378 resultados para FN
A adubação fosfatada é importante para o crescimento inicial do eucalipto, porque suplementa o solo na fase de maior demanda da cultura. O fosfato solúvel (FS) é a fonte comumente utilizada para esse fim, pois apresenta dissolução rápida no solo; contudo, tem custo mais elevado que os fosfatos naturais (FNs), que por sua vez têm dissolução mais lenta. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o uso de FN como substituinte parcial do FS para o fornecimento de P para Eucalyptus benthamii e E. dunnii. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos no campo, um com cada espécie, no município de Otacílio Costa, SC, no período de novembro de 2010 a dezembro de 2011. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. Na parcela principal, testou-se a presença ou ausência do FN (0 ou 60 kg ha-1 de P2O5, usando a fonte FN de Bayovar) e nas subparcelas testaram-se as doses de FS (0, 75; 150; e 300 kg ha-1 de P2O5, usando a fonte superfosfato triplo). Foram realizadas medidas de diâmetro à altura do colo e altura das árvores aos 340 dias, após a aplicação das fontes de P. Os resultados evidenciaram que a adubação fosfatada aumentou o crescimento em diâmetro e altura e incrementou o volume das plantas de E. benthamii e E. dunnii, durante o primeiro ano de cultivo. O E. benthamii foi mais exigente à adubação fosfatada, mas permitiu a substituição parcial da dose de fosfato solúvel por fonte de menor solubilidade. Não houve resposta do E. dunnii à aplicação de fosfato natural, devendo a adubação ser realizada com fosfato solúvel.
O Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha (FN) possui solos pouco desenvolvidos das classes dos Cambissolos, Vertissolos e Neossolos, com características peculiares relacionadas ao material de origem vulcânico, clima tropical com franco domínio oceânico e relevo ondulado a forte ondulado. Os Vertissolos de FN são formados a partir de rochas básicas, tufos vulcânicos e sedimentos aluvionares e estão associados às superfícies rebaixadas com drenagem impedida do planalto central ou da baixada litorânea. Tendo em vista a necessidade de preservação ambiental, uso agrícola ou geotécnico e características peculiares desse ambiente insular, os Vertissolos de FN precisam de melhor entendimento de seus atributos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, portanto, caracterizar morfológica, física, química e mineralogicamente Vertissolos de ocorrência comum na ilha de Fernando de Noronha. Três perfis de Vertissolos derivados de diferentes materiais de origem, classes de drenagem e níveis de salinidade e sodicidade foram descritos e coletados para realização das análises de caracterização. Os solos estudados foram: Vertissolo Háplico órtico solódico (P01), Vertissolo Háplico sálico gleissólico (P02) e Vertissolo Háplico sódico gleissólico (P03). Os Vertissolos de FN apresentam feições típicas da ordem, como a textura argilosa a muito argilosa, as superfícies de fricção (slickensides) e o fendilhamento horizontal e vertical quando secos. Esses solos são imperfeitamente a maldrenados e sofrem alagamento temporário no período de maior concentração das chuvas. Apresentam elevados valores de soma e saturação por bases, além de teores altos a muito altos de P extraível, de distribuição irregular entre perfis e com dominância de formas inorgânicas. Não obstante, esses apresentam problemas de acumulação de sais, o que restringe a utilização agrícola ou geotécnica deles. Os principais minerais da fração argila dos solos são do grupo das esmectitas, seguidos por caulinitas e, ou, haloisitas. A fração silte é constituída por hematita, goethita, magnetita/maghemita, ilmenita, mica e feldspato e por minerais pouco comuns em solos brasileiros como crandalita e holandita.
The Staphylococcus aureus fibronectin (Fn) -binding protein A (FnBPA) is involved in bacterium-endothelium interactions which is one of the crucial events leading to infective endocarditis (IE). We previously showed that the sole expression of S. aureus FnBPA was sufficient to confer to non-invasive Lactococcus lactis bacteria the capacity to invade human endothelial cells (ECs) and to launch the typical endothelial proinflammatory and procoagulant responses that characterize IE. In the present study we further questioned whether these bacterium-EC interactions could be reproduced by single or combined FnBPA sub-domains (A, B, C or D) using a large library of truncated FnBPA constructs expressed in L. lactis. Significant invasion of cultured ECs was found for L. lactis expressing the FnBPA subdomains CD (aa 604-877) or A4(+16) (aa 432-559). Moreover, this correlates with the capacity of these fragments to elicit in vitro a marked increase in EC surface expression of both ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 and secretion of the CXCL8 chemokine and finally to induce a tissue factor-dependent endothelial coagulation response. We thus conclude that (sub)domains of the staphylococcal FnBPA molecule that express Fn-binding modules, alone or in combination, are sufficient to evoke an endothelial proinflammatory as well as a procoagulant response and thus account for IE severity.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate linkage to chromosome 1q and 11q region for lumbar spine, femoral neck and total body BMD and volumetric BMD in Brazilian sister adolescents aged 10-20-year-old and 57 mothers. METHODS: We evaluated 161 sister pairs (n=329) aged 10-20 years old and 57 of their mothers in this study. Physical traits and lifestyle factors were collected as covariates for lumbar spine (LS), femoral neck (FN) and total body (TB) BMD and bone mineral apparent density (BMAD). We selected nine microsatellite markers in chromosome 1q region (spanning nearly 33cM) and eight in chromosome 11q region (spanning nearly 34cM) to perform linkage analysis. RESULTS: The highest LOD score values obtained from our data were in sister pairs LS BMAD analysis. Their values were: 1.32 (P<0.006), 2.61 (P<0.0002) and 2.44 (P<0.0004) in D1S218, D1S2640 and D1S2623 markers, respectively. No significant LOD score was found with LS and FN BMD/BMAD in chromosome 11q region. Only TB BMD showed significant linkage higher than 1.0 for chromosome 11q region in the markers D11S4191 and D11S937. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS: Our results provided suggestive linkage for LS BMAD at D1S2640 marker in adolescent sister pairs and suggest a possible candidate gene (LHX4) related to adolescent LS BMAD in this region. These results reinforce chromosome 1q21-23 as a candidate region to harbor one or more bone formation/maintenance gene. In the other hand, it did not repeat for chromosome 11q12-13 in our population.
