989 resultados para Expression variation
Glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL) catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the de novo synthesis of glutathione (GSH). The catalytic subunit (GCLC) of GCL contains a GAG trinucleotide-repeat (TNR) polymorphism within the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) that has been associated with various human disorders. Although several studies suggest that this variation influences GSH content, its implication for GCLC expression remains unknown. To better characterize its functional significance, we performed reporter gene assays with constructs containing the complete GCLC 5'-UTR upstream of a luciferase gene. Transfection of these vectors into various human cell lines did not reveal any significant differences between 7, 8, 9, or 10 GAG repeats, under either basal or oxidative stress conditions. To correlate these results with the previously described down-regulation induced by the C-129T GCLC promoter polymorphism, combinations of both variations were tested. Interestingly, the -129T allele down-regulates gene expression when combined with 7 GAG but not with 8, 9, or 10 GAG TNRs. This observation was confirmed in primary fibroblast cells, in which the combination of GAG TNR 7/7 and -129C/T genotypes decreased the GCLC protein level. These results provide evidence that interaction of the two variations can efficiently impair GCLC expression and thus suggest its involvement in the pathogenesis of diseases related to GSH metabolism.
Transcriptome analysis is a powerful tool for unveiling the distribution and magnitude of genetic incompatibilities between hybridizing taxa. The nature of such incompatibilities is closely associated with the evolutionary histories of the parental species and may differ across tissues and between the sexes. In eusocial insects, the presence of castes that experience divergent selection regimes may result in additional distinct patterns of caste-specific hybrid incompatibilities. We analysed levels of expression of >14 000 genes in two life stages of each caste in the fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri and in their hybrids. We found strong contributions of both developmental stage and caste to gene expression patterns. In contrast, variability in expression was only weakly associated with taxonomic identity, with hybrid scores falling between those of the two parental species. Hybrid incompatibilities were surprisingly modest, with only 32 genes being mis-expressed, indicating low levels of disruption in gene regulation in hybrids; males and workers each mis-expressed at least seven times as many genes as queens. Interestingly, homologues of many of the mis-expressed genes have been implicated in behavioural variation in Drosophila melanogaster. General expression profiles of hybrids consistently were more similar to those of S. richteri than S. invicta, presumably because S. richteri trans-regulatory elements tend to be dominant and/or because there is an overall bias in the genetic composition of the hybrids towards S. richteri. Altogether, our results suggest that selection acting on each caste may contribute differently to interspecific divergence and speciation in this group of ants.
Introduction : Le cancer de la vessie est la 4ème cause de cancer en Europe, chez l'homme. Dans 70% des¦cas, le diagnostic initial de cancer transitionnel de la vessie est non-musculo invasif mais jusqu'à 45%¦progresseront en tumeur musculo-invasive selon des facteurs de risques qui ont été scorés par¦l'Organisation européenne de recherche sur le traitement du cancer (EORTC). Après résection¦endoscopique transuréthrale vésicale (RTUV) de la tumeur, une instillation intravésicale (ives) d'agents¦chimiothérapeutiques ou d'immunomodulateurs tel que le Bacille Calmette Guérin (BCG) permet de¦réduire les récurrences/progressions. Cependant l'utilisation du BCG est limitée aux patients avec un risque¦de progression haut et intermédiaire au vu des effets secondaires occasionnés. Le système immunitaire¦joue un rôle certain dans l'évolution d'un processus néoplasique. Toutefois, les cancers adoptent différents¦mécanismes pour supprimer la réponse antitumorale. La variation de l'environnement immunologique¦tumoral pourrait avoir une valeur pronostique pour l'évolution naturelle de la maladie. Le but de notre¦étude est d'utiliser des coupes paraffines archivées de RTUV afin de définir l'environnement immunitaire¦des carcinomes urothéliaux non musculo-invasifs, en particulier les caractéristiques immunosuppressives,¦comme prédictif d'un comportement de progression néoplasique.¦Méthodologie : L'exploration d'une base de données de patients suivis pour le cancer de la vessie au¦CHUV afin de faire un choix des coupes de RTUV à examiner a été réalisée. Une approche transversale a été¦abordée en regroupant des patients de stades tumoraux différents ou en évaluant des foyers tumoraux¦multiples au sein de la vessie d'un même patient à un moment donné (i.e lors d'une même RTUV). Une¦approche longitudinale a également été adoptée avec comme objectif de comparer, chez le même patient,¦des tumeurs de stades, de grades et de score de risque de progression de l'EORTC différents au cours du¦temps. L'ARN des tissus de RTUV fixés au formol et enrobés en paraffine a été extrait et purifié. Un kit¦d'amplification en temps réel par réaction en chaîne par polymérase (RCP) pour 84 gènes impliqués dans¦l'anergie des cellules T et la tolérance immunitaire a été utilisé.