983 resultados para F51 - International Conflicts


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Along with the recognition of the increasing environmental and social problems stemming from globalization, the need to address these problems and to develop the relevant international framework has strengthened since the 1970s. The scope of this cooperation gradually broadened and eventually it embraced all issues, which were considered to be critical for sustainable development. The summits on sustainability, namely, the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, the Rio+5 in 1997 and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, wished to respond to all unsustainable processes by adopting, reinforcing and expanding a global program. This program is based on a series of important principles and includes various goals and instruments adopted by consensus; however, it also reflects delicate compromises between development related aspirations and environmental barriers, and also between the developed and the developing countries. Actually, there is a serious implementation gap and there are also new challenges. Referring to these problems, the idea of convening an extraordinary summit in 2012 was raised and it was eventually adopted but with a rather narrow mandate and agenda. It turned out that besides the usual conflicts between the developed and developing countries e.g. upon the common but differentiated responsibilities or international development financing, there were also diverting views on the green economy and on the ways of institutional strengthening of the international sustainable development and environmental governance. As a consequence, the 2012 Conference concluded with rather modest results.


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This dissertation addressed two broad problems in international macroeconomics and conflict analysis. The first problem in the first chapter looked at the behavior of exchange rate and its interaction with industry-level tradable goods prices for three countries, USA, UK and Japan. This question has important monetary policy implications. Here, I computed to what extent changes in exchange rate affected prices of consumer, producer, and export goods. I also studied the timing of these changes in these prices. My results, based on thirty-four industrial prices for USA, UK and Japan, supported the view that changes in exchange rates significantly affect prices of industrial and consumer goods. It also provided an insight to the underlying economic process that led to changes in relative prices. ^ In the second chapter, I explored the predictability of future inflation by incorporating shocks to exchange rates and clearly specified the transmission mechanisms that link exchange rates to industry-level consumer and producer prices. Employing a variety of linear and state-of-the-art nonlinear models, I also predicted growth rates of future prices. Comparing levels of inflation obtained from the above approaches showed superiority of the structural model incorporating the exchange rate pass-through effect. ^ The second broad issue addressed in the third chapter of the dissertation investigated the economic motives for conflict, manifested by rebellion and civil war for seventeen Latin American countries. Based on the analytical framework of Garfinkel, Skaperdas and Syropoulos (2004), I employed ordinal regressions and Markov switching for a panel of seventeen countries to identify trade and openness factors responsible for conflict occurrence and intensity. The results suggested that increased trade openness reduced high intensity domestic conflicts but overdependence on agricultural exports, along with a lack of income earning opportunities lead to more conflicts. Thereafter, using the Cox Proportional Hazard model I studied conflict duration and found that over-reliance on agricultural exports explained a major part of the length of conflicts in addition to various socio-political factors. ^


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The presented work is an essay rather than a scientific dissertation. The author wants to put an impact on the source of conflicts regarding the complex subject of heritage management and conservation in comparison with the local needs and the given context. The paper attempts to show the role of local communities and their cooperation with authorities as well as the effects of such cooperation. The area of research comprises the problems arising in the field of implementing external rules on the local field, challenges appearing regarding the needs of local communities and the efforts of official authorities trying to implement the principles of the conventions. The problems arise when local communities display the lack of understanding and do not share the common idea of heritage conservation. This is caused mainly by the decreasing possibilities of comfortable life. The author tries to identify the main and wrongful approaches as Gone with the Wind, The Prince and The Pauper, Heart of Darkness or Scarlet letter. The focus will be put to explain what the areas are where a mutual misunderstanding arise and why all parts to the problem present different points of view. What creates a value? Is it a heritage object or maybe the other values need a stronger protection? When the general duty and the need to protect the heritage is regarded as a controversy and when it is considered as a value within a given community? The international public interest in heritage protection is often regarded as an attempt to diminish the sovereign power of the community and provokes severe controversies and tensions. The major problem envisaged today seems to be the massive and increasing urbanisation and the destruction of the vestiges still existing of traditional cultures, when we consider century urban post-industrial districts of Upper Silesia in Poland, the medieval cities in Western Europe, the traditional nomad Masaya villages in Kenya or the remains of vanished cultures in various regions of Asia. The preferred platform of cooperation between the parts of the conflict includes divergent needs, beliefs and practices of communities and the possible fields of reconciling the abovementioned. Chosen examples of the best practices considering mutual cooperation will be underlined.


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The World Order is a concept in constant mutation that has lost a lot of what characterized it when it was established with the Peace of Westphalia. The conflicts also went through changes. They lost its State distinctiveness and became dispersed and chaotic due to multipolarization. These two concepts share some connections and both dissociated from their traditional definition. This paper aims to establish a connection between the contemporary World Order and the conflicts evolution. The threats to the stability of the World Order contribute to the current disorder and reflects how the conflicts distanced themselves from the clausewitzian battles. To understand how these threats impact the World Order stability and evince the conflicts evolution two cases of study were selected: the nuclear proliferation in Iran and the crisis in Ukraine. These two examples will help establishing the link between the contemporary World Disorder and the conflicts evolution.


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Public health advocates aim to maximise affordable access to good quality essential medicines. This goal often conflicts with the profit-seeking ambitions of the pharmaceutical industry. Since the World Trade Organisation’s Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement, the extension and enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights has become the dominant discourse in global medicines governance. Public health advocates operating within this framework face significant obstacles and challenges. This paper presents an historical perspective to the contemporary debate over medicines and patents by examining the evolution of international medicines governance between the 1940s and 1970s. This research indicates that debates around IP and medicines were more advanced in terms of equity and access in the 1960s and 1970s than they are today. While acknowledging the existence of obstacles and challenges for advocates, the paper argues that alternative frameworks can and should be reasserted in global debates about medicines governance.


