799 resultados para Facilitation


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Injections of noradrenaline into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) increase arterial pressure and 1.8% NaCl intake and decrease water intake in rats treated with the diuretic furosemide (FURO) combined with a low dose of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (CAP). In the present study, we investigated the influence of the pressor response elicited by noradrenaline injected into the LPBN on FURO + CAP-induced water and 1.8% NaCl intake. Male Holtzman rats with bilateral stainless steel guide-cannulas implanted into LPBN were used. Bilateral injections of noradrenaline (40 nmol/0.2 μl) into the LPBN increased FURO + CAP-induced 1.8% NaCl intake (12.2 ± 3.5, vs., saline: 4.2 ± 0.8 ml/180 min), reduced water intake and strongly increased arterial pressure (50 ± 7, vs. saline: 1 ± 1 mm Hg). The blockade of the α1 adrenoceptors with the prazosin injected intraperitoneally abolished the pressor response and increased 1.8% NaCl and water intake in rats treated with FURO + CAP combined with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN. The deactivation of baro and perhaps volume receptors due to the cardiovascular effects of prazosin is a mechanism that may facilitate water and NaCl intake in rats treated with FURO + CAP combined with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN. Therefore, the activation of α2 adrenoceptors with noradrenaline injected into the LPBN, at least in dose tested, may not completely remove the inhibitory signals produced by the activation of the cardiovascular receptors, particularly the signals that result from the extra activation of these receptors with the increase of arterial pressure. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Informe final de la Reunion convocada para identificar los principales problemas de facilitacion que se confrontan en cada ambito, fijar prioridades y sugerir medidas que puedan contribuir a la superacion de dichos problemas por parte de los paises, y prestar asistencia a la Secretaria para establecer un programa de accion mas permanente y estable en la materia.


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Contiene los analisis de los expertos en problemas de facilitacion del comercio en lo que se refiere a simplificacion de los procedimientos comerciales a nivel nacional, su armonizacion y uniformacion a nivel regional y sub-regional; la situacion actual dentro de los mecanismos de integracion; las necesidades del fortalecimiento institucional; y la consideracion de posibles acciones de seguimiento.


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Informe de la reunión sobre facilitación del comercio y fortalecimiento institucional del transporte internacional de los países miembros del CDCC. Contiene un resumen de los debates, recomendaciones para un programa de cooperación entre los países del Caribe, lista de participantes y lista de documentos.


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In terms of content, this article follows along the same lines as bulletin fal no. 167, although it reviews exclusively developments in the area of trade facilitation within the asia-pacific economic cooperation forum (apec). thus, the information contained in bulletin 167 has been updated and expanded. more analytical elements have also been incorporated.


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This document takes a look at the important role transport facilitation plays in regional development and considers the implications of adopting the Rotterdam Rules for the transport sector.


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In terms of its contents, this article is a natural continuation of FAL Bulletin No. 167. In that edition of the Bulletin, conceptual progress was made in defining the notion of ?facilitation of trade? and in outlining how this issue is dealt with in some international organizations; here, information referring to the European Union (EU) is presented in a detailed fashion.


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On this issue of the Bulletin an attempt is made to illustrate how modern Trade Facilitation techniques, with an emphasis on EDI, affect different parts of the society such as business, commerce, transport, administration and government.


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This issue of the Bulletin presents a brief review of trade facilitation negotiations from the specific viewpoint of technical assistance, capacity-building and special and differential treatment (SDT). Trade facilitation negotiations have focused on clarifying three articles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT): article V (freedom of transit); article VIII (fees and formalities connected with importation and exportation); and article X (publication and administration of trade regulations). Although the stage of text-based negotiations has not yet been reached, the process of receiving and analysing proposals has made it possible to identify the aspects most urgently in need of correcting by means of trade facilitation measures. Consideration has been given to several formulas for the implementation of those measures and to how the associated technical assistance should be organized.


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As mentioned in FAL Bulletin No 167, "trade facilitation" is still a relatively imprecise concept covering a wide variety of topics, such as: customs issues; technical norms relating to quality standars and control of plant and normal diseases; transport; commercial information interchange and a variety of trade-related services.This broad scope means that an analysis of trade facilitation at the level of an individual country or trade agreement, entails obtaining data froma variety of public bodies, since they are not centralized. Studying trade facilitation in Mercosur is quite complex, given its considerable organizational decentralization and the geographic dispersal of the operations of its different bodies.This edition of our Bulletin covers progress achieved on customs issues and on technical standards and quality control.


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The content of this article is the natural continuation of both FAL Bulletin No. 167 and FAL Bulletin No. 171. FAL Bulletin No. 167 advanced conceptually in the definition of the term trade facilitation and a general explanation of how some international bodies and the FTAA process itself deal with this issue. This month's article expands on the information regarding trade facilitation within the FTAA, which brings together the sizeable number of 34 countries from the Western Hemisphere.Similarly, taking into account that FAL Bulletin No. 171 reported on some progress toward trade facilitation regulations within the framework of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), the current article takes a complementary approach, reporting on developments favourable to trade facilitation in another agreement for economic integration, which basically proposes the creation of a free trade area.