836 resultados para FISSION NEUTRONS


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A methodology to obtain ages and thermal histories of sets of apatite samples from localities with geologically compatible characteristics is described. A methodology exploring the fact that samples with similar geological characteristics should present the same thermal history is proposed. This approach can contribute for the obtainment of more conclusive results by analysing fewer samples than it is necessary when the samples are individually analysed. In order to determine the ages, we use the absolute neutron dosimetry through thin films of natural uranium along with lambda(f) = 8.46 x 10(-17) a(-1). As an example of application of the proposed methodology, we analyse samples collected in a Brazilian region, Sao Francisco Craton, which experienced low tectonic activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ages of zircon from sedimentary samples of Rio Parana Formation, belonging of Bauru Group, north of Parana Basin, Brazil, has been determined by zircon Fission Track and U-Th-Pb in situ dating methods. The obtained ages are from same zircon grain that provided information on the source areas for the sediments and the morphotectonic events.


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In this work a software developed in the Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, IFGW, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil for obtaining thermal histories using apatite fission track analysis is presented. This software works in Microsoft-Windows environment. It will be freely disposable in the web site of the Departamento de Raios Cosmicos, IFGW, UNICAMP. Thermal histories obtained through this software are compared with those deduced using Monte Trax the software compatible with Apple Macintosh developed by Gallagher. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have developed a methodology for measuring the decay constant of the spontaneous fission of U-238, lambda(f), using nuclear particle track detectors where thermal neutron irradiation is unnecessary. This methodology is based on the fact that the radiation damage caused by spontaneous fission of trans-uranium elements bearing a mass number close to 238 are similar to U-238 spontaneous-fission ones. Loading a thick source of uranium (thickness greater than the fission fragment range) with a small amount of a suitable trans-uranium element (for instance, Pu-242, which presents a spontaneous fission half-life of 6.75(.)10(10) y), it is possible to determine the observation efficiency of a particle-track detector for fission fragments. Procedures concerning our thick source manufacture and uniformity tests of the trans-uranium distribution are also presented. These results make it possible for the exposure of thick uranium sources (without trans-uranium element) to lead to a lambda(f) value.


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In this work, we present an approach for neutron fluence measurements based on natural thorium thin films and natural uranium-doped glasses calibrated through natural uranium thin films to be used for dating with the Fission-Track Method (FTM). This neutron dosimetry approach allows the employment of FTM even when dating is carried out using low neutron themalization facilities. Besides, it makes possible the determination of the Th/U ratio of the mineral to be dated. Durango apatite which is often employed in FTM as an age standard was analyzed. This apatite presented a fairly high Th/U ratio, 29.9 +/- 1.7. Th fissions were 18%, 12% and 10% of the total for irradiations where thermal to fast neutron flux ratios were 2.4, 4.4 and 5,2, respectively. These results show that Th fission must be considered for this apatite, when not well-thermalized irradiation facilities are used. The ratio between spontaneous and induced track length, L(S)/L(1), close to 0.89, indicates a certain amount of rejuvenation of the age of Durango apatite. Therefore, its apparent age should be corrected, the application of a technique based on track-length measurements produced a corrected age of 29.7 +/- 1.1 Ma, consistent with the independent reference age of this apatite (31.4 +/- 0.5 Ma). This result represents a support for viability of the neutron dosimetry approach studied in this work for FTM.(C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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An apatite fission track study of crystalline rocks underlying sedimentary basins in northeastern Brazil indicate that crustal blocks that occur on opposite sides of a geological fault experienced different thermal histories. Samples collected on the West block yielded corrected fission-track ages from 140 to 375 Ma, whereas samples collected on the East block yielded ages between 90 and 125 Ma. The thermal models suggest that each block experienced two cooling events separated by a heating event at different times. We concluded that the West block moved downward relative to the East block ca. 140 Ma ago, when sediments eroded from the East side were deposited on the West side. This process represents the early stage of sedimentary basin formation and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean in the region. Downward and upward movements related to heating and cooling events of these crustal blocks at different periods until recent times are proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of epidote in fission track dating was abandoned since the beginning of the 1980s due to difficulties like absence of a standard etching procedure, obtainment of different closure temperatures and the percentage of the datable samples. The results become much more reproducible when restricting fission track analysis to a peculiar kind of track. We are also studying confined track length, what makes possible to obtain information about fossil track annealing. Fission tracks in epidote were successfully etched with 48% HF at 35 degrees C for 12.5 min. Dating samples by the external detector method was not possible due to problems in measuring the efficiency factor held between the number of fossil fission tracks and tracks induced in mica. Dating a sample from Brejui, RN, Brazil with the population method gave a corrected age of 510 +/- 69Ma, in agreement with published U/Th-Pb ages. From the fact that the fossil track length histogram was bimodal, we were able to infer that this sample registered a thermal episode during its history.These preliminary results indicate that epidote deserves further studies to establish whether it can be employed as a thermochronological tool. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two wafers of the NIST (formerly NBS) glass standard SRM 612 recently irradiated have been compared to the pre-irradiated wafers RT3 and RT4 of glass SRM 962-7, stored for 9 years at 5°C, and SRM 962, stored for 20 years at room temperature. Track area densities on internal surfaces of the glass as well as track size measurements suggest that (1) the old SRM 962 and the more recent SRM 962a calibrations are consistent and (2) annealing of the fission tracks in the pre-irradiated wafers is negligible. This last experimental result enables a direct comparison of contemporary and previous fission track age calibrations. © 1995.


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Thin uranium films built on muscovite mica basis and obsidian samples having known ages were irradiated with thermal neutrons at the IPEN/CNEN reactor, São Paulo. Comparing thin film performance with the obsidian one, it was observed that the latter feel a greater neutron fluence. Nominal fluences at the used facility are in agreement with the results obtained analysing the obsidian samples. A probable hypothesis to explain this disagreement, namely, the uranium loss from the thin films, was ruled out. © 1995.


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We investigate the decay of accelerated protons and neutrons. Calculations are carried out in the inertial and coaccelerated frames. Particle interpretation of these processes are quite different in each frame but the decay rates are verified to agree in both cases. For the sake of simplicity our calculations are performed in a two-dimensional spacetime since our conclusions are not conceptually affected by this. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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Apatite fission-track analysis was used for the determination of thermal histories and ages in Precambrian areas of southeast Brazil. Together with geological and geomorphologic information, these ages enable us to quantify the thermal histories and timing of Mesozoic and Cenozoic epirogenic and tectonic processes. The collected samples are from different geomorphologic blocks: the high Mantiqueira mountain range (HMMR) with altitude above 1000 m, the low Mantiqueira mountain range (LMMR) under 1000 m, the Serra do Mar mountain range (SMMR), the Jundiá and Atlantic Plateaus, and the coastline, all of which have distinct thermal histories. During the Aptian (∼120 Ma), there was an uplift of the HMMR, coincident with opening of the south Atlantic Ocean. Its thermal history indicates heating (from ∼60 to∼80 °C) until the Paleocene, when rocks currently exposed in the LMMR reached temperatures of ∼100 °C. In this period, the Serra do Mar rift system and the Japi erosion surface were formed. The relief records the latter. During the Late Cretaceous, the SMMR was uplifted and probably linked to its origin; in the Tertiary, it experienced heating from ∼60 to ∼90 °C, then cooling that extends to the present. The SMMR, LMMR, and HMMR were reactivated mainly in the Paleocene, and the coastline during the Paleogene. These processes are reflected in the sedimentary sequences and discordances of the interior and continental margin basins. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new approach based on a N-a cluster photoabsorption model is proposed for the understanding of the puzzling steady increase behavior of the 90Zr (e, α) yield measured at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) within the Giant Dipole Resonance and quasideuteron energy range. The calculation takes into account the pre-equilibrium emissions of protons, neutrons and alpha particles in the framework of an extended version of the multicollisional intranuclear cascade model (MCMC). Another Monte Carlo based algorithm describes the statistical decay of the compound nucleus in terms of the competition between particle evaporation (p, n, d, α, 3He and t) and nuclear fission. The results reproduce quite successfully the 90Zr (e,α) yield, suggesting that emissions of a particles are essential for the interpretation of the exotic increase of the cross sections.


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One of the purposes of this study is to give further constraints on the temperature range of the zircon partial annealing zone over a geological time scale using data from borehole zircon samples, which have experienced stable temperatures for ∼1 Ma. In this way, the extrapolation problem is explicitly addressed by fitting the zircon annealing models with geological timescale data. Several empirical model formulations have been proposed to perform these calibrations and have been compared in this work. The basic form proposed for annealing models is the Arrhenius-type model. There are other annealing models, that are based on the same general formulation. These empirical model equations have been preferred due to the great number of phenomena from track formation to chemical etching that are not well understood. However, there are two other models, which try to establish a direct correlation between their parameters and the related phenomena. To compare the response of the different annealing models, thermal indexes, such as closure temperature, total annealing temperature and the partial annealing zone, have been calculated and compared with field evidence. After comparing the different models, it was concluded that the fanning curvilinear models yield the best agreement between predicted index temperatures and field evidence. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Zircon samples from the Cenozoic São Paulo and Taubaté Basins and Mantiqueira Mountain Range (southeast Brazil) were concomitantly dated by zircon Fission Track Method (FTM) and in situ U-Pb dating method. While FTM detrital-zircon data are ideally used to provide low-temperature information, U-Pb single detrital grain ages record the time of zircon formation in igneous or high grade metamorphic environments. This methodology may be used to study the possible sources of the basins sediments. The results suggest that the São Paulo Basin is composed of sediments from just one source, the Mantiqueira Mountain Range. On the other hand, the Taubaté Basin presents further sediment sources besides the Mantiqueira Mountain Range. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The two fundamental approaches to fission-track dating involve either an explicit determination of the thermal neutron fluence (φ-method) or a calibration against age standards (ζ-method). The neutron fluence measurements are carried out with metal-activation monitors or with uranium-fission monitors, co-irradiated with the samples. Uranium-fission monitors consist of either a thin mono-atomic) film, or a thick fission source (standard uranium glass) irradiated against a muscovite external track detector. In this work, different techniques for performing neutron-fluence measurements were compared: based on thin-film calibration, based on thick-source calibration, and based on gamma spectrometry of co-irradiated metal monitors (Au, Co). The results suggest that more experiments are needed to make all calibrations consistent, including new measurements of the length of etched induced tracks in mica. Also the standard glass calibration carried out with thin films should be confirmed with a greater number of calibrating irradiations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.