344 resultados para Facundo


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The dental trade has offered dental impression and dental stone for orthodontic use ensuring accurate models. The compatibility between these materials is defined by the wetting of the model surfaces by the mixture water/stone poured over it and the influenced by the method of disinfection of model and disinfectant solution used. It was evaluated the influence of spray disinfection with sodium hypochlorite 1% on the wettability of two commercial alginate (Jeltrate ® - Dentsply and Orthoprint ® - Zhermack) at two commercial type III gypsum (Rio ® - ME and AOBussoli Orthogesso Orthogesso ®-SA). Twenty models were fabricated for each type of alginate, which were divided into two groups (water and sodium hypochlorite), receiving respectively water and sodium hypochlorite 1% spray. Each group of models was then further divided into two subgroups, and on their surface were poured 2 ml of type III gypsum (Gesso Rio® or Orthogesso®). Reached the final setting of the gypsum specimens were sectioned vertically and medially, settled water with sandpaper No. 400 and mounted on suitable device for reading (in the right and left) of the contact angle Carl Zeiss microscope (precision, 001). The results were submitted to ANOVA and founded statistical significance for solutions used. It was concluded that sodium hypochlorite spray improved wettability of alginates studied.


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The endodontic perforations are iatrogenic communications that result in a communication between the endodonto and periodontium. This occurrence represents about 10 % of cas- es of failure in endodontic treatment. The management may vary and is related to the drilling site endodontic. This paper aims to report a case of iatrogenic perforation and one of the possible alternatives for the treatment of endodontic perforations -level cervical tooth. During the opening coronary perforation occurred due to improper slope cervical penetration drill. Considering the drilling site, we opted for sealing com- posite resin after surgical access and absolute isolation. After sealing, the channel was filled with medication and instru- mented based on calcium hydroxide. Later the canal was obturated by lateral condensation technique with Sealapex. The radiographic follow-up showed regression of the lesion and the clinical silence confirmed the success of the treatment.


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Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects the dental pulp due to some local changes. Before this information, a research through literature was made with the purpose to study the interrelation between pulp infections and diabetes. We analyzed several articles that described researches involving animals and they showed that there is a relation between diabetes and size, progression and severity of the periradicular lesions. There is evidence that diabetes is an important factor over the oral tissue, causing alterations in the inflammatory mediators and changing the structure of the pulp. Although many studies prove that there is an interrelation between diabetes and pulp infections, there are still some gaps in the current literature that need to be filled.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between pulpal and/or periodontal disease and serum creatinine levels in a rat model of diabetes mellitus. Methods: Eighty male rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar) were divided into the following 8 groups compris-ing 10 animals each: normal (G1), with pulpal disease (G2), with periodontal disease (G3), with both pulpal and periodontal disease (G4), diabetic (G5), diabetic with pulpal disease (G6), diabetic with periodontal disease (G7), and diabetic with both pulpal and periodontal disease (G8). Diabetes was induced by injecting streptozotocin, pul-pal disease were induced by exposing pulpal tissue to the oral environment, and periodontal disease was induced by periodontal ligature. After 30 days, blood was collected by cardiac puncture and the animals were killed. The maxillae were processed for histopathology. Serum creatinine levels were measured by the enzymatic method. The total assessed values were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey’s test (p < 0.05). Results: Serum creatinine levels were significantly higher in diabetic rats than that in all normoglycemic rats (p < 0.05). The presence of pulpal and periodontal disease increased the serum creatinine levels in normoglycemic and diabetic rats, but there was no statistical difference between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: We found that the serum creatinine level was higher in diabetic rats and may be related to the pres-ence of oral infections. Clinical significance: Changes in serum creatinine level may be related to the presence of oral infections and diabetes.


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Using theoretical arguments, a simple scaling law for the size of the intrinsic rotation observed in tokamaks in the absence of a momentum injection is found: The velocity generated in the core of a tokamak must be proportional to the ion temperature difference in the core divided by the plasma current, independent of the size of the device. The constant of proportionality is of the order of 10 km . s(-1) . MA . keV(-1). When the intrinsic rotation profile is hollow, i.e., it is countercurrent in the core of the tokamak and cocurrent in the edge, the scaling law presented in this Letter fits the data remarkably well for several tokamaks of vastly different size and heated by different mechanisms.


