958 resultados para Factor-alpha Concentrations


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We tested the hypothesis that increases in tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) induced by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are associated with the increases in slow-wave sleep seen in early HIV infection and the decrease with sleep fragmentation seen in advanced HIV infection. Nocturnal sleep disturbances and associated fatigue contribute to the disability of HIV infection. TNF-alpha causes fatigue in clinical use and promotes slow-wave sleep in animal models. With slow progress toward a vaccine and weak effects from current therapies, efforts are directed toward extending productive life of HIV-infected individuals and shortening the duration of disability in terminal illness. We describe previously unrecognized nocturnal cyclic variations in plasma levels of TNF-alpha in all subjects. In 6 of 10 subjects (1 control subject, 3 HIV-seropositive patients with CD4+ cell number > 400 cells per microliters, and 2 HIV-positive patients with CD4+ cell number < 400 cells per microliters), these fluctuations in TNF-alpha were coupled to the known rhythm of electroencephalogram delta amplitude (square root of power) during sleep. This coupling was not present in 3 HIV-positive subjects with CD4+ cell number < 400 cells per microliters and 1 control subject. In 5 HIV subjects with abnormally low CD4+ cell counts ( < 400 cells per microliters), the number of days since seroconversion correlated significantly with low correlation between TNF-alpha and delta amplitude. We conclude that a previously unrecognized normal, physiological coupling exists between TNF-alpha and delta amplitude during sleep and that the lessened likelihood of this coupling in progressive HIV infection may be important in understanding fatigue-related symptoms and disabilities.


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The 170-kDa subunit of the galactose-adherence lectin (Gal-lectin) of Entamoeba histolytica mediates adherence to human colonic mucins and intestinal epithelium as a prerequisite to amebic invasion. The Gal-lectin is an immunodominant molecule and a protective antigen in the gerbil model of amebiasis. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) produced by activated macrophages enhances nitric oxide-dependent cytotoxicity in host defense against E. histolytica. The purpose of this study was to identify the Gal-lectin epitopes which stimulate TNF-alpha production by macrophages. Murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) exposed to Gal-lectin (100-500 ng/ml) stimulated stable expression of TNF-alpha mRNA (8-fold increase) and TNF-alpha production similar to that of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cells (100 ng/ml). Polyclonal anti-lectin serum specifically inhibited TNF-alpha mRNA induction in response to the Gal-lectin but not to lipopolysaccharide. Anti-lectin monoclonal antibodies 8C12, H85 and 1G7, which recognize nonoverlapping epitopes of the cysteine-rich region of the 170-kDa heavy subunit, inhibited both amebic adherence to mammalian cells and Gal-lectin-stimulated TNF-alpha mRNA expression by BMMs,but monoclonal antibody 7F4 did neither. As these inhibitory antibodies map to amino acids 596-1082 of the 170-kDa Gal-lectin, our results have identified the functional region that mediates amebic adherence and TNF-alpha mRNA induction in BMMMs; thus, this region of the Gal-lectin is a subunit vaccine candidate.


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Cytokines are now recognized to play important roles in the physiology of the central nervous system (CNS) during health and disease. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several human CNS disorders including multiple sclerosis, AIDS dementia, and cerebral malaria. We have generated transgenic mice that constitutively express a murine TNF-alpha transgene, under the control of its own promoter, specifically in their CNS and that spontaneously develop a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease with 100% penetrance from around 3-8 weeks of age. High-level expression of the transgene was seen in neurons distributed throughout the brain. Disease is manifested by ataxia, seizures, and paresis and leads to early death. Histopathological analysis revealed infiltration of the meninges and CNS parenchyma by CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, widespread reactive astrocytosis and microgliosis, and focal demyelination. The direct action of TNF-alpha in the pathogenesis of this disease was confirmed by peripheral administration of a neutralizing anti-murine TNF-alpha antibody. This treatment completely prevented the development of neurological symptoms, T-cell infiltration into the CNS parenchyma, astrocytosis, and demyelination, and greatly reduced the severity of reactive microgliosis. These results demonstrate that overexpression of TNF-alpha in the CNS can cause abnormalities in nervous system structure and function. The disease induced in TNF-alpha transgenic mice shows clinical and histopathological features characteristic of inflammatory demyelinating CNS disorders in humans, and these mice represent a relevant in vivo model for their further study.


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The activation of T cells by antigens or mitogens leads to the secretion of cytokines and enzymes that shape the inflammatory response. Among these molecular mediators of inflammation is a heparanase enzyme that degrades the heparan sulfate scaffold of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Activated T cells use heparanase to penetrate the ECM and gain access to the tissues. We now report that among the breakdown products of the ECM generated by heparanase is a trisulfated disaccharide that can inhibit delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) in mice. This inhibition of T-cell mediated inflammation in vivo was associated with an inhibitory effect of the disaccharide on the production of biologically active tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) by activated T cells in vitro; the trisulfated disaccharide did not affect T-cell viability or responsiveness generally. Both the in vivo and in vitro effects of the disaccharide manifested a bell-shaped dose-response curve. The inhibitory effects of the trisulfated disaccharide were lost if the sulfate groups were removed. Thus, the disaccharide, which may be a natural product of inflammation, can regulate the functional nature of the response by the T cell to activation. Such a feedback control mechanism could enable the T cell to assess the extent of tissue degradation and adjust its behavior accordingly.


