945 resultados para FEMALE-BIASED SEX RATIO


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This study analyzed a population of the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis, in regard to its size distribution, sex ratio and Sexual maturity. The study was conducted on a rocky shore in the Ubatuba region, state of Silo Paulo, Brazil, where a wide strip of algae covers the intertidal zone. A total of 378 specimens were obtained: 200 males (128 juvenile and 72 adult crabs) and 178 females (46 juveniles and 132 adults). Their Sizes ranged from 3.4 to 16.7 mm carapace length (CL). Taking into account that the pubertal and terminal molts are coincident in majid crabs, the maximum sizes attained by males and females are especially dependent on the factors that influence sexual maturity, mainly food resources, temperature and intraspecific competition. Males of E. brasiliensis occurred in all size classes, whereas females occurred only as far the 10th size class (12-13 min CL). file total sex ratio did not differ statistically from 1 : 1, but when the juvenile and adult specimens were analyzed separately the differences between sexes were significantly different, with higher proportions of immature males and mature females. The CL50 calculated for males and females was 10.4, and 6.9 min CL, respectively. Thus, males reach their sexual maturity at a larger size than females. This feature may be important for the reproductive strategy of this species, because larger males probably have greater reproductive Success.


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We evaluated the population dynamics of Acetes americanus Ortmann, 1893 focusing on sex ratio, individual growth, longevity, and the juvenile recruitment period. Samples were collected monthly from January 2006 to June 2007 in the bay of Ubatuba, Brazil. Specimen growth was identified for each gender, and the chosen cohorts were fitted in a von Bertalanffy Growth Model (VBGM); longevity was estimated by the von Bertalanffy inverse equation, considering 99% of the asymptotic length. A total of 6881 individuals (2343 males and 4538 females) were captured. On average the body size (total length) was greater in females (14.64 ± 3.34 mm) than in males (12.27 ± 1.86 mm). The mean growth curves (obtained by grouping the cohorts for each sex), provided estimates of TL∞ = 19.33 mm, k = 0.02 and t0 = -0.12 days for females and TL∞ = 15.13 mm, k = 0.03 and to = -0.07 days for males, where TL∞ is the asymptotic length, k is coefficient of growth and to is the theorical age when the size is equal to 0. Longevity was estimated at 0.61 years for females and 0.50 years for males. The sex ratio tended to favor females, which corroborates with others studies of sergestids. Our finding that males of A. americanus have higher values of k and therefore achieve a smaller size relative to females has been observed in other penaeids. We concluded that this differential growth pattern between the sexes is found across Dendrobranchiata. The life cycles of penaeids have an average duration of approximately 1-2 years, but our results corroborate other studies that estimate a shorter longevity for Acetes, as species of this genus are typically smaller in size. We found continuous recruitment with two main peaks observed during the study period, corroborating previous studies of Acetes. © The Crustacean Society, 2013. Published by Brill NV, Leiden.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar alterações sazonais no índice gonadossomático (IGS%), fator de condição (K) e proporção sexual, a fim de determinar o período de atividade reprodutiva do bagre Auchenipterichthys longimanus (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae), a partir da análise de exemplares coletados em igarapés da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, estado do Pará, Brasil. Através de coletas bimestrais entre julho de 2008 e julho de 2009, foram capturados 589 exemplares de A. longimanus, sendo 251 machos e 338 fêmeas. Dentre os machos, 171 exemplares foram classificados como adultos e 80 foram jovens, e dentre as fêmeas, 249 eram adultas e 89 jovens. Por meio do estabelecimento de uma equação senoidal, a análise do IGS% evidenciou uma assincronia reprodutiva entre os sexos, pois os machos obtiveram maiores valores de IGS% em janeiro e as fêmeas apresentaram seu pico em março. Para os valores de IGS% de machos, a equação senoide mostrou-se significante somente para os valores brutos (P=0,001), sendo não identificada uma tendência com os valores médios do IGS% (P=0,136). Para as fêmeas, os valores de significância da equação senoide para o IGS% foram obtidos tanto para os dados brutos (P=0,012) quanto para os dados médios (P=0,026). Para o Fator de Condição, a equação senoide demonstrou variação nos valores brutos e médios de machos adultos (P=0,02 e P=0,00, respectivamente) e nos valores brutos de fêmeas (P=0,04), refletindo diferenças nos padrões de investimento energético entre os sexos. Em relação à proporção sexual, foi observada uma maior frequência de capturas de fêmeas reprodutivas em relação aos machos nos meses de Janeiro e Março de 2009, sugerindo um padrão de segregação sexual com fins reprodutivos. Esses parâmetros são fundamentais na avaliação, conservação e manejo dos estoques naturais de peixes, assim como para subsidiar estratégias e procedimentos para a preservação e conservação da ictiofauna.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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[EN]Octopus vulgaris is a potential candidate to diversify European aquaculture for its rapid growth and high market prices (Vaz Pires et al. 2004). One factor affecting industrial development of octopus culture is sexual maturation under rearing conditions. Octopus females can lose up to 30-60% of their initial body weight during egg-laying (Iglesias et al., 2000) and die after the paralarvae hatch (Guerra,1992), while a correlation between males death and spermatic sac depletion has being recently reported by Estefanell et al. (2010b). The present experiment discusses the effect of three different sex ratios on growth, sexual maturation and survival in O. Vulgaris. Conclusions: Discarded bogue from fish farms could be used as alternative diet for the final stage of O. vulgaris ongrowing ; Male segregation would maximize biomass increment ; Under the conditions described, sex ratios close to 1:1 produced higher biomass increment than 4:1