[Factum. Chirurgiens de Paris. 1748]
La auditoría de gestión es una técnica relativamente nueva de asesoramiento que ayuda a analizar, diagnosticar y establecer recomendaciones a las empresas, con el fín de conseguir con éxito una estrategia. Uno de los motivos principales por el cual una empresa puede decidir emprender una auditoría de gestión es el cambio que se hace indispensable para reajustar la gestión o la organización de la misma.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes combinações de vernalização e fotoperíodo no desenvolvimento de cinco cultivares brasileiras de trigo. O experimento foi realizado em Passo Fundo, RS, em três épocas de semeadura: 23/6, 25/7 e 27/8 de 2003. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subsubdivididas e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de: três regimes fotoperiódicos - fotoperíodo natural (FN), fotoperíodo estendido em quatro horas (FE 4) e fotoperíodo estendido até completar vinte horas de luz (FE 20) - locados na parcela principal; dois regimes de vernalização - não vernalizado (NV) e vernalizado com 30 dias (V) -, na subparcela; e cinco cultivares de trigo - BRS 179, BRS 194, BRS 207, BRS Figueira e BRS Umbu, avaliadas nas subsubparcelas. Houve interação entre fotoperíodo e cultivar (semeadura em 23/6), e todas as cultivares tiveram o ciclo reduzido com o aumento do fotoperíodo, enquanto nas plantas com épocas de semeadura 25/7 e 27/8, houve interação entre fotoperíodo e cultivar e entre vernalização e cultivar. Essas variáveis aceleraram o ciclo de desenvolvimento da cultura e interferiram na duração dos subperíodos importantes para a formação dos componentes do rendimento de grãos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso do solo sobre a densidade e a diversidade da macrofauna invertebrada, bem como a relação dessa com atributos químicos do solo em diferentes agroecossistemas. Foram estudados cinco agroecossistemas: sistema ecológico com três anos de adoção (SE3), sistemas agroflorestais com seis (SAF6) e dez (SAF10) anos de adoção; agricultura de corte e queima (ACQ), e floresta nativa (FN). Em cada sistema, foram coletadas aleatoriamente cinco amostras solo, em forma de blocos (25x25 cm), na profundidade de 10 cm, nas épocas seca (outubro, 2006) e chuvosa (maio, 2007). A relação entre os atributos químicos e a macrofauna edáfica, nos diferentes sistemas de uso do solo, foi determinada por meio da análise da coinércia. Maior abundância da macrofauna foi observada na época chuvosa. Os sistemas SE3, SAF6 e SAF10 apresentaram maior riqueza de espécies e índices de Shannon e Pielou, independentemente da época de coleta. O manejo agroflorestal favoreceu a ocorrência de "engenheiros do ecossistema". Os sistemas agroflorestais propiciam melhores características químicas do solo e aumentos na abundância e riqueza da macrofauna invertebrada do solo.
[Factum. Gay, Jules (éditeur). 1864]
To the origins and evolution of Indomalayan shrews, we investigated the chromosomal variations of 14 species of Crocidura from SE Asia. Intraspecific polymorphism was mainly due to variation in the number of short chromosomal arms but C. lepidura and C. hutanis showed a polymorphism due to a centric fusion. The undifferentially stained karyotypes were similar in 9 species, all possessing 2n = 38 and FN = 54-56 (68); C. fuliginosa had 2n = 40 and FN = 54-58. These karyotypes are close to the presumed ancestral state for the genus Crocidura. Four species from Sulawesi had a reduced diploid number (2n = 30-34), a trend not observed among other SE Asian species but present in few Palaearctic taxa. Compared to the apparent stasis of karyotypic evolution observed among other SE Asian species, the high degree of interspecific differences reported among Sulawesian shrews is unusual and needs further investigation. Stasis and reduction in diploid number found in both Indomalayan and Palaeractic species suggest that these two groups share a common ancestry. This is in sharp contrast to most Afrotropical species which evolved towards higher diploid and fundamental numbers. The zoogeographical implications of these results are discussed.
