205 resultados para Exodus (bijbelboek)
Third World hinterlands provide most of the settings in which the quality of human life has improved the least over the decade since Our Common Future was published. This low quality of life promotes a desire for large number of offspring, fuelling population growth and an exodus to the urban centres of the Third World, Enhancing the quality of life of these people in ways compatible with the health of their environments is therefore the most significant of the challenges from the perspective of sustainable development. Human quality of life may be viewed in terms of access to goods, services and a satisfying social role. The ongoing processes of globalization are enhancing flows of goods worldwide, but these hardly reach the poor of Third World countrysides. But processes of globalization have also vastly improved everybody's access to Information, and there are excellent opportunities of putting this to good use to enhance the quality of life of the people of Third World countrysides through better access to education and health. More importantly, better access to information could promote a more satisfying social role through strengthening grass-roots involvement in development planning and management of natural resources. I illustrate these possibilities with the help of a series of concrete experiences form the south Indian state of Kerala. Such an effort does not call for large-scare material inputs, rather it calls for a culture of inform-and-share in place place of the prevalent culture of control-and-command. It calls for openness and transparency in transactions involving government agencies, NGOs, and national and transnational business enterprises. It calls for acceptance of accountability by such agencies.
Resumen: ¿Qué imágenes de Egipto encontramos en la Biblia Hebrea, además del éxodo? Los textos bíblicos miran a su vecina Egipto como país de refugio (del hambre o la persecución). Pero por ser grande y fuerte, Egipto es también proveedor de armamento militar. Puede tornarse una falsa seguridad para un pueblo que debe confiar solo en Yavé. La literatura sapiencial es más benévola. En la descripción de la cama lujosa a la que una mujer descarada atrae a su amante, Proverbios 7 ofrece un homenaje indirecto a la riqueza egipcia.
Resumen: Considerando la preocupación de los obispos latinoamericanos y del Caribe en la V Conferencia General de Aparecida sobre los migrantes como nuevos actores sociales destinatarios de la evangelización y futuros misioneros, se hace una reflexión interdisciplinaria, entre la teología y las ciencias sociales, sobre el trabajador migrante como lugar teológico. Poniendo en equivalencia las categorías de éxodo y migración, se intenta hacer manifiesto el camino del esfuerzo del trabajador migrante que, en tiempos de globalización, ve en el trabajo una vía de movilidad social ascendente desde la pobreza del ser a la dignidad del trabajador asalariado como creatura de Dios. Como ejemplo de solidaridad, de trabajadores misionando en función de trabajadores, se presenta el caso de la integración regional sindical en red, y sus modos de irrupción en el mundo de la determinación
[ES] La desestructuración familiar que en España ha supuesto un éxodo rural intensivo queda en evidencia varias décadas después, una vez que la población que decidió continuar residiendo en el medio rural ha envejecido. El anciano que habita en el medio rural carece a menudo del apoyo familiar necesario para hacer frente a las barreras físicas y sociales que la edad y el aislamiento le imponen mientras los servicios públicos no se adecúan a los caracteres propios de este medio. El habitante del caserío vasco, dada la proximidad del medio urbano, ha sufrido en menor medida las consecuencias del éxodo rural, manteniéndose más íntegra la red de apoyo familiar o, en todo caso, viéndose completada con la presencia del que acudió al medio urbano. Como consecuencia, es la familia la que asume el cuidado del mayor, cumpliendo éste su deseo de residir en casa hasta el final de su vida.
A presente aplicacao da funcao discriminante linear na classificacao de fatores que determinam o exodo rural foi realizada a partir dos dados coletados em pequenas propriedades na regiao de Ouricuri, no alto sertao de Pernambuco. Dentro do complexo de problemas que condicionam o exodo rural foi escolhido um conjunto de variaveis que explicariam o fenomeno. Estas variaveis foram estudadas em duas populacoes (com exodo rural e sem exodo), para verificar em que grau se explica esse fenomeno. O objetivo do trabalho consistiu em testar instrumentos tecnicos e metodos estatisticos sobre problemas socio-economicos que possam ser usados posteriormente pelos orgaos de desenvolvimento.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Trabalho Social.
sermon text; MS Word document
sermon text; MS Word document
Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process and aircraft fire have a role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementaion of safer and more rigorous certification criteria and in post mortuum accident investigation. As the cost and risk involved in performing large-scale fire/evacuation experiments for the next generation 'Very Large Aircraft' (VLA) are expected to be high, the development and use of these modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a viable reality. By describing the present capabililties and limitations of the EXODUS evacuation model and associated fire models, this paper will examine the future development and data requirements of these models.
