967 resultados para FIXED-DOSE COMBINATION


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The current standard of care for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection - combination therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin - elicits sustained responses in only similar to 50% of the patients treated. No alternatives exist for patients who do not respond to combination therapy. Addition of ribavirin substantially improves response rates to interferon and lowers relapse rates following the cessation of therapy, suggesting that increasing ribavirin exposure may further improve treatment response. A key limitation, however, is the toxic side-effect of ribavirin, hemolytic anemia, which often necessitates a reduction of ribavirin dosage and compromises treatment response. Maximizing treatment response thus requires striking a balance between the antiviral and hemolytic activities of ribavirin. Current models of viral kinetics describe the enhancement of treatment response due to ribavirin. Ribavirin-induced anemia, however, remains poorly understood and precludes rational optimization of combination therapy. Here, we develop a new mathematical model of the population dynamics of erythrocytes that quantitatively describes ribavirin-induced anemia in HCV patients. Based on the assumption that ribavirin accumulation decreases erythrocyte lifespan in a dose-dependent manner, model predictions capture several independent experimental observations of the accumulation of ribavirin in erythrocytes and the resulting decline of hemoglobin in HCV patients undergoing combination therapy, estimate the reduced erythrocyte lifespan during therapy, and describe inter-patient variations in the severity of ribavirin-induced anemia. Further, model predictions estimate the threshold ribavirin exposure beyond which anemia becomes intolerable and suggest guidelines for the usage of growth hormones, such as erythropoietin, that stimulate erythrocyte production and avert the reduction of ribavirin dosage, thereby improving treatment response. Our model thus facilitates, in conjunction with models of viral kinetics, the rational identification of treatment protocols that maximize treatment response while curtailing side effects.


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Earlier studies in this laboratory have shown the potential of artemisinin-curcumin combination therapy in experimental malaria. In a parasite recrudescence model in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei (ANKA), a single dose of alpha, beta-arteether (ART) with three oral doses of curcumin prevented recrudescence, providing almost 95% protection. The parasites were completely cleared in blood with ART-alone (AE) or ART+curcumin (AC) treatments in the short-term, although the clearance was faster in the latter case involving increased ROS generation. But, parasites in liver and spleen were not cleared in AE or AC treatments, perhaps, serving as a reservoir for recrudescence. Parasitemia in blood reached up to 60% in AE-treated mice during the recrudescence phase, leading to death of animals. A transient increase of up to 2-3% parasitemia was observed in AC-treatment, leading to protection and reversal of splenomegaly. A striking increase in spleen mRNA levels for TLR2, IL-10 and IgG-subclass antibodies but a decrease in those for INF gamma and IL-12 was observed in AC-treatment. There was a striking increase in IL-10 and IgG subclass antibody levels but a decrease in INF gamma levels in sera leading to protection against recrudescence. AC-treatment failed to protect against recrudescence in TLR2(-/-) and IL-10(-/-) animals. IL-10 injection to AE-treated wild type mice and AC-treated TLR22/2 mice was able to prolong survival. Blood from the recrudescence phase in AE-treatment, but not from AC-treatment, was able to reinfect and kill naive animals. Sera from the recrudescence phase of AC-treated animals reacted with several parasite proteins compared to that from AE-treated animals. It is proposed that activation of TLR2-mediated innate immune response leading to enhanced IL-10 production and generation of anti-parasite antibodies contribute to protective immunity in AC-treated mice. These results indicate a potential for curcumin-based combination therapy to be tested for prevention of recrudescence in falciparum and relapse in vivax malaria.


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Background & objectives: Pre-clinical toxicology evaluation of biotechnology products is a challenge to the toxicologist. The present investigation is an attempt to evaluate the safety profile of the first indigenously developed recombinant DNA anti-rabies vaccine DRV (100 mu g)] and combination rabies vaccine CRV (100 mu g DRV and 1.25 IU of cell culture-derived inactivated rabies virus vaccine)], which are intended for clinical use by intramuscular route in Rhesus monkeys. Methods: As per the regulatory requirements, the study was designed for acute (single dose - 14 days), sub-chronic (repeat dose - 28 days) and chronic (intended clinical dose - 120 days) toxicity tests using three dose levels, viz. therapeutic, average (2x therapeutic dose) and highest dose (10 x therapeutic dose) exposure in monkeys. The selection of the model i.e. monkey was based on affinity and rapid higher antibody response during the efficacy studies. An attempt was made to evaluate all parameters which included physical, physiological, clinical, haematological and histopathological profiles of all target organs, as well as Tiers I, II, III immunotoxicity parameters. Results: In acute toxicity there was no mortality in spite of exposing the monkeys to 10XDRV. In sub chronic and chronic toxicity studies there were no abnormalities in physical, physiological, neurological, clinical parameters, after administration of test compound in intended and 10 times of clinical dosage schedule of DRV and CRV under the experimental conditions. Clinical chemistry, haematology, organ weights and histopathology studies were essentially unremarkable except the presence of residual DNA in femtogram level at site of injection in animal which received 10X DRV in chronic toxicity study. No Observational Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL) of DRV is 1000 ug/dose (10 times of therapeutic dose) if administered on 0, 4, 7, 14, 28th day. Interpretation & conclusions: The information generated by this study not only draws attention to the need for national and international regulatory agencies in formulating guidelines for pre-clinical safety evaluation of biotech products but also facilitates the development of biopharmaceuticals as safe potential therapeutic agents.