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Les nouvelles technologies et larrive de lInternet ont considrablement facilit les changes transnationaux de donnes entre les entreprises publiques et/ou prives et galement entre les personnes elles-mmes. Cependant cette rvolution numrique na pas t sans consquences sur lutilisation de nos donnes personnelles puisque cette abondance de donnes la porte de tiers peut conduire des atteintes: la commercialisation des donnes personnelles sans le consentement de lintress par des entreprises ou encore la diffusion de sa photographie, de son nom, de son prnom son insu en sont des exemples. La question qui vient alors se poser esten cas de litige, cest--dire en cas datteintes au droit la protection de nos donnes personnelles, prsentant un ou des lments dextranit, quels tribunaux pouvons-nous saisir ? Et quelle est la loi qui sera applicable ? Les droits qubcois, de lUnion europenne, et suisse prsentent diffrents critres de rattachement intressants et adapts des situations prenant place hors et sur internet. Le droit commun de chacun de ces systmes est envisag, puis appliqu aux donnes personnelles dans le cadre dune situation normale, et ensuite internet si la situation diffre. La doctrine est galement analyse dans la mesure o certaines solutions sont tout fait intressantes, et cela notamment sur internet. Un premier chapitre est consacr la comptence internationale des tribunaux et aux critres de rattachement envisageables en droit commun savoir notamment: le tribunal de ltat de survenance du prjudice, le tribunal de ltat de la faute ou encore le tribunal du domicile de la victime. Et ceux prvus ou non par la doctrine tels que laccessibilit et le ciblage par exemple. Les conflits de lois sont tudis dans un deuxime chapitre avec galement lnumration les diffrents facteurs de rattachement envisageables en droit commun comme la loi de ltat du prjudice, la loi de ltat de la faute ou encore la loi de ltat favorisant la victime. Et galement ceux prvus par la doctrine: la loi de ltat offrantla meilleure protection des donnes caractre personnel ou encore la loi de ltat o est tabli le matre du fichier. Le tribunal le plus comptent au regard des principes gnraux de droit international priv en cas datteintes au droit de la protection des donnes personnelles hors et sur internet est le tribunal de ltat du domicile de la victime. Et la meilleure loi applicable est la loi de ltat du domicile ou de la rsidence principale du demandeur et du dfendeur linstance, et dans le cas o la situation ne prsente pas dlments dextranit, la meilleure loi est la loi favorisant la victime.


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Les nouvelles technologies et larrive de lInternet ont considrablement facilit les changes transnationaux de donnes entre les entreprises publiques et/ou prives et galement entre les personnes elles-mmes. Cependant cette rvolution numrique na pas t sans consquences sur lutilisation de nos donnes personnelles puisque cette abondance de donnes la porte de tiers peut conduire des atteintes: la commercialisation des donnes personnelles sans le consentement de lintress par des entreprises ou encore la diffusion de sa photographie, de son nom, de son prnom son insu en sont des exemples. La question qui vient alors se poser esten cas de litige, cest--dire en cas datteintes au droit la protection de nos donnes personnelles, prsentant un ou des lments dextranit, quels tribunaux pouvons-nous saisir ? Et quelle est la loi qui sera applicable ? Les droits qubcois, de lUnion europenne, et suisse prsentent diffrents critres de rattachement intressants et adapts des situations prenant place hors et sur internet. Le droit commun de chacun de ces systmes est envisag, puis appliqu aux donnes personnelles dans le cadre dune situation normale, et ensuite internet si la situation diffre. La doctrine est galement analyse dans la mesure o certaines solutions sont tout fait intressantes, et cela notamment sur internet. Un premier chapitre est consacr la comptence internationale des tribunaux et aux critres de rattachement envisageables en droit commun savoir notamment: le tribunal de ltat de survenance du prjudice, le tribunal de ltat de la faute ou encore le tribunal du domicile de la victime. Et ceux prvus ou non par la doctrine tels que laccessibilit et le ciblage par exemple. Les conflits de lois sont tudis dans un deuxime chapitre avec galement lnumration les diffrents facteurs de rattachement envisageables en droit commun comme la loi de ltat du prjudice, la loi de ltat de la faute ou encore la loi de ltat favorisant la victime. Et galement ceux prvus par la doctrine: la loi de ltat offrantla meilleure protection des donnes caractre personnel ou encore la loi de ltat o est tabli le matre du fichier. Le tribunal le plus comptent au regard des principes gnraux de droit international priv en cas datteintes au droit de la protection des donnes personnelles hors et sur internet est le tribunal de ltat du domicile de la victime. Et la meilleure loi applicable est la loi de ltat du domicile ou de la rsidence principale du demandeur et du dfendeur linstance, et dans le cas o la situation ne prsente pas dlments dextranit, la meilleure loi est la loi favorisant la victime.


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This paper explores the extent to which students in the introductory HRM course in US institutions are likely to be exposed to information on international and cross-cultural aspects of HRM. Two methods are used: (1) an analysis of international content in fifteen popular introductory HRM textbooks and (2) a survey of professors teaching introductory HRM. The vast majority of responding instructors said their classes got some exposure to international issues in HRM, and most introductory texts included some relevant content. Critiques of international boxed features and dedicated IHRM chapters are provided, and suggestions for improving the quality and depth of IHRM content in introductory textbooks are made.