¦Résultat : Nous avons réuni les informations cliniques de 157 sujets atteints de tumeur vésicale non¦musculo-invasive. 35% des sujets ont reçu une chimiothérapie ives et 40 % ont reçu du BCG ives. Les troisquarts¦de ces derniers ont reçu un cycle de BCG complet (6 semaines). Néanmoins, 38 % d'entre eux vont¦tout de même subir une progression de leur cancer. Les scores de progression de l'EORTC ont pu être¦calculés pour 94 sujets (39% haut risque, 42 % risque intermédiaire et 19% bas risque). 76% des patients à¦haut risque a été traité avec du BCG ives. Parmi les patients avec un risque intermédiaire de progression,¦seuls 15 % ont effectivement progressé incluant 2 patients avec des échantillons de RTUV disponibles pour¦analyse. L'analyse par RCP s'est focalisée sur une approche longitudinale incluant 6 patients suivis sur une¦longue période avec de multiples RTUV. 29 échantillons ont été sélectionnés, leur ARN purifiés, mais seuls¦16 ARN se sont révélés en quantité et qualité suffisante pour être analysé par RCP. L'analyse par RCP¦quantitative en temps réel a montré des problèmes dans la quantification de l'ADN génomique, ainsi que¦des gènes domestiques. Ceci a grandement handicapé nos analyses et n'a pas permis la mise en évidence¦convaincante de gènes immuno-modulateurs associés à la progression du cancer de la vessie.¦Discussion : Notre analyse du suivi des patients au CHUV montre que les chirurgiens façonnent leur prise¦en charge durant l'intervention selon des critères adaptés à la situation et tendent ainsi à une stratification¦des risques permettant un traitement adapté, de la même manière que le permet le score de l'EORTC, en¦tous cas en ce qui concerne les patients à haut risque de progression. Les nombreux facteurs impliqués¦dans le cancer de la vessie montrent néanmoins qu'il y aurait des avantages à rationaliser la prise en charge. L'archivage de tissus fixé au formol et enrobé en paraffine a l'avantage de représenter une source¦de matériel considérable et de grande valeur pour la recherche. Néanmoins, malgré l'évolution des¦techniques et la publicité des fabricants, il s'est avéré difficile d'exploiter ce matériel délicat pour en¦obtenir des résultats convaincants.
Copy number variation (CNV) is a key source of genetic diversity, but a comprehensive understanding of its phenotypic effect is only beginning to emerge. We have generated a CNV map in wild mice and classical inbred strains. Genome-wide expression data from six major organs show not only that expression of genes within CNVs tend to correlate with copy number changes, but also that CNVs influence the expression of genes in their vicinity, an effect that extends up to half a megabase. Genes within CNVs show lower expression and more specific spatial expression patterns than genes mapping elsewhere. Our analyses reveal differential constraint on copy number changes of genes expressed in different tissues. Dosage alterations of brain-expressed genes are less frequent than those of other genes and are buffered by tighter transcriptional regulation. Our study provides initial evidence that CNVs shape tissue transcriptomes on a global scale.
BACKGROUND: The vast majority of the 1.1 million Alu elements are retrotranspositionally inactive, where only a few loci referred to as 'source elements' can generate new Alu insertions. The first step in identifying the active Alu sources is to determine the loci transcribed by RNA polymerase III (pol III). Previous genome-wide analyses from normal and transformed cell lines identified multiple Alu loci occupied by pol III factors, making them candidate source elements. FINDINGS: Analysis of the data from these genome-wide studies determined that the majority of pol III-bound Alus belonged to the older subfamilies Alu S and Alu J, which varied between cell lines from 62.5% to 98.7% of the identified loci. The pol III-bound Alus were further scored for estimated retrotransposition potential (ERP) based on the absence or presence of selected sequence features associated with Alu retrotransposition capability. Our analyses indicate that most of the pol III-bound Alu loci candidates identified lack the sequence characteristics important for retrotransposition. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that Alu expression likely varies by cell type, growth conditions and transformation state. This variation could extend to where the same cell lines in different laboratories present different Alu expression patterns. The vast majority of Alu loci potentially transcribed by RNA pol III lack important sequence features for retrotransposition and the majority of potentially active Alu loci in the genome (scored high ERP) belong to young Alu subfamilies. Our observations suggest that in an in vivo scenario, the contribution of Alu activity on somatic genetic damage may significantly vary between individuals and tissues.
