351 resultados para Fam
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Discret rahonament, quiexa formal que fan contra el Micalet de la Seu, la Torre de Espioca, y la Torre de Paterna, sobre la gran visita que éste tingué en lo dia cinc de Deembre [sic] ... per veure y admirar tan magnífica obra y deliciosa vista ... Carlos Quart (que Deu guart) y el señor Don Fernando de Borbó ... : (XVIII/1105).
Leaf A₂ mis-signed as A₁.
Issued with Schweizerische entomologische Gesellschaft. Mittheilung, Bd. VII.
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Il presente elaborato è stato realizzato attraverso il progetto Language Toolkit, sviluppato grazie alla collaborazione fra la Camera di Commercio della Romagna e il Dipartimento Interpretazione e Traduzione del Campus di Forlì (DIT). Mediante questo progetto, il candidato ha potuto portare a termine la localizzazione del sito web aziendale di FAM Batterie s.r.l. dall'italiano allo spagnolo. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di presentare e analizzare tale progetto di localizzazione. Per questo motivo, il lavoro è stato strutturato in due sezioni principali. Nella prima parte si discuterà del processo di internazionalizzazione di impresa per identificare il modo in cui un'azienda può espandersi, focalizzando l’attenzione sull'impatto che la globalizzazione e la digitalizzazione possono avere al momento di prendere questa decisione. Nella seconda parte si approfondirà il processo di localizzazione, che sarà discusso per dimostrare la necessità di adattarsi a un locale come passaggio fondamentale per una corretta internazionalizzazione. Infine, verrà analizzato il progetto specifico di localizzazione del sito web www.fambatterie.it, evidenziandone gli elementi più importanti dal punto di vista della traduzione.
A new family, Trichopeltariidae, is proposed to accommodate Sphaeropeltarion edentatum, new genus and species, and four additional genera traditionally placed in the family Atelecyclidae: Trichopeltarion A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 (type genus); Peltarion Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846; Podocatactes Ortmann, 1893; and Pteropeltarion Dell, 1972. Additionally, four new species of Trichopeltarion are described and illustrated. The new family exhibits characters of neither superfamilies of the Section Eubrachyura and is assigned to its own superfamily, Trichopeltarioidea nov. Keys to the genera of Trichopeltariidae fam. nov. and to all species in the family are presented (species of Trichopeltarion excepted). Six new combinations are proposed or confirmed. The genus Krunopeltarion Števčić, 1993, is merged into the synonymy of Trichopeltarion. A lectotype is selected for Trichopeltarion corallinum (Faxon, 1893).
The water diffusion attributable to concentration gradients is among the main mechanisms of water transport into the asphalt mixture. The transport of small molecules through polymeric materials is a very complex process, and no single model provides a complete explanation because of the small molecule`s complex internal structure. The objective of this study was to experimentally determine the diffusion of water in different fine aggregate mixtures (FAM) using simple gravimetric sorption measurements. For the purposes of measuring the diffusivity of water, FAMs were regarded as a representative homogenous volume of the hot-mix asphalt (HMA). Fick`s second law is generally used to model diffusion driven by concentration gradients in different materials. The concept of the dual mode diffusion was investigated for FAM cylindrical samples. Although FAM samples have three components (asphalt binder, aggregates, and air voids), the dual mode was an attempt to represent the diffusion process by only two stages that occur simultaneously: (1) the water molecules are completely mobile, and (2) the water molecules are partially mobile. The combination of three asphalt binders and two aggregates selected from the Strategic Highway Research Program`s (SHRP) Materials Reference Library (MRL) were evaluated at room temperature [23.9 degrees C (75 degrees F)] and at 37.8 degrees C (100 degrees F). The results show that moisture uptake and diffusivity of water through FAM is dependent on the type of aggregate and asphalt binder. At room temperature, the rank order of diffusivity and moisture uptake for the three binders was the same regardless of the type of aggregate. However, this rank order changed at higher temperatures, suggesting that at elevated temperatures different binders may be undergoing a different level of change in the free volume. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000190. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