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In most mammals, dispersal rates are higher in males than in females. Using behavioural and genetic data of individually marked bats, we show that this general pattern is reversed in the greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata). Dispersal is significantly female biased and male philopatry in combination with rare male immigration causes a patrilineal colony structure. Female dispersal helps avoid father-daughter inbreeding, as male tenure exceeds female age at first breeding in this bat species. Furthermore, our data suggest that females may engage in extra-harem copulations to mate with genetically dissimilar males, and thus avoid their male descendants as mating partners. Acquaintance with the natal colony might facilitate territory takeover since male sac-winged bats queue for harem access. Given the virtual absence of male immigration and the possible lower reproductive success of dispersing males, we argue that enhancing the likelihood of settlement of male descendants could be adaptive despite local mate competition. We conclude that resource defence by males is important in promoting male philopatry, and argue that the potential overlap of male tenure and female first conception is the driving force for females to disperse.


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Models of population dynamics generally neglect the presence of males. While this assumption holds under many circumstances, behavioural ecology increasingly tells us that the presence (or absence) of males may have an impact on female fitness, and hence population sizes. Here we ask the question of whether males matter to population dynamics, operationally defined as a dependency of population growth on the relative density of males. We provide simple models, and evaluate the current empirical evidence for them, that illustrate various mechanisms of such male influence: mate searching behavior, male resource use (including effects of sexual dimorphism), sexual harassment and sexual segregation. In each case, theory predicts that males can have an effect on population densities, and in some extreme cases a positive feedback between an increasingly male-biased sex ratio and the effects on female harassment may theoretically even bring about population extinction. The results of this study, and the literature reviewed, show that the males can have a substantial effect on population dynamics, particularly so when human influences result in biased sex ratios.


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In this single-center, cross-sectional study, we evaluated 44 very long-term survivors with a median follow-up of 17.5 years (range, 11-26 years) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. We assessed the telomere length difference in human leukocyte antigen-identical donor and recipient sibling pairs and searched for its relationship with clinical factors. The telomere length (in kb, mean +/- SD) was significantly shorter in all recipient blood cells compared with their donors' blood cells (P < .01): granulocytes (6.5 +/- 0.9 vs 7.1 +/- 0.9), naive/memory T cells (5.7 +/- 1.2 vs 6.6 +/- 1.2; 5.2 +/- 1.0 vs 5.7 +/- 0.9), B cells (7.1 +/- 1.1 vs 7.8 +/- 1.1), and natural killer/natural killer T cells (4.8 +/- 1.0 vs 5.6 +/- 1.3). Chronic graft-versus-host disease (P < .04) and a female donor (P < .04) were associated with a greater difference in telomere length between donor and recipient. Critically short telomeres have been described in degenerative diseases and secondary malignancies. If this hypothesis can be confirmed, identification of recipients at risk for cellular senescence could become part of monitoring long-term survivors after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.


