799 resultados para Exercise-related Social Supports


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The purpose of this thesis is to analyse interactions between freshwater flows, terrestrial ecosystems and human well-being. Freshwater management and policy has mainly focused on the liquid water part (surface and ground water run off) of the hydrological cycle including aquatic ecosystems. Although of great significance, this thesis shows that such a focus will not be sufficient for coping with freshwater related social-ecological vulnerability. The thesis illustrates that the terrestrial component of the hydrological cycle, reflected in vapour flows (or evapotranspiration), serves multiple functions in the human life-support system. A broader understanding of the interactions between terrestrial systems and freshwater flows is particularly important in light of present widespread land cover change in terrestrial ecosystems. The water vapour flows from continental ecosystems were quantified at a global scale in Paper I of the thesis. It was estimated that in order to sustain the majority of global terrestrial ecosystem services on which humanity depends, an annual water vapour flow of 63 000 km3/yr is needed, including 6800 km3/yr for crop production. In comparison, the annual human withdrawal of liquid water amounts to roughly 4000 km3/yr. A potential conflict between freshwater for future food production and for terrestrial ecosystem services was identified. Human redistribution of water vapour flows as a consequence of long-term land cover change was addressed at both continental (Australia) (Paper II) and global scales (Paper III). It was estimated that the annual vapour flow had decreased by 10% in Australia during the last 200 years. This is due to a decrease in woody vegetation for agricultural production. The reduction in vapour flows has caused severe problems with salinity of soils and rivers. The human-induced alteration of vapour flows was estimated at more than 15 times the volume of human-induced change in liquid water (Paper II).


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In an international perspective cooperation between social services and school has a long tradition. In the German speaking countries we can recognize a historical distance or gap between school and “social pedagogy”, but despite this tradition new forms of cooperation are arising since the last few years. This tendency is part of the development of European societies into “knowledge-based societies” where knowledge and cultural capital are becoming ever stricter criteria for participation in society. This puts particular pressure on those adolescents who threaten to fail in the positional competition for educational qualifications. And it tends to the reproduction and reinforcing of social inequalities due to inequalities in education. For that reason in the article the development of school related social services in different European countries is investigated and it is shown that the increasing pressure to qualification and selection in school creates various problems of integration. Social dimensions of education are pointed out delivering starting points for the cooperation of social services in school and opening opportunities for productive forms of coping with differences between family background, informal social environment and educational milieu in school. Particular attention is paid to differences in socio cultural habits, in socio economical opportunities and in collective practices of interaction. A central focus in the contribution is the orientation towards a participative civil society climate relevant for the interaction between teachers and pupils and between professionals and addressees of social services as well. It is a task of future research in school related social services to analyse their institutional structure and their practices of professional interaction and to find out by European and international comparison in which way social services can contribute to the establishing of a participative civil society climate in school.


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Für eine Beurteilung von Produkten bzw. Produktsystemen im Maschinenbau spielen neben technischen Kennwerten immer mehr die Umweltauswirkungen der Systeme eine wichtige Rolle. Diese Anforderungen haben die Nachfrage für nachhaltige und umweltfreundliche Konstruktionswerkstoffe im Maschinenbau erhöht. Eine Möglichkeit für solche ökologisch vorteilhaften Werkstoffe stellen ausgewählte Holzwerkstoffe dar. Mit diesen Holzwerkstoffen sollen technische Produkte entwickelt werden, welche den Unternehmen die Möglichkeit eröffnet, ihren unternehmerischen Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit zu steigern und wirtschaftliche Vorteile zu erzielen. Durch diesen Ansatz ist ein gewisses Maß an Ressourcen- und Energieeffizienz verbunden, dass sich kurzfristig und / oder langfristig wirtschaftlich lohnt. Ein damit verbundener gesellschaftlicher Imagegewinn erzeugt einen zusätzlichen Nutzen. Als sogenannte GLP (Green Logistics Plant) wird diese Art der Holzkonstruktion gegenwärtig im Bereich der Fördertechnik entwickelt und angewendet. Ein Anwendungsbeispiel innerhalb der GLP stellt das Gestellsystem für einen Skidförderer dar. Um die ökologische Wirkung der Konstruktionswerkstoffe transparent und nachvollziehbar zu untersuchen, werden vordergründig die Kategorien des Treibhauspotenzials und des (Primär-) Energieaufwandes genutzt. Weiterhin werden die Wirkungskategorien Versauerung, Eutrophierung, Sommersmog und Ozonabbau analysiert. Ergänzend zu bestehenden Untersuchungen soll die ökologische Vorteilhaftigkeit von Holzfurnierlagenverbundwerkstoffe (Wood Veneer Composite – WVC), Baustahl, verzinktem Stahl und Aluminiumlegierungen in der Lebensphase Produktion untersucht werden. Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse auf das Gestell eines Skid-Fördersystems aus WVC und Baustahl übertragen.


