996 resultados para Experimental warming


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Climate change in the Arctic is predicted to increase plant productivity through decomposition-related enhanced nutrient availability. However, the extent of the increase will depend on whether the increased nutrient availability can be sustained. To address this uncertainty, I assessed the response of plant tissue nutrients, litter decomposition rates, and soil nutrient availability to experimental climate warming manipulations, extended growing season and soil warming, over a 7 year period. Overall, the most consistent effect was the year-to-year variability in measured parameters, probably a result of large differences in weather and time of snowmelt. The results of this study emphasize that although plants of arctic environments are specifically adapted to low nutrient availability, they also posses a suite of traits that help to reduce nutrient losses such as slow growth, low tissue concentrations, and low tissue turnover that result in subtle responses to environmental changes.


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Ocean acidification and warming will be most pronounced in the Arctic Ocean. Aragonite shell-bearing pteropods in the Arctic are expected to be among the first species to suffer from ocean acidification. Carbonate undersaturation in the Arctic will first occur in winter and because this period is also characterized by low food availability, the overwintering stages of polar pteropods may develop into a bottleneck in their life cycle. The impacts of ocean acidification and warming on growth, shell degradation (dissolution), and mortality of two thecosome pteropods, the polar Limacina helicina and the boreal L. retroversa, were studied for the first time during the Arctic winter in the Kongsfjord (Svalbard). The abundance of L. helicina and L. retroversa varied from 23.5 to 120 ind /m2 and 12 to 38 ind /m2, and the mean shell size ranged from 920 to 981 µm and 810 to 823 µm, respectively. Seawater was aragonite-undersaturated at the overwintering depths of pteropods on two out of ten days of our observations. A 7-day experiment [temperature levels: 2 and 7 °C, pCO2 levels: 350, 650 (only for L. helicina) and 880 ?atm] revealed a significant pCO2 effect on shell degradation in both species, and synergistic effects between temperature and pCO2 for L. helicina. A comparison of live and dead specimens kept under the same experimental conditions indicated that both species were capable of actively reducing the impacts of acidification on shell dissolution. A higher vulnerability to increasing pCO2 and temperature during the winter season is indicated compared with a similar study from fall 2009. Considering the species winter phenology and the seasonal changes in carbonate chemistry in Arctic waters, negative climate change effects on Arctic thecosomes are likely to show up first during winter, possibly well before ocean acidification effects become detectable during the summer season.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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During summer 2014 (mid-July - mid-September 2014), early life-stage Fucus vesiculosus were exposed to combined ocean acidification and warming (OAW) in the presence and absence of enhanced nutrient levels (OAW x N experiment). Subsequently, F. vesiculosus germlings were exposed to a final upwelling disturbance during 3 days (mid-September 2014). Experiments were performed in the near-natural scenario "Kiel Outdoor Benthocosms" including natural fluctuations in the southwestern Baltic Sea, Kiel Fjord, Germany (54°27 'N, 10°11 'W). Genetically different sibling groups and different levels of genetic diversity were employed to test to which extent genetic variation would result in response variation. The data presented here show the phenotypical response (growth and survival) of the different experimental populations of F. vesiculosus under OAW, nutrient enrichment and the upwelling event. Log effect ratios demonstrate the responses to enhanced OAW and nutrient concentrations relative to the ambient conditons. Carbon, nitrogen content (% DW) and C:N ratios were measured after the exposure of ambient and high nutrient levels. Abiotic conditions the OAW x nutrient experiment and the upwelling event, are shown.


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Regulating intracellular pH (pHi) is critical for optimising the metabolic activity of corals, yet mechanisms involved in pH regulation and the buffering capacity within coral cells are not well understood. Our study investigated how the presence of symbiotic dinoflagellates affects the response of pHi to pCO2-driven seawater acidification in cells isolated from Pocillopora damicornis. Using the fluorescent dye BCECF-AM, in conjunction with confocal microscopy, we simultaneously characterised the response of pHi in host coral cells and their dinoflagellate symbionts, in symbiotic and non-symbiotic states under saturating light, with and without the photosynthetic inhibitor DCMU. Each treatment was run under control (pH 7.8) and CO2 acidified seawater conditions (decreasing pH from 7.8 - 6.8). After two hours of CO2 addition, by which time the external pH (pHe) had declined to 6.8, the dinoflagellate symbionts had increased their pHi by 0.5 pH units above control levels. In contrast, in both symbiotic and non-symbiotic host coral cells, 15 min of CO2 addition (0.2 pH unit drop in pHe) led to cytoplasmic acidosis equivalent to 0.4 pH units. Despite further seawater acidification over the duration of the experiment, the pHi of non-symbiotic coral cells did not change, though in host cells containing a symbiont cell the pHi recovered to control levels. This recovery was negated when cells were incubated with DCMU. Our results reveal that photosynthetic activity of the endosymbiont is tightly coupled with the ability of the host cell to recover from cellular acidosis after exposure to high CO2 / low pH.


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The combined impacts of future scenarios of ocean acidification and global warming on the larvae of a cold-eurythermal spider crab, Hyas araneus L., were investigated in one of its southernmost populations (living around Helgoland, southern North Sea, 54°N) and one of the northernmost populations (Svalbard, North Atlantic, 79°N). Larvae were exposed at temperatures of 3, 9 and 15°C to present day normocapnia (380 ppm CO2) and to CO2 conditions expected for the near or medium-term future (710 ppm by 2100 and 3000 ppm CO2 by 2300 and beyond). Larval development time and biochemical composition were studied in the larval stages Zoea I, II, and Megalopa. Permanent differences in instar duration between both populations were detected in all stages, likely as a result of evolutionary temperature adaptation. With the exception of Zoea II at 3°C and under all CO2 conditions, development in all instars from Svalbard was delayed compared to those from Helgoland, under all conditions. Most prominently, development was much longer and fewer specimens morphosed to the first crab instar in the Megalopa from Svalbard than from Helgoland. Enhanced CO2 levels (710 and particularly 3000 ppm), caused extended duration of larval development and reduced larval growth (measured as dry mass) and fitness (decreasing C/N ratio, a proxy of the lipid content). Such effects were strongest in the zoeal stages in Svalbard larvae, and during the Megalopa instar in Helgoland larvae.