Expressing parental care after oviposition or parturition is usually an obligate (evolved) trait within a species, despite evolutionary theory predicting that widespread species should vary in whether or not they express parental care according to local selection pressures. The lizard Eutropis longicaudata expresses maternal care only in a single population throughout its large geographical range, but why this pattern occurs is unknown. We used reciprocal translocation and predator exclusion experiments to test whether this intraspecific variation is a fixed trait within populations and whether predator abundance explains this perplexing pattern. Wild-caught female lizards that were reciprocally translocated consistently guarded or abandoned eggs in line with their population of origin. By contrast, most lizards raised in a common garden environment and subsequently released as adults adopted the maternal care strategy of the recipient population, even when the parents originated from a population lacking maternal care. Egg predation represents a significant fitness cost in the populations where females display egg-guarding behaviour, but guarding eggs outweighs this potential cost by increasing hatching success. These results imply that predators can be a driving force in the expression of parental care in instances where it is normally absent and that local selection pressure is sufficient to cause behavioural divergence in whether or not parental care is expressed.
Variation in protein sequence and gene expression each contribute to phenotypic diversity, and may be subject to similar selective pressures. Eusocial insects are particularly useful for investigating the evolutionary link between protein sequence and condition-dependent patterns of gene expression because gene expression plays a central role in determining differences between eusocial insect sexes and castes. We investigated the relationship between protein coding sequence evolution and gene expression patterns in the fire ants Solenopsis invicta, S. richteri, and their hybrids to gain greater insight into how selection jointly operates on gene expression and coding sequence. We found that genes with high expression variability within castes and sexes were frequently differentially expressed between castes and sexes, as well as between species and hybrids. These results indicate that genes showing high variation in expression in one context also tend to show high variation in expression in other contexts. Our analyses further revealed that variation in both intra- and interspecific gene expression was positively associated with rate of protein sequence evolution in Solenopsis. This suggests that selective constraints on a gene operate both at the level of protein sequence and at the level of gene expression regulation. Overall, our study provides one of the strongest demonstrations that selective constraints mediate both protein sequence evolution and gene expression variability across different biological contexts and timescales.
The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of proteins comprise a group of membrane transporters involved in the transport of a wide variety of compounds, such as xenobiotics, vitamins, lipids, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Determining their regional expression patterns along the intestinal tract will further characterize their transport functions in the gut. The mRNA expression levels of murine ABC transporters in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon were examined using the Affymetrix MuU74v2 GeneChip set. Eight ABC transporters (Abcb2, Abcb3, Abcb9, Abcc3, Abcc6, Abcd1, Abcg5, and Abcg8) displayed significant differential gene expression along the intestinal tract, as determined by two statistical models (a global error assessment model and a classic ANOVA, both with a P < 0.01). Concordance with semiquantitative real-time PCR was high. Analyzing the promoters of the differentially expressed ABC transporters did not identify common transcriptional motifs between family members or with other genes; however, the expression profile for Abcb9 was highly correlated with fibulin-1, and both genes share a common complex promoter model involving the NFkappaB, zinc binding protein factor (ZBPF), GC-box factors SP1/GC (SP1F), and early growth response factor (EGRF) transcription binding motifs. The cellular location of another of the differentially expressed ABC transporters, Abcc3, was examined by immunohistochemistry. Staining revealed that the protein is consistently expressed in the basolateral compartment of enterocytes along the anterior-posterior axis of the intestine. Furthermore, the intensity of the staining pattern is concordant with the expression profile. This agrees with previous findings in which the mRNA, protein, and transport function of Abcc3 were increased in the rat distal intestine. These data reveal regional differences in gene expression profiles along the intestinal tract and demonstrate that a complete understanding of intestinal ABC transporter function can only be achieved by examining the physiologically distinct regions of the gut.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are the major cause of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Both spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of HCV depend on genetic variation within the interferon-lambda locus, but until now no clear causal relationship has been established. Here we demonstrate that an amino-acid substitution in the IFNλ4 protein changing a proline at position 70 to a serine (P70S) substantially alters its antiviral activity. Patients harbouring the impaired IFNλ4-S70 variant display lower interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) expression levels, better treatment response rates and better spontaneous clearance rates, compared with patients coding for the fully active IFNλ4-P70 variant. Altogether, these data provide evidence supporting a role for the active IFNλ4 protein as the driver of high hepatic ISG expression as well as the cause of poor HCV clearance.
