1000 resultados para Existência autêntica


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Pretende-se nesta comunicação reflectir o papel da tecnologia na criação de contextos escolares baseados no construtivismo / construcionismo, bem como na potencialização de mecanismos de aprendizagem colaborativa. Inseridos numa investigação qualitativa de natureza etnográfica, desenvolvida numa escola urbana do Funchal, o investigador e a professora da sala analisam relatos da vida de uma sala de aula, numa turma do 4º ano de escolaridade, a partir do momento em que os alunos, manuseando as ferramentas tecnológicas, desenvolvem acções que não tem a ver directamente com o currículo e que o amplia. O Weblog afirma-se com espaço de comunicação entre a escola o mundo, criado e mantido pelos alunos, num claro desafio ao currículo, ampliando o espaço de actuação da escola. As implicações desta reflexão levam-nos por um lado, ao debate sobre a natureza da aprendizagem, e em específico aos mecanismos de aprendizagem colaborativa. Por outro, à forma como se concebe a incorporação da tecnologia em contextos escolares, baseados no construtivismo / construcionismo, bem como os dispositivos necessários à sua incorporação.


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The present study aimed to investigate the intellectual, personal and professional tracjetory of José Tavares de Moura Filho. Civil engineer who devoted him self to cartographic cience, though not a cartographer, and to literature. At 65 years old, already with retirement, he devoted his attention to writing his books and see the world, as he said. There were nine books, five of poetry, prose and short stories, and four of cartographic nature. The published his books independently. He wrote and his wife Elza typed. Once ready, he would seek the graphics, later a publisher, to reproduce his writing. He liked to say he would rather to pay for your books than bay a new car, and did so. Died at age of 82 years, leaving a rich material for the young students, those who read, as he always did by dedicating his books. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, we used as a theoretical some authors dealing with historiography, oral history, intellectual intineraries and history of ideas, as Garnica, Nóvoa, Barros, Bosi, Le Goff among others. From this perspective, we constructed an archeology of ideas and the existence of Moura Filho, to point contributions of the teaching of mathematics from his work


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Tomamos como un fenómeno a ser estudiado en nuestra investigación las prácticas educativas del Lições de Cidadania. O Lições fue creado como un proyecto y más tarde transformado en un Programa de extensión que se centra en la Educación Popular y los Derechos Humanos, forjado en la reflexión - acción - reflexión. Contribuyó a la reorganización de la formación juridica, extensión universitaria y la situación política de la Universidad Federal de Río Grande do Norte. Circunscribiendo nuestro estudio entre los años 2005 y 2013, tuvo como objetivo identificar, analizar y sistematizar los procesos educativos del Lições que tuvieron lugar durante este período en UFRN y en las comunidades que han dialogado con los sujetos de extensión. Nos guiamos durante la investigación en dos preguntas: ¿Cuáles son las bases educativas del Lições de Cidadania? Y, como el Lições de Cidadania hay operado en el mundo? Estas cuestiones sulearam largo de nuestro estudio y nos llevaron a tomar el paradigma Indiciário señalado por Ginzburg, en su obra: Mitos, Emblemas, Signos: Morfología e Historia (1989). Como una estrategia de investigación, se utilizó la entrevista conversacional libre para el diálogo directo con los chicos y chicas que construyeron el Lições de Cidadania, además de recurrir a la extensa documentación de investigación, principalmente a través de correos electrónicos y actas de las reuniones de planificación del Lições. Llamamos a la rueda de la conversación, el concepto de tránsito en Freire, Vivência y Zona de Desarrollo Próximo de Vygotsky y Peregrinación y Itinerancia en Barbosa Jr. y Tavares. Después de la búsqueda para entender las prácticas educativas del Lições a través de la palabra auténtica de las personas y de los documentos, hemos sido capaces de comprender más profundamente la estructura y la acción del Proyecto a lo largo de su existencia, indicando, para nosotros, que, en realidad, fue un Proyecto de extensión que en la promoción de contacto directo de los estudiantes con las comunidades, también promovió cambios significativos en la manera de ser y vivir de los estudiantes


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In the Renaissance, the anatomy project a map of the body. Since then, the human body has been investigated for innumerable techniques, configuring new landscapes on the condition human being and the proper knowledge. In accordance with Merleau-Ponty (1975), All technique is body technique. It configures and extends the Metaphysical structure of our meat. In this direction, any intervention in the human body, a tattooing, a surgery or a performance, extends the perception and the directions of the existence of the subject. Merleau-Ponty (1975) still affirms, that all technique presents objective interventions. However, the body, ahead of these interventions, doesn t have to be considered only object, but subject that, from the interventions, attributes sensible and meanings through the movements, also being this its way of being in the world. Searching to extend this reflection on the discontinuities between the object body and the subject body, as well as, with the objective to reflect on the relation between the corporal techniques and the production of the subjectivity and the knowledge of the physical education, we reflect on the body art, as one technique of body that marks the exterior of the body, exteriorizing the subjectivity, to search new means to the body and that ahead of this, we believe being able to project innumerable directions for the corporal transformations in the contemporarily. As a method for our reflection in we will support them in the phenomenology. IT presents as a new ontology, in which distinction does not occur enters the operating paper of the citizen that knows and the influence of the known object. The phenomenological understanding of body will be able to contribute with the knowledge of the Physical Education, a time that gives us important arguments on the experience of the body in relation with the nature, the culture, history. To be a body is to be tied to a world that we do not possess completive, but that we do not cease to search it