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Regenerative proliferation occurs in the inner-ear sensory epithelial of warm-blooded vertebrates after insult. To determine how this proliferation is controlled in the mature mammalian inner ear, several growth factors were tested for effects on progenitor-cell division in cultured mouse vestibular sensory epithelia. Cell proliferation was induced in the sensory epithelium by transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) in a dose-dependent manner. Proliferation was also induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) when supplemented with insulin, but not EGF alone. These observations suggest that stimulation of the EGF receptors by TGF-alpha binding, or EGF (plus insulin) binding, stimulates cell proliferation in the mature mammalian vestibular sensory epithelium.


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Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 (MAdCAM-1) is involved in trafficking of lymphocytes to mucosal endothelium. Expression of MAdCAM-1 is induced in the murine endothelial cell line bEnd.3 by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1, and bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Here we show that TNF-alpha enhances expression of a firefly luciferase reporter directed by the MAdCAM-1 promoter, confirming transcriptional regulation of MAdCAM-1. Mutational analysis of the promoter indicates that a DNA fragment extending from nt -132 to nt +6 of the gene is sufficient for TNF-alpha inducibility. Two regulatory sites critical for TNF-alpha induction were identified in this region. DNA-binding experiments demonstrate that NF-kappa B proteins from nuclear extracts of TNF-alpha-stimulated bEnd.3 cells bind to these sites, and transfection assays with promoter mutants of the MAdCAM-1 gene indicate that occupancy of both sites is essential for promoter function. The predominant NF-kappa B binding activity detected with these nuclear extracts is a p65 homodimer. These findings establish that, as with other endothelial cell adhesion molecules, transcriptional induction of MAdCAM-1 by TNF-alpha requires activated NF-kappa B proteins.


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A key function of activated macrophages is to secrete proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF alpha; however, the intracellular pathway and machinery responsible for cytokine trafficking and secretion is largely undefined. Here we show that individual SNARE proteins involved in vesicle docking and fusion are regulated at both gene and protein expression upon stimulation with the bacterial cell wall component lipopolysaccharide. Focusing on two intracellular SNARE proteins, Vti1b and syntaxin 6 (Stx6), we show that they are up-regulated in conjunction with increasing cytokine secretion in activated macrophages and that their levels are selectively titrated to accommodate the volume and timing of post-Golgi cytokine trafficking. In macrophages, Vti1b and syntaxin 6 are localized on intracellular membranes and are present on isolated Golgi membranes and on Golgi-derived TNF alpha vesicles budded in vitro. By immunoprecipitation, we find that Vti1b and syntaxin 6 interact to form a novel intracellular Q-SNARE complex. Functional studies using overexpression of full-length and truncated proteins show that both Vti1b and syntaxin 6 function and have rate-limiting roles in TNF alpha trafficking and secretion. This study shows how macrophages have uniquely adapted a novel Golgi-associated SNARE complex to accommodate their requirement for increased cytokine secretion.


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Background More than 50% of patients with Crohn's disease become either steroid resistant or dependent. Accordingly, development of new treatments for steroid-dependent Crohn's disease is a research priority. Aim To evaluate CDP571, a humanized antibody to tumour necrosis factor-α, for the treatment of steroid-dependent Crohn's disease. Methods Patients with steroid-dependent Crohn's disease (n = 271) were enrolled in a 36-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Steroid dependence was defined as use of prednisolone or prednisone (15–40 mg/day) or budesonide (9 mg/day) for ≥8 weeks, a previous failed attempt to decrease or discontinue steroids within 8 weeks of screening, and a Crohn's Disease Activity Index score of ≤150 points. Patients were randomized to receive intravenous CDP571 10 mg/kg or placebo 8-weekly through to week 32. Steroids were then tapered using a defined schedule. The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of patients with steroid sparing, defined as discontinuation of steroid therapy without a disease flare (Crohn's Disease Activity Index score ≥220 points) at week 36. Results Steroid sparing occurred in 53 of 181 (29.3%) CDP571 patients and 33 of 90 (36.7%) placebo patients (P = 0.24). Adverse events occurred at similar frequencies in both treatment groups. Conclusions CDP571 was ineffective for sparing steroids in patients with steroid-dependent Crohn's disease. CDP571 was well tolerated.


