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IPOD Leg 49 recovered basalts from 9 holes at 7 sites along 3 transects across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: 63°N (Reykjanes), 45°N and 36°N (FAMOUS area). This has provided further information on the nature of mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic by enabling studies to be made of the variation of basalt composition with depth and with time near critical areas (Iceland and the Azores) where deep mantle plumes are thought to exist. Over 150 samples have been analysed for up to 40 major and trace elements and the results used to place constraints on the petrogenesis of the erupted basalts and hence on the geochemical nature of their source regions. It is apparent that few of the recovered basalts have the geochemical characteristics of typical "depleted" midocean ridge basalts (MORB). An unusually wide range of basalt compositions may be erupted at a single site: the range of rare earth patterns within the short section cored at Site 413, for instance, encompasses the total variation of REE patterns previously reported from the FAMOUS area. Nevertheless it is possible to account for most of the compositional variation at a single site by partial melting processes (including dynamic melting) and fractional crystallization. Partial melting mechanisms seem to be the dominant processes relating basalt compositions, particularly at 36°N and 45°N, suggesting that long-lived sub-axial magma chambers may not be a consistent feature of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Comparisons of basalts erupted at the same ridge segment for periods of the order of 35 m.y. (now lying along the same mantle flow line) do show some significant inter-site differences in Rb/Sr, Ce/Yb, 87Sr/86Sr, etc., which cannot be accounted for by fractionation mechanisms and which must reflect heterogeneities in the mantle source. However when hygromagmatophile (HYG) trace element levels and ratios are considered, it is the constancy or consistency of these HYG ratios which is the more remarkable, implying that the mantle source feeding a particular ridge segment was uniform with respect to these elements for periods of the order of 35 m.y. and probably since the opening of the Atlantic. Yet these HYG element ratios at 63°N are very different from those at 45°N and 36°N and significantly different from the values at 22°N and in "MORB". The observed variations are difficult to reconcile with current concepts of mantle plumes and binary mixing models. The mantle is certainly heterogeneous, but there is not simply an "enriched" and a "depleted" source, but rather a range of sources heterogeneous on different scales for different elements - to an extent and volume depending on previous depletion/enrichment events. HYG element ratios offer the best method of defining compositionally different mantle segments since they are little modified by the fractionation processes associated with basalt generation.


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Experimental phase relations were used to assess the role of volatiles and crustal level fractional crystallization in the petrogenesis of lavas from Hole 839B in the central Lau Basin. Melting experiments were performed on Sample 135-839B-15R-2, 63-67 cm, at 1 atm, anhydrous, and 2 kbar, H2O-saturated (~6 wt% H2O in the melt) to determine the influence of variable pressure and H2O content on phase appearances, mineral chemistry, and liquid line of descent followed during crystallization. The effects of H2O are to depress the liquidus by ~100°C, and to suppress crystallization of plagioclase and orthopyroxene relative to olivine and high-Ca clinopyroxene. At 1 atm, anhydrous, olivine and plagioclase coexist near the liquidus, whereas orthopyroxene and then clinopyroxene appear with decreasing temperature. Crystallization of 50 wt% produces a residual liquid that is rich in FeO* (10.8 wt%) and poor in Al2O3 (13.6 wt%). At 2 kbar, H2O-saturated, the liquidus phases are olivine and chromian spinel, with high-Ca clinopyroxene appearing after ~10% crystallization. Plagioclase saturation is suppressed until ~20% crystallization has occurred. The residual liquid from 35 wt% crystallization is rich in AI2O3 (17.4 wt%), and poor in MgO (4.82 wt%); it contains moderate FeO* (8.2 wt%), and resembles the low-MgO andesites recovered from Hole 839B. On the basis of these experiments we conclude that the primitive lavas recovered from Hole 839B have experienced crystallization along the Ol + Cpx saturation boundary, under hydrous conditions (an ankaramitic liquid line of descent), and variable amounts of olivine and chromian spinel accumulation. The low-MgO andesites from Hole 839B are the products of hydrous fractional crystallization, at crustal pressures, of a parent magma similar to basaltic andesite Sample 135-839B-15R-2, 63-67 cm.