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The aroma responsible for the flavor of fruits is highly susceptible to low temperatures in storage. The present study investigated the volatile composition of the Nanicao and Prata banana cultivars by testing pulp and whole fruit under cold storage conditions. The volatile fractions were characterized using headspace solid phase micro-extraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The cold storage induced changes in the volatile profile relative to the profile of the control group. The result of principal component analysis revealed that cold storage more strongly affects the Nanicao than the Prata cultivar. Esters such as 2-pentanol acetate, 3-methyl-1-butanol acetate, 2-methylpropyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl butanoate, 2-methylpropyl 3-methylbutanoate and butyl butanoate were drastically reduced in the cold group of the Nanicao cultivar. Our results suggest that the metabolism responsible for the production of volatile compounds is related to the ability to tolerate low temperatures. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Long-distance correlations (LDCs) of plasma potential fluctuations in the plasma edge have been investigated in the TCABR tokamak in the regime of edge biasing H-mode using an array of multi-pin Langmuir probes. This activity was carried out as part of the scientific programme of the 4th IAEA Joint Experiment (2009). The experimental data confirm the effect of amplification of LDCs in potential fluctuations during biasing recently observed in stellarators and tokamaks. For long toroidal distances between probes, the cross-spectrum is concentrated at low frequencies f < 60 kHz with peaks at f < 5 kHz, f = 13-15 kHz and f similar to 40 kHz and low wave numbers with a maximum at k = 0. The effects of MHD activity on the LDCs in potential fluctuation are investigated.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)


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Liposomes have been an excellent option as drug delivery systems, since they are able of incorporating lipophobic and/or lipophilic drugs, reduce drug side effects, increase drug targeting, and control delivery. Also, in the last years, their use reached the field of gene therapy, as non-viral vectors for DNA delivery. As a strategy to increase system stability, the use of polymerizable phospholipids has been proposed in liposomal formulations. In this work, through differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electron spin resonance (ESR) of spin labels incorporated into the bilayers, we structurally characterize liposomes formed by a mixture of the polymerizable lipid diacetylenic phosphatidylcholine 1,2-bis(10,12-tricosadiynoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DC8,9PC) and the zwitterionic lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC), in a 1:1 molar ratio. It is shown here that the polymerization efficiency of the mixture (c.a. 60%) is much higher than that of pure DC8,9PC bilayers (c.a. 20%). Cationic amphiphiles (CA) were added, in a final molar ratio of 1:1:0.2 (DC8,9PC:DMPC:CA), to make the liposomes possible carriers for genetic material, due to their electrostatic interaction with negatively charged DNA. Three amphiphiles were tested, 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimetylammonium-propane (DOTAP), stearylamine (SA) and trimetyl (2-miristoyloxietyl) ammonium chloride (MCL), and the systems were studied before and after UV irradiation. Interestingly, the presence of the cationic amphiphiles increased liposomes polymerization. MCL displaying the strongest effect. Considering the different structural effects the three cationic amphiphiles cause in DC8,9PC bilayers, there seem to be a correlation between the degree of DC8,9PC polymerization and the packing of the membrane at the temperature it is irradiated (gel phase). Moreover, at higher temperatures, in the bilayer fluid phase, more polymerized membranes are significantly more rigid. Considering that the structure and stability of liposomes at different temperatures can be crucial for DNA binding and delivery, we expect the study presented here contributes to the production of new carrier systems with potential applications in gene therapy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chemical study of three medicinal plants: from leaves of Piper renitens (Miq.) Yunck, Piperaceae, and Siparuna guianensis Aubl., Siparunaceae, and from flowers of Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze, Amaranthaceae, resulted in isolation of nine compounds: three steroids, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol from P. renitens and sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside from A. brasiliana, the diterpene kaurane ent-kauran-16α,17-diol from P. renitens, two derivatives kaempferol-methylether, kumatakenine (kaempferol-3,7-dimethylether) and kaempferol-3,7,3'-trimethylether from S. guianensis and three flavones, crysoeriol (5,7,4'-trihydroxy-3'-methoxyflavone), tricin (5,7,4'-trihydroxy-3',5'-dimethoxyflavone) and 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside-5,4'-dihydroxy-3'-methoxyflavone from A. brasiliana. Compounds structures were determinate using 1D and 2D ¹H NMR and 13C spectral data, mass and IR spectra, comparing with literature data.