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We conducted the present study to investigate the therapeutic effects of the antiresorptive agent zoledronic acid (ZOL), alone and in combination with alfacalcidol (ALF), in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Female Wistar rats were ovariectomized (OVX) or sham-operated at 3 months of age. Twelve weeks post surgery, rats were randomized into six groups: (1) sham + vehicle, (2) OVX + vehicle, (3) OVX + ZOL (100 mu g/kg, i.v. single dose), (4) OVX + ZOL (50 mu g/kg, i.v. single dose), (5) OVX + ALF (0.5 mu g/kg, oral gauge daily) and (6) OVX + ZOL (50 mu g/kg, i.v. single dose) + ALF (0.5 mu g/kg, oral gauge daily) for 12 weeks. After treatment, we evaluated the mechanical properties of the lumbar vertebra and femoral mid-shaft. Femurs were also tested for bone density, porosity and trabecular micro-architecture. Biochemical markers in serum and urine were also determined. With respect to improvement in the mechanical strength of the lumbar spine and the femoral mid-shaft, the combination treatment of ZOL and ALF was more effective than each administered as a monotherapy. Moreover, combination therapy using ZOL and ALF preserved the trabecular micro-architecture and cortical bone porosity. Furthermore, the combination treatment of ZOL and ALF corrected the decrease in serum calcium and increase in serum alkaline phosphatase and the tartarate-resistant acid phosphatase level better than single-drug therapy using ZOL or ALF in OVX rats. In addition, the combination treatment of ZOL and ALF corrected the increase in urine calcium, phosphorous and creatinine levels better than single-drug therapy using ZOL or ALF in OVX rats. These data suggest that the combination treatment of ZOL and ALF has a therapeutic advantage over each monotherapy for the treatment of osteoporosis.


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O câncer colo-retal é a terceira neoplasia mais frequente em todo o mundo e a recorrência local e neoplasia refratária são desafios no tratamento do câncer colo-retal após a cirurgia convencional. Com o intuito de controlar a recorrência e aumentar a média de sobrevida dos pacientes, uma estratégia multidisciplinar que combina a radioterapia (RT) e a quimioterapia com o processo cirúrgico tem sido protocolo clínico de escolha. Embora esta combinação seja capaz de otimizar o tratamento, nem todos os pacientes são beneficiados com o protocolo quimio-rádio combinado, uma vez que existem os insucessos terapêuticos relacionados com a incidência de neoplasias secundárias tardias em pacientes que foram submetidos à RT para tratamento de neoplasias anteriores. Além da doença refratária, outro agravante da RT são os efeitos colaterais produzidos pela radiação ionizante (IR), em especial àqueles do trato gastrointestinal. Estes efeitos estão relacionados com alterações da homeostase do epitélio intestinal, através da desorganização dos complexos juncionais. Porém, os mecanismos que medeiam estes efeitos ainda não estão elucidados. Este estudo avaliou as vias de sinalização que medeiam os efeitos da IR em células Caco-2. Foi observado que a IR causa uma desorganização da junção aderente via Src, EGFR e MAPK, sendo estas alterações acompanhadas por desorganização do citoesqueleto de actina em todo o volume celular. Src, EGFR e MAPK participam de maneira diferenciada na modulação destes efeitos. Observamos também que a radiação aumenta a motilidade dessas células via Src e MAPK e não induz alteração na proliferação celular até 48 horas após o tratamento. Este é o primeiro trabalho que correlaciona vias de sobrevivência celular como Src, EGFR e MAPK com alterações nas proteínas de junção aderente, alterações do citoesqueleto e migração celular. Estes eventos são relacionados aos efeitos colaterais primários e tardios induzidos pela IR, e podem favorecer à aquisição de um fenótipo maligno herdável durante o fracionamento de doses na RT, favorecendo a progressão tumoral do câncer colo-retal. Logo, além da correlação das vias de sinalização envolvidas nos eventos induzidos pela IR mostrados neste estudo, os resultados também corroboram para um melhor entendimento da atividade farmacológica dos inibidores químicos utilizados, uma vez que muitos deles encontram-se em fase de ensaios pré-clínicos e clínicos.