BACKGROUND: Finding genes that are differentially expressed between conditions is an integral part of understanding the molecular basis of phenotypic variation. In the past decades, DNA microarrays have been used extensively to quantify the abundance of mRNA corresponding to different genes, and more recently high-throughput sequencing of cDNA (RNA-seq) has emerged as a powerful competitor. As the cost of sequencing decreases, it is conceivable that the use of RNA-seq for differential expression analysis will increase rapidly. To exploit the possibilities and address the challenges posed by this relatively new type of data, a number of software packages have been developed especially for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. RESULTS: We conducted an extensive comparison of eleven methods for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. All methods are freely available within the R framework and take as input a matrix of counts, i.e. the number of reads mapping to each genomic feature of interest in each of a number of samples. We evaluate the methods based on both simulated data and real RNA-seq data. CONCLUSIONS: Very small sample sizes, which are still common in RNA-seq experiments, impose problems for all evaluated methods and any results obtained under such conditions should be interpreted with caution. For larger sample sizes, the methods combining a variance-stabilizing transformation with the 'limma' method for differential expression analysis perform well under many different conditions, as does the nonparametric SAMseq method.
Fifteen human melanoma cells lines were tested by an antibody-binding radioimmunoassay using a monoclonal antibody (A12) directed against the common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA). Cells from six melanoma lines were found to react with this antibody. The level of antigen and the percentage of positive cells in these six melanoma lines showed wide variation, as demonstrated by analysis in the fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Immunoprecipitation of solubilized 125I-labeled membrane proteins from CALLA positive melanoma cells with A12 monoclonal antibody revealed a major polypeptide chain with an apparent m.w. of 100,000 daltons, characteristic for CALLA as determined on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The expression of CALLA on MP-6 melanoma cells was modulated when the cells were cultured in the presence of A12 antibody. Reexpression of CALLA on these cells occurred within 5 days after transfer of the modulated cells into medium devoid of monoclonal antibody.
It has been known for some time that different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) taxa confer differences in plant growth. Although genetic variation within AMF species has been given less attention, it could potentially be an ecologically important source of variation. Ongoing studies on variability in AMF genes within Glomus intraradices indicate that at least for some genes, such as the BiP gene, sequence variability can be high, even in coding regions. This suggests that genetic variation within an AMF may not be selectively neutral. This clearly needs to be investigated in more detail for other coding regions of AMF genomes. Similarly, studies on AMF population genetics indicate high genetic variation in AMF populations, and a considerable amount of variation seen in phenotypes in the population can be attributed to genetic differences among the fungi. The existence of high within-species genetic variation could have important consequences for how investigations on AMF gene expression and function are conducted. Furthermore, studies of within-species genetic variability and how it affects variation in plant growth will help to identify at what level of precision ecological studies should be conducted to identify AMF in plant roots in the field. A population genetic approach to studying AMF genetic variability can also be useful for inoculum development. By knowing the amount of genetic variability in an AMF population, the maximum and minimum numbers of spores that will contain a given amount of genetic diversity can be estimated. This could be particularly useful for developing inoculum with high adaptability to different environments.
Genomic imbalance is a common cause of phenotypic abnormalities. We measured the relative expression level of genes that map within the microdeletion that causes Williams-Beuren syndrome and within its flanking regions. We found, unexpectedly, that not only hemizygous genes but also normal-copy neighboring genes show decreased relative levels of expression. Our results suggest that not only the aneuploid genes but also the flanking genes that map several megabases away from a genomic rearrangement should be considered possible contributors to the phenotypic variation in genomic disorders.