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On the basis of the experiments carried out over various years, it was concluded that (1) grayling Thymallus thymallus and brown trout Salmo trutta are resistant to temperature-induced sex reversal at ecologically relevant temperatures, (2) environmental sex reversal is unlikely to cause the persistent sex ratio distortion observed in at least one of the study populations and (3) sex-specific tolerance of temperature-related stress may be the cause of distorted sex ratios in populations of T. thymallus or S. trutta.


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We investigated a Lake Victoria cichlid with a complex colour polymorphism that apparently represents one original species and two incipient species, all of which are sympatric. In laboratory breeding experiments we observed sex ratio distortion in certain matings between original and incipient species. Mate choice experiments show that males of the incipient species exhibit mating preferences against the original species, and males and females of the original species exhibit strong mating preferences against the incipient species. Mating preferences might evolve by sex ratio selection to avoid matings with distorted progeny sex ratios. Phenotype frequencies in nature suggest that mating preferences translate into mating frequencies, thus restricting gene flow and exerting disruptive sexual selection between the original and incipient species. The incipient species do not differ in morphology or ecology from the original species, implying that colour polymorphism, associated with sex ratio distortion, can be an incipient stage in sympatric speciation, and that disruption of gene flow can precede ecological differentiation


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This study aims at investigating the social and behavioral predictors of consistent condom use among female commercial sex workers (FCSWs) in Ghana. Street commercial sex workers were interviewed in Accra, Kumasi and Techiman. Whereas respondents had attained certain accurate knowledge about HIV transmission routes, misconceptions were still commonly reported. The level of condom education was very low (14%), however consistent condom use (all the time) with clients was relatively high (49.6%), 38.89% reported using condom sometimes and 11.56% reported never using condoms. ^ 277 of the respondent ants did not use condoms all the time. 163 of them reported not using condoms due to refusal by their clients, the remaining 64 respondents did not even request their clients to use condom due to cultural perception of power, lack of authority and the fear of loosing clients. ^ Significant predictive factors associated with consistency of condom use among FCSWs in a multivariate analysis were; age, level of education, religion, and number of customers. Some of the major obstacles to condom use by the FCSWs were refusal by clients, availability of free condoms, trying to communicate trust to their clients, and the lack of empowerment to negotiate safer sex with clients. Some of the respondents may have developed a false sense of safety by subjectively assessing whether their clients were well and do not look sick, but they were unaware that HIV carriers may show no obvious symptoms of illness at all. ^ In summary, this study points to an urgent need for reestablishing effective prevention intervention and some insights of what is required of such program in Ghana. ^


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In some gonochoristic species, sex is influenced not only by genotype at conception but also by the environment that offspring experience during early ontogeny (termed environmental sex determination or ESD). ESD is thought to be adaptive when seasonal variations in environmental conditions provide a sex-specific fitness advantage. In vertebrates, temperature is the most common determinant of sex, and seasonal variation in temperature serves as a temporal cue of environmental quality such as length of the growing season. Some environments, however, lack strong seasonal temperature fluctuations and other cues, particularly photoperiod, may provide a more reliable indicator of the environment offspring enter. We tested this hypothesis by rearing the offspring of the California grunion (Leuresthes tenuis, Ayres), which experiences low seasonal temperature variation in nature, under common garden conditions at three temperature and two photoperiod treatments. Our experiments revealed that both temperature and photoperiod significantly affected sex ratios in L. tenuis. More females were produced at cooler temperatures and longer day lengths, which is consistent with female biased sex ratios early in the breeding season, and likely adaptive through increased female size and fecundity. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of photoperiod-dependent sex determination in a gonochoristic vertebrate.