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This paper describes the optimization of dose of methyltestosteronei (MT) hormone for masculinization of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Five treatments (i.e. T1 T2, T2, T4 and T5) with different doses such as 0, 40, 50, 60 and 65 mg of MT hormone were mixed with per kg of feed for each treatment and fed the fry four times a day up to satiation for a period of 30 days. The stocking density was maintained 10 spawn/liter of water. The growth of fry at different treatments was recorded weekly and mortality was recorded daily. At the end of hormone feeding the fry were reared in hapas fixed in ponds for another 70 days and at the 100th day the fish were sexed by the gonad squashing and aceto-carmine staining method. The analysis of growth data did not show any significant variation in length and weight of fish among the different treatments. High mortality of fry ranging 66% to 81.6% was observed in different treatments and highest mortality was observed during the first twelve days of the experiment. The sex ratio analysis showed that T2 (40 mg/kg) and T5 (65 mg/kg) produced 93.33% of sex reversed male and T3 (50 mg/kg) and T4 (60 mg/kg) produced 96.66% sex reversed male, and these ratios were significantly (p<0.05) different from 1:1 male: female sex ratio. The control, T1 (0 mg/kg) contained 43.33% male progeny. From these results it is suggested that either 50 mg/kg or 60 mg/kg of MT with a feeding period of 30 days could be considered as an optimum dose for masculinization of tilapia (O. niloticus).


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In this study gamma radiation (3, 6 and 9 kGy) in combination with low temperature (-20°C) were applied to retain the quality and shelf-life of shrimp, Penaeus monodon for a longer period. The quality was assessed by monitoring microbiological changes (TBC, TMC, TYC, TCC and Salmonella count) in irradiated and non-irradiated (control) samples. Among microbiological indicators of spoilage, total bacterial count (TBC) values for irradiated shrimps were found to be 1875, 1625 and 1525 cfugˉ¹ of sample at 3, 6 and 9 kGy respectively after 90 days whereas for non-irradiated samples it was found 2475 cfugˉ¹ of sample. Total moulds count (TMC) value for non-irradiated samples after 90 days were found 425 cfugˉ¹ sample whereas that for irradiated shrimps at 3, 6 and 9 kGy were found to be 275, 250 and 200 cfugˉ¹ sample respectively. Total yeast count (TYC) value for non-irradiated samples after 90 days were found 4125 cfugˉ¹ sample whereas that for irradiated shrimps at 3, 6 and 9 kGy were found to be 2850, 2150 and 1725 cfugˉ¹ sample respectively. Total coliform count and Salmonella count showed that those were absent during 90 days storage period. From this study, it was clear that gamma radiation in combination with low temperature showed shelf-life extension (90 days) in each dose of radiation used but during the use of 9 kGy radiation, Penaeus monodon showed best quality.


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In order to obtain greater radiation hardness for SIMOX (separation by implanted oxygen) materials, nitrogen was implanted into SIMOX BOX (buried oxide). However, it has been found by the C-V technique employed in this work that there is an obvious increase of the fixed positive charge density in the nitrogen-implanted BOX with a 150 out thickness and 4 x 10(15) cm(-2) nitrogen implantation dose, compared with that unimplanted with nitrogen. On the other hand, for the BOX layers with a 375 nm thickness and implanted with 2 x 10(15) and 3 x 10(15) cm(-2) nitrogen doses respectively, the increase of the fixed positive charge density induced by implanted nitrogen has not been observed. The post-implantation annealing conditions are identical for all the nitrogen-implanted samples. The increase in fixed positive charge density in the nitrogen-implanted 150 nm BOX is ascribed to the accumulation of implanted nitrogen near the BOX/Si interface due to the post-implantation annealing process according to SIMS results. In addition, it has also been found that the fixed positive charge density in initial BOX is very small. This means SIMOX BOX has a much lower oxide charge density than thermal SiO2 which contains a lot of oxide charges in most cases.