Background: Despite its pervasiveness, the genetic basis of adaptation resulting in variation directly or indirectly related to temperature (climatic) gradients is poorly understood. By using 3-fold replicated laboratory thermal stocks covering much of the physiologically tolerable temperature range for the temperate (i.e., cold tolerant) species Drosophila subobscura we have assessed whole-genome transcriptional responses after three years of thermal adaptation, when the populations had already diverged for inversion frequencies, pre-adult life history components, and morphological traits. Total mRNA from each population was compared to a reference pool mRNA in a standard, highly replicated two-colour competitive hybridization experiment using cDNA microarrays.Results: A total of 306 (6.6%) cDNA clones were identified as 'differentially expressed' (following a false discovery rate correction) after contrasting the two furthest apart thermal selection regimes (i.e., 13°C vs . 22°C), also including four previously reported candidate genes for thermotolerance in Drosophila (Hsp26, Hsp68, Fst, and Treh). On the other hand, correlated patterns of gene expression were similar in cold- and warm-adapted populations. Analysis of functional categories defined by the Gene Ontology project point to an overrepresentation of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, nucleic acids metabolism and regulation of transcription among other categories. Although the location of differently expressed genes was approximately at random with respect to chromosomes, a physical mapping of 88 probes to the polytene chromosomes of D. subobscura has shown that a larger than expected number mapped inside inverted chromosomal segments.Conclusion: Our data suggest that a sizeable number of genes appear to be involved in thermal adaptation in Drosophila, with a substantial fraction implicated in metabolism. This apparently illustrates the formidable challenge to understanding the adaptive evolution of complex trait variation. Furthermore, some clustering of genes within inverted chromosomal sections was detected. Disentangling the effects of inversions will be obviously required in any future approach if we want to identify the relevant candidate genes.
The function of sleep remains unknown. To gain insight into the function of sleep in natural conditions, I assessed variation in sleep architecture and its link with fitness-related phenotypic traits. I considered melanin-based coloration because its underlying genetic basis is very well known giving an opportunity to examine whether some genes pleiotropically regulate both coloration and sleep. The melanocortin system is known to generate covariation between melanin-based coloration and other phenotypes like behaviour, physiology and life history traits. I investigated whether this system of genes could participate in the co-expression of coloration and sleep. I carried out a study with nestling barn owls (Tyto alba) in order to tackle the potential link between variation in color traits and the ontogeny of sleep under natural conditions. For this I established a suitable method for recording the brain activity (electroencephalogram) of owls in nature. Birds are especially interesting, because they convergently evolved sleep states similar to those exhibited by mammals. As in mammals, I found that in owlets time spent in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep declines with age, a relationship thought to eflect developmental changes in the brain. Thus this developmental trajectory appears to reflect a fundamental feature of sleep. Additionally, I discovered an association between a gene involved in melanism expressed in the feather follicles (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2) and the age-related changes in sleep in the brain. Nestlings with higher expression levels of PCSK2 showed a more precocial pattern of sleep development and a higher degree of melanin-based coloration compared to nestlings with lower PCSK2 expression. Also sleep architecture and the development of rhythmicity in brain and physical activity was related to plumage traits of the nestlings and their biological parents. This pattern during ontogeny might reflect differences in life l history strategies, antipredator behaviour and developmental pace. Therefore, differently colored individuals may differentially deal with trade-offs between the costs and benefits of sleep which in turn lead to differences in brain organization and ultimately fitness. These results should stimulate evolutionary biologists to consider sleep as a major life history trait. Résumé La fonction du sommeil reste inconnue. Afin d'acquérir une meilleur compréhension de la fonction du sommeil dans les conditions naturelles, j'ai analysé la variation dans l'architecture du sommeil et son lien avec d'autres traits phénotypiques liés au succès reproducteur (fitness). J'ai choisi et examiné la coloration mélanique, car