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Major and rare earth element (REE) data for basalts from Holes 483, 483B, and 485A of DSDP Leg 65, East Pacific Rise, mouth of the Gulf of California, support a simple fractional crystallization model for the genesis of rocks from this suite. The petrography and mineral chemistry (presented in detail elsewhere) provide no evidence for magma mixing, but rather a simple multistage cooling process. Based on its lowest TiO2 content (0.88%), FeO*/MgO ratio (0.95 with total Fe as FeO), and Mg# (100 Mg/Mg + Fe" = 70), sample 483-17-2-(78-83) has been selected as the most primitive primary magma of the samples analyzed. This is supported by the REE data which show this sample has the lowest total REE content, a La/Sm_cn (chondrite-normalized) = 0.36, and Eu/Sm_cn = 1.05. Because other samples analyzed have higher SiO2, lower Mg#, and a negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Sm_cn as low as 0.89), they are most likely derivative magmas. Wright-Doherty and trace element modelling support fractional crystallization of 14.1% plagioclase (An88), 6.7% olivine (Fo86), and 4.7% clinopyroxene (Wo41En49Fs10) from 483-17-2-(78-83) to form the least differentiated sample with Mg# = 63. The La/Sm_cn of this derivative magma is almost identical to the parent magma (0.35 to 0.36), but the other samples have higher La/Sm_cn (0.45 to 0.51), more total REE, and lower Mg# (60 to 56). Both Wright-Doherty and trace element modelling indicate that the primary magma chosen cannot produce these more evolved samples. For the major elements, the TiO2 and P2O5 are too low in the calculated versus the observed (1.38 to 1.90; 0.11 to 0.17, respectively, for example). Rayleigh fractionation calculates a lower La/Sm_cn and requires about 60% crystal removal versus 40% for the Wright-Doherty. These more evolved samples must be derived from a parent magma different from the one selected here and, unfortunately, not sampled in this study. A magma formed by a smaller degree of partial melting with slightly more residual clinopyroxene left in the mantle than for sample 483-17-2-(78-83) is required.


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Altered basalt dikes from Hole 504B were partially melted at 1150°C and 1180°C to determine the composition of the first melts as oceanic Layer 2C is assimilated by a magma chamber. The partial melts are chemically similar to actinolite, the most abundant secondary mineral, but the melts are not simply melted actinolite. High TiO2, P2O5, and K2O abundances of the melts indicate that minor secondary minerals that are enriched in these elements also contribute to the melt. The incorporation of partial melts into a ridge-crest magma chamber may explain the local variability that is sometimes found in ocean ridge basalts that are not readily explained fractional crystallization or partial melting.


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Chemical and isotopic data for rare massive and semimassive sulfide samples cored at Site 1189 (Roman Ruins, PACMANUS) suggest their genetic relationship with sulfide chimneys at the seafloor. Sand collected from the hammer drill after commencement of Hole 1189B indicates that at least the lower section of the cased interval was occupied by material similar to the stockwork zone cored from 31 to ~100 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in this hole, but with increased content of barite, sphalerite, and lead-bearing minerals. Fractional crystallization of ascending hydrothermal fluid involving early precipitation of pyrite may explain vertical mineralogical and chemical zoning within the stockwork conduit and the high base and precious metal contents of Roman Ruins chimneys. A mineralized volcaniclastic unit cored deep in Hole 1189A possibly represents the lateral fringe of the conduit system. Lead isotope ratios in the sulfides differ slightly but significantly from those of fresh lavas from Pual Ridge, implying that at least some of the Pb within the Roman Ruins hydrothermal system derived from a deeper, more radiogenic source than the enclosing altered volcanic rocks.


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Seventeen basalts from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 183 to the Kerguelen Plateau (KP) were analyzed for the platinum-group elements (PGEs: Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd), and 15 were analyzed for trace elements. Relative concentrations of the PGEs ranged from ~0.1 (Ir, Ru) to ~5 (Pt) times primitive mantle. These relatively high PGE abundances and fractionated patterns are not accounted for by the presence of sulfide minerals; there are only trace sulfides present in thin-section. Sulfur saturation models applied to the KP basalts suggest that the parental magmas may have never reached sulfide saturation, despite large degrees of partial melting (~30%) and fractional crystallization (~45%). First order approximations of the fractionation required to produce the KP basalts from an ~30% partial melt of a spinel peridotite were determined using the PELE program. The model was adapted to better fit the physical and chemical observations from the KP basalts, and requires an initial crystal fractionation stage of at least 30% olivine plus Cr-spinel (49:1), followed by magma replenishment and fractional crystallization (RFC) that included clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and titanomagnetite (15:9:1). The low Pd values ([Pd/Pt]_pm < 1.7) for these samples are not predicted by currently available Kd values. These Pd values are lowest in samples with relatively higher degrees of alteration as indicated by petrographic observations. Positive anomalies are a function of the behavior of the PGEs; they can be reproduced by Cr-spinel, and titanomagnetite crystallization, followed by titanomagnetite resorption during the final stages of crystallization. Our modeling shows that it is difficult to reproduce the PGE abundances by either depleted upper or even primitive mantle sources. Crustal contamination, while indicated at certain sites by the isotopic compositions of the basalts, appears to have had a minimal affect on the PGEs. The PGE abundances measured in the Kerguelen Plateau basalts are best modeled by melting a primitive mantle source to which was added up to 1% of outer core material, followed by fractional crystallization of the melt produced. This reproduces both the abundances and patterns of the PGEs in the Kerguelen Plateau basalts. An alternative model for outer core PGE abundances requires only 0.3% of outer core material to be mixed into the primitive mantle source. While our results are clearly model dependent, they indicate that an outer core component may be present in the Kerguelen plume source.


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Major-, trace-, and rare-earth element analyses are presented from a suite of basaltic rocks from the basement of the Celebes Sea. The major elements and trace-elements were determined by X-ray fluorescence techniques, and the rare-earth elements were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Compositionally the Celebes Sea basalts are very similar to typical normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, such as those described from the Indian Ocean triple junction. Petrogenetic modeling shows that all of the basalts analyzed can be formed by 10% to 20% partial melting of a light rare-earth element-depleted spinel lherzolite followed by fractional crystallization of mixtures of olivine, Plagioclase, and iron oxide. The Celebes Sea is interpreted as a fragment of the basement of the Jurassic Argo abyssal plain trapped during the Eocene to the north of Australia.


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Legs 106-109 achieved the first basaltic bare-rock drill hole, on a small volcano (Serocki volcano) located on the flanks of the rift valley in the MAR about 70 km south of the Kane fracture zone. Because of severe technical difficulties only 50.5 m of basalt below seafloor was recovered. Geochemical analysis shows that the recovered basalts display typical N-MORB characteristics as expected in this segment of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The lava flows display rather equivalent geochemical characteristics all over the drilled section and show the imprint of a previous magmatic differentiation suffered by the magmas before their emission, indicative of a fractional crystallization of plagioclase-bearing cumulates. The incompatible and alkali element content of these 648B magmas is very low, a feature which resembles those of other N-MORB. The geochemical characteristics of these basalts look closely similar to those of basalts from the same flow line emitted respectively 10 m.y. (Hole 395, Legs 45-46), and 110 m.y. (Hole 417A, Legs 51-53) ago, supporting the persistence in this ridge segment of a mantle source with depleted characteristics over the last 110 m.y., but with some variations in the degree of depletion of the source along this period. Although these rocks appear fresh, the imprint of an incipient low temperature alteration can be noticed in a few samples, as evidenced by slight increases of alkali, U elements, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic compositions.


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Abundant iron-titanium (Fe-Ti) oxide gabbro, olivine gabbro, and troctolite were drilled at Hole 735B adjacent to the Atlantis II Fracture Zone of the Southwest Indian Ridge during Leg 118. The Fe-Ti oxide gabbro occurs as intrusive bodies into olivine gabbro with very sharp intrusive contacts. The size of the intrusive bodies varies from a millimeter to a few tens of meters. Mineralogical parameters, such as anorthite content of plagioclase and Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of mafic minerals exhibit bimodal distributions corresponding to olivine and Fe-Ti oxide gabbros, respectively. When the two major gabbro types are looked at separately, several downhole mineralogical cycles are recognized. The Fe-Ti oxide gabbros exhibit two such cycles with plagioclase becoming more sodic and mafic minerals becoming more iron-rich downward in the drill core. The olivine gabbros and troctolites, however, exhibit two cycles showing an upward increase in sodium in plagioclase and iron in mafic minerals. The mineralogical variations of these gabbros and the intrusive contact relationships probably resulted from downward intrusion of evolved magma into underlying solid or almost solidified olivine gabbros and troctolite. The dense evolved melt at the top of the cumulus pile probably formed from the crystallization of olivine gabbro cumulates followed by extreme fractional crystallization of residual melt in an isolated, ephemeral magma chamber. The interlayered occurrence of evolved and primitive gabbros from Hole 735B represents a typical section of lower ocean crust formed at a very slow spreading ridge.