africa and shows important adaptive feature to its native environment, i.e. the humid pastures on the banks of the Niger River. To characterise the breed and to understand its production context, a survey has been conducted in 104 herds in four communes along the Niger River (Kollo, Tillabery, Say and Tera). Nine body measurements, including live weight, were taken on 180 adult sheep (101 females and 79 males). The herds varied from 2 to 60 heads, with a median size of eight animals and two thirds of the herds having less than 10 animals. Mainly fed on natural pastures, 85.6% of the herds received crop residues. Only natural mating was practiced. Veterinary care was restricted to anti-helminthic and some indigenous treatments. The frequent affiliation of breeders to professional unions appeared as favourable to the implementation of a collective conservation program. The Koundoum sheep were white or black coated, with the black colour being most frequent (75.6%). Wattles were present in both sexes at similar frequencies of around 14%. All biometric variables were significantly and positively correlated between them. The thoracic perimeter showed the best correlation with live weight in both males and females. Three variables were selected for live weight prediction: thoracic perimeter, height at withers and rump length. From the present study, it is expected that the in situ conservation of the Koundoum sheep will be highly problematic, due to lack of market opportunities for wool and the willingness of smallholders to get involved in pure Koundoum rearing.


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The study aims to analyse factors affecting contributions of goat farming to household economic success and food security in three goat production systems of Ethiopia. A study was conducted in three districts of Ethiopia representing arid agro-pastoral (AAP), semi-arid agro-pastoral (SAAP) and highland mixed crop-livestock (HMCL) systems involving 180 goat keeping households. Gross margin (GM) and net benefit (NB1 and NB2) were used as indicators of economic success of goat keeping. NB1 includes in-kind benefits of goats (consumption and manure), while NB2 additionally constitutes intangible benefits (insurance and finance). Household dietary diversity score (HDDS) was used as a proxy indicator of food security. GM was significantly affected by an off-take rate and flock size interaction (P<0.001). The increment of GM due to increased off-take rate was more prominent for farmers with bigger flocks. Interaction between flock size and production system significantly (P<0.001) affected both NB1 and NB2. The increment of NB1 and NB2 by keeping larger flocks was higher in AAP system, due to higher in-kind and intangible benefits of goats in this system. Effect of goat flock size as a predictor of household dietary diversity was not significant (P>0.05). Nevertheless, a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) was observed between GM from goats and HDDS in AAP system, indicating the indirect role of goat production for food security. The study indicated that extent of utilising tangible and intangible benefits of goats varied among production systems and these differences should be given adequate attention in designing genetic improvement programs.


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In November 2008, Colombian authorities dismantled a network of Ponzi schemes, making hundreds of thousands of investors lose tens of millions of dollars throughout the country. Using original data on the geographical incidence of the Ponzi schemes, this paper estimates the impact of their break down on crime. We find that the crash of Ponzi schemes differentially exacerbated crime in affected districts. Confirming the intuition of the standard economic model of crime, this effect is only present in places with relatively weak judicial and law enforcement institutions, and with little access to consumption smoothing mechanisms such as microcredit. In addition, we show that, with the exception of economically-motivated felonies such as robbery, violent crime is not affected by the negative shock.