696 resultados para Fleuve Noir


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Étude de l'homme noir dans la littérature postcoloniale. Comment cet homme se voit-il dans le roman "La rue Cases-Nègres"?


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The present investigation proposes an approach of light and shadow and their imaginary significations in the images of both German expressionist movie and the American noir movie, whose aesthetic experience is expressed through a contrasting bright/dark photography, loaded with symbolism. The interpretation of the imaginary significations of this imagistic material is based on Gilbert Durand´s imaginary anthropological theories that deal with a myriad of symbols gathered according to their semantic isomorphism and linked to more general structures named as Daily and nightly Image Regime . There come to gravitate, around such regimes, symbols attached to division and purification, ascensional and spectacular, with imaginary significations homological to Light and Good, and symbols associated to night, fall and animalism, isomorphic of Shadow and Evil


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This essay aims at presenting the book Le Cabinet noir of Max Jacob, a book of fictional letters with comments, taking into consideration the moral judgment: right conduct, principles that govern modes of action. This strategy demonstrates the ambiguity of Max Jacob’s project: divided into a certain Catholicism, which he practiced, and avant-garde literature. On the other hand, this study points to the various contradictions such as a certain morality towards the family preservation or friendship, virtues or Christian attitudes and bourgeois conveniences. Finally, it establishes the dimension of desire in face of René Girard’s questionings in the essay Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque.


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The present thesis aims at proving the importance of cultural and literary contexts in the practice of translation: I shall show that, in the case of Northern Irish crime fiction, knowledge of both Northern Irish history and culture as well as of the genre of crime fiction are essential prerequisites for the production of a “responsible” translation. I will therefore offer a brief overview of the history of crime and detective fiction and its main subgenres; some of the most important authors and works will be presented as well, in an analysis that goes from the early years of the genre to the second half of the 20th century. I will then move the focus to Northern Ireland, its culture and its history, and particular attention will be paid to fiction writing in Ireland and Northern Ireland, with a focus on the peculiar phenomenon of “Troubles Trash”. I will tackle the topic of Northern Irish literature and present the contemporary scene of Northern Irish crime fiction; the volume from which the texts for the translation have been taken will be presented, namely Belfast Noir. Subsequently the focus will move on the theoretical framework within which the translations were produced: I will present a literary review of the most significative developments in Translation Studies, with particular attention to the “cultural turn” that has characterised this subject since the 1960s. I will then highlight the phenomenon of “realia” in translation and analyse the approaches of different scholars to the translation of culture-bound references. The final part represents the culmination and practical application of all that was presented in the previous sections: I will discuss the translation of culture-bound references according to the strategies presented in Chapter 4, referring to the proposed translations of two stories. Such analysis aims to show that not only expert linguistic knowledge, but also cultural awareness and a wide literary background are needed in order to make conscious choices in translation.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F03619


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08212


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El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer la adaptación agronómica y la aptitud enológica de tres cultivares tintos de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) Mencía, Pinot noir y Tempranillo en dos situaciones de alimentación hídrica. Para una viticultura sostenible en ambientes de menor oferta hídrica es necesario identificar cultivares con caracteres de tolerancia y de adaptación a la sequia. Para ello, se ha evaluado el desarrollo vegetativo, la fisiología, el rendimiento y sus componentes, los parámetros básicos del mosto en vendimia y el análisis del vino. El parámetro más relevante para evaluar las diferencias vegetativas entre los cultivares fue el potencial hídrico foliar a primera hora de la mañana (9h UTC). En base a estos resultados, el cultivar que mayor crecimiento vegetativo presenta es Tempranillo, no adaptándose a zona cálida. Presenta una elevada eficiencia en el incremento de riego lo que se traduce en un aumento de producción de cosecha. Sin embargo se ve limitado en zonas con restricción hídrica por lo que se aconseja cultivar en zonas más frescas. Mencía tiene comportamiento moderado. Tiene un rendimiento considerable pero sus características enológicas aportan menor pH y menor color que Tempranillo. Sin embargo, Pinot noir aunque produce menos cosecha, tiene un ciclo de cultivo más corto y escaso color. Se recomienda combinarlos con otros cultivares para mitigar sus diferencias. La respuesta frente al déficit hídrico es muy lábil pues un pequeño aporte de agua produce importantes incrementos de cosecha (25%), lo que hace que la vid sea una planta muy eficiente en zonas áridas. Se recomienda un cierto grado de restricción en la alimentación hídrica para obtener un mayor contenido en compuestos fenólicos. El régimen hídrico influyó en el contenido de polifenoles y en el color del vino, pero no así en los parámetros básicos delmosto.