988 resultados para FIXED PARTIAL DENTURES
To systematically evaluate the existing evidence to answer the focused question: For a patient with a single tooth to be replaced, is the implant crown, based on economic considerations, preferred to a conventional fixed partial denture?
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze prosthetic maintenance in partially edentulous patients with removable prostheses supported by teeth and strategic implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty patients with removable partial prostheses and combined tooth-implant support were identified within the time period from 1998 to 2006. One group consisted of 42 patients (planned group) with a reduced residual dentition and in need of removable partial dentures (RPDs) or overdentures in the maxilla and/or mandible. They were admitted consecutively for treatment. Due to missing teeth in strategic important positions, one or two implants were placed to improve symmetrical denture support and retention. The majority of residual teeth exhibited an impaired structural integrity and therefore were provided with root copings for denture retention. A few vital teeth were used for telescopic crowns. The anchorage system for the strategic implants was selected accordingly. A second group of 18 patients (repair group) wearing RPDs with the loss of one abutment tooth due to biologic or mechanical failure was identified. These abutment teeth were replaced by 21 implants, and patients continued to wear their original prostheses. The observation time for planned and repair groups was 12 months to 8 years. All patients followed a regular maintenance schedule. Technical or biologic complications with supporting teeth or implants and prosthetic service were registered regularly. RESULTS: Three maxillary implants were lost after loading and three roots with copings had to be removed. Biologic problems included caries and periodontal/peri-implant infection with a significantly higher incidence in the repair group (P < .05). Technical complications with the dentures were rather frequent in both groups, mostly related to the anchorage system (matrices) of root copings and implants. Maintenance and complications were observed more frequently in the first year after delivery of the denture than in the following 3 years (P < .05). No denture had to be remade. CONCLUSIONS: The placement of a few implants allows for maintaining a compromised residual dentition for support of RPDs. The combination of root and implant support facilitates treatment planning and enhances designing the removable denture. It also proves to be a practical rescue method. Technical problems with the anchorage system were frequent, particularly in the first year after delivery of the dentures.
PURPOSE To identify the influence of fixed prosthesis type on biologic and technical complication rates in the context of screw versus cement retention. Furthermore, a multivariate analysis was conducted to determine which factors, when considered together, influence the complication and failure rates of fixed implant-supported prostheses. MATERIALS AND METHODS Electronic searches of MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library were conducted. Selected inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to limit the search. Data were analyzed statistically with simple and multivariate random-effects Poisson regressions. RESULTS Seventy-three articles qualified for inclusion in the study. Screw-retained prostheses showed a tendency toward and significantly more technical complications than cemented prostheses with single crowns and fixed partial prostheses, respectively. Resin chipping and ceramic veneer chipping had high mean event rates, at 10.04 and 8.95 per 100 years, respectively, for full-arch screwed prostheses. For "all fixed prostheses" (prosthesis type not reported or not known), significantly fewer biologic and technical complications were seen with screw retention. Multivariate analysis revealed a significantly greater incidence of technical complications with cemented prostheses. Full-arch prostheses, cantilevered prostheses, and "all fixed prostheses" had significantly higher complication rates than single crowns. A significantly greater incidence of technical and biologic complications was seen with cemented prostheses. CONCLUSION Screw-retained fixed partial prostheses demonstrated a significantly higher rate of technical complications and screw-retained full-arch prostheses demonstrated a notably high rate of veneer chipping. When "all fixed prostheses" were considered, significantly higher rates of technical and biologic complications were seen for cement-retained prostheses. Multivariate Poisson regression analysis failed to show a significant difference between screw- and cement-retained prostheses with respect to the incidence of failure but demonstrated a higher rate of technical and biologic complications for cement-retained prostheses. The incidence of technical complications was more dependent upon prosthesis and retention type than prosthesis or abutment material.
"History of fixed partial prostheses, by Claude Rowe Baker": p. 1-14.