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The combination of ionizing radiation and gene therapy has been investigated. However, there are very few reports about the combination of heavy-ion irradiation and gene therapy. To determine if the pre-exposure to low-dose heavy ion beam enhances the suppression of AdCMV-p53 on non-small lung cancer (NSLC), the cells pre-irradiated or non-irradiated were infected with 20, 40 MOI of AdCMV-p53. Survival fraction and the relative biology effect (RBE) were determined by clonogenic assay. The results showed that the proportions of p53 positive cells in C-12(6+) beam induced AdCMV-p53 infected cells were more than 90%, which were significantly more than those in gamma-ray induced AdCMV-p53 infected cells. The pre-exposure to low-dose 12C6+ beam significantly prevented the G(0)/G(1) arrest and activated G(2)/M checkpoints. The pre-exposure to C-12(6+) beam significantly improved cell to apoptosis. RBEs for the C-12(6+)+ AdCMV-p53 infection groups were 30%-60%,20% -130% and 30%-70% more than those for the C-12(6+)_irradiated only, AdCMV-p53 infected only, and gamma-irradiation induced AdCMVp53 infected groups, respectively. The data suggested that the pre-exposure to low-dose C-12(6+) beam significantly promotes exogenous p53 expression in NSLC, and the suppression of AdCMV-p53 gene therapy on NSLC.


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The high mortality rate of immunocompromised patients with fungal infections and the limited availability of highly efficacious and safe agents demand the development of new antifungal therapeutics. To rapidly discover such agents, we developed a high-throughput synergy screening (HTSS) strategy for novel microbial natural products. Specifically, a microbial natural product library was screened for hits that synergize the effect of a low dosage of ketoconazole (KTC) that alone shows little detectable fungicidal activity. Through screening of approximate to 20,000 microbial extracts, 12 hits were identified with broadspectrum antifungal activity. Seven of them showed little cytotoxicity against human hepatoma cells. Fractionation of the active extracts revealed beauvericin (BEA) as the most potent component, because it dramatically synergized KTC activity against diverse fungal pathogens by a checkerboard assay. Significantly, in our immunocompromised mouse model, combinations of BEA (0.5 mg/kg) and KTC (0.5 mg/kg) prolonged survival of the host infected with Candida parapsilosis and reduced fungal colony counts in animal organs including kidneys, lungs, and brains. Such an effect was not achieved even with the high dose of 50 mg/kg KTC. These data support synergism between BEA and KTC and thereby a prospective strategy for antifungal therapy.


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Background: The eliciting dose (ED) for a peanut allergic reaction in 5% of the peanut allergic population, the ED05, is 1.5 mg of peanut protein. This ED05 was derived from oral food challenges (OFC) that use graded, incremental doses administered at fixed time intervals. Individual patients’ threshold doses were used to generate population dose-distribution curves using probability distributions from which the ED05 was then determined. It is important to clinically validate that this dose is predictive of the allergenic response in a further unselected group of peanut-allergic individuals. Methods/Aims: This is a multi-centre study involving three national level referral and teaching centres. (Cork University Hospital, Ireland, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, U.S.A.) The study is now in process and will continue to run until all centres have recruited 125 participates in each respective centre. A total of 375 participants, aged 1–18 years will be recruited during routine Allergy appointments in the centres. The aim is to assess the precision of the predicted ED05 using a single dose (6 mg peanut = 1.5 mg of peanut protein) in the form of a cookie. Validated Food Allergy related Quality of Life Questionnaires-(FAQLQ) will be self-administered prior to OFC and 1 month after challenge to assess the impact of a single dose OFC on FAQL. Serological and cell based in vitro studies will be performed. Conclusion: The validation of the ED05 threshold for allergic reactions in peanut allergic subjects has potential value for public health measures. The single dose OFC, based upon the statistical dose-distribution analysis of past challenge trials, promises an efficient approach to identify the most highly sensitive patients within any given food-allergic population.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Docetaxel is an active agent in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. We evaluated the feasibility of docetaxel-based sequential and combination regimens as adjuvant therapies for patients with node-positive breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three consecutive groups of patients with node-positive breast cancer or locally-advanced disease, aged < or = 70 years, received one of the following regimens: a) sequential A-->T-->CMF: doxorubicin 75 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 3, followed by docetaxel 100 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 3, followed by i.v. CMF days 1 + 8 q 4 weeks x 3; b) sequential accelerated A-->T-->CMF: A and T were administered at the same doses q 2 weeks; c) combination therapy: doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 + docetaxel 75 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 4, followed by CMF x 4. When indicated, radiotherapy was administered during or after CMF, and tamoxifen started after the end of CMF. RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients have been treated. Median age was 48 years. A 30% rate of early treatment discontinuation was observed in patients receiving the sequential accelerated therapy (23% during A-->T), due principally to severe skin toxicity. Median relative dose-intensity was 100% in the three treatment arms. The incidence of G3-G4 major toxicities by treated patients, was as follows: skin toxicity a: 5%; b: 27%; c: 0%; stomatitis a: 20%; b: 20%; c: 3%. The incidence of neutropenic fever was a: 30%; b: 13%; c: 48%. After a median follow-up of 18 months, no late toxicity has been reported. CONCLUSIONS: The accelerated sequential A-->T-->CMF treatment is not feasible due to an excess of skin toxicity. The sequential non accelerated and the combination regimens are feasible and under evaluation in a phase III trial of adjuvant therapy.


