110 resultados para Expiration


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Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) has been identified as a relevant risk factor for the development of enhanced sympathetic outflow and arterial hypertension. Several studies have highlighted the importance of peripheral chemoreceptors for the cardiovascular changes elicited by CIH. However, the effects of CIH on the central mechanisms regulating sympathetic outflow are not fully elucidated. Our research group has explored the hypothesis that the enhanced sympathetic drive following CIH exposure is, at least in part, dependent on alterations in the respiratory network and its interaction with the sympathetic nervous system. In this report, I discuss the changes in the discharge profile of baseline sympathetic activity in rats exposed to CIH, their association with the generation of active expiration and the interactions between expiratory and sympathetic neurones after CIH conditioning. Together, these findings are consistent with the theory that mechanisms of central respiratory–sympathetic coupling are a novel factor in the development of neurogenic hypertension.


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For a better understanding of the processing at the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) level of the autonomic and respiratory responses to peripheral chemoreceptor activation, herein we evaluated the role of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the intermediate (iNTS) and caudal NTS (cNTS) on baseline respiratory parameters and on chemoreflex-evoked responses using the in situ working heart-brain stem preparation (WHBP). The activities of phrenic (PND), cervical vagus (cVNA), and thoracic sympathetic (tSNA) nerves were recorded before and after bilateral microinjections of kynurenic acid (Kyn, 5 nmol/20 nl) into iNTS, cNTS, or both simultaneously. In WHBP, baseline sympathetic discharge markedly correlated with phrenic bursts (inspiration). However, most of sympathoexcitation elicited by chemoreflex activation occurred during expiration. Kyn microinjected into iNTS or into cNTS decreased the postinspiratory component of cVNA and increased the duration and frequency of PND. Kyn into iNTS produced no changes in sympathoexcitatory and tachypneic responses to peripheral chemoreflex activation, whereas into cNTS, a reduction of the sympathoexcitation, but not of the tachypnea, was observed. The pattern of phrenic and sympathetic coupling during the chemoreflex activation was an inspiratory-related rather than an expiratory-related sympathoexcitation. Kyn simultaneously into iNTS and cNTS produced a greater decrease in postinspiratory component of cVNA and increase in frequency and duration of PND and abolished the respiratory and autonomic responses to chemoreflex activation. The data show that glutamatergic neurotransmission in the iNTS and cNTS plays a tonic role on the baseline respiratory rhythm, contributes to the postinspiratory activity, and is essential to expiratory-related sympathoexcitation observed during chemoreflex activation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We interviewed 21 farmers in order to access which sanitary practices adopted in the production systems of beef cattle on farms located in São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rondonia. The survey was conducted through a qualitative approach to the collection of data obtained through questionnaire and personal interview with the landowners. We questioned the attitudes and sanitation procedures in these current production systems such as veterinary assistance, preventive health practices and disease surveillance, knowledge of health hazards for the safe production of food, animal feed, vaccine and immunizations, registration system, measures with newborns, products used in the environment and animals, grace period, employee training, destination of the dead animals, among others. Along with the data found that only 30% of properties had veterinary care, 67% said they meet the expiration dates of the products, although it was not mentioned on the products if there were any. In only 48% of properties were veterinarians who prescribed drugs to animals. Only two of the owners confirmed buying and using expired products in animals and only 48% have received some training on the property. In this setting, it is evident that farmers should be better prepared for insertion of its products in a highly demanding and competitive market. In this context, add value to the product depends mainly on the condition of sanitation of the herds.


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Brazil is the world’s first chicken meat exporter nowadays. The maintenance of this position requires a constant quality attributes evolution. This work evaluated the chicken meat consumer profile in the northwest region of São Paulo state, the most important Brazilian poultry meat consumer market, in order to provide information to the productive sector. The data were collected using 482 interviews and questionnaires that were answered by e-mail. The questionnaires involved questions related to the consumer identification, habits and preferences and their knowledge about food safety, production system, sustainability and animal welfare. Most of the consumers, 62%, were female, with ages ranging from 20 to 50 years. Beef was preferred by the majority of the answerers and chicken and pork meat were together the second choice. Only 2% of the interviewed consumers mentioned not enjoying poultry meat. The main part of consumers, 67%, prefer to buy breast and leg cuts and only 11% are used to buy the whole poultry carcass. More than 60% of the interviewed have already eaten free range chicken meat, but the majority of them, 89%, are used to consume regular industrialized poultry. About 75% of the consumers believe hormones are used to grow the birds. Over 80% of people observe the expiration date before buying the product, but only 55% check if it has the stamp of the official inspection service. Color and appearance of meat are the most important factors that influence the consumer’s choice. The amount of water that drips on the tray is a rejection factor to 88% of answerers. Most of them, 66%, prefer lighter colored meat. Only 27% of them believe that chicken meat causes an environmental impact and 48% do not know the meaning of animal welfare. More than half of the interviewed do not consider animal welfare aspects before consuming any kind of meat. From these results obtained, it is possible to conclude that any effort to improve the product quality, mainly concerned to animal welfare and sustainability aspects, requires prior educational initiatives.