The use of clinical indicators of satisfaction (OHIP) can be applied to evaluate the impact of denture use on patient quality of life, since dental problems and disorders interfere in the normal life of individuals. Aim: This study aimed at evaluating the satisfaction level of patients rehabilitated with removable partial dentures (RPD) after 2 years of use. Methods: An observational study was carried out on 28 patients with a mean age of 45 years, treated with RPD at the Department of Dentistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in 2005. Patients signed informed consent and answered the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) questionnaire on three occasions: prior to rehabilitation and at 3 months and 2 years of denture use. Repeated-measures ANOVA was applied for data analysis. Results: A difference was found between data obtained at the moment of fitting and three months after denture use (p<0.001). However, no variation was observed when comparing data from 3 months and 2 years of use (p>0.05). The variables of gender and age did not interfere in the result (p>0.05). Conclusions: The degree of patient satisfaction after RPD installation was significant at the moment of fitting and 3 months after denture use, but no significant difference was found between 3 months and 2 years of denture use.
The use of clinical indicators of satisfaction (OHIP) can be applied to evaluate the impact of denture use on patient quality of life, since dental problems and disorders interfere in the normal life of individuals. Aim: This study aimed at evaluating the satisfaction level of patients rehabilitated with removable partial dentures (RPD) after 2 years of use. Methods: An observational study was carried out on 28 patients with a mean age of 45 years, treated with RPD at the Department of Dentistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in 2005. Patients signed informed consent and answered the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) questionnaire on three occasions: prior to rehabilitation and at 3 months and 2 years of denture use. Repeated-measures ANOVA was applied for data analysis. Results: A difference was found between data obtained at the moment of fitting and three months after denture use (p<0.001). However, no variation was observed when comparing data from 3 months and 2 years of use (p>0.05). The variables of gender and age did not interfere in the result (p>0.05). Conclusions: The degree of patient satisfaction after RPD installation was significant at the moment of fitting and 3 months after denture use, but no significant difference was found between 3 months and 2 years of denture use.
O uso dos magnetos em prótese parcial removível é uma alternativa viável para eliminar a estrutura metálica que pode interferir na estética sem perder retenção e estabilidade. Os magnetos podem ser recomendados para pacientes com perda de tecido periodontal, desde que eles diminuam a transmissão de forças ao dente remanescente. O objetivo deste relato de caso clínico foi apresentar uma alternativa de tratamento protético para dentes pilares comprometidos periodontalmente e descrever as vantagens e desvantagens do uso dos magnetos em prótese parcial removível sobre os pontos de vista funcionais, biológicos e estéticos.
Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to investigate partially dentate elders' willingness-to-pay (WTP) for two different tooth replacement strategies: Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs) and, functionally orientated treatment according to the principles of the Shortened Dental Arch (SDA). The secondary aim was to measure the same patient groups' WTP for dental implant treatment.Methods: 55 patients who had completed a previous RCT comparing two tooth replacement strategies (RPDs (n=27) and SDA (n=28)) were recruited (Trial Registration no. ISRCTN26302774). Patients were asked to indicate their WTP for treatment to replace missing teeth in a number of hypothetical scenarios using the payment card method of contingency evaluation coupled to different costs. Data were collected on patients' social class, income levels and other social circumstances. A Mann-Whitney U Test was used to compare differences in WTP between the two treatment groups. To investigate predictive factors for WTP, multiple linear regression analyses were conducted.Results: The median age for the patient sample was 72.0 years (IQR: 71-75 years). Patients who had been provided with RPDs indicated that their WTP for this treatment strategy was significantly higher (€550; IQR: 500-650) than those patients who had received SDA treatment (€500; IQR: 450-550) (p=0.003). However patients provided with RPDs indicated that their WTP for SDA treatment (€650; IQR: 600-650) was also significantly higher than those patients who had actually received functionally orientated treatment (€550; IQR: 500-600) (p<0.001). The results indicated that both current income levels and previous treatment allocation were significantly correlated to WTP for both the RPD and the SDA groups. Patients in both treatment groups exhibited little WTP for dental implant treatment with a median value recorded which was half the market value for this treatment (€1000; IQR: 500-1000).Conclusions: Amongst this patient cohort previous treatment experience had a strong influence on WTP as did current income levels. Both treatment groups indicated a very strong WTP for simpler, functionally orientated care using adhesive fixed prostheses (SDA) over conventional RPDs. Clinical significance: Partially dentate older patients expressed a strong preference for functionally orientated tooth replacement as an alternative to conventional RPDs.