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Previous literature in SIE (self-initiated expatriation) has been mostly focused on an individual perspective. Studies on SIEs in organizational context are scarce. The current paper sought to examine the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) on SIE employees’ intention to stay in the host country, mediated by career satisfaction. Furthermore, we examined the moderating roles of career-related social networks with host and home country nationals on the effectiveness of POS. Data from 112 SIE employees in Germany were collected and analyzed. Empirical results partially supported our proposed model: there were significant negative indirect effect between POS and intention to stay, when career network size with home country nationals was high. The direct effect between POS and intention to stay was positive. For HR practice, our paper gave insight to understand SIE employees’ needs for support and mobility preferences, which can help organizations to develop more targeted HR development measures and assignment strategies for them.


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Neolithic wetland sites in the Swiss Plateau provide an extraordinary database for the study of mobilities, entanglements and transformations in material culture. Based on dendrochronologically dated settlements between 3900 and 3500 BC, two regional pottery styles and their local variations are well known, Pfyn and Cortaillod. The vessels share the same habitus and were made of local raw materials. However, some vessels specific to other pottery styles are also present in the sites. By focusing on itineraries of vessels and shifts in pottery knowledge, their appropriation in different contexts and the resulting material entanglements, we want to approach the multiple regimes of mobility: At Lake Constance - known for Pfyn pottery - specific Michelsberg vessels like tulip beakers and lugged jars occur in small numbers. These travelling objects were produced with exogenous raw materials and transported to the sites from Southern Germany. At Concise (Lake Neuchâtel) besides the local Cortaillod pottery the whole repertoire of NMB pottery, characteristic for Eastern France, was also produced. Further cases from the same space-time frame point to other regimes of mobility. In our two PhD-projects we compare pottery practices - styles, techniques, raw materials - from over 20 key sites in the region. Based on Bourdieu’s reflexive anthropology, we apply different qualitative and quantitative archaeological and archaeometrical methods, thus striving for a deeper understanding of habitus and the transformative potential of moving people, objects and ideas on local and regional scales and related social contexts.


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Regelmässiges körperliches Training induziert strukturelle, elektrische und funktionelle Anpassungen des Herzens. Die grösste Herausforderung für den Arzt liegt darin, Veränderungen hinweisend für eine strukturelle Herzerkrankung von physiologischen, trainingsassoziierten Anpassungen im Sinne eines 'Athlete's heart' zu unterscheiden. Bei zugrundliegender Kardiopathie ist sportliche Aktivität nicht die Ursache, sondern kann ein Trigger für belastungsabhängige Tachyarrhythmien bzw. für den belastungsabhängigen plötzlichen Herztod (SCD) sein. Um Athleten mit einer kardialen Grunderkrankung und erhöhtem Risiko für einen SCD frühzeitig zu identifizieren wird in Europa ein Preparticipation Screening empfohlen, welches von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin (SGSM) übernommen wurde. Dieses Screening umfasst neben der spezifischen Anamnese und der Herzauskultation auch ein Ruhe-Elektrokardiogramm (Ruhe-EKG). Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl falsch-positiver EKG-Befunde wurden in den letzten Jahren die Beurteilungskriterien des Athleten-EKGs wiederholt angepasst, die Sensitivität und insbesondere auch die Spezifität konnte mit den „verfeinerten Seattle Kriterien“ 2014 deutlich verbessert werden. Der frühen Repolarisation galt in den letzten Jahren ein Hauptaugenmerk: neben dem (Ausdauer-) Training besteht eine klare Assoziation zum männlichen Geschlecht, zur Ethnie, zu den Veränderungen des vegetativen Nervensystems und zu erhöhten QRS-Voltage-Kriterien.


