Although new empirical evidence shows that sympatric speciation has occurred in some species, there are few indisputable model organisms for this process of speciation. The two subspecies (Gymnocypris eckloni eckloni and G. e. scoliostomus) of the schizothoracine Gymnocypris fish species complex from a small glacier lake in the Tibetan Plateau, Lake Sunmcuo, fit several of the key characteristics of the sympatric speciation model. We used combined mitochondrial control region sequences and the cytochrome b gene (1894 bp) to address the phylogenetics and population genetics of 232 specimens of G. e. eckloni and G. e. scoliostomus, as well as all of its closely related sister species. We found that: (i) a total of four old lineages were uncovered in the widespread G. e. eckloni, of which only one was shown to be shared with all G. e. scoliostomus individuals and (ii) the new subspecies (G. e. scoliostomus) evolved in Lake Sunmcuo from the ancestral G. e. eckloni population within approximately 0.057 Ma. These two taxa of the species complex are morphologically distinct, and reproductive isolation is further suggested. Ecological disruptive selection based on morphological traits (e.g. mouth cleft characters) and food utilization may be a mechanism of incipient speciation of two sympatric populations within Lake Sunmcuo. This study provides the first genetic evidence for sympatric speciation in the schizothoracine fish.
本文新种部分,记述了分布在横断山地区、台湾以及苏门答腊、菲律宾等地果蝇科的新种55种,异物同名3种。在果蝇属果蝇亚属的伊米果蝇种组建立了一个新的种复组-弯头果蝇种亚组(Drosophila curviceps species subgroup);在quadrilineata种亚组内建立了一个新的种复组-背条果蝇种复组(Drosophila notostriata species-complex)。对横断山地区的果蝇进行研究,计有119个种,主要由东洋种、古北种、特有种和广布种组成;对其渊源关系进行分析。运用分支分类学的观点和方法对伊米果蝇种组中5个种亚组间的系统发育进行研究显示,hypocausta种亚组最原始,位地分支图的最底部,是外群向伊米果蝇种组过渡的一个类群,进化中心在热带的苏门答腊及其附近;其次分化的immigrans种亚组其进化中心仍在热带的苏门答腊及其附近;但该亚组的特种逐渐向北扩散,在中国云南的西双版纳及其附近地区形成次级进化中心。伊米果蝇种组总的进化方向是从热带向温带的逐渐演化。
本研究通过我国CDBI、 KUN、PE、SZ等主要标本馆约3, 500份馆藏标本的研究和野外考察相结合,对我国蔷薇属(Rosa L.)芹叶组(Sect. pimpinellifoliae DC. ex Ser.)植物以及相关组的一些种进行了性状特征、形态和微形态的研究,对该组的一些种的形态特征描述进行了补充,同时给出详细的地理和海拔范围分布图。综合花粉以及种子(瘦果)形态的研究结果重新制订了分种检索表,同时,对该组一些形态相近容易混淆的种进行了对比研究,特别对一直存在争议的绢毛复合体(绢毛蔷薇R. sericea Lindl.和峨眉蔷薇R. omeiensis Rolfe)进行了大量宏观形态特征的研究,并用光学显微镜(LM)和扫描电镜(SEM)对二者的花粉及种子形态、微形态进行对比研究和分析,主要研究内容包括: 1. 芹叶组孢粉研究 对芹叶组的10个种及相关的4个组共17个种(18个样品)的植物花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜观察和比较研究。研究结果表明:蔷薇属植物花粉粒大小为中等偏小,极轴长23.98[21.82(R. graciliflora Rehd. et Wils.)~29.18(R. tsinglingensis Pax. et Hoffm.)] μm,赤道轴长28.65[24.15(R. graciliflora)~34.70(R. davidii Crép.)] μm;花粉属辐射对称等极单花粉,花粉形态赤道面观呈球形到超长球形;极面观为三裂圆形或近圆形,三孔沟,孔缘加厚,具中部突起的桥状盖。花粉外壁纹饰为条纹状,光镜下形态特征相差不大;在电镜下外壁条纹和脊沟内穿孔的形状、大小和频度等特征,常具组至种水平上的可见变异,可作为组至种水平划分的依据。 根据花粉外壁条纹特征及穿孔形状和数目等特征,本研究将这些植物的花粉归为5个类型,并编制了分组检索表。同时,根据条纹状的清晰度,排列方式、条纹形状、穿孔大小及其频度等方面的差异,各有特点,对该组的10个种编制了分种检索表。 2. 芹叶组种子形态研究 应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对我国蔷薇属芹叶组14个种及相关组5个组共36种植物的种子宏观形态及种皮微形态特征进行了观察研究。结果显示,蔷薇属种子形态多样,形状分别为肾形、卵形或锥形等;种子颜色以淡棕色、褐色以及土黄色为主;种子大小种间相差悬殊,相对体积为(长×宽×厚)36.66(4.79~114.47) mm3。光镜下,种子宏观形态特征具组内一致性,在扫描电镜下种子表面结构特征因种而异,其纹饰以网纹为主,可分为3种类型,即近平滑型、负网纹型和网纹型。研究结果表明,蔷薇属种子表面纹饰与地理分布关系不大,具有组及种内稳定性。其种子形态、大小、表而纹饰类型等特征可作为蔷薇属组及种水平上的分类依据。 结合蔷薇属花粉形态研究结果,得出蔷薇属种皮微形态特征与花粉外壁纹饰特征相吻合,在代表组及种的特征上具相关性的结论。同时根据种子形态、微形态结构特征的组间区别和种间差异编制了分组及芹叶组14个种的分种检索表。 3. 绢毛蔷薇复合体的研究 通过对大量标本的研究、野外观察以及扫描电镜对绢毛蔷薇复合体的花粉形态和种皮表面结构进行研究,通过对小叶、花粉及种子的形态定量分析结果支持Rowley (1959)的观点,将峨眉蔷薇处理为绢毛蔷薇的一个变种。 综上研究结果得出,蔷薇属植物的小叶片数目、花被基数以及花粉及种子形态等性状是较为稳定的,这些特征可很好的作为分类学依据。 The morphology, pollen exine sculpture and seed coat structure of the species of Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae and related sections were studied.About 3,500 herbarium specimens at CDBI, KUN, PE, and SZ were examined. Field work in Sichuan and Yunnan were conducted. Revisions of some species were carried out and a new key to species of sect. Pimpinellifoliae was proposed based on morphology, pollen exine sculpture and seed coat structure, Detailed morphological descriptions, geographical distributions and the altitudinal ranges of some taxa are given. The systematics of the species complex, the Rosa sericea complex (R. sericea Lindl. & R. omeiensis Rolfe), was emphasized. This thesis focused on the following three aspects: 1. Pollen morphology of Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae The pollen morphology of 18 samples representing 10 species of the Eurasian Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae and 7 additional species of related sections was investigated under LM and SEM. The pollen grains are monadic, actinomorphic, equipolar, medium-sized, spheroidal to perprolate in equatorial view, 3-lobed circular or semi-circular in polar view, crassimarginate, pontoperculate, and with striate exine sculpture. The striate sculpture varies among sections and species. The equatorial axis ranges from 17.97 μm (R. sikangensis) to 29.18 μm (R. tsinglingensis) with an average of 23.98 μm in length, while polar axis varies from 24.15 μm (R. gracilifolra) to 34.70 μm (R. davidii) with an average of 28.65 μm in length. The pollens can be divided into five types based on striate sculpture and a key to the sections sampled was proposed accordingly. The pollen morphology of species of sect. Pimpinellifoliae is more homogeneous and different from other sections sampled and did not support the two-series subdivisions in sect. Pimpinellifoliae. A key is also provided based on characers of pollen morphology among species in sect. Pimpinellifoliae. 2. Seed coat structure of Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae The seed coat structure of 39 samples representing 14 species of Rosa sect. Pimpinellifoliae and 12 additional species of related sections was investigated under LE and SEM. The seed relative volume (Length × width × thickness) ranges from 4.79 to 114.47 mm3 with an average of 36.66. mm3. The seeds are reniform, ovate or oblong in shape, with orange-brown, light brown or deep brown color. Seed coat sculpture was reticulate or striate-like reticulate. There was no difference in sculpture character of various speices under LM, while three types of seed coat sculpture were identified under SEM and a key to species based on the seed coat sculpture was provided. The three types of seed coat sculpture were nearly smooth, areolate and reticulate. The study of the seed coat sculpture of same species sampled from different populations showed that characters on the seed coat are stable, and thus the size, shape and seed coat sculpture can be used in species level identification. Interestingly, characters in the seed coat sculpture and the pollen morphology in sect. Pimpinellifoliae are consistent at in specific or sectional levels. A key to the 14 species sampled was given based on seed coat sculpture. 3. The study on Rosa sericea complex The Rosa sericea complex contains R. omeiensis and R. sericea. They are morphologically similar to one another and the systematic status of R. omeiensis has been controversial. In this study we examined large numbers of herbarium specimens of R. omeiensis and R. sericea and conducted field observations in the Hengduan Mts.. We also performed SEM study of pollen morphology and seed coat structure of R. omeiensis and R. sericea. We further carried out intensive morphometric study on the leaflet, pollen, and seed morphology. Our results showed that R. omeiensis should be sunk to be a variety of R. sericea, just as Rowley’s treatment in 1959. In conclusion, the features in the number of leaflet and petal, and the morphological character on pollen and seed are relatively stable. Therefore these characters are very useful in taxon delimition.
Based on the material deposited in the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, collected from the Indo-West Pacific, principally from the New Caledonian region, the present paper reports 117 palaemonoid shrimp species, which belong, respectively, to Anchistioididae ( one genus, one species), Gnathophyllidae ( one genus, one species), Palaemonidae Palaemoninae ( seven genera, nine species), and Palaemonidae Pontoniinae ( 30 genera, 106 species), including eight new species. The new species are all Pontoniinae: Mesopontonia brevicarpalis sp. nov., Palaemonella komaii sp. nov., Periclimenes crosnieri sp. nov., Periclimenes forgesi sp. nov., Periclimenes loyautensis sp. nov., Periclimenes paralcocki sp. nov., Periclimenes paraleator sp. nov., and Periclimenes pseudalcocki sp. nov. The last six new species are members of the deep-water "Periclimenes alcocki species complex'', which has more than two ( usually four) pairs of dorsolateral telson spines anterior to the posterior telson margin, the cornea is usually reduced, the dactyl of the major second chela is generally flanged and the chela is sometimes covered with small tubercles. The complex is usually found at more than 200m depth in the West Pacific. The species can be distinguished from each other by the armature of ambulatory propod and dactyl, diameter of cornea, rostrum shape and the number of pairs of dorsolateral telson spines. Mesopontonia brevicarpalis sp. nov., from the southeast coast of Africa, is the seventh species of the genus. Palaemonella komaii sp. nov. is very similar to Palaemonella dolichodactylus Bruce, 1991 and Palaemonella hachijo Okuno, 1999. These three species share the features of very long and slender ambulatory pereiopods with the dactyl more than eight times longer than its basal depth and with several long setae on the dorsal dactylar margin.
Polyploidization plays an important role in generating the current high diversity of plants. Studies of distributional patterns of diploids and derivative autopolyploids have provided important insights into evolutionary processes and cryptic speciation of polyploidization within species defined on the basis of their morphology. However, few studies have been designed to examine distributions of infrageneric diploids and polyploids on the Asian Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Allium przewalskianum occurs widely on the QTP and in adjacent regions, at altitudes ranging from 2000m to 4500m. We collected a total of 844 individuals from 62 populations and determined their cytotypes over the entire distribution range of this species. Tetraploids tend to occur at high altitudes; however, the positive relationship between the ploidy and altitude was only marginally significant (P < 0.05). Contact zones between diploids and tetraploids were recorded on the eastern QTP from north to south. Four populations were found to harbor both cytotypes, but no triploid individuals. The wider distribution of tetraploids may be mainly due to their greater colonization ability in the new niches created by the Quaternary climatic oscillations in the QTP region. Our results offer a fundamental framework for studying evolutionary origins, adaptations and cryptic divergences of polyploids within this species complex based on molecular and/or ecological examinations in the future.
Wydział Biologii i Hodowli Zwierząt Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
The study of parallel evolution facilitates the discovery of common rules of diversification. Here, we examine the repeated evolution of thick lips in Midas cichlid fishes (the Amphilophus citrinellus species complex) - from two Great Lakes and two crater lakes in Nicaragua - to assess whether similar changes in ecology, phenotypic trophic traits and gene expression accompany parallel trait evolution. Using next-generation sequencing technology, we characterize transcriptome-wide differential gene expression in the lips of wild-caught sympatric thick- and thin-lipped cichlids from all four instances of repeated thick-lip evolution. Six genes (apolipoprotein D, myelin-associated glycoprotein precursor, four-and-a-half LIM domain protein 2, calpain-9, GTPase IMAP family member 8-like and one hypothetical protein) are significantly underexpressed in the thick-lipped morph across all four lakes. However, other aspects of lips' gene expression in sympatric morphs differ in a lake-specific pattern, including the magnitude of differentially expressed genes (97-510). Generally, fewer genes are differentially expressed among morphs in the younger crater lakes than in those from the older Great Lakes. Body shape, lower pharyngeal jaw size and shape, and stable isotopes (dC and dN) differ between all sympatric morphs, with the greatest differentiation in the Great Lake Nicaragua. Some ecological traits evolve in parallel (those related to foraging ecology; e.g. lip size, body and head shape) but others, somewhat surprisingly, do not (those related to diet and food processing; e.g. jaw size and shape, stable isotopes). Taken together, this case of parallelism among thick- and thin-lipped cichlids shows a mosaic pattern of parallel and nonparallel evolution. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Scytalidium thermophilum plays an important role in determining selectivity of compost produced for growing Agaricus bisporus. The objective of this study was to characterise S. thermophilum isolates by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis and sequence analysis of internally transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the rDNA, to assess the genetic variation exhibited by this species complex and to compare this with existing morphological and thermogravimetric data. RAPD analysis of 34 isolates from various parts of the world revealed two distinct groups, which could be separated on the basis of the differences in the banding patterns produced with five random primers. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the ITS region, which was ca 536 bp in length, revealed only very minor variation among S. thermophilum isolates examined. Several nucleotide base changes within this region demonstrated variation. Genetic distance values among type 1 and 2 S. thermophilum isolates, as determined by ITS sequence analysis, varied by a value of 0.005 %. Molecular analyses carried out in the present study would suggest that isolates within this species complex exhibit genetic differences which correlate well with morphological variation and thermogravimetric data previously determined.
Arcellacea (testate lobose amoebae) are important lacustrine environmental indicators that have been used in paleoclimatic reconstructions, assessing the effectiveness of mine tailings pond reclamation projects and for studying the effects of land use change in rural, industrial and urban settings. Recognition of ecophenotypically significant infra-specific ‘strains’ within arcellacean assemblages has the potential to enhance the utility of the group in characterizing contemporary and paleoenvironments. We present a novel approach which employs statistical tools to investigate the environmental and taxonomic significance of proposed strains. We test this approach on two identified strains: Difflugia protaeiformis Lamarck strain ‘acuminata’ (DPA), characterized by fine grained agglutination, and Difflugia protaeiformis Lamarck strain ‘claviformis’ (DPC), characterized by coarse grained agglutination. Redundancy analysis indicated that both organisms are associated with similar environmental variables. No relationship was observed between substrate particle size and abundance of DPC, indicating that DPC has a size preference for xenosomes during test construction. Thus DPC should not be designated as a distinct strain but rather form a species complex with DPA. This study elucidates the need to justify the designation of strains based on their autecology in addition to morphological stability.
A Pb-mine site situated on acidic soil, but comprising of Ca-enriched islands around derelict buildings was used to study the spatial pattern of genetic diversity in Lumbricus rubellus. Two distinct genetic lineages ('A' and 'B'), differentiated at both the mitochondrial (mtDNA COII) and nuclear level (AFLPs) were revealed with a mean inter-lineage mtDNA sequence divergence of approximately 13%, indicative of a cryptic species complex. AFLP analysis indicates that lineage A individuals within one central 'ecological island' site are uniquely clustered, with little genetic overlap with lineage A individuals at the two peripheral sites. FTIR microspectroscopy of Pb-sequestering chloragocytes revealed different phosphate profiles in residents of adjacent acidic and calcareous islands. Bioinformatics found over-representation of Ca pathway genes in ESTPb libraries. Subsequent sequencing of a Ca-transport gene, SERCA, revealed mutations in the protein's cytosolic domain. We recommend the mandatory genotyping of all individuals prior to field-based ecotoxicological assays, particularly those using discriminating genomic technologies.
Background: Pseudomonas fluorescens are common soil bacteria that can improve plant health through nutrient cycling, pathogen antagonism and induction of plant defenses. The genome sequences of strains SBW25 and Pf0-1 were determined and compared to each other and with P. fluorescens Pf-5. A functional genomic in vivo expression technology (IVET) screen provided insight into genes used by P. fluorescens in its natural environment and an improved understanding of the ecological significance of diversity within this species. Results: Comparisons of three P. fluorescens genomes (SBW25, Pf0-1, Pf-5) revealed considerable divergence: 61% of genes are shared, the majority located near the replication origin. Phylogenetic and average amino acid identity analyses showed a low overall relationship. A functional screen of SBW25 defined 125 plant-induced genes including a range of functions specific to the plant environment. Orthologues of 83 of these exist in Pf0-1 and Pf-5, with 73 shared by both strains. The P. fluorescens genomes carry numerous complex repetitive DNA sequences, some resembling Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITEs). In SBW25, repeat density and distribution revealed 'repeat deserts' lacking repeats, covering approximately 40% of the genome. Conclusions: P. fluorescens genomes are highly diverse. Strain-specific regions around the replication terminus suggest genome compartmentalization. The genomic heterogeneity among the three strains is reminiscent of a species complex rather than a single species. That 42% of plant-inducible genes were not shared by all strains reinforces this conclusion and shows that ecological success requires specialized and core functions. The diversity also indicates the significant size of genetic information within the Pseudomonas pan genome.
Repeat induced point mutation (RIP), a mechanism causing hypermutation of repetitive DNA sequences in fungi, has been described as a ‘genome defense’ which functions to inactivate mobile elements and inhibit their deleterious effects on genome stability. Here we address the interactions between RIP and transposable elements in the Microbotryum violaceum species complex. Ten strains of M. violaceum, most of which belong to different species of the fungus, were all found to contain intragenomic populations of copia-like retrotransposons. Intragenomic DNA sequence variation among the copia-like elements was analyzed for evidence of RIP. Among species with RIP, there was no significant correlation between the frequency of RIP-induced mutations and inferred transposition rate based on diversity. Two strains of M. violaceum, from two different plant species but belonging to the same fungal lineage, contained copia-like elements with very low diversity, as would result from a high transposition rate, and these were also unique in showing no evidence of the hypermutation patterns indicative of the RIP genome defense. In this species, evidence of RIP was also absent from a Class II helitron-like transposable element. However, unexpectedly the absolute repetitive element load was lower than in other strains.
Treatment of emerging RNA viruses is hampered by the high mutation and replication rates that enable these viruses to operate as a quasispecies. Declining honey bee populations have been attributed to the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and its affiliation with Deformed Wing Virus (DWV). In the current study we use next-generation sequencing to investigate the DWV quasispecies in an apiary known to suffer from overwintering colony losses. We show that the DWV species complex is made up of three master variants. Our results indicate that a new DWV Type C variant is distinct from the previously described types A and B, but together they form a distinct clade compared with other members of the Iflaviridae. The molecular clock estimation predicts that Type C diverged from the other variants ~319 years ago. The discovery of a new master variant of DWV has important implications for the positive identification of the true pathogen within global honey bee populations.
The present findings suggest that Anopheles (Kerteszia) homunculus may comprise more than one species. The rDNA ITS2 sequence data corroborate the presence of An. homunculus l.s. in Mata Atlantica, southern Brazil, and suggest that specimens from Trinidad may belong to an unnamed morphologically similar species. There is a need for additional studies to establish the geographical distribution of An. homunculus l.s. in continental South America and in Trinidad, especially in southern Mata Atlantica, Brazil.