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Invasive species allow an investigation of trait retention and adaptations after exposure to new habitats. Recent work on corals from the Gulf of Aqaba (GoA) shows that tolerance to high temperature persists thousands of years after invasion, without any apparent adaptive advantage. Here we test whether thermal tolerance retention also occurs in another symbiont-bearing calcifying organism. To this end, we investigate the thermal tolerance of the benthic foraminifera Amphistegina lobifera from the GoA (29° 30.14167 N 34° 55.085 E) and compare it to a recent "Lessepsian invader population" from the Eastern Mediterranean (EaM) (32° 37.386 N, 34°55.169 E). We first established that the studied populations are genetically homogenous but distinct from a population in Australia, and that they contain a similar consortium of diatom symbionts, confirming their recent common descent. Thereafter, we exposed specimens from GoA and EaM to elevated temperatures for three weeks and monitored survivorship, growth rates and photophysiology. Both populations exhibited a similar pattern of temperature tolerance. A consistent reduction of photosynthetic dark yields was observed at 34°C and reduced growth was observed at 32°C. The apparent tolerance to sustained exposure to high temperature cannot have a direct adaptive importance, as peak summer temperatures in both locations remain <32°C. Instead, it seems that in the studied foraminifera tolerance to high temperature is a conservative trait and the EaM population retained this trait since its recent invasion. Such pre-adaptation to higher temperatures confers A. lobifera a clear adaptive advantage in shallow and episodically high temperature environments in the Mediterranean under further warming.


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Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations are expectedto decrease surface ocean pH by 0.3-0.5 units by 2100, lowering the carbonate ion concentration of surfacewaters. This rapid acidification is predicted to dramatically decrease calcification in many marine organisms. Reduced skeletal growth under increased CO2 levels has already been shown for corals, molluscs and many other marine organisms. The impact of acidification on the ability of individual species to calcify has remained elusive, however, as measuring net calcification fails to disentangle the relative contributions of gross calcification and dissolution rates on growth. Here, we show that corals and molluscs transplanted along gradients of carbonate saturation state at Mediterranean CO2 vents are able to calcify and grow at even faster than normal rates when exposed to the high CO2 levels projected for the next 300 years. Calcifiers remain at risk, however, owing to the dissolution of exposed shells and skeletons that occurs as pH levels fall. Our results show that tissues and external organic layers play a major role in protecting shells and skeletons from corrosive sea water, limiting dissolution and allowing organisms to calcify. Our combined field and laboratory results demonstrate that the adverse effects of global warming are exacerbated when high temperatures coincide with acidification.


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Les méthodes de design et de construction des routes développés dans le sud canadien ont maintenant besoin d’être adaptés aux environnements nordiques du pays afin de prévenir le dégel dramatique du pergélisol lors de la construction d’une nouvelle route. De plus, le réchauffement climatique occasionne présentement d’importants problèmes de stabilité des sols dans le nord canadien. Ces facteurs causent des pertes importantes au niveau des capacités fonctionnelles et structurales de l’Alaska Highway au Yukon sur un segment de plus de 200 km situé entre le village de Destruction Bay et la frontière de l’Alaska. Afin de trouver des solutions rentables à long terme, le ministère du transport du Yukon (en collaboration avec le Federal Highway Administration du gouvernement américain, Transports Canada, l’Université Laval, l’Université de Montréal et l’Alaska University transportation Center) a mis en place 12 sections d’essais de 50 mètres de longueur sur l’autoroute de l’Alaska près de Beaver Creek en 2008. Ces différentes sections d’essais ont été conçues pour évaluer une ou plusieurs méthodes combinées de stabilisation thermique telles que le drain thermique, le remblai à convection d’air, le pare-neige / pare-soleil, le remblai couvert de matières organiques, les drains longitudinaux, le déblaiement de la neige sur les pentes et la surface réfléchissante. Les objectifs spécifiques de la recherche sont 1) d’établir les régimes thermiques et les flux de chaleur dans chacune des sections pour les 3 premières années de fonctionnement ; 2) de documenter les facteurs pouvant favoriser ou nuire à l’efficacité des systèmes de protection et ; 3) de déterminer le rapport coûts/bénéfices à long terme pour chacune des techniques utilisées. Pour ce faire, une nouvelle méthode d’analyse, basée sur la mesure de flux d’extraction de chaleur Hx et d’induction Hi à l’interface entre le remblai et le sol naturel, a été utilisée dans cette étude. Certaines techniques de protection du pergélisol démontrent un bon potentiel durant leurs 3 premières années de fonctionnement. C’est le cas pour le remblai à convection d’air non-couvert, le remblai à convection d’air pleine largeur, les drains longitudinaux, le pare-soleil / pare-neige et la surface réfléchissante. Malheureusement, des problèmes dans l’installation des drains thermiques ont empêché une évaluation complète de leur efficacité.


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This paper explores a new interpretation of experiments on foil rolling. The assumption that the roll remains convex is relaxed so that the strip profile may become concave, or thicken in the roll gap. However, we conjecture that the concave profile is associated with phenomena which occur after the rolls have stopped. We argue that the yield criterion must be satisfied in a nonconventional manner if such a phenomenon is caused plastically. Finite element analysis on an extrusion problem appears to confirm this conjecture.