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PURPOSE: Exercise-related sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) occur with a striking male predominance. A higher sympathetic tone in men has been suggested as risk factor for SCD. Elite athletes have the highest risk for exercise-related SCD. We aimed to analyze the autonomic nervous system of elite cross-country skiers from Norway, Russia and Switzerland in supine position and after orthostatic challenge in various training periods (TP). METHOD: Measurements of heart rate variability (HRV) were performed on a weekly basis over 1 year using an orthostatic challenge test with controlled breathing. Main outcome parameters were the high-frequency power in supine position (HFsupine) as marker of cardiac parasympathetic activity and the low-frequency/high-frequency power ratio after orthostatic challenge (LF/HFstand) as marker of cardiac sympathetic activation. Training intensity and duration were recorded daily and expressed as training strain. The training year was divided into three TPs. An average of weekly HRV measurements was calculated for each TP. RESULT: Female (n = 19, VO2max 62.0 +/- 4.6 ml kg(-1) min(-1), age 25.8 +/- 4.3 years) and male (n = 16, VO2max 74.3 +/- 6.3 ml kg(-1) min(-1), age 24.4 +/- 4.2 years) athletes were included. Training strain was comparable between sexes (all p > 0.05) and changed between TPs (all p < 0.05) while no HRV parameters changed over time. There were no sex differences in HFsupine while the LF/HFstand was significantly higher in male athletes in all TPs. CONCLUSION: For a comparable amount of training, male athletes showed constantly higher markers of sympathetic activity after a provocation maneuver. This may explain part of the male predominance in sports-related SCD.


