958 resultados para Experimental demonstration


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We report on the experimental demonstration of a spectrum shaping filter, which is formed by inserting a fiber polarization controller (PC) in to a Sagnac loop. Pedestal free and narrow spectrum with line width at 1.4-1.7 nm is obtained, which is advantageous for further power amplification and effective frequency doubling. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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根据渭北旱塬自然经济特点 ,提出了该区农业持续发展的关键技术和增产新途径——农田高效优化种植模式 (以双元覆盖小麦为主 )。通过 4a的试验示范与推广 ,结果表明 :该模式可较对照增产小麦6 2 .92 % ;复种黄豆增收 1 5 0 0~ 2 2 5 0 kg/ hm2 ,较对照增产 1 0 0 %。该模式的聚水、保墒、增温和促进有机质矿化、增加土壤养分效应显著 ,可使土壤水、热环境改善 ,充分利用水资源 ,提高用水效率。


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提出了以新修梯田耕作栽培技术和作物抗旱节水技术为中心的燕沟流域基本农田粮食高产综合配套技术体系 ,并在燕沟流域经过 3年试验示范 ,使粮食生产潜力实现率由原来的 2 3%~ 48% ,平均已达到 5 4 %~ 64% ,典型的抗旱节水综合试验示范地块的潜力实现率提高到 78%~ 87% ;作物平均单产和水分利用效率较原来分别提高了 63%和 5 9.1 % ,粮食单产平均较 1 997年翻了两番 ,粮食产量较 1 997年提高了 33.7%~ 62 .1 % ,人均产粮达到了 5 0 0 kg以上 ,基本实现了减地不减产和增产增效的效果


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This thesis details an experimental and simulation investigation of some novel all-optical signal processing techniques for future optical communication networks. These all-optical techniques include modulation format conversion, phase discrimination and clock recovery. The methods detailed in this thesis use the nonlinearities associated with semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) to manipulate signals in the optical domain. Chapter 1 provides an introduction into the work detailed in this thesis, discusses the increased demand for capacity in today’s optical fibre networks and finally explains why all-optical signal processing may be of interest for future optical networks. Chapter 2 discusses the relevant background information required to fully understand the all-optical techniques demonstrated in this thesis. Chapter 3 details some pump-probe measurement techniques used to calculate the gain and phase recovery times of a long SOA. A remarkably fast gain recovery is observed and the wavelength dependent nature of this recovery is investigated. Chapter 4 discusses the experimental demonstration of an all-optical modulation conversion technique which can convert on-off- keyed data into either duobinary or alternative mark inversion. In Chapter 5 a novel phase sensitive frequency conversion scheme capable of extracting the two orthogonal components of a quadrature phase modulated signal into two separate frequencies is demonstrated. Chapter 6 investigates a novel all-optical clock recovery technique for phase modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing superchannels and finally Chapter 7 provides a brief conclusion.


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We present an experimental demonstration of phase conjugation using nonlinear metamaterial elements. Active split-ring resonators loaded with varactor diodes are demonstrated theoretically to act as phase-conjugating or time-reversing discrete elements when parametrically pumped and illuminated with appropriate frequencies. The metamaterial elements were fabricated and shown experimentally to produce a time-reversed signal. Measurements confirm that a discrete array of phase-conjugating elements act as a negatively refracting time-reversal rf lens only 0.12λ thick.


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The control of sound propagation and reflection has always been the goal of engineers involved in the design of acoustic systems. A recent design approach based on coordinate transformations, which is applicable to many physical systems, together with the development of a new class of engineered materials called metamaterials, has opened the road to the unconstrained control of sound. However, the ideal material parameters prescribed by this methodology are complex and challenging to obtain experimentally, even using metamaterial design approaches. Not surprisingly, experimental demonstration of devices obtained using transformation acoustics is difficult, and has been implemented only in two-dimensional configurations. Here, we demonstrate the design and experimental characterization of an almost perfect three-dimensional, broadband, and, most importantly, omnidirectional acoustic device that renders a region of space three wavelengths in diameter invisible to sound.


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The generation of extremely bright coherent X-ray pulses in the femtosecond and attosecond regime is currently one of the most exciting frontiers of physics - allowing, for the first time, measurements with unprecedented temporal resolution(1-6). Harmonics from laser - solid target interactions have been identified as a means of achieving fields as high as the Schwinger limit(2,7) (E = 1.3 x 10(16) V m(-1)) and as a highly promising route to high-efficiency attosecond (10(-18) s) pulses(8) owing to their intrinsically phase-locked nature. The key steps to attain these goals are achieving high conversion efficiencies and a slow decay of harmonic efficiency to high orders by driving harmonic production to the relativistic limit(1). Here we present the first experimental demonstration of high harmonic generation in the relativistic limit, obtained on the Vulcan Petawatt laser(9). High conversion efficiencies (eta> 10(-6) per harmonic) and bright emission (> 10(22) photons s(-1) mm(-2) mrad(-2) (0.1% bandwidth)) are observed at wavelengths <4 nm ( the 'water-window' region of particular interest for bio-microscopy).