The mathematical simulation of the evacuation process has a wide and largely untapped scope of application within the aircraft industry. The function of the mathematical model is to provide insight into complex behaviour by allowing designers, legislators, and investigators to ask ‘what if’ questions. Such a model, EXODUS, is currently under development, and this paper describes its evolution and potential applications. EXODUS is an egress model designed to simulate the evacuation of large numbers of individuals from an enclosure, such as an aircraft. The model tracks the trajectory of each individual as they make their way out of the enclosure or are overcome by fire hazards, such as heat and toxic gases. The software is expert system-based, the progressive motion and behaviour of each individual being determined by a set of heuristics or rules. EXODUS comprises five core interacting components: (i) the Movement Submodel — controls the physical movement of individual passengers from their current position to the most suitable neighbouring location; (ii) the Behaviour Submodel — determines an individual's response to the current prevailing situation; (iii) the Passenger Submodel — describes an individual as a collection of 22 defining attributes and variables; (iv) the Hazard Submodel — controls the atmospheric and physical environment; and (v) the Toxicity Submodel — determines the effects on an individual exposed to the fire products, heat, and narcotic gases through the Fractional Effective Dose calculations. These components are briefly described and their capabilities and limitations are demonstrated through comparison with experimental data and several hypothetical evacuation scenarios.
Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process have a vital role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria and in post mortuuum accident investigation. As the risk of personal injury and costs involved in performing large-scale evacuation experiments for the next generation 'Ultra High Capacity Aircraft' (UHCA) are expected to be high, the development and use of these evacuation modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a viable reality. In this paper the capabilities and limitation of the air-EXODUS evacuation model are described. Its successful application to the prediction of a recent certificaiton trial, prior to the actual trial taking place, is described. Also described is a newly defined parameter known as OPS which can be used as a measure of evacuation trial optimality. Finally, the data requirements of aircraft evacuation models is discussed along with several projects currently underway at the University of Greenwich designed to obtain this data. Included in this discussion is a description of the AASK - Aircraft Accident Statistics and Knowledge - data base which contains detailed information from aircraft accident survivors.
This paper describes the extension of the building EXODUS evacuation model in order to: allow occupants to be assigned a limited set of tasks, display co-operation
Given the importance of occupant behavior on evacuation efficiency, a new behavioral feature has been implemented into building EXODUS. This feature concerns the response of occupants to exit selection and re-direction, given that the occupant is queuing at an external exit. This behavior is not simply pre-determined by the user as part of the initialization process, but involves the occupant taking decisions based on their previous experiences with the enclosure and the information available to them. This information concerns the occupant's prior knowledge of the enclosure and line-of-sight information concerning queues at neighboring exits. This new feature is demonstrated and reviewed through several examples.
In this paper, the buildingEXODUS evacuation model is described and discussed and attempts at qualitative and quantitative model validation are presented. The data sets used for validation are the Stapelfeldt and Milburn House evacuation data. As part of the validation exercise, the sensitivity of the building-EXODUS predictions to a range of variables is examined, including occupant drive, occupant location, exit flow capacity, exit size, occupant response times and geometry definition. An important consideration that has been highlighted by this work is that any validation exercise must be scrutinised to identify both the results generated and the considerations and assumptions on which they are based. During the course of the validation exercise, both data sets were found to be less than ideal for the purpose of validating complex evacuation. However, the buildingEXODUS evacuation model was found to be able to produce reasonable qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experimental data.
Computer egress simulation has potential to be used in large scale incidents to provide live advice to incident commanders. While there are many considerations which must be taken into account when applying such models to live incidents, one of the first concerns the computational speed of simulations. No matter how important the insight provided by the simulation, numerical hindsight will not prove useful to an incident commander. Thus for this type of application to be useful, it is essential that the simulation can be run many times faster than real time. Parallel processing is a method of reducing run times for very large computational simulations by distributing the workload amongst a number of CPUs. In this paper we examine the development of a parallel version of the buildingEXODUS software. The parallel strategy implemented is based on a systematic partitioning of the problem domain onto an arbitrary number of sub-domains. Each sub-domain is computed on a separate processor and runs its own copy of the EXODUS code. The software has been designed to work on typical office based networked PCs but will also function on a Windows based cluster. Two evaluation scenarios using the parallel implementation of EXODUS are described; a large open area and a 50 story high-rise building scenario. Speed-ups of up to 3.7 are achieved using up to six computers, with high-rise building evacuation simulation achieving run times of 6.4 times faster than real time.