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INTRODUCCIÓN: El riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares y los índices de obesidad infantil han ido en aumento durante los últimos años empobreciendo la salud de la población. La Teoría de Barker relaciona el estado de salud de la madre con el desarrollo fetal, asociando a un deficiente estado físico y hábitos de vida negativos de la mujer embarazada con el aumento del riesgo de padecer cardiopatías en la infancia y adolescencia, así como predisponer al recién nacido a padecer sobrepeso y/u obesidad en su vida posterior. Por otro lado los estudios efectuados sobre ejercicio físico durante el embarazo reportan beneficios para salud materna y fetal. Uno de los parámetros más utilizados para comprobar la salud fetal es su frecuencia cardiaca, mediante la que se comprueba el buen desarrollo del sistema nervioso autónomo. Si se observa este parámetro en presencia de ejercicio materno podría encontrarse una respuesta crónica del corazón fetal al ejercicio materno como consecuencia de una adaptación y mejora en el funcionamiento del sistema nervioso autónomo del feto. De esta forma podría mejorar su salud cardiovascular intrauterina, lo que podría mantenerse en su vida posterior descendiendo el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares en la edad adulta. OBJETIVOS: Conocer la influencia de un programa de ejercicio físico supervisado en la frecuencia cardiaca fetal (FCF) en reposo y después del ejercicio materno en relación con gestantes sedentarias mediante la realización de un protocolo específico. Conocer la influencia de un programa de ejercicio físico en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso autónomo fetal, relacionado con el tiempo de recuperación de la FCF. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se diseñó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado multicéntrico en el que participaron 81 gestantes (GC=38, GE=43). El estudio fue aprobado por el comité ético de los hospitales que participaron en el estudio. Todas las gestantes fueron informadas y firmaron un consentimiento para su participación en el estudio. Las participantes del GE recibieron una intervención basada en un programa de ejercicio físico desarrollado durante la gestación (12-36 semanas de gestación) con una frecuencia de tres veces por semana. Todas las gestantes realizaron un protocolo de medida de la FCF entre las semanas 34-36 de gestación. Dicho protocolo consistía en dos test llevados a cabo caminando a diferentes intensidades (40% y 60% de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva). De este protocolo se obtuvieron las principales variables de estudio: FCF en reposo, FCF posejercicio al 40 y al 60% de intensidad, tiempo de recuperación de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal en ambos esfuerzos. El material utilizado para la realización del protocolo fue un monitor de frecuencia cardiaca para controlar la frecuencia cardiaca de la gestante y un monitor fetal inalámbrico (telemetría fetal) para registrar el latido fetal durante todo el protocolo. RESULTADOS: No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la FCF en reposo entre grupos (GE=140,88 lat/min vs GC= 141,95 lat/min; p>,05). Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el tiempo de recuperación de la FCF entre los fetos de ambos grupos (GE=135,65 s vs GC=426,11 s esfuerzo al 40%; p<,001); (GE=180,26 s vs GC=565,61 s esfuerzo al 60%; p<,001). Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la FCF posejercicio al 40% (GE=139,93 lat/min vs GC=147,87 lat/min; p<,01). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la FCF posejercicio al 60% (GE=143,74 lat/min vs GC=148,08 lat/min; p>,05). CONLUSIÓN: El programa de ejercicio físico desarrollado durante la gestación influyó sobre el corazón fetal de los fetos de las gestantes del GE en relación con el tiempo de recuperación de la FCF. Los resultados muestran un posible mejor funcionamiento del sistema nervioso autónomo en fetos de gestantes activas durante el embarazo. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The risk to suffer cardiovascular diseases and childhood obesity index has grown in the last years worsening the health around the population. Barker´s Theory related maternal health with fetal development establishing an association between a poorly physical state and an unhealthy lifestyle in the pregnant woman with the risk to suffer heart disease during childhood and adolescence, childhood overweight and/or obese is related to maternal lifestyle. By the other way researches carried out about physical exercise and pregnancy show benefits in maternal and fetal health. One of the most studied parameters to check fetal health is its heart rate, correct fetal autonomic nervous system development and work is also corroborated by fetal heart rate. Looking at this parameter during maternal exercise a chronic response of fetal heart could be found due to an adaptation and improvement in the working of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore its cardiovascular health could be enhanced during its intrauterine life and maybe it could be maintained in its posterior life descending the risk to suffer cardiovascular diseases in adult life. OBJECTIVES: To know the influence of a supervised physical activity program in the fetal heart rate (FHR) at rest, FHR after maternal exercise related to sedentary pregnant women by a FHR assessment protocol. To know the influence of a physical activity program in the development of the autonomic nervous system related to FHR recovery time. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A multicentric randomized clinical trial was design in which 81 pregnant women participated (CG=38, EG=43). The study was approved by the ethics committee of all of the hospitals participating in the study. All of the participants signed an informed consent for their participation in the study. EG participants received an intervention based on a physical activity program carried out during gestation (12-36 gestation weeks) with a three days a week frequency. All of the participants were tested between 34-36 weeks of gestation by a specific FHR assessment protocol. The mentioned protocol consisted in two test performed walking and at a two different intensities (40% and 60% of the reserve heart rate). From this protocol we obtained the main research variables: FHR at rest, FHR post-exercise at 40% and 60% intensity, and FHR recovery time at both walking test. The material used to perform the protocol were a FH monitor to check maternal HR and a wireless fetal monitor (Telemetry) to register fetal beats during the whole protocol. RESULTS: There were no statistical differences in FHR at rest between groups (EG=140,88 beats/min vs CG= 141,95 beats/min; p>,05). There were statistical differences in FHR recovery time in both walking tests between groups (EG=135,65 s vs CG=426,11 s test at 40% intensity; p<,001); (EG=180,26 s vs CG=565,61 s test at 60% intensity; p<,001). Statistical differences were found in FHR post-exercise at 40% intensity between groups (EG=139,93 beats/min vs CG=147,87 beats/min; p<,01). No statistical differences were found in FHR at rest post-exercise at 60% intensity between groups (EG=143,74 beats/min vs CG=148,08 beats/min; p>,05). CONCLUSIONS: The physical activity program performed during gestation had an influence in fetal heart of the fetus from mother in the EG related to FHR recovery time. These results show a possible enhancement on autonomic nervous system working in fetus from active mothers during gestation.


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IgE-mediated allergy to wheat proteins can be caused by exposure through ingestion, inhalation, or skin/mucosal contact, and can affect various populations and age groups. Respiratory allergy to wheat proteins is commonly observed in adult patients occupationally exposed to flour, whereas wheat food allergy is more common in children. Wheat allergy is of growing importance for patients with recurrent anaphylaxis, especially when exercise related. The diagnosis of wheat allergy relies on a consistent clinical history, skin prick testing with well-characterized extracts and specific IgE tests. The accuracy of wheat allergy diagnosis may be improved by measuring IgE responses to several wheat components. However, a high degree of heterogeneity has been found in the recognition pattern of allergens among patient groups with different clinical profiles, as well as within each group. Thus, oral provocation with wheat or the implicated cereal is the reference test for the definitive diagnosis of ingested wheat/cereal allergy.