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Le but de cet article est de présenter les éléments de preuve de l existence de Dieu présentée dans les Méditationes Métaphysiques de René Descartes, en soulignant son importance et son rôle dans le projet philosophique cartésien. La recherche visait á comprendre comment Descartes, étant um homme de science, la recherche de Dieu dans le pilier et d assurer leur philosophie. Par consé quence que Descartes propose de remplacer lui promettant de construire une nouvelle science fondée sur des bases sûres. Ainsi, le texte suit um ordre qu une partie de doute méthodologique comme um élément essentiel pour surmonter une connaissance née de l incertitude et généralisée et d opinions comme étant de droite, pour finalement atteindre la vérité dans les sciencies, Grace à la découverte Du premier cours, le cogito, moi pensant, alors existantes. Trouvé cette certitude, le sujet qui a en elle l idée d um être infini qui contient toutes perfections et, comme Il fera la démonstration de la preuve a posteriori et a priori. Et donc cet être ne peut pas être considéré comme inexistant projet assurant Descartes


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The dialog between the East philosophy and the Western thinking allow us to think the problems inherent to our time from several point of views. Nishitani Keiji, from the Kyoto School, sees the contemporaneity, or the time of the technic, for Heidegger, as derivation and as an immediate consequence of perspective introduced in the modern era form the Cartesian s cogito which creates a barrier that separates man and world. Scientific thinking that dominates our era was created from the thinking that ennobles human reason to the detriment of the others things in the world, determining that the knowledge just can be produced by the man himself and his set of rational powers. However, alerts us Nishitani, this point of view derived from modern thought which imposes subjectivity egocentric type besides not apprehend things in their truth, neither achieves the true self of man. In an attempt to overcome the abuses produced in modernity and that reverberates in our way of be until today, our philosopher will propose the point of view of the nothingness (śūnyatā) as a way to trans-descendance, that is, to overcome the traditional thinking overvalues the reason for the encounter with the original face of man, which by no longer impose its cognitive power can know all things in their true, in the tathatā


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Abortion is a very controversial and stigmatized subject, target of many criticism and discussions, mainly regarding to the legal, bioethical and religious aspects involved. In Brazil, abortion is considered a serious public health problem, being the major cause of maternal death due to its criminalization. The woman who causes an abortion is not up looked by society, since motherhood, culturally and historically, was imposed as a destination. Our main goal is to understand, from the existential-phenomenological perspective, the unique experience of the woman who induced the abortion This study is an offshoot of a larger study from USP in partnership with UFRN. Our participants were women who checked in on a maternity hospital in Natal with a miscarriage diagnosis and, among them, those who reported having induced abortion. Altogether, five women were interviewed. The used method was a phenomenological hermeneutics. The research revealed that the experience of abortion is a possibility that permeates women s life, being understood as a choice. This choice pervaded by much suffering, once it goes against everything that women are culturally taught and meant to be. The feeling more surfacing in this experiment, confirming the literature review, was blame. Abortion was also shown as an experience of helplessness and loneliness, due to lack of support from family and the partner. It was also revealed that abortion was made, mainly, by the desire of going along with future projects, including the prosecute of motherhood in the therms of what they consider ideal to a son s arrival, meaning, a family formation grounded on a stable relationship. Regarding the care provided by health professionals to these women, there is the need of restructuring the operating logic of SUS, so that women have the right to health in a integrate manner. This experience also made women reconsider the meanings they had towards abortion, and their life projects


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This study focuses on two issues, the process of subjectivity production and the exercise of friendship alongside political militancy in the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST). Friendship is here understood as the social practice with the potential to question certain modes of socially formed relationships as well as their becoming a political exercise. The political militancy phenomenon is problematized based on the subjectivity production perspective. The objective of the study was to construct acartography of the subjectivity production processes with political activists of the MST and to highlight the points in which the exercise of friendship enhances the appearance of singularity in the context of this militancy. The cartography is a research method that permits the identification of macro political, as well as micro political forces that interfere in a psychosocial context, such as the MST. The participants were members of an MST group that participated in a Pedagogy course coordinated by the Department of Education of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. The other participants were militants involved in political formation activities at the social base, as well as in the other levels of the MST in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Ceará, Minas Gerais and Paraná. The results are linked to the oscillate incorporation of the landless identity model that occurs as a group of disciplinary strategies are put in practice in the political formation activities with militants, as well as the ways of model evation are formed. This occurs to the extent that new demands and forms of invested desires beyond the land object are incorporated in the MST. Such singular processes happen in three areas of the political exercise of friendship articulation: the masses, where there is a possibility for the MST to construct a new social collectivity; gender relations, where the socially destined space for women is redimensionized and; sexual diversity, which provokes the MST to follow its potential in questioning the actual hegemonic living modes. It is therefore considered that the MST has a great opportunity to become an important mediator of contemporary social and political struggles


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Este artigo estabelece a relação entre apercepção transcendental e identidade, existência e percepção, e procura com isso mostrar que, embora esteja na base da estrutura cognitiva humana, a autoconsciência não elabora conhecimento.


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Neste artigo quero apontar para a possibilidade de uma ontologia da matemática que, mesmo mantendo alguns pontos em comum com o platonismo e com o construtivismo, desliga-se destes em outros pontos essenciais. Por objeto matemático entendo o foco referencial do discurso matemático, ou seja, aquilo sobre o qual a matemática fala. Entendo que a existência destes objetos é meramente intencional, presuntiva, mas, simultaneamente, objetiva, no sentido de ser uma existência comunalizada, compartilhada por todos aqueles engajados no fazer matemático. A existência objetiva das entidades matemáticas não está, entretanto, garantida de uma vez por todas, mas apenas enquanto o discurso matemático for consistente. Este é o espírito do critério de existência objetiva enunciado que, acredito, deve sustentar uma ontologia matemática sem o pressuposto da existência independente de um domínio de objetos matemáticos, sem o empobrecimento que lhe impõem as diferentes versões construtivistas e sem a aniquilação que lhe infringe o formalismo sem objetos.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE