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El presente estudio describe los cambios en la políticas públicas de niñez en Colombia entre 1991 y 2014, mediante el análisis tanto de las narrativas y contranarrativas de política gestadas en este periodo de tiempo, como de los factores que propiciaron la conformación de una red de política pública y el posterior desarrollo de diversos modos de interacción entre los grupos de actores identificados. Parte esta investigación de situar antecedentes y factores relevantes que permiten contrastar, por un lado, contenidos y perspectivas entre diferentes periodos de tiempo, y por otro lado, el número, tipo, y dinámica de relaciones entre los diversos actores involucrados en este campo antes de 1991, y posterior a este año hasta 2014. En síntesis, a través de los hallazgos y análisis realizados se busca no solo plantear qué se transformó entre 1991 y 2014 respecto a la construcción de la niñez como referente de políticas públicas, sino también, cómo se gestó esta transformación, con el fin de proveer elementos que permitan comprender principalmente los énfasis y las variaciones que han tenido las políticas públicas de niñez en el país, pero también, algunas continuidades por periodos más específicos de tiempo.


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La relación entre el liderazgo y emprendimiento es un tema de estudio y análisis relativamente nuevo. El término de liderazgo ha sido estudiado y enfocado a otras áreas de estudio, pero en cuanto a la relación existente con emprendimiento se presentan aún carencias conceptuales. A lo largo del presente estudio, se hace una revisión de la literatura la cual permite identificar y analizar estos conceptos y su relación en la última década en Colombia, consultando literatura comprendida en bases de datos en línea tales como, Redalyc, Scielo y Dialnet. En este documento, se destacan los atributos de un emprendedor y de un líder, igualmente se recogen los modelos de emprendimiento, las teorías de liderazgo, y los elementos que caracterizan cada concepto. Finalmente, se evidencia una dicotomía entre el líder y el emprendedor y se concluye que el liderazgo es una característica intrínseca del emprendimiento; sin embargo, el liderazgo no es por regla utilizado para emprender.


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Esta investigación explora arqueológicamente el saber constituido sobre el campesinado en Colombia, en el período de 1965-1975, tomando como material empírico principal un archivo fotográfico documental que relacionaremos con hemerografía y las reconstrucciones socio-históricas de la década. Nuestro propósito es relacionar el archivo, sus condiciones, su porvenir, medios y definiciones con la constitución de subjetividades políticas. Las subjetividades son entendidas aquí en tanto procesos que al referir universos simbólicos socialmente compartidos, dotan al sujeto de un lenguaje cultural que a continuación internaliza, y adquiere así una singularidad que lo caracteriza y finalmente lo representa como “ser colectivo”. Descifraremos, a través de lo visible y lo oculto de las representaciones fotográficas, los enunciados posibles y las aproximaciones desde la sociología. Veremos como los discursos, por demás contradictorios, fungen a manera de proyectos de homogeneización de la cultura campesina efectuándose en la esfera de la heterogeneidad: campesinos marcados por diferencias entre sí, multiplicidad de subjetividades implicadas políticamente en los procesos inscritos dentro de la reforma agraria.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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New species described and figured: Megacyllene (M.) nevermanni sp. nov. from Costa Rica (Limón); M. (M.) punensis sp. nov. from Peru (Puno); Neoclytus fraterculus sp. nov. from Venezuela (Guárico); N. zonatus from Guatemala (Alta Verapaz); N. vitellinus sp. nov. from Costa Rica (Guanacaste); Mecometopus erratus sp. nov. from Colombia (Boyacá); M. latithorax sp. nov. from Panama (Panama).


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Based on the results of comparative analyses of 1,039 specimens of several progenies of Anopheles nuneztovarifrom three localities in Colombia, eight costal wing spot patterns were observed. Patterns I and III were the most frequent: 77.96% and 11.36%, respectively. Using the diagnostic characters ratio of the length of the basal dark area of hind tarsomere II/length of hind tarsomere II, ratio of the length of the humeral pale spot/length of the pre-humeral dark spot, and the ratio of the length of the subcostal pale spot/length of the distal sector dark spot (DS-III2/Ta-III2, HP/PHD, SCP/DSD) approximately 5% of the adult females were misidentified as a species of Nyssorhynchus, different from An. nuneztovari. Approximately 5% of the specimens showed DS-III2/Ta-III2 ratio less than 0.25 (range 0.21 - 0.24), and among them 3.34% shared a HP/PHD ratio less than 1.50. Consequently, 1.52% of An. nuneztovari individuals can be misidentified as Anopheles oswaldoi. In those specimens with the DS-III2/Ta-III2 ratios higher than 0.25, 34.45% displayed SCP/DSD values greater than 0.50 and of these, 3.65% displayed HP/PHD values greater than 1.8. This combination of characters could lead one to misidentify samples of An. nuneztovari as Anopheles rangeli. Similarly, 2.43% of the females could be identified erroneously as either Anopheles aquasalis or Anopheles benarrochi. Individuals with a HP/PHD ratio greater than 2.0, could be misidentified as Anopheles trinkae, Anopheles strodei or Anopheles evansae. A distinct combination of diagnostic characters for An. nuneztovari from Colombia is proposed.


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Neste trabalho são descritas as técnicas de análise estatística utilizadas e a acessibilidade estatística em uma amostra dos artigos originais publicados no período 1996-2006 em duas revistas de pesquisa na área de fruticultura: a Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (RBF) e a revista francesa Fruits. No total foram classificados 986 artigos em 16 categorias de análise estatística, ordenadas em grau ascendente de complexidade. No período analisado, foi constatado um aumento no uso de análises mais sofisticadas ao longo do tempo em ambos as revistas. Os trabalhos publicados pela RBF aplicaram com maior freqüência técnicas estatísticas mais complexas, com maior utilização de delineamentos em blocos aleatorizados, arranjos fatoriais, parcelas subdivididas e modelos hierárquicos, e do teste de Tukey para comparações múltiplas de médias. Nos trabalhos publicados pela revista Fruits, predominou o uso de outros testes paramétricos e do teste de Duncan. O pacote estatístico SAS foi o mais utilizado nos artigos publicados em ambas as revistas. Os leitores da revista RBF precisaram de um nível de conhecimento estatístico mais elevado para ter acesso à maior parte dos artigos publicados no período, em comparação com os leitores da revista francesa.


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Dengue type 3 genotype V viruses have been recently detected in Brazil and Colombia. In this study, we described another Brazilian isolate belonging to this genotype. Phylogenetic analysis including dengue type 3 viruses isolated worldwide showed that Brazilian and Colombian viruses were closely related to viruses isolated in Asia more than two decades ago. The characteristic evolutionary pattern of dengue type 3 virus cannot explain the close similarity of new circulating viruses with old viruses. Further studies are needed to confirm the origin of the new dengue type III genotype circulating in Brazil and Colombia.


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There are 3 strains of Encephalitozoon cuniculi that occur in mammals. Strain III is associated with clinical disease in dogs, although some can be asymptomatic carriers and excrete spores in their urine. Several cases of human E. cuniculi infection caused by strain III have been observed in immunocompromised patients, indicating that E. cuniculi should be considered a zoonotic agent. Encephalitozoon cuniculi can cause fatal disease in maternally-infected or young dogs. Clinical signs in these animals included blindness, encephalitis, retarded growth rate, and nephritis. Encephalitozoon cuniculi has also been associated with primary renal failure in adult dogs. The present study used the direct agglutination test (DAT, cut-off 1:50) and the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT, cut-off 1:10) to examine the prevalence of antibodies to E. cuniculi in dogs from Brazil and Colombia. Using the DAG, 31 (27.4%) of 113 dogs from Brazil and 47 (18.5%) of 254 dogs from Colombia were seropositive. Nine (14.3%) of 63 dogs from Brazil and IS (35.3%) of the 51 dogs from Colombia were seropositive by indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. These results indicate that dogs from Brazil and Colombia are exposed to E. cuniculi.


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Crown rufolepidotus Caruzo & Riina (Euphorbiaceae s. str.), a new species from Colombia, is here described and illustrated. The new species is endemic to an area of lowland secondary forests in Antioquia. Morphological characters indicate that this species belongs to Croton sect. Cleodora (Klotzsch) Baill. due to its arborescent habit, petiolar glands, 15 to 25 stamens, as well as the pistillate flowers with imbricate sepals and multifid styles.


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A new species of land planarian from Colombia, Gigantea maupoi sp. nov., is described herein. The penis papilla of the new species is provided with numerous accessory genital organs, or mgo. These mgo are of a unique morphology, consisting of a very strong barrel-shaped circular muscle coat and an underlying longitudinal one, both derived from the subepithelial musculature of the penis papilla. The central mass of each mgo contains secretions and 8-15 canalicula that open to the male atrium on the central region of the organ. Differences in structures constituting the mgo and details of the muscular systems and of the reproductive organs among the 11 Gigantea species from literature and from type material of G. bistriata (Hyman, 1962), G. chiriquii (Hyman, 1962), and G. sandersoni (Prudhoe, 1949) reexamined here show that the genus is heterogeneous.


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This paper offers some preliminary steps in the marriage of some of the theoretical foundations of new economic geography with spatial computable general equilibrium models. Modelling the spatial economy of Colombia using the traditional assumptions of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models makes little sense when one territorial unit, Bogota, accounts for over one quarter of GDP and where transportation costs are high and accessibility low compared to European or North American standards. Hence, handling market imperfections becomes imperative as does the need to address internal spatial issues from the perspective of Colombia`s increasing involvement with external markets. The paper builds on the Centro de Estudios de Economia Regional (CEER) model, a spatial CGE model of the Colombian economy; non-constant returns and non-iceberg transportation costs are introduced and some simulation exercises carried out. The results confirm the asymmetric impacts that trade liberalization has on a spatial economy in which one region, Bogota, is able to more fully exploit scale economies vis--vis the rest of Colombia. The analysis also reveals the importance of different hypotheses on factor mobility and the role of price effects to better understand the consequences of trade opening in a developing economy.


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Concern about the growing demand of food and fuel has focused the attention on countries with conditions to provide for global requirements. Also, the build-up of an environmental awareness has compelled several governments to implement programs for the addition of biofuels to oil derivatives. Considering their relevance as world and South American producers, this study makes a characterization of the sucro-energetic sectors of Brazil and Colombia, based on a view of agro-industrial systems, industrial organization and transaction cost economy. The approach followed considered of a secondary information survey and in-depth interviews. The main differences found are centered on institutional development level and production volumes. However, the use of the same raw material, sugarcane, trade opening policies, cultural approaches and regional integration, are factors that could generate links of commercial exchange and technological cooperation between the two countries.


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A second species of the genus Eratomyia Amorim & Rindal-E. risaralda, sp. n.-is described from Risaralda, Colombia, based on one male and three females. The female of Eratomyia is described for the first time. A number of striking modifications in the female terminalia shared with Chiletricha Chandler support the hypothesis that they are sister genera within the Rangomaramidae. The position of Chiletricha and Eratomyia within the Chiletrichinae is discussed.