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Dopo un’introduzione sull’economia nel mondo antico e nella Galilea, la tesi affronta una rappresentazione storica de “Il Mare di Galilea tra l’antichità e oggi” (cap. 3). Seguono i capitoli sulle “Tecniche e le attrezzature di pesca” (cap.4) e su “Città, villaggi e aree di pesca” (Cap. 5). Due capitoli riguardano più particolarmente l’attività economica in senso stretto: “L’organizzazione dell’attività” (cap. 6) e “Commercio ed esportazione” (cap. 7). Chiudono la tesi due capitoli di carattere più metodologico: una rappresentazione degli agenti sociali della pesca (“i pescatori”) condotta ispirandosi alla network Analysis e un’analisi antropologica del loro sistema di vita (capitolo finale).La tesi è basata essenzialmente su tre corpi di documentazione: papiri documentari, dati archeologici, fonti storiche e letterarie. Molti dei documenti reperiti, in lingua greca, non erano mai stati tradotti in lingue moderne.La tesi consta – oltre ai diversi capitoli – anche di un’appendice documentaria molto estesa


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Se describe y explica el proceso de deforestación del área ocupada por los bosques de algarrobo en el oeste de La Rioja y Catamarca, a partir de mediados de siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. Este proceso estuvo asociado al desmonte del bosque nativo y a los cambios de uso del suelo originados por diferentes y sucesivos procesos socio– económicos, que tuvieron como actividades emergentes la minería, el ferrocarril y la demanda de productos forestales, generada principalmente por actividades productivas y de consumo desarrolladas en otras regiones. A partir del análisis de fuentes históricas y de imágenes satelitales (en gabinete), sumado al muestreo del bosque nativo y entrevistas en profundidad (en trabajo campo), fue calculado el volumen y la distribución espacial del bosque afectado por las actividades descriptas. Se estudiaron además las modalidades de aprovechamiento social del recurso forestal y algunas características del mundo del trabajo asociado a estas actividades, así como también, el rol gubernamental en la política forestal, especialmente después de 1930. Entre los principales resultados se destaca que la explotación forestal, intensificada desde 1850, nunca mermó considerablemente. Las miles de hectáreas desmontadas y la cantidad de forestales talados representaron un importante impacto ambiental principalmente, y en primer lugar, en Pipanaco y Chilecito, trasladándose posteriormente al resto de los valles.


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Este video es parte de una serie de producciones realizadas por alumnos de la Carrera de Comunicación Social de la UNCuyo, como trabajo final de la Cátedra de Televisión y Medios Audiovisuales durante el año 2006. Los mismos participaron de una muestra audiovisual en el Cine de la Universidad en agosto de 2007. Son trabajos periodísticos y documentales de alumnos avanzados de la carrera, en formato profesional, abordando temáticas sociales, políticas, culturales y de arte, haciendo visible realidades y personajes de la provincia. Según alumnos y docentes, estos videos “van al encuentro del público mendocino para que nos conozca, critique, reflexione, sonría y se emocione…" Apasionados por los trenes, es una entrevista realizada a Rubén Lépez, presidente del Ferroclub Andino. Lépez desde la melancolía ferroviaria cuenta cómo se fue creando este espacio y quiénes lo mantienen vivo.


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Este video es parte de una serie de producciones realizadas por alumnos de la Carrera de Comunicación Social de la UNCuyo, como trabajo final de la Cátedra de Televisión y Medios Audiovisuales en el año 2006. Los mismos participaron de una muestra audiovisual en el Cine de la Universidad en agosto de 2007. Son trabajos periodísticos y documentales de alumnos avanzados de la carrera, en formato profesional, abordando temáticas sociales, políticas, culturales y de arte, haciendo visible realidades y personajes de la provincia. Según alumnos y docentes, estos videos “van al encuentro del público mendocino para que nos conozca, critique, reflexione, sonría y se emocione…" "PALMIRA DEL AUGE A LA INCERTIDUMBRE", describe las consecuencias económicas y sociales que se produjeron en Plamira después de la privatización del ferrocarril durante el gobierno de ex presidente Carlos Menem.