928 resultados para FREE G-ACTIONS


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Glass transition and relaxation of the glycerol-water (G-W) binary mixture system have been studied over the glycerol concentration range of 5-85 mol% by using the highly sensitive technique of electron spin resonance (ESR). For the water rich mixture the glass transition,sensed by the dissolved spin probe, arises from the vitrified mesoscopic portion of the binary system. The concentration dependence of the glass transition temperature manifests a closely related molecular level cooperativity in the system. A drastic change in the mesoscopic structure of the system at the critical concentration of 40 mol is confirmed by an estimation of the spin probe effective volume in a temperature range where the tracer reorientation is strongly coupled to the system dynamics.


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Paper-like free-standing germanium (Ge) and single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) composite anodes were synthesized by the vacuum filtration of Ge/SWCNT composites, which were prepared by a facile aqueous-based method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Electrochemical measurements demonstrate that the Ge/SWCNT composite paper anode with the weight percentage of 32% Ge delivered a specific discharge capacity of 417 mA h g-1 after 40 cycles at a current density of 25 mA g-1, 117% higher than the pure SWCNT paper anode. The SWCNTs not only function as a flexible mechanical support for strain release, but also provide excellent electrically conducting channels, while the nanosized Ge particles contribute to improving the discharge capacity of the paper anode.


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A unit cube in k dimensions (k-cube) is defined as the Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-k where R-i (for 1 <= i <= k) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), a(i) + 1] on the real line. A graph G on n nodes is said to be representable as the intersection of k-cubes (cube representation in k dimensions) if each vertex of C can be mapped to a k-cube such that two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their corresponding k-cubes have a non-empty intersection. The cubicity of G denoted as cub(G) is the minimum k for which G can be represented as the intersection of k-cubes. An interesting aspect about cubicity is that many problems known to be NP-complete for general graphs have polynomial time deterministic algorithms or have good approximation ratios in graphs of low cubicity. In most of these algorithms, computing a low dimensional cube representation of the given graph is usually the first step. We give an O(bw . n) algorithm to compute the cube representation of a general graph G in bw + 1 dimensions given a bandwidth ordering of the vertices of G, where bw is the bandwidth of G. As a consequence, we get O(Delta) upper bounds on the cubicity of many well-known graph classes such as AT-free graphs, circular-arc graphs and cocomparability graphs which have O(Delta) bandwidth. Thus we have: 1. cub(G) <= 3 Delta - 1, if G is an AT-free graph. 2. cub(G) <= 2 Delta + 1, if G is a circular-arc graph. 3. cub(G) <= 2 Delta, if G is a cocomparability graph. Also for these graph classes, there axe constant factor approximation algorithms for bandwidth computation that generate orderings of vertices with O(Delta) width. We can thus generate the cube representation of such graphs in O(Delta) dimensions in polynomial time.


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In late 2010, the online nonprofit media organization WikiLeaks published classified documents detailing correspondence between the U.S. State Department and its diplomatic missions around the world, numbering around 250,000 cables. These diplomatic cables contained classified information with comments on world leaders, foreign states, and various international and domestic issues. Negative reactions to the publication of these cables came from both the U.S. political class (which was generally condemnatory of WikiLeaks, invoking national security concerns and the jeopardizing of U.S. interests abroad) and the corporate world, with various companies ceasing to continue to provide services to WikiLeaks despite no legal measure (e.g., a court injunction) forcing them to do so. This article focuses on the legal remedies available to WikiLeaks against this corporate suppression of its speech in the U.S. and Europe since these are the two principle arenas in which the actors concerned are operating. The transatlantic legal protection of free expression will be considered, yet, as will be explained in greater detail, the legal conception of this constitutional and fundamental right comes from a time when the state posed the greater threat to freedom. As a result, it is not generally enforceable against private, non-state entities interfering with speech and expression which is the case here. Other areas of law, namely antitrust/competition, contract and tort will then be examined to determine whether WikiLeaks and its partners can attempt to enforce their right indirectly through these other means. Finally, there will be some concluding thoughts about the implications of the corporate response to the WikiLeaks embassy cables leak for freedom of expression online.