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Moraes DJ, Dias MB, Cavalcanti-Kwiatkoski R, Machado BH, Zoccal DB. Contribution of retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory region to the expiratory-sympathetic coupling in response to peripheral chemoreflex in rats. J Neurophysiol 108: 882-890, 2012. First published May 16, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00193.2012.-Central mechanisms of coupling between respiratory and sympathetic systems are essential for the entrainment between the enhanced respiratory drive and sympathoexcitation in response to hypoxia. However, the brainstem nuclei and neuronal network involved in these respiratory-sympathetic interactions remain unclear. Here, we evaluated whether the increase in expiratory activity and expiratory-modulated sympathoexcitation produced by the peripheral chemoreflex activation involves the retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory region (RTN/pFRG). Using decerebrated arterially perfused in situ rat preparations (60-80 g), we recorded the activities of thoracic sympathetic (tSN), phrenic (PN), and abdominal nerves (AbN) as well as the extracellular activity of RTN/pFRG expiratory neurons, and reflex responses to chemoreflex activation were evaluated before and after inactivation of the RTN/pFRG region with muscimol (1 mM). In the RTN/pFRG, we identified late-expiratory (late-E) neurons (n = 5) that were silent at resting but fired coincidently with the emergence of late-E bursts in AbN after peripheral chemoreceptor activation. Bilateral muscimol microinjections into the RTN/pFRG region (n = 6) significantly reduced basal PN frequency, mean AbN activity, and the amplitude of respiratory modulation of tSN (P < 0.05). With respect to peripheral chemoreflex responses, muscimol microinjections in the RTN/pFRG enhanced the PN inspiratory response, abolished the evoked late-E activity of AbN, but did not alter either the magnitude or pattern of the tSN reflex response. These findings indicate that the RTN/pFRG region is critically involved in the processing of the active expiratory response but not of the expiratory-modulated sympathetic response to peripheral chemoreflex activation of rat in situ preparations.


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Abstract Background Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a respiratory disease characterized by the collapse of the extrathoracic airway and has important social implications related to accidents and cardiovascular risk. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether the drop in expiratory flow and the volume expired in 0.2 s during the application of negative expiratory pressure (NEP) are associated with the presence and severity of OSA in a population of professional interstate bus drivers who travel medium and long distances. Methods/Design An observational, analytic study will be carried out involving adult male subjects of an interstate bus company. Those who agree to participate will undergo a detailed patient history, physical examination involving determination of blood pressure, anthropometric data, circumference measurements (hips, waist and neck), tonsils and Mallampati index. Moreover, specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness will be administered. Data acquisition will be completely anonymous. Following the medical examination, the participants will perform a spirometry, NEP test and standard overnight polysomnography. The NEP test is performed through the administration of negative pressure at the mouth during expiration. This is a practical test performed while awake and requires little cooperation from the subject. In the absence of expiratory flow limitation, the increase in the pressure gradient between the alveoli and open upper airway caused by NEP results in an increase in expiratory flow. Discussion Despite the abundance of scientific evidence, OSA is still underdiagnosed in the general population. In addition, diagnostic procedures are expensive, and predictive criteria are still unsatisfactory. Because increased upper airway collapsibility is one of the main determinants of OSA, the response to the application of NEP could be a predictor of this disorder. With the enrollment of this study protocol, the expectation is to encounter predictive NEP values for different degrees of OSA in order to contribute toward an early diagnosis of this condition and reduce its impact and complications among commercial interstate bus drivers.


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Abstract Background The PEEP-ZEEP technique is previously described as a lung inflation through a positive pressure enhancement at the end of expiration (PEEP), followed by rapid lung deflation with an abrupt reduction in the PEEP to 0 cmH2O (ZEEP), associated to a manual bilateral thoracic compression. Aim To analyze PEEP-ZEEP technique's repercussions on the cardio-respiratory system in immediate postoperative artery graft bypass patients. Methods 15 patients submitted to a coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) were enrolled prospectively, before, 10 minutes and 30 minutes after the technique. Patients were curarized, intubated, and mechanically ventilated. To perform PEEP-ZEEP technique, saline solution was instilled into their orotracheal tube than the patient was reconnected to the ventilator. Afterwards, the PEEP was increased to 15 cmH2O throughout 5 ventilatory cycles and than the PEEP was rapidly reduced to 0 cmH2O along with manual bilateral thoracic compression. At the end of the procedure, tracheal suction was accomplished. Results The inspiratory peak and plateau pressures increased during the procedure (p < 0.001) compared with other pressures during the assessment periods; however, they were within lung safe limits. The expiratory flow before the procedure were 33 ± 7.87 L/min, increasing significantly during the procedure to 60 ± 6.54 L/min (p < 0.001), diminishing to 35 ± 8.17 L/min at 10 minutes and to 36 ± 8.48 L/min at 30 minutes. Hemodynamic and oxygenation variables were not altered. Conclusion The PEEP-ZEEP technique seems to be safe, without alterations on hemodynamic variables, produces elevated expiratory flow and seems to be an alternative technique for the removal of bronchial secretions in patients submitted to a CABG.