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We show that failure of local realism can be revealed to observers for whom only extremely-coarse-grained measurements are available. In our instances, Bell's inequality is violated even up to the maximum limit while both the local measurements and the initial local states under scrutiny approach the classical limit. Furthermore, we can observe failure of local realism when an inequality enforced by nonlocal realistic theories is satisfied. This suggests that locality alone may be violated while realism cannot be excluded for specific observables and states. Small-scale experimental demonstration of our examples may be possible in the foreseeable future.


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To increase structural efficiency of stiffened panels in an aircraft, it is plausible to introduce skin buckling containment features to increase the local skin stability and thus static strength performance. Introducing buckling containment features may also significantly influence the fatigue crack growth performance of the stiffened panel. This study focuses on the experimental demonstration of panel durability with skin bay buckling containment features. Through a series of fatigue crack growth tests on integrally machined aluminium alloy stiffened panels, the potential to simultaneously improve static strength performance and crack propagation behaviour is demonstrated. The introduction of prismatic buckling containment features which have yielded significant static strength performance gains have herein demonstrated potential fatigue life gains of up to + 63 per cent.


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We present an experimental demonstration of nonresonant manipulation of vibrational states in a molecule by an intense ultrashort laser pulse. A vibrational wave packet is generated in D-2(+) through tunnel ionization of D-2 by a few-cycle pump pulse. A similar control pulse is applied as the wave packet begins to dephase so that the dynamic Stark effect distorts the electronic environment of the nuclei, transferring vibrational population. The time evolution of the modified wave packet is probed via the D-2(+) photodissociation yield that results from the application of an intense probe pulse. Comparing the measured yield with a quasiclassical trajectory model allows us to determine the redistribution of vibrational population caused by the control pulse. ©


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The use of strong-field (i.e. intensities in excess of 10(13) Wcm(-2)) few-cycle ultrafast (durations of 10 femtoseconds or less) laser pulses to create, manipulate and image vibrational wavepackets is investigated. Quasi-classical modelling of the initial superposition through tunnel ionization, wavepacket modification by nonadiabatically altering the nuclear environment via the transition dipole and the Stark effect, and measuring the control outcome by fragmenting the molecule is detailed. The influence of the laser intensity on strong-field ultrafast wavepacket control is discussed in detail: by modifying the distribution of laser intensities imaged, we show that focal conditions can be created that give preference to this three-pulse technique above processes induced by the pulses alone. An experimental demonstration is presented, and the nuclear dynamics inferred by the quasi-classical model discussed. Finally, we present the results of a systematic investigation of a dual-control pulse scheme, indicating that single vibrational states should be observable with high fidelity, and the populated state defined by varying the arrival time of the two control pulses. The relevance of such strong-field coherent control methods to the manipulation of electron localization and attosecond science is discussed.


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The dynamical Casimir effect (DCE) predicts the generation of photons from the vacuum due to the parametric amplification of the quantum fluctuations of an electromagnetic field. The verification of such an effect is still elusive in optical systems due to the very demanding requirements of its experimental implementation. We show that an ensemble of two-level atoms collectively coupled to the electromagnetic field of a cavity, driven at low frequencies and close to a quantum phase transition, stimulates the production of photons from the vacuum. This paves the way to an effective simulation of the DCE through a mechanism that has recently found experimental demonstration. The spectral properties of the emitted radiation reflect the critical nature of the system and allow us to link the detection of the DCE to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for the production of defects when crossing a continuous phase transition.


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Experimental demonstration of negative ion acceleration to MeV energies from sub-micron size droplets of water spray irradiated by ultra-intense laser pulses is presented. Thanks to the specific target configuration and laser parameters, more than 109 negative ions per steradian solid angle in 5% energy bandwidth are accelerated in a stable and reliable manner. To our knowledge, by virtue of the ultra-short duration of the emission, this is by far the brightest negative ion source reported. The data also indicate the existence of beams of neutrals with at least similar numbers and energies.


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We propose an interferometric setting for the ancilla-assisted measurement of the characteristic function of the work distribution following a time-dependent process experienced by a quantum system. We identify how the configuration of the effective interferometer is linked to the symmetries enjoyed by the Hamiltonian ruling the process and provide the explicit form of the operations to implement in order to accomplish our task. We finally discuss two physical settings, based on hybrid optomechanical-electromechanical devices, where the theoretical proposals discussed in our work could find an experimental demonstration.


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Verification of the dynamical Casimir effect (DCE) in optical systems is still elusive due to the very demanding requirements for its experimental implementation. This typically requires very fast changes in the boundary conditions of the problem. We show that an ensemble of two-level atoms collectively coupled to the electromagnetic field of a cavity, driven at low frequencies and close to a quantum phase transition, stimulates the production of photons from the vacuum. This paves the way for an effective simulation of the DCE through a mechanism that has recently found experimental demonstration. The spectral properties of the emitted radiation reflect the critical nature of the system and allow us to link the detection of DCE to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for the production of defects when crossing a continuous phase transition.