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People’s health and well-being may be determined by the interaction of endogenous and external rhythms. Late chronotypes should become anxious because of the demand to perform tasks in a society oriented preferentially to morning work. In this study, we examined the relationship between morningness and anxiety in 559 adults (age range 40–63 years) from rural environments who completed morningness–eveningness and anxiety measures. Results indicated a negative correlation between morningness and anxiety in women, but not in men, suggesting the relevance of gender-related variables. When demographic characteristics were considered, women’s anxiety was predicted by low educational level and eveningness, whereas men’s anxiety was predicted by being single, having children, being unemployed, and eveningness. Some hypotheses of gender-related social roles are postulated as a possible explanation of the results.


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The European Union is founded on a set of common principles of democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights, as enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on the European Union. Whereas future Member States are vetted for their compliance with these values before they accede to the Union, no similar method exists to supervise adherence to these foundational principles after accession. EU history proved that this ‘Copenhagen dilemma’ was far from theoretical. EU Member State governments’ adherence to foundational EU values cannot be taken for granted. Violations may happen in individual cases, or in a systemic way, which may go as far as overthrowing the rule of law. Against this background the European Parliament initiated a Legislative Own-Initiative Report on the establishment of an EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights and proposed among others a Scoreboard on the basis of common and objective indicators by which foundational values can be measured. This Research Paper assesses the need and possibilities for the establishment of an EU Scoreboard, as well as its related social, economic, legal and political ‘costs and benefits’.


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I will start by discussing some aspects of Kagitcibasi’s Theory of Family Change: its current empirical status and, more importantly, its focus on universal human needs and the consequences of this focus. Family Change Theory’s focus on the universality of the basic human needs of autonomy and relatedness and its culture-level emphasis on cultural norms and family values as reflecting a culture’s capacity for fulfilling its members’ respective needs shows that the theory advocates balanced cultural norms of independence and interdependence. As a normative theory it therefore postulates the necessity of a synthetic family model of emotional interdependence as an alternative to extreme models of total independence and total interdependence. Generalizing from this I will sketch a theoretical model where a dynamic and dialectical process of the fit between individual and culture and between culture and universal human needs and related social practices is central. I will discuss this model using a recent cross-cultural project on implicit theories of self/world and primary/secondary control orientations as an example. Implications for migrating families and acculturating individuals are also discussed.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The present study contributes to theory and practice through the development of a model of shift-work tolerance with the potential to indicate interventions that reduce nurses' intention toward turnover and increase job satisfaction in hospital-based settings. Survey data from 1257 nurses were used to conduct structural equation modeling that examine the direct and indirect effects of supervisor and colleague support, team identity, team climate, and control over working environment on time-based work/life conflict, psychological well-being, physical symptoms, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. The analysis of the proposed model revealed a good fit The chi-square difference test was non-significant (χ2(26)=338.56), the fit indices were high (CFI=.923, NFI=.918, and NNFI=.868), the distribution of residuals was symmetric and approached zero, the average standardized residual was low (AASR=.04), and the standardized RMR was .072. In terms of the predictor variable, the final model explained 48% of the variance in turnover intention. The data revealed considerable evidence of both direct effects on adjustment and complex indirect links between levels of adjustment and work-related social support, team identity, team climate, and control. Nurses with high supervisor and coworker support experienced more positive team climates, identified more strongly with their team, and increased their perceptions of control over their work environment. This in turn lowered their appraisals of their time-based work/life conflict, which consequently increased their psychological well-being and job satisfaction and reduced their physical health symptoms and turnover intention. The type of shift schedule worked by the nurses influenced levels of turnover intention, control over work environment, time-based work/life conflict, and physical symptoms.


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The paper reassesses the role of climate as a factor shaping changes in settlement and landscape in the Swedish Iron Age (500 BC to AD 1050). Two reasons motivate this re-evaluation. First, high-resolution data based on climate proxies from the natural sciences are now increasingly available. Second, the climate-related social sciences have yielded conceptual and theoretical developments regarding vulnerability and adaptability in the present and recent past, creating new ways to analyse the effects of climatic versus societal factors on societies in the more distant past. Recent research in this field is evaluated and the explicitly climate deterministic standpoint of many recent natural science texts is criticized. Learning from recent approaches to climate change in the social sciences is crucial for understanding society–climate relationships in the past. The paper concludes that we are not yet in a position to fully evaluate the role of the new evidence of abrupt climate change in 850 BC, at the beginning of the Iron Age. Regarding the crisis in the mid first millennium AD, however, new climate data indicