971 resultados para Fibre nonlinearity


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A-DNA pattern, obtained using a flat plat camera, was indexed by Fuller Image on the basis of a c-face centred monoclinic cell with A = 22.24 Å, B = 40.62 Å, C = 28.15 Å and β = 97.0°. A precession photograph of A-DNA which gives an undistorted picture of the lattice, showed that the unit cell parameters as given by Fuller Image were not quite correct. The precession photograph showed a strong meridional reflection (R = 0.00 Å−1) on the 11th layer line. But the occurrence of the meridional reflection on the 11th layer line could not be explained on the basis of the cell parameters given by Fuller Image ; using those cell parameters the reflection which comes closest to the meridian on 11th layer line is at R = 0.025 Å−1. However, a simple interchange of a and b values accounted for the meridional reflection on 11th layer line. The corrected cell parameter refined against 28 strong spots are A = 40.75 Å, B = 22.07 Å, C = 28.16 Å and β = 97.5°. In the new unit cell of A-DNA, the packing arrangement of the two molecules is different from that in the old one. Nonetheless, our earlier contention is again reaffirmed that both right and left-handed A-DNA are stereochemically allowed and consistent with the observed fibre pattern.


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A new fibre-optic sensor, based on the speckle phenomenon, for the measurement of current is described. The technique has the advantages of simplicity and sensitivity, but requires a two-step measurement procedure.


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Fatty acids, fibre, carotenoids and tocopherols in relation to glucose metabolism in subjects at high risk for type 2 diabetes a cross-sectional analysis Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a heterogeneous disorder of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, resulting from genetics, environmental influences and interactions between these. The disease is characterized by insulin resistance, β-cell dysfunction, hepatic glucose overproduction and disordered fat mobilization and storage. The literature on associations between dietary factors and glucose metabolism is inconsistent. One factor behind the discrepant results may be genetic heterogeneity of study populations. Data on nutrient-gene interactions in relation to glucose metabolism are scarce. Thus, investigating high-risk populations and exploring nutrient-gene interactions are essential for improving the understanding of T2D aetiology. Ideally, this information could help to develop prevention programmes that take into account the genetic predisposition to the disease. In this study, associations between measures of glucose metabolism predicting T2D and fatty acids, antioxidative nutrients and fibre were examined in a high-risk population, i.e., in non-diabetic relatives of affected patients. Interactions between the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism and fatty acids on glucose metabolism were taken into consideration. This common polymorphism plays an important role in the regulation of glucose metabolism. The inverse associations observed between dietary fibre and insulin resistance are consistent with the prevailing recommendations urging increased intake of fibre to prevent T2D. Beneficial associations observed between the intake of carotenoids and glucose levels stress that a high consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries rich in carotenoids might also play a role in the prevention of T2D. Whether tocopherols have an independent association with glucose metabolism remains questionable. Observed interactions between fatty acids and glucose metabolism suggest that a high intake of palmitic acid is associated with high fasting glucose levels mainly in female Ala allele carriers. Furthermore, the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism may modify the metabolic response to dietary marine fat. The beneficial associations of high intake of marine n 3 fatty acids with insulin resistance and glucose levels may be restricted to carriers of the Ala allele. The findings pertain to subjects with a family history of T2D, and the cross-sectional nature of the study precludes inferences about causality. Results nevertheless show that associations of dietary factors with glucose metabolism may be modulated by the genetic makeup of an individual. Additional research is warranted to elucidate the role of probably numerous nutrient-gene interactions, some of which may be sex-specific, in the aetiology of T2D.


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The well known features of crack face interpenetration/contact at the tip of an interface crack is re-examined using finite element analysis and assuming material nonlinear properties for the adherends. It was assumed in literature that the crack tips are fully open at all load levels in the presence of material nonlinearity of the adherends. Analysis for the case of remote tension shows that even in the presence of material nonlinearity, crack tip closes at small load levels and opens above a certain load level. Mixed-mode fracture parameters are evaluated for the situation when the crack tips are fully open. Due to the presence of nonlinearity, the mixed-mode fracture parameters are measured with the symmetric and anti-symmetric components of J-integral. The present analysis explains the sequence of events at the interface crack tip with progressively increasing remote tension load for the case of adherends with material nonlinear behaviour.


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We report the quadratic nonlinearity of one- and two-electron oxidation products of the first series of transition metal complexes of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP). Among many MTPP complexes, only CuTPP and ZnTPP show reversible oxidation/reduction cycles as seen from cyclic voltammetry experiments. While centrosymmetric neutral metalloporphyrins have zero first hyperpolarizability, β, as expected, the cation radicals and dications of CuTPP and ZnTPP have very high β values. The one- and two-electron oxidation of the MTPPs leads to symmetry-breaking of the metal−porphyrin core, resulting in a large β value that is perhaps aided in part by contributions from the two-photon resonance enhancement. The calculated static first hyperpolarizabilities, β0, which are evaluated in the framework of density functional theory by a coupled perturbed Hartree−Fock method, support the experimental trend. The switching of optical nonlinearity has been achieved between the neutral and the one-electron oxidation products but not between the one- and the two-electron oxidation products since dications that are electrochemically reversible are unstable due to the formation of stable isoporphyrins in the presence of nucleophiles such as halides.


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Half sandwich complexes of the type [CpM(CO)(n)X] {X=Cl, Br, I; If, M=Fe, Ru; n=2 and if M=Mo; n=3} and [CpNiPPh3X] {X=Cl, Br, I} have been synthesized and their second order molecular nonlinearity (beta) measured at 1064 nm in CHCl3 by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique. Iron complexes consistently display larger beta values than ruthenium complexes while nickel complexes have marginally larger beta values than iron complexes. In the presence of an acceptor ligand such as CO or PPh3, the role of the halogen atom is that of a pi donor. The better overlap of Cl orbitals with Fe and Ni metal centres make Cl a better pi donor than Br or I in the respective complexes. Consequently, M-pi interaction is stronger in Fe/Ni-Cl complexes. The value of beta decreases as one goes down the halogen group. For the complexes of 4d metal ions where the metal-ligand distance is larger, the influence of pi orbital overlap appears to be less important, resulting in moderate changes in beta as a function of halogen substitution. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The commercial acrylic fibre "Cashmilon" was partially hydrolyzed to convert a fraction of its nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups and then coated with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde to produce a novel gel-coated fibrous sorbent with multiple functionalities of cationic, anionic and chelating types, and significantly faster sorption kinetics than bead-form sorbents. The sorption properties of the fibrous sorbent were measured using Zn(II) in aqueous solution as the sorbate to determine the effects of pH and the presence of common ions in the solution on the sorption capacity. The rate of sorption on the gel-coated fibre was measured in comparison with that on Amberlite IRA-68 weak-base resin beads, to demonstrate the marked difference between fibre and bead-form sorbents in their kinetic behaviour.


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The commercial acrylic fibre "Cashmilon" was partially hydrolyzed to convert a fraction of its nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups and then coated with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde to produce a novel gel-coated fibrous sorbent with multiple functionalities of cationic, anionic and chelating types, and significantly faster sorption kinetics than bead-form sorbents. The sorption properties of the fibrous sorbent were measured using Zn(II) in aqueous solution as the sorbate to determine the effects of pH and the presence of common ions in the solution on the sorption capacity. The rate of sorption on the gel-coated fibre was measured in comparison with that on Amberlite IRA-68 weak-base resin beads, to demonstrate the marked difference between fibre and bead-form sorbents in their kinetic behaviour.


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Moisture absorption characteristics and its effects on the mechanical properties and failure process of polymers (neat epoxy and polyester resins) and composites with simple (glass, carbon and kevlar) and hybrid (glass-carbon, carbon-kevlar and kevlar-glass) fibres were experimentally determined before and after immersion in water at 343 K for 20 days. The maximum moisture content (Mm) and diffusion coefficient (Dx) of these composites were determined. The degradation in ultimate tensile strength and Young's modulus due to the moisture content were experimentally determined and found to be quite significant. Acoustic emissions, from specimens before and after exposure, were monitored during the load cycle, and revealed a significant change in the failure process of these composites. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) studies on failed exposed and unexposed specimens revealed resin leach out and fibre prominence.


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Graft copolymerization of poly(aniline) (PANI) onto poly(propylene) (PP) fibre was carried out in aqueous acidic medium under nitrogen atmosphere by using peroxomonosulphate (PMS) as a lone initiator. The non-conducting fibre was now made into a conducting one through the chemical grafting of PANI units onto the PP fibre backbone. The content of PANI in the backbone was found to vary while varying the [ANI], [PMS] and amount of PP fibre. Various graft parameters were evaluated. The chemical grafting of PANI onto PP fibre was confirmed by conductivity measurements.


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Lead sulfide (PbS) microtowers on silicon substrates, having the physical properties of bulk PbS, have been synthesized. Optical nonlinearity studies using the open aperture z-scan technique employing 5 ns and 100 fs laser pulses reveal effective two-photon type absorption. For nanosecond excitation the nonlinear absorption coefficients (beta(eff)) are in the order of 10(-11) m W-1, two orders of magnitude less than the values reported for quantum confined PbS nanocrystals. For femtosecond excitation beta(eff) is of the order of 10(-14) m W-1. These results obtained in bulk PbS experimentally confirm the importance of quantum confinement in the enhancement of optical nonlinearities in semiconductor materials.


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Zinc Oxide doped only with Cu shows highly nonlinear I–V characteristics. Microstructural observations of these ceramics reveal the presence of extensive dislocation network. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that the dislocations are impurity decorated which arise as a result of limited solubility of CuO in ZnO. It is envisaged that the depletion region is generated in the region containing the dislocations because of the presence of acceptor type traps.