ses bases génétiques sont bien connues et il est ainsi possible d'étudier si certains gènes, de façon pléiotropique régulent à la fois la coloration et le sommeil. J'ai exploré si ce système génétique était impliqué dans la co-expression de la coloration et du sommeil. J'ai effectué mon étude sur des poussins de chouette effraie (Tyto alba) en condition naturelle, pour rechercher ce lien potentiel entre la variation de la coloration et l'ontogenèse du sommeil. Dans ce but, j'ai établi une méthodologie permettant d'enregistrer l'activité cérébrale (électroencéphalogramme) des chouettes dans la nature. Les oiseaux sont particulièrement intéressants car ils ont développé, par évolution convergente, des phases de sommeil similaires à celles des mammifères. De manière semblable à ce qui a été montré chez les mammifères, j'ai découvert que le temps passé dans le sommeil paradoxal diminue avec l'âge des poussins. On pense que ceci est dû aux changements développementaux au niveau du cerveau. Cette trajectoire développementale semble refléter une caractéristique fondamentale du sommeil. J'ai également découvert une association entre l'un des gènes impliqué dans le mélanisme, exprimé dans les follicules plumeux (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2), et les changements dans la structure du sommeil avec l'âge. Les poussins ayant un niveau d'expression génétique élevé de la PCSK2 présentent une structure du sommeil plus précoce et un taux de coloration dû à la mélanine plus élevé que des poussins avec un niveau d'expression moindre de la PCSK2. L'architecture du sommeil et le développement de la rythmicité dans le cerveau ainsi que l'activité physique sont également liés à la coloration des plumes des poussins et pourraient ainsi refléter des différences de stratégies d'histoire de vie, de comportements anti-prédateur et de vitesses développementales. Ainsi, des individus de coloration différente sembleraient traiter différemment les coûts et les bénéfices du sommeil, ce qui aurait des conséquences sur l'organisation cérébrale et pour finir, sur le succès reproducteur. Ces résultats devraient encourager les biologistes évolutionnistes à considérer le sommeil comme un important trait d'histoire de vie. Zusammenfassung Die Funktion von Schlaf ist noch unbekannt. Um mehr Einsicht in diese unter natürlichen Bedingungen zu bekommen, habe ich die Variation in der Schlafarchitektur und die Verknüpfung mit phänotypischen Merkmalen, die mit der Fitness zusammenhängen, studiert. Ich habe mir melanin-basierte Färbung angesehen, da die zugrunde liegende genetische Basis bekannt ist und somit die Möglichkeit gegeben ist, zu untersuchen, ob einige Gene beides regulieren, Färbung und Schlaf. Das melanocortin System generiert eine Kovariation zwischen melanin-basierter Färbung und anderen phänotypischer Merkmale wie Verhalten, Physiologie und Überlebensstrategien. Ich habe untersucht, ob dieses Gensystem an einer gleichzeitigen Steuerung von Färbung und Schlaf beteiligt ist. Dazu habe ich Schleiereulen (Tyto alba) studiert um einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Variation in der Pigmentierung und der Entwicklung des Schlafs unter natürlichen Bedingungen zu entdecken. Für diese Studie entwickelte ich eine Methode um die Gehirnaktivität (Elektroenzephalogramm) bei Eulen in der Natur aufzunehmen. Vögel sind besonders interessant, da sie die gleichen Schlafstadien aufweisen wie Säugetiere und diese unabhängig konvergent entwickelt haben. Genauso wie bei Säugetieren nahm die Dauer des sogenannten ,,rapid eye movement" (REM) - Schlafes mit zunehmendem Alter ab. Es wird angenommen, dass dieser Zusammenhang die Entwicklung des Gehirns widerspiegelt. Daher scheint dieses Entwicklungsmuster ein fundamentaler Aspekt von Schlaf zu sein. Zusätzlich entdeckte ich einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Aktivität eines Gens in den Federfollikeln (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2, PCSK2), das für die Ausprägung schwarzer Punkte auf den Federn der Eulen verantwortlich ist, und den altersabhängigen Änderungen im Schlafmuster im Gehirn. Küken mit höherer Aktivität von PCSK2 zeigten eine frühreifere Schlafentwicklung und eine dunklere Färbung als Küken mit niedriger PCSK2 Aktivität. Die Architekture des Schlafes und die Entwicklung der Rhythmik im Gehirn und die der physischen Aktivität ist mit der Färbung des Gefieders von den Küken und ihren Eltern verknüpft. Dieses Muster während der Entwicklung kann Unterschiede in Überlebensstrategien, Feindabwehrverhalten und in der Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit reflektieren. Unterschiedlich gefärbte Individuen könnten unterschiedliche Strategien haben um zwischen den Kosten und Nutzen von Schlaf zu entscheiden, was zu Unterschieden in der Gehirnstruktur führen kann und letztendlich zur Fitness. Diese Ergebnisse sollten Evolutionsbiologen stimulieren Schlaf als einen wichtigen Bestandteil des Lebens zu behandeln.