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Summary Bortezomib (formerly PS-341) has significant activity in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma (MM), its efficacy is increased with the addition of dexamethasone and it demonstrates synergy with doxorubicin, thus providing the rationale for combination therapy with bortezomib, doxorubicin and dexamethasone (PAD). Patients with untreated MM received four 21-d cycles of PAD, comprising bortezomib 1·3 mg/m2 on days 1, 4, 8 and 11, along with dexamethasone 40 mg on days 1–4, 8–11 and 15–18 during cycle 1 and days 1–4 during cycles 2–4. During days 1–4, patients also received 0, 4·5 or 9 mg/m2 of doxorubicin at dose levels 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Following peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) collection, patients received high-dose melphalan (MEL200) with PBSC transplantation (PBSCT). After PAD induction alone, 20 of 21 patients (95%) achieved at least a partial response (PR), including complete response (CR) in five patients (24%). Twenty of 21 had PBSC mobilized, and 18 of 20 received MEL200/PBSCT. In an intention-to-treat analysis, response rates were: CR 43%, near CR 14%, very good PR 24%, PR 14% and stable disease 5%. PAD was effective, did not prejudice subsequent PBSC collection, and should be further evaluated in prospective randomized trials.


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OSI-7904L is a liposomal formulation of a potent thymidylate synthase (TS) inhibitor. This phase I study evaluated the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics (PK) of OSI-7904L administered in combination with oxaliplatin every 21 days in patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma. METHOD: A 3+3 study design was utilized at predefined dose levels. Polymorphisms in the TS enhancer region and XPD enzyme were investigated as potential predictors of efficacy and toxicity. RESULTS: Fourteen patients received 76 cycles of treatment. At the highest dose level (OSI-7904L 9 mg/m(2), oxaliplatin 130 mg/m(2)) investigated, one of nine patients experienced dose-limiting toxicity of grade 3 oral mucositis with cycle 1 and five further patients required dose reductions. The toxicity profile of stomatitis, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, sensory neuropathy and skin rash was consistent with that expected for a TS inhibitor/oxaliplatin combination regimen. PK analysis showed high interpatient variability with no detectable interaction between OSI-7904L and oxaliplatin. Partial radiological responses were documented in two patients. CONCLUSIONS: The recommended regimen for further investigation is OSI-7904L 9 mg/m(2) and oxaliplatin 130 mg/m(2).


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P-glycoprotein (Pgp) antagonists have had unpredictable pharmacokinetic interactions requiring reductions of chemotherapy. We report a phase I study using tariquidar (XR9576), a potent Pgp antagonist, in combination with vinorelbine. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Patients first received tariquidar alone to assess effects on the accumulation of (99m)Tc-sestamibi in tumor and normal organs and rhodamine efflux from CD56+ mononuclear cells. In the first cycle, vinorelbine pharmacokinetics was monitored after the day 1 and 8 doses without or with tariquidar. In subsequent cycles, vinorelbine was administered with tariquidar. Tariquidar pharmacokinetics was studied alone and with vinorelbine. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients were enrolled. Vinorelbine 20 mg/m(2) on day 1 and 8 was identified as the maximum tolerated dose (neutropenia). Nonhematologic grade 3/4 toxicities in 77 cycles included the following: abdominal pain (4 cycles), anorexia (2), constipation (2), fatigue (3), myalgia (2), pain (4) and dehydration, depression, diarrhea, ileus, nausea, and vomiting, (all once). A 150-mg dose of tariquidar: (1) reduced liver (99m)Tc-sestamibi clearance consistent with inhibition of liver Pgp; (2) increased (99m)Tc-sestamibi retention in a majority of tumor masses visible by (99m)Tc-sestamibi; and (3) blocked Pgp-mediated rhodamine efflux from CD56+ cells over the 48 hours examined. Tariquidar had no effects on vinorelbine pharmacokinetics. Vinorelbine had no effect on tariquidar pharmacokinetics. One patient with breast cancer had a minor response, and one with renal carcinoma had a partial remission. CONCLUSIONS: Tariquidar is a potent Pgp antagonist, without significant side effects and much less pharmacokinetic interaction than previous Pgp antagonists. Tariquidar offers the potential to increase drug exposure in drug-resistant cancers.