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Abstract Introduction In this study we aimed to evaluate the peak cough flow (PCF) in healthy Brazilian subjects. Methods We evaluated 484 healthy subjects between 18 and 40 years old. Subjects were seated and oriented were asked to perform a maximal inspiration followed by a quick, short and explosive expiration on the peak flow meter. Three measures were carried out and recorded the average of the three results for each individual. Results The PCF values ranged between 240 and 500 L/min. The PCF values were lower in females than in males. The PCF was inversely proportional to age. Conclusion The values for Brazilian adult healthy subjects regarding PCF were between 240 and 500 L/min.


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In an effort to understand the fate of inhaled submicron particles in the small sacs, or alveoli, comprising the gas-exchange region of the lung, we calculated the flow in three-dimensional (3D) rhythmically expanding models of alveolated ducts. Since convection toward the alveolar walls is a precursor to particle deposition, it was the goal of this paper to investigate the streamline maps' dependence upon alveoli location along the acinar tree. On the alveolar midplane, the recirculating flow pattern exhibited closed streamlines with a stagnation saddle point. Off the midplane we found no closed streamlines but nested, funnel-like, spiral, structures (reminiscent of Russian nesting dolls) that were directed towards the expanding walls in inspiration, and away from the contracting walls in expiration. These nested, funnel-like, structures were surrounded by air that flowed into the cavity from the central channel over inspiration and flowed from the cavity to the central channel over expiration. We also found that fluid particle tracks exhibited similar nested funnel-like spiral structures. We conclude that these unique alveolar flow structures may be of importance in enhancing deposition. In addition, due to inertia, the nested, funnel-like, structures change shape and position slightly during a breathing cycle, resulting in flow mixing. Also, each inspiration feeds a fresh supply of particle-laden air from the central channel to the region surrounding the mixing region. Thus, this combination of flow mixer and flow feeder makes each individual alveolus an effective mixing unit, which is likely to play an important role in determining the overall efficiency of convective mixing in the acinus.


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Objective. The information derived from central venous catheters is underused. We developed an EKG-R synchronization and averaging system to obtained distinct CVP waveforms and analyzed components of these. Methods. Twenty-five paralyzed surgical patients undergoing CVP monitoring under mechanical ventilation were studied. CVP and EKG signals were analyzed employing our system, the mean CVP and CVP at end-diastole during expiration were compared, and CVP waveform components were measured using this system. Results. CVP waveforms were clearly visualized in all patients. They showed the a peak to be 1.8+/- 0.7 mmHg, which was the highest of three peaks, and the x trough to be lower than the y trough (-1.6+/- 0.7mmHgand-0.9+/- 0.5mmHg, respectively), withameanpulsepressureof3.4mmHg.ThedifferencebetweenthemeanCVPandCVPatend-diastoleduringexpirationwas0.58+/- 0.81 mmHg. Conclusions. The mean CVP can be used as an index of right ventricular preload in patients under mechanical ventilation with regular sinus rhythm. Our newly developed system is useful for clinical monitoring and for education in circulatory physiology.


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BACKGROUND: Estimation of respiratory deadspace is often based on the CO2 expirogram, however presence of the CO2 sensor increases equipment deadspace, which in turn influences breathing pattern and calculation of lung volume. In addition, it is necessary to correct for the delay between the sensor and flow signals. We propose a new method for estimation of effective deadspace using the molar mass (MM) signal from an ultrasonic flowmeter device, which does not require delay correction. We hypothesize that this estimation is correlated with that calculated from the CO2 signal using the Fowler method. METHODS: Breath-by-breath CO2, MM and flow measurements were made in a group of 77 term-born healthy infants. Fowler deadspace (Vd,Fowler) was calculated after correcting for the flow-dependent delay in the CO2 signal. Deadspace estimated from the MM signal (Vd,MM) was defined as the volume passing through the flowhead between start of expiration and the 10% rise point in MM. RESULTS: Correlation (r = 0.456, P < 0.0001) was found between Vd,MM and Vd,Fowler averaged over all measurements, with a mean difference of -1.4% (95% CI -4.1 to 1.3%). Vd,MM ranged from 6.6 to 11.4 ml between subjects, while Vd,Fowler ranged from 5.9 to 12.0 ml. Mean intra-measurement CV over 5-10 breaths was 7.8 +/- 5.6% for Vd,MM and 7.8 +/- 3.7% for Vd,Fowler. Mean intra-subject CV was 6.0 +/- 4.5% for Vd,MM and 8.3 +/- 5.9% for Vd,Fowler. Correcting for the CO2 signal delay resulted in a 12% difference (P = 0.022) in Vd,Fowler. Vd,MM could be obtained more frequently than Vd,Fowler in infants with CLD, with a high variability. CONCLUSIONS: Use of the MM signal provides a feasible estimate of Fowler deadspace without introducing additional equipment deadspace. The simple calculation without need for delay correction makes individual adjustment for deadspace in FRC measurements possible. This is especially important given the relative large range of deadspace seen in this homogeneous group of infants.