[Factum. Garnerey, Auguste-Simon (peintreSuccession). 1838]
Solid tumor growth triggers a wound healing response. Similar to wound healing, fibroblasts in the tumor stroma differentiate into myofibroblasts (also referred to as cancer-associated fibroblasts) primarily, but not exclusively, in response to transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). Myofibroblasts in turn enhance tumor progression by remodeling the stroma. Among proteases implicated in stroma remodeling, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), including MMP-9, play a prominent role. Recent evidence indicates that MMP-9 recruitment to the tumor cell surface enhances tumor growth and invasion. In the present work, we addressed the potential relevance of MMP-9 recruitment to and activity at the surface of fibroblasts. We show that recruitment of MMP-9 to the fibroblast cell surface occurs through its fibronectin-like (FN) domain and that the molecule responsible for the recruitment is lysyl hydroxylase 3 (LH3). Functional assays suggest that both pro- and active MMP-9 trigger α-smooth muscle actin expression in cultured fibroblasts, reflecting myofibroblast differentiation, possibly as a result of TGF-β activation. Moreover, the recombinant FN domain inhibited both MMP-9-induced TGF-β activation and α-smooth muscle actin expression by displacing MMP-9 from the fibroblast cell surface. Together our results uncover LH3 as a new docking receptor of MMP-9 on the fibroblast cell surface and demonstrate that the MMP-9 FN domain is essential for the interaction. They also show that the recombinant FN domain inhibits MMP-9-induced TGF-β activation and fibroblast differentiation, providing a potentially attractive therapeutic reagent toward attenuating tumor progression where MMP-9 activity is strongly implicated.
Adolescence is an important time for acquiring high peak bone mass. Physical activity is known to be beneficial to bone development. The effect of estrogen-progestin contraceptives (EPC) is still controversial. Altogether 142 (52 gymnasts, 46 runners, and 42 controls) adolescent women participated in this study, which is based on two 7-year (n =142), one 6-year (n =140) and one 4-year (n =122) follow-ups. Information on physical activity, menstrual history, sexual maturation, nutrition, living habits and health status was obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) of lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN) were measured by dual- energy X-ray absoptiometry. Calcaneal sonographic measurements were also made. The physical activity of the athletes participating in this study decreased after 3-year follow-up. High-impact exercise was beneficial to bones. LS and FN BMC was higher in gymnasts than in controls during the follow-up. Reduction in physical activity had negative effects on bone mass. LS and FN BMC increased less in the group having reduced their physical activity more than 50%, compared with those continuing at the previous level (1.69 g, p=0.021; 0.14 g, p=0.015, respectively). The amount of physical activity was the only significant parameter accounting for the calcaneal sonography measurements at 6-year follow-up (11.3%) and reduced activity level was associated with lower sonographic values. Long-term low-dose EPC use seemed to prevent normal bone mass acquisition. There was a significant trend towards a smaller increase in LS and FN BMC among long-term EPC users. In conclusion, this study confirms that high-impact exercise is beneficial to bones and that the benefits are partly maintained even after a clear reduction in training level at least for 4 years. Continued exercise is needed to retain all acquired benefits. The bone mass gained and maintained can possibly be maximized in adolescence by implementing high-impact exercise for youngsters. The peak bone mass of the young women participating in the study may be reached before the age of 20. Use of low-dose EPCs seems to suppress normal bone mass acquisition.
PURPOSE: Pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) has two common histologic subtypes: embryonal (ERMS) and alveolar (ARMS). PAX-FOXO1 fusion gene status is a more reliable prognostic marker than alveolar histology, whereas fusion gene-negative (FN) ARMS patients are clinically similar to ERMS patients. A five-gene expression signature (MG5) previously identified two diverse risk groups within the fusion gene-negative RMS (FN-RMS) patients, but this has not been independently validated. The goal of this study was to test whether expression of the MG5 metagene, measured using a technical platform that can be applied to routine pathology material, would correlate with outcome in a new cohort of patients with FN-RMS. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Cases were taken from the Children's Oncology Group (COG) D9803 study of children with intermediate-risk RMS, and gene expression profiling for the MG5 genes was performed using the nCounter assay. The MG5 score was correlated with clinical and pathologic characteristics as well as overall and event-free survival. RESULTS: MG5 standardized score showed no significant association with any of the available clinicopathologic variables. The MG5 signature score showed a significant correlation with overall (N = 57; HR, 7.3; 95% CI, 1.9-27.0; P = 0.003) and failure-free survival (N = 57; HR, 6.1; 95% CI, 1.9-19.7; P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: This represents the first, validated molecular prognostic signature for children with FN-RMS who otherwise have intermediate-risk disease. The capacity to measure the expression of a small number of genes in routine pathology material and apply a simple mathematical formula to calculate the MG5 metagene score provides a clear path toward better risk stratification in future prospective clinical trials. Clin Cancer Res; 21(20); 4733-9. ©2015 AACR.