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Both tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)/interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and angiotensin II (ANG II) induced an increase in total protein degradation in murine myotubes, which was completely attenuated by treatment with beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB; 50 microM). There was an increase in formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within 30 min, as well as an increase in the activity of both caspase-3 and -8, and both effects were attenuated by HMB. Moreover, inhibitors of caspase-3 and -8 completely attenuated both ROS formation and total protein degradation induced by TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma and ANG II. There was an increased autophosphorylation of double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), which was attenuated by the specific caspase-3 and -8 inhibitors. Neither ROS formation or protein degradation occurred in myotubes expressing a catalytically inactive PKR variant, PKRDelta6, in response to TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma, compared with myotubes expressing wild-type PKR, although there was still activation of caspase-3 and -8. HMB also attenuated activation of PKR, suggesting that it was important in protein degradation. Formation of ROS was attenuated by rotenone, an inhibitor of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, and SB 203580, a specific inhibitor of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), which also attenuated total protein degradation. Activation of p38 MAPK by PKR provides the link to ROS formation. These results suggest that TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma and ANG II induce muscle protein degradation by a common signaling pathway, which is attenuated by HMB, and that this involves the initial activation of caspase-3 and -8, followed by autophosphorylation and activation of PKR, which then leads to increased ROS formation via activation of p38 MAPK. Increased ROS formation is known to induce protein degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.


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INTRODUCTION: The transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels have emerged as important cellular sensors in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells, with TRPA1 playing a central role in nociception and neurogenic inflammation. The functionality of TRP channels has been shown to be modulated by inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of inflammation on odontoblast TRPA1 expression and to determine the effect of Biodentine (Septodent, Paris, France) on inflammatory-induced TRPA1 expression.

METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was used to study TRPA1 expression in pulp tissue from healthy and carious human teeth. Pulp cells were differentiated to odontoblastlike cells in the presence of 2 mmol/L beta-glycerophosphate, and these cells were used in quantitative polymerase chain reaction, Western blotting, calcium imaging, and patch clamp studies.

RESULTS: Immunofluorescent staining revealed TRPA1 expression in odontoblast cell bodies and odontoblast processes, which was more intense in carious versus healthy teeth. TRPA1 gene expression was induced in cultured odontoblastlike cells by tumor necrosis factor alpha, and this expression was significantly reduced in the presence of Biodentine. The functionality of the TRPA1 channel was shown by calcium microfluorimetry and patch clamp recording, and our results showed a significant reduction in tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced TRPA1 responses after Biodentine treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, this study showed TRPA1 to be modulated by caries-induced inflammation and that Biodentine reduced TRPA1 expression and functional responses.


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Objective: The aims of this study were to compare the intensity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-RNA genital shedding among postmenopausal (PM) and fertile-aged (F) women and to investigate the association between viral shedding and gynecological features, HIV plasma viral loads, and other markers of HIV disease progression. Methods: We interviewed 146 HIV-infected women (73 PM/73 F) in search of gynecological complaints and signs and symptoms of HIV disease and obtained additional information concerning HIV infection by medical chart review. Cervicovaginal lavages (CVLs) were collected for assessment of HIV shedding. Laboratory analyses included CD4(+) cell counts, HIV-RNA quantitation in plasma and CVL, and screening for concurrent genital infections. Results: HIV-RNA genital shedding was detected in 16.4% of PM and 21.9% of F women (P = 0.400), and the intensity of HIV shedding did not differ between both groups (means-PM: 1.4log/mL; F: 1.4log/mL; P = 0.587). Three women (2 PM/1 F) exhibited viral shedding in the absence of detectable viremia. HIV plasma viral loads correlated with HIV shedding in both groups. In multivariable analysis, HIV plasma viral loads were independently associated with HIV shedding in both groups. Moreover, the intensity of shedding was independently associated with vaginal pH, tumor necrosis factor a concentrations in CVL, and HIV plasma viral loads. Conclusions: Despite significant changes that occur in the vaginal mucosa of PM women, HIV cervicovaginal shedding was not significantly influenced by this state in our cohort. In contrast, increased vaginal pH and genital inflammation, evidenced by increased tumor necrosis factor alpha concentrations in CVL and HIV plasma viral loads, were independently associated with the intensity of HIV shedding in PM and F women.


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Obesity and the metabolic syndrome have both reached pandemic proportions. Together they have the potential to impact on the incidence and severity of cardiovascular pathologies, with grave implications for worldwide health care systems. The metabolic syndrome is characterized by visceral obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, chronic inflammation, and thrombotic disorders contributing to endothelial dysfunction and, subsequently, to accelerated atherosclerosis. Obesity is a key component in development of the metabolic syndrome and it is becoming increasingly clear that a central factor in this is the production by adipose cells of bioactive substances that directly influence insulin sensitivity and vascular injury. In this paper, we review advances in the understanding of biologically active molecules collectively referred to as adipokines and how dysregulated production of these factors in obese states mediates the pathogenesis of obesity associated metabolic syndrome.