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BACKGROUND: The Anesthetic Conserving Device (AnaConDa) uncouples delivery of a volatile anesthetic (VA) from fresh gas flow (FGF) using a continuous infusion of liquid volatile into a modified heat-moisture exchanger capable of adsorbing VA during expiration and releasing adsorbed VA during inspiration. It combines the simplicity and responsiveness of high FGF with low agent expenditures. We performed in vitro characterization of the device before developing a population pharmacokinetic model for sevoflurane administration with the AnaConDa, and retrospectively testing its performance (internal validation). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighteen females and 20 males, aged 31-87, BMI 20-38, were included. The end-tidal concentrations were varied and recorded together with the VA infusion rates into the device, ventilation and demographic data. The concentration-time course of sevoflurane was described using linear differential equations, and the most suitable structural model and typical parameter values were identified. The individual pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained and tested for covariate relationships. Prediction errors were calculated. RESULTS: In vitro studies assessed the contribution of the device to the pharmacokinetic model. In vivo, the sevoflurane concentration-time courses on the patient side of the AnaConDa were adequately described with a two-compartment model. The population median absolute prediction error was 27% (interquartile range 13-45%). CONCLUSION: The predictive performance of the two-compartment model was similar to that of models accepted for TCI administration of intravenous anesthetics, supporting open-loop administration of sevoflurane with the AnaConDa. Further studies will focus on prospective testing and external validation of the model implemented in a target-controlled infusion device.


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The mechanisms of Ar release from K-feldspar samples in laboratory experiments and during their geological history are assessed here. Modern petrology clearly established that the chemical and isotopic record of minerals is normally dominated by aqueous recrystallization. The laboratory critique is trickier, which explains why so many conflicting approaches have been able to survive long past their expiration date. Current models are evaluated for self-consistency; especially Arrhenian non-linearity leads to paradoxes. The models’ testable geological predictions suggest that temperature-based downslope extrapolations often overestimate observed geological Ar mobility substantially. An updated interpretation is based on the unrelatedness of geological behaviour to laboratory experiments. The isotopic record of K-feldspar in geological samples is not a unique function of temperature, as recrystallisation promoted by aqueous fluids is the predominant mechanism controlling isotope transport. K-feldspar should therefore be viewed as a hygrochronometer. Laboratory degassing proceeds from structural rearrangements and phase transitions such as are observed in situ at high temperature in Na and Pb feldspars. These effects violate the mathematics of an inert Fick’s Law matrix and preclude downslope extrapolation. The similar upward-concave, non-linear shapes of Arrhenius trajectories of many silicates, hydrous and anhydrous, are likely common manifestations of structural rearrangements in silicate structures.


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Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is highly successful in treating Parkinson's disease (PD), dystonia, and essential tremor (ET). Until recently implantable neurostimulators were nonrechargeable, battery-driven devices, with a lifetime of about 3-5 years. This relatively short duration causes problems for patients (e.g. programming and device-use limitations, unpredictable expiration, surgeries to replace depleted batteries). Additionally, these batteries (relatively large with considerable weight) may cause discomfort. To overcome these issues, the first rechargeable DBS device was introduced: smaller, lighter and intended to function for 9 years. Methods: Of 35 patients implanted with the rechargeable device, 21 (including 8 PD, 10 dystonia, 2 ET) were followed before and 3 months after surgery and completed a systematic survey of satisfaction with the rechargeable device. Results: Overall patient satisfaction was high (83.3 ± 18.3). Dystonia patients tended to have lower satisfaction values for fit and comfort of the system than PD patients. Age was significantly negatively correlated with satisfaction regarding process of battery recharging. Conclusions: Dystonia patients (generally high-energy consumption, severe problems at the DBS device end-of-life) are good, reliable candidates for a rechargeable DBS system. In PD, younger patients, without signs of dementia and good technical understanding, might have highest benefit.