936 resultados para FUTURE-PROSPECTS


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Following a brief outline of the physiography of the Indian Ocean, an examination is made of the current situation regarding contamination of the environment. Prominent marine pollutants and the consequences of the marine disposal are discussed, considering in particular oil pollution, heavy metal pollution, agricultural wastes and domestic wastes. Research activities conducted in the area investigating the levels of marine pollution are detailed, and an evaluation made of future prospects concerning the monitoring and control of pollution.


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Present status and future prospects of mackerel and tuna fisheries in Bangladesh were assessed during July 2003-June 2004. The work concentrated on the fishing gears, length of fishes, total landings and market price of the catch and highlighted the prospects of the fishery in Bangladesh. Four commercially important species of mackerels and tuna viz. Scomberomorus guttatus, Scomberomorus commerson, Rastrelliger kanagurta, and Euthynnus affinis were included in the study. About 95% of mackerels and tuna were caught by drift gill nets and the rest were caught by long lines (4%) and marine set-bag-net (1%). Average monthly total landing of mackerels and tunas was about 264 t, of which 147 t landed in Cox's Bazar and 117 t in Chittagong sites. Total catches of the four species in Cox's Bazar and Chittagong sites were found to be 956 and 762 t, respectively. The poor landing was observed during January-February and the peak landing was in November and July. Gross market value of the annual landing of mackerels and tunas (1,718 t) was found to be 1,392 latch taka. Nevertheless, the mackerel and tuna fisheries in Bangladesh are increasingly contributing to the marine fish production of the country and have very good potential for further expansion for both domestic and export market.


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The present study tested the hypothesis that adolescents growing up in Children's Homes differ from adolescents growing up in a family environment in how they think about their past, present and future, in the way they make decisions about future events and rewards, and in their levels of empathy and perspective taking. The participants were 40 adolescents from Children's Homes in Budapest, Hungary, and 40 age- and gender-matched controls. Group differences were found in participants' past and present time perspectives, and girls from Children's Homes showed reduced consistency in their plans for the future. Additionally, gender differences emerged in empathy, perspective taking, and in participants' present and future time perspectives. We discuss the implications of our findings for interventions to improve the future prospects of adolescents in Children's Homes.


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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of Coir Vyavasaya Co-operative societies (CVCs) in Kerala. It was also intended to examine the extent of fulfillment of the objectives of Co-operativisation Scheme and the socio-economic betterment of worker members, Further the study was directed to find out the level of participation of members in the affairs of CVCs and to identify the major problems confronting the CVCs and the future prospects of the industry. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the performance of CVCs in Kerala with reference to the objectives of co-operativisation, socio-economic background of the worker members of the CVCs in the state, extent of members participation, major problems etc. Major findings of the study shows that 84% of CVCs surveyed were incurring losses, the long-term solvency position of the CVCS shows very pathetic situation, ration analysis shows and unhealthy state of affaires with respect to short-term solvency position and operating efficiency of all categories of CVS were found to be extremely poor. If CVCs are enabled to increase their quantity of production and there by the volume of business, their amount of loss can be reduced. If this is so, the societies can provide more days of employment to their work members, which will help them to earn more wages and thereby improve their economic and social conditions


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Con la prima parte, si intende fornire un quadro pressoché esaustivo delle principali disposizioni in materia di società a partecipazione pubblica regionale e locale operanti nel campo dei servizi pubblici locali e della loro interpretazione giurisprudenziale e dottrinale, prendendo le mosse dagli ultimi interventi legislativo. Nella seconda parte, si affronta, invece, il tema dei limiti legislativi alla capacità di azione delle società a partecipazione pubblica e dei connessi dubbi interpretativi, anche alla luce degli orientamenti giurisprudenziali e dottrinali. In particolare, l’analisi riguarda l’art. 13 del decreto”Bersani” e il comma 9 dell’art. 23 bis (ora pedissequamente trasfuso nel comma 33 dell’art. 4 del d.l. n. 138/2011), ossia le principali disposizioni che definiscono, rispettivamente, la capacità di azione delle società (a partecipazione pubblica) strumentali e di quelle operanti nel campo dei servizi pubblici locali titolari di affidamenti diretti (assentiti con modalità diverse dall’evidenza pubblica). Vengono forniti cenni di inquadramento in relazione al cd. procedimento di riordino delle partecipazioni societarie pubbliche previsto dalla legge finanziaria del 2008 (art. 3, commi 27 – 32). Dal combinato disposto delle suddette norme, così come interpretate dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale ed amministrativa, si ricavano, poi, utili indicazioni in ordine alla possibilità, per gli enti pubblici territoriali, di costituire società con scopo meramente lucrativo (ossia, soggetti societari privi del rapporto di strumentalità con gli enti costituenti o partecipanti, chiamati ad operare, in regime di concorrenza, in settori completamente liberalizzati) e società cd. multiutilities (aventi oggetto sociale complesso, la cui attività si estrinseca tanto nel campo dei servizi strumentali, quanto in quello dei servizi pubblici locali), nonché in relazione alla disciplina applicabile all’attività di detti soggetti societari. La finalità ultima del contributo consiste nell'individuazione delle linee guida finalizzate alla classificazione delle società pubbliche in funzione della loro attività.


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Il presente lavoro è strutturato in quattro parti analizzando e comparando le pubblicazioni del settore scientifico italiano, anglofono e tedesco di riferimento. Nel primo capitolo della tesi viene proposta una riflessione sulle parole che ruotano attorno al tema dei DSA e della disabilità. Nel secondo capitolo vengono presentati, a partire dalla letteratura scientifica di riferimento, gli indicatori di rischio che segnalano possibili disturbi specifici di apprendimento e le caratteristiche di apprendimento dei DSA mettendo in luce potenzialità e talenti spesso intrinseci. Nel terzo capitolo viene vagliata la normativa di riferimento, in particolare la recente Legge 170/2010 e le relative Linee Guida. Nel quarto capitolo, partendo dal tema della diffusione delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione (da ora in poi TIC) nel mondo della scuola, sono ampiamente trattati i principali strumenti compensativi (sintesi vocale, libri digitali, mappe concettuali, Lavagna Interattiva Multimediale) e le misure dispensative adottabili. Nel quinto capitolo viene analizzato in tutte le sue parti il Piano Didattico Personalizzato (da ora in poi PDP) e viene proposto un possibile modello di PDP pubblicato sul sito dell'Ufficio per l’Ambito Territoriale di Bologna. Nel sesto capitolo della tesi viene presentato il Progetto Regionale ProDSA. Il Progetto, rivolto a studenti, con diagnosi di DSA, delle scuole secondarie di primo grado e del primo biennio delle secondarie di secondo grado dell’Emilia-Romagna, ha visto, grazie a un finanziamento della Regione, la consegna in comodato d'uso gratuito di tecnologie compensative agli alunni che hanno aderito. La sezione empirica del presente lavoro indaga l’uso reale che è stato fatto degli strumenti proposti in comodato d’uso e le motivazioni legate alla scelta di non utilizzarli in classe. Nel settimo capitolo vengono proposti strumenti progettati per rispondere concretamente alle criticità emerse dall'analisi dei dati e per sensibilizzare il mondo della scuola sulle caratteristiche dei DSA.


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The perception of the present state of trade relations with Chile is obscured by a lack of adequate understanding of its legal framework as well as of the policy behind it. This study attempts to clarify the present state of and future prospects for trade between the EU and Chile through an examination of previous agreements and the EU’s new approach to trade liberalisation. The authors agree with the large consensus existing on both the EU and Chilean sides regarding the efficacy of the Association Agreement, but note that any extension of an agreement with Chile should capture the spirit of older EU agreements rather than simply following the ‘NAFTA route’. The study also includes a comparative analysis between the EU-Chile agreement and current trade agreements being negotiated by the EU and Chile with third countries.


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In this joint EPC-FSD Policy Brief, Andrea Frontini and Eran Etzion assess the state of play and the future prospects of EU-Israel relations in the light of recent domestic and regional political developments. They argue that, despite frequent cacophony and recurring stalemates, the EU-Israel partnership still has the potential to pursue shared strategic objectives. The two sides have to realign their relations, taking into account new realities and common challenges in the Middle East and Northern Africa region, and the current state of the Middle East Peace Process. More careful differentiation and stronger prioritisation of the policy dossiers at stake are urgently needed. An autonomous but joined up review of the overall relationship, guided by courage, pragmatism and stronger strategic direction, is crucial in order to move ahead.


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Objective To give an account of the views held by Australian veterinarians who work with horses on the future of their professional field. Method Questionnaires were mailed to 866 veterinarians who had been identified as working with horses, and 87% were completed and returned. Data were entered onto an Excel spreadsheet, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. Results Their future prospects were believed to be very good or excellent by >60% of equine veterinarians but by only 30% of mixed practitioners seeing < 10% horses. The main factors believed likely to affect these prospects were the strength of the equine industries and the economic climate affecting horse owners, followed by the encroachment of cities into areas used for horses, competition from other veterinarians including specialist centres and from non-veterinary operators, and their ability to recruit and retain veterinarians with interest, experience and skill with horses. Urban encroachment, competition and recruitment were especially important for those seeing few horses. Concerns were also expressed about the competence and ethical behaviour of other veterinarians, the physical demands and dangers of horse work, the costs of providing equine veterinary services and of being paid for them, the regulatory restrictions imposed by governments and statutory bodies, the potential effects of litigation, and insurance issues. For many veterinarians in mixed practice these factors have reduced and are likely to reduce further the number of horses seen, to the extent that they have scant optimism about the future of horse work in their practices. Conclusion Economic and local factors will result in an increasing proportion of equine veterinary work being done in specialised equine centres, and the future of horse work in many mixed practices is, at best, precarious. A key factor influencing future prospects will be the availability of competent veterinarians committed to working with horses.


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This paper investigates the traffic and financial performance of smaller UK regional airports between 2001 and 2014. Fourteen airports that typically serve less than 5 million passengers per annum were selected for the analysis. A period of strong growth in passenger demand was experienced from 2001 to 2007, driven largely by low cost carriers. The period from 2007 to 2014 was characterised by declining demand, resulting in significant losses for many of the airports. Airline strategies, such as the use of an increased unit fleet size and average sector length, may further limit future prospects for smaller UK regional airports in favour of larger ones with greater local demand. The relationship between traffic throughput and the generation of aeronautical revenues seems to vary at airports. There is generally a strong and significant relationship between traffic throughput and the generation of commercial revenues and total operating costs at airports serving 3–5 million passengers, but the situation for airports serving fewer than 3 million is less certain.


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Australia has no nationally accepted building products life cycle inventory (LCI) database for use in building Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) assessment (BEA) tools. More information about the sustainability of the supply chain is limited by industry’s lack of real capacity to deliver objective information on process and product environmental impact. Recognition of these deficits emerged during compilation of a National LCI database to inform LCADesign, a prototype 3 dimensional object oriented computer aided design (3-D CAD) commercial building design tool. Development of this Australian LCI represents 24 staff years of effort here since 1995. Further development of LCADesign extensions is proposed as being essential to support key applications demanded from a more holistic theoretical framework calling for modules of new building and construction industry tools. A proposed tool, conceptually called LCADetails, is to serve the building product industries own needs as well as that of commercial building design amongst other industries’ prospective needs. In this paper, a proposition is examined that the existing national LCI database should be further expanded to serve Australian building product industries’ needs as well as to provide details for its client-base from a web based portal containing a module of practical supply and procurement applications. Along with improved supply chain assessment services, this proposed portal is envisaged to facilitate industry environmental life cycle improvement assessment and support decision-making to provide accredited data for operational reporting capabilities, load-based reasoning as well as BEA applications. This paper provides an overview of developments to date, including a novel 3-D CAD information and communications technology (ICT) platform for more holistic integration of existing tools for true cost assessment. Further conceptualisation of future prospects, based on a new holistic life cycle assessment framework LCADevelop, considering stakeholder relationships and their need for a range of complementary tools leveraging automated function off such ICT platforms to inform dimensionally defined operations for such as automotive, civil, transport and industrial applications are also explored.


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Articular cartilage damage is a persistent and increasing problem with the aging population, and treatments to achieve biological repair or restoration remain a challenge. Cartilage tissue engineering approaches have been investigated for over 20 years, but have yet to achieve the consistency and effectiveness for widespread clinical use. One of the potential reasons for this is that the engineered tissues do not have or establish the normal zonal organization of cells and extracellular matrix that appears critical for normal tissue function. A number of approaches are being taken currently to engineer tissue that more closely mimics the organization of native articular cartilage. This review focuses on the zonal organization of native articular cartilage, strategies being used to develop such organization, the reorganization that occurs after culture or implantation, and future prospects for the tissue engineering of articular cartilage with biomimetic zones.


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This paper argues that preconditions for welfare benefit entitlements based on labour market prospects can be counterproductive when they create an incentive for individuals to abstain from any investment earlier in life that could improve future prospects. Benefit entitlements based partly on investments made prior to labour market entry are then Pareto-improving.


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Plant-produced vaccines are a much-hyped development of the past two decades, whose time to embrace reality may have finally come. Vaccines have been developed against viral, bacterial, parasite and allergenic antigens, for humans and for animals; a wide variety of plants have been used for stable transgenic expression as well as for transient expression via Agrobacterium tumefaciens and plant viral vectors. A great many products have shown significant immunogenicity; several have shown efficacy in target animals or in animal models. The realised potential of plant-produced vaccines is discussed, together with future prospects for production and registration. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Human papillomaviruses are the etiological agents of cervical cancer, one of the two most prevalent cancers in women in developing countries. Currently available prophylactic vaccines are based on the L1 major capsid protein, which forms virus-like particles when expressed in yeast and insect cell lines. Despite their recognized efficacy, there are significant shortcomings: the vaccines are expensive, include only two oncogenic virus types, are delivered via intramuscular injection and require a cold chain. Plant expression systems may provide ways of overcoming some of these problems, in particular the expense. In this article, we report recent promising advances in the production of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines against human papillomavirus by expression of the relevant antigens in plants, and discuss future prospects for the use of such vaccines. © 2010 Expert Reviews Ltd.