A perda de dentes além de afectar a mastigação e a estética, altera também o equilíbrio do sistema estomatognático, observando-se de imediato alterações na posição dos dentes adjacentes e dos dentes oponentes. Torna-se, portanto, imprescindível para a reposição da saúde oral do paciente a reabilitação com recurso a próteses fixas ou removíveis. No que diz respeito às próteses parciais removíveis (PPR´s) estas visam a substituição dos dentes perdidos, sendo facilmente removidas e inseridas pelo paciente, sem qualquer intervenção do médico dentista e, apoiam-se directamente na mucosa e nos dentes. Enquanto as PPR´s acrílicas são suportadas pela mucosa, mediante uma ampla área de contacto, as próteses esqueléticas são suportadas pelos dentes pilares através da colocação de retentores. No caso específico das PPR´s, é fundamental que o profissional de saúde tenha em consideração a importância do planeamento correcto e adequado da reabilitação oral. Para isso, pode e deve utilizar o paralelómetro, determinando assim correctamente a localização dos planos-guia, dos apoios e retentores necessários. Guiando-se por estes princípios fundamentais, qualquer reabilitação com recurso às PPR´s pode ser bem sucedida quer a nível estético quer a nível funcional.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare the impact of two different tooth replacement strategies on the nutritional status of partially dentate older patients. Nutritional status was measured using the full version of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and the short form of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA-SF).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A randomised controlled clinical trial was conducted (Trial Registration no. ISRCTN26302774). Partially dentate patients aged 65 years and older were recruited and randomly allocated to the two different treatment groups: the removable partial dentures (RPD) group and the shortened dental arch (SDA) group. Nutritional status was measured using the MNA and MNA-SF administered at baseline and 1, 6 and 12 months after treatment intervention by a research nurse blinded to the treatment group allocation of all participants.
RESULTS: Data collected using the full version of the MNA showed significant improvements in mean MNA scores over the length of the study (p < 0.05). For the entire patient group, there was a mean increase of 0.15 points at 6 months and a further increase of 0.19 points at 12 months. These increases were similar within the treatment groups (p > 0.05). For MNA-SF, the analysis showed that there were no significant differences recorded over the data collection points after treatment intervention (p < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: Tooth replacement using conventional and functionally orientated treatment for the partially dentate elderly showed significant improvements in MNA score 12 months after intervention.
CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Prosthodontic rehabilitation may play an important role in the nutritional status of partially dentate elders.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the cost-effectiveness of conventional treatment using partial dentures with functionally orientated treatment to replace missing teeth for partially dentate elders using a randomised controlled clinical trial.
BACKGROUND: In many countries, including the Republic of Ireland, the only publically funded treatment option offered to partially dentate older patients is a removable partial denture. However, evidence suggests that these removable prostheses are unpopular with patients and can potentially increase the risk of further dental disease and subsequent tooth loss.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fourty-four partially dentate patients aged 65 years and older were recruited. Patients were randomly assigned to the two treatment arms of the study. The conventional treatment group received removable partial dentures to replace all missing natural teeth. The functionally orientated group was restored to a Shortened Dental Arch (SDA) of 10 occluding contacts using resin-bonded bridgework (RBB). The costs associated with each treatment were recorded. Effectiveness was measured in terms of the impact on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) using OHIP-14.
RESULTS: Both groups reported improvements in OHRQoL 1 month after completion of treatment. The conventional treatment group required 8.3 clinic visits as compared to 4.4 visits for the functionally orientated group. The mean total treatment time was 183 min 19 s for the conventional group vs. 124 min 8 s for the functionally orientated group. The average cost of treatment for the conventional group was 487.74 Euros compared to 356.20 Euros for the functional group.
CONCLUSIONS: Functionally orientated treatment was more cost-effective than conventional treatment in terms of treatment effect and opportunity costs to the patients' time.