The objective of this prospective study was to perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Functional Assessment Measure (FAM) into Brazilian Portuguese, and to assess the test-retest reliability. The instrument was translated, back-translated, pretested, and reviewed by a committee. The Brazilian version was assessed in 61 brain-injury patients. Intrarater and interrater reliability was verified by a test-retest procedure (intraclass correlation). Intrarater reliability was moderate-to-excellent; interrater reliability was moderate-to-excellent, with the exception of one item. The Brazilian version of the FAM has acceptable test-retest reliability. Results suggest the use of the Brazilian version of the FAM in the Brazilian population, for disability evaluation and outcome assessment. Further research is required to evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 34:89-91 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
OBJECTIVE: To observe the chronic effects of human growth hormone (hGH) and AOD9604 (a C-terminal fragment of hGH) on body weight, energy balance, and substrate oxidation rates in obese (ob/ob) and lean C57BL/6Jmice. In vitro assays were used to confirm whether the effects of AOD9604 are mediated through the hGH receptor, and if this peptide is capable of cell proliferation via the hGH receptor. METHOD: Obese and lean mice were treated with hGH, AOD or saline for 14 days using mini-osmotic pumps. Body weight, caloric intake, resting energy expenditure, fat oxidation, glucose oxidation, and plasma glucose, insulin and glycerol were measured before and after treatment. BaF-BO3 cells transfected with the hGH receptor were used to measure in Vitro I-125-hGH receptor binding and cell proliferation. RESULTS: Both hGH and AOD significantly reduced body weight gain in obese mice. This was associated with increased in vivo fat oxidation and increased plasma glycerol levels (an index of lipolysis). Unlike hGH, however, AOD9604 did not induce hyperglycaemia or reduce insulin secretion. AOD9604 does not compete for the hGH receptor and nor does it induce cell proliferation, unlike hGH. CONCLUSIONS: Both hGH and its C-terminal fragment reduce body weight gain, increase fat oxidation, and stimulate lipolysis in obese mice, yet AOD9604 does not interact with the hGH receptor. Thus, the concept of hGH behaving as a pro-hormone is further confirmed. This data shows that fragments of hGH can act in a manner novel to traditional hGH-stimulated pathways.
A new macropodiniid ciliate genus, Megavestibulum, is described which is endocommensal in the stomach of macropodid marsupials. Two new species, M. morganorum and M. kuhri, are described from Macropus dorsalis and Wallabia, bicolor respectively. Megavestibulum is holotrichous, the somatic ciliation arranged into meridional, curving kineties between broad ridges. The interkinetal ridges are lined apically by thick-walled vacuoles similar to those lining the longitudinal grooves of Macropodinium. The conical vestibulum is apical and very large, occupying up to 1/3 of the cell volume. The vestibular lip appears closable and has a cleft which may allow distention of the vestibullum to ingest large food items. The vestibular ultrastructure is similar to that of Macropodinium including the presence of vestibular vacuoles and the hemispherical differentiation of the distribution of small nematodesmata. Many specimens contained ingested whole ciliates of the genera Amylovorax and Polycosta. The structure of the vestibulum suggests that Megavestibulum is adapted for life as an active predator of other stomach ciliates as well as sweeping in small particulates. The morphology of Megavestibulum suggests that it represents the plesiomorphic body plan within the family Macropodiniidae.
Trichostome ciliates are associated with many different lineages of herbivorous mammals but there are few comparative studies of these associations in each lineage of herbivores. Here the occurrence of the ciliate fauna in a range of herbivorous marsupials (diprotodonts) is investigated and compared with that of ruminants. A total of 371 potential host animals, representing 33 species and 7 families, were examined for the presence of ciliates. The prevalence of endocommensal ciliates within individual host species varied between 0 and 100%. Of the different dietary groups of marsupials examined, only foregut (macropodids) and hindgut (vombatids) fermentative herbivores were found to harbour ciliates; carnivorous (dasyurids), omnivorous (peramelids) and midgut fermenting herbivores (phalangeroids) all lacked ciliates. The majority of ciliate species were oioxenic, several occurred in closely related hosts and some were able to colonise unnatural hosts in captive populations. Ciliate prevalences were found to vary at all levels: between hosts of different species, between conspecific hosts collected at different localities or seasons and between conspecific hosts at one collecting locality. The faunal composition of the 2 marsupial families which harboured ciliates differed greatly: the vombatid fauna was composed exclusively of amylovoracids whereas the macropodids harboured amylovoracids, polycostids and macropodiniids. In comparison to the ciliate fauna of ruminants, the fauna of macropodids is both depauperate and much more host specific. Low species richness in each host may be due to the large numbers of stomach nematodes in macropodids which compete with and may prey upon the ciliates within the stomach. The high levels of host specificity are probably due to different patterns of ciliate transmission in macropodids as they do not ruminate, eructate or feed indiscriminantly on pasture contaminated with saliva containing ciliates.
A 2?? edi????o de 2013 do Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema Igualdade de G??nero. O documento traz indica????es de pu-blica????es do acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos/ENAP com reflex??es acerca das desi-gualdades entre homens e mulheres e suas consequ??ncias ?? sociedade. O objetivo ?? dar publicidade a esses materiais, visando a con-tribuir para uma melhor compreens??o do com-plexo cen??rio de defini????o das prioridades p??blicas e da formula????o de pol??ticas p??blicas governamentais comprometidas com a pers-pectiva de g??nero, em seus diversos aspectos. De acordo com a Organiza????o das Na????es Unidas para a Educa????o, a Ci??ncia e a Cultura (Unesco), os direitos das mulheres devem ser entendidos como direitos humanos e cultu-rais fundamentais. J?? a Pol??tica Nacional para as Mulheres, coordenada pela Secre-taria Especial de Pol??ticas para as Mulhe-res (SPM), da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica, tem como pressupostos e princ??pios a equi-dade, a autonomia das mulheres, a laicida-de do Estado, a universalidade das pol??ti-cas, a justi??a social, a transpar??ncia dos atos p??blicos, a participa????o e o controle social.
As pol??ticas de Transfer??ncia Condicionada de Renda (TCR) s??o consideradas a mais nova gera????o de pol??ticas sociais. O fato tem chamado a aten????o de profissionais do setor p??blico e de acad??micos de diferentes ??reas. Nos ??ltimos anos, diversas experi??ncias, sobretudo na Am??rica Latina, t??m-se destacado pelo impacto positivo sobre os indicadores sociais da popula????o, entre elas: o Programa Bolsa Fam??lia, no Brasil; o Programa de Desarrollo Humano Oportunidades, no M??xico; e o Sistema Chile Solid??rio, no Chile. O Programa Bolsa Fam??lia, criado em 2003, constitui a maior pol??tica p??blica de TCR da Am??rica Latina, tanto em or??amento quanto em cobertura. Atualmente, atende cerca de 13.800.000 fam??lias, em todos os munic??pios do Pa??s. O Programa tem servido de modelo para a difus??o desse tipo de pol??tica no mundo. O tema envolve v??rias dimens??es da ??rea social, por se tratar de uma pol??tica essencialmente intersetorial. O Bolsa Fam??lia vem se destacando nos debates da administra????o p??blica, devido ?? sua forte capacidade de melhoria das condi????es das fam??lias benefici??rias. Diante disso, a 5a edi????o do Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas apresenta uma reuni??o de publica????es do acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos que abordam os seguintes temas: transfer??ncia condicionada de renda, programas sociais, desigualdade social, combate da pobreza e pol??ticas p??blicas. O objetivo ?? divulgar obras que auxiliem servidores p??blicos na reflex??o e compreens??o desses assuntos