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The output of a laser is a high frequency propagating electromagnetic field with superior coherence and brightness compared to that emitted by thermal sources. A multitude of different types of lasers exist, which also translates into large differences in the properties of their output. Moreover, the characteristics of the electromagnetic field emitted by a laser can be influenced from the outside, e.g., by injecting an external optical field or by optical feedback. In the case of free-running solitary class-B lasers, such as semiconductor and Nd:YVO4 solid-state lasers, the phase space is two-dimensional, the dynamical variables being the population inversion and the amplitude of the electromagnetic field. The two-dimensional structure of the phase space means that no complex dynamics can be found. If a class-B laser is perturbed from its steady state, then the steady state is restored after a short transient. However, as discussed in part (i) of this Thesis, the static properties of class-B lasers, as well as their artificially or noise induced dynamics around the steady state, can be experimentally studied in order to gain insight on laser behaviour, and to determine model parameters that are not known ab initio. In this Thesis particular attention is given to the linewidth enhancement factor, which describes the coupling between the gain and the refractive index in the active material. A highly desirable attribute of an oscillator is stability, both in frequency and amplitude. Nowadays, however, instabilities in coupled lasers have become an active area of research motivated not only by the interesting complex nonlinear dynamics but also by potential applications. In part (ii) of this Thesis the complex dynamics of unidirectionally coupled, i.e., optically injected, class-B lasers is investigated. An injected optical field increases the dimensionality of the phase space to three by turning the phase of the electromagnetic field into an important variable. This has a radical effect on laser behaviour, since very complex dynamics, including chaos, can be found in a nonlinear system with three degrees of freedom. The output of the injected laser can be controlled in experiments by varying the injection rate and the frequency of the injected light. In this Thesis the dynamics of unidirectionally coupled semiconductor and Nd:YVO4 solid-state lasers is studied numerically and experimentally.


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Amphiphilic sugars exhibit both lyotropic and thermotropic liquid-crystalline behavior. Interestingly, in spite of the abundance of chiral centers in amphiphilic sugars, their liquid-crystalline phases do not exhibit macroscopic chirality. Herein, we report on the first observation of macroscopic chirality in sugar-based bolaamphiphiles containing free hydroxyl groups. The manifestation of the chiral smectic C* phase in these bolaamphiphiles has been observed to be critically dependent on the presence of the azobenzene moiety and the suitable length of the methylene spacer. These results imply that by suitable selection of linker groups, mesogenic bolaamphiphiles possessing macroscopic chirality can be designed using a variety of naturally available sugar derivatives.


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The boxicity of a graph G, denoted box(G), is the least integer d such that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional (axis-parallel) boxes. The cubicity, denoted cub(G), is the least dsuch that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional unit cubes. An independent set of three vertices is an asteroidal triple if any two are joined by a path avoiding the neighbourhood of the third. A graph is asteroidal triple free (AT-free) if it has no asteroidal triple. The claw number psi(G) is the number of edges in the largest star that is an induced subgraph of G. For an AT-free graph G with chromatic number chi(G) and claw number psi(G), we show that box(G) <= chi(C) and that this bound is sharp. We also show that cub(G) <= box(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2) <= chi(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2). If G is an AT-free graph having girth at least 5, then box(G) <= 2, and therefore cub(G) <= 2 [log(2) psi(G)] + 4. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The unsteady laminar free convection boundary layer flows around two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies placed in an ambient fluid of infinite extent have been studied when the flow is driven by thermal buoyancy forces and buoyancy forces from species diffusion. The unsteadiness in the flow field is caused by both temperature and concentration at the wall which vary arbitrarily with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been performed for a circular cylinder and a sphere. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are strongly dependent on the variation of the wall temperature and concentration with time. Also the skin friction and heat transfer increase or decrease as the buoyancy forces from species diffusion assist and oppose, respectively, the thermal buoyancy force, whereas the mass transfer rate is higher for small values of the ratio of the buoyancy parameters than for large values. The local heat and mass transfer rates are maximum at the stagnation point and they decrease progressively with increase of the angular position from the stagnation point.


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The unsteady laminar free convection flow of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies embedded in a highly porous medium with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The unsteadiness in the flow field is caused by the variation of the wall temperature and concentration with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. It is observed that the skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer increase with the permeability parameter but decrease with the magnetic parameter. The results are strongly dependent on the variation of wall temperature and concentration with time. The skin friction and heat transfer increase or decrease as the buoyancy forces from species diffusion assist or oppose the thermal buoyancy force. However, the mass transfer is found to be higher for small values of the ratio of the buoyancy parameters than for large values


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The steady incompressible laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow along a rotating slender vertical cylinder with an isothermal wall has been studied. The transformed coupled nonlinear partial differential equations have been solved numerically using the Keller box method. In general, the rotation of the cylinder, the buoyancy forces and the curvature parameter are found to significantly affect the skin friction, heat transfer, velocity and temperature profiles as well as the pressure distribution. The buoyancy forces cause an overshoot in the axial velocity profile but the rotation and curvature parameters reduce it.


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Specific penicillin-carrier receptor proteins (CRP) have been isolated from the sera of penicillin allergic rabbits and human subjects in the unconjugated native state in electrophoretically homogeneous form by employing a synthetic polymeric affinity template containing the 7-deoxy analogue of penicillin G. The synthesis of the 7-deoxy analogue has been described. In this affinity system the antipenicillin-antibody is desorbed by 0·9M thiourea and the CRP in 8M urea. The CRP after incubation with penicillin is converted into the full-fledged antigen. Studies on the origin of CRP and the nature of antibody as well as comparative studies on the properties of the rabbit antibody and those of antibodies elicited by a BSA-BPO conjugate are reported.