Introduction: Chronic atypical neutrophilic dermatosis with lipodystrophy and elevated temperature (CANDLE) is an auto inflammatory syndrome caused by an autosomal recessive gene mutation. This very rare syndrome has been reported in only 14 patients worldwide. A number of clinical signs have been reported including joint contractures, muscle atrophy, microcytic anaemia, and panniculitis-induced childhood lipodystrophy. Further symptoms include recurrent fevers, purpuric skin lesions, periorbital erythema and failure to thrive. This is the first reported case of periodontal manifestations associated with CANDLE syndrome.
Case Presentation: An 11 year old boy was referred to Cork University Dental School and Hospital with evidence of severe periodontal destruction. The patient’s medical condition was managed in Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, London. The patient’s dental management included initial treatment to remove teeth of hopeless prognosis followed by prosthodontic rehabilitation using removable partial dentures. This was followed by further non-surgical periodontal treatment and maintenance. In the long term, the potential definitive restorative options, including dental implants, will be evaluated in discussion with the patient’s medical team.
Conclusion: Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease is one of seven categories of periodontitis as defined by the American Academy of Periodontology 1999 classification system. A number of systemic diseases have been associated with advanced periodontal destruction including Diabetes Mellitus, Leukaemia and Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome. In the case described, treatment necessitated a multidisciplinary approach with input from medical and dental specialities for a young patient with severe periodontal destruction associated with CANDLE syndrome.
Objective: To compare caries incidence following two different tooth replacement strategies for partially dentate older patients; namely functionally orientated treatment according to the principles of the Shortened Dental Arch (SDA) and conventional treatment using Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs). Method:A randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT) was conducted of partially dentate patients aged 65 years and older. Patients were randomly allocated to two different treatment groups: the RPD group and the SDA group. Each member of the RPD group was restored to complete arches with cobalt-chromium RPDs used to replace missing teeth. Patients in the SDA group were restored to a shortened arch of 10 occluding pairs of natural and replacement teeth using adhesive bridgework. All of the operative treatment was completed by a single operator. Caries incidence was measured over a 2-year period following treatment intervention and recorded using the International Caries and Detection System (ICDAS). Result:In total, 89 patients completed the RCT (45 SDAs and 44 RPDs). Patients in the RPD group recorded a significantly higher incidence of new carious lesions (p<0.001) and recurrent carious lesions (p<0.001) compared to the SDA group. A mixed model of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed that treatment group (p<0.001) and co-morbidity (p<0.001) were significant predictors of caries incidence. Conclusion:Two years after provision of prosthodontic treatment there was a significantly higher incidence of new and recurrent caries lesions in subjects provided with RPDs compared with SDA treatment. This will have a significant impact on the ongoing maintenance costs for these two treatment groups.
Impact of prosthodontic rehabilitation on the chewing efficiency of partially dentate older patients
Objectives: This study compared two tooth replacement strategies for partially dentate older patients namely; removable partial dentures (RPDs) and functionally orientated treatment based on the shortened dental arch (SDA) concept. Patients were compared in terms of chewing efficiency after prosthodontic rehabilitation. Methods: Chewing efficiency was assessed electronically by a two-colour gum-mixing test. Specimens were assembled from two different colours of chewing gums with a size of 30 x 18 x 3 mm. After participants chewed for 20 cycles, the gum was retrieved, flattened to a 1-mm-thick wafer, and digitized with a flatbed image scanner. The pixels of unmixed colour in the specimen were counted by means of Adobe Photoshop 2.0R software (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA, USA), and the ratio to the pixels of the entire frame was computed. This ratio is called the Unmixed Fraction (UF). The more efficiently the specimen is chewed, the less unmixed colour remains, and the smaller the gum becomes. Consequently, a low unmixed fraction corresponds to good chewing efficiency. Results: 32 patients completed the chewing efficiency test (17 RPDs and 15 SDA). The mean UF recorded for the SDA group was not significantly different to that recorded for the RPD group (p>0.05, unpaired t-test). Conclusion: These results indicate that prosthodontic rehabilitation according to the principles of the SDA is equivalent to RPDs in terms of restoration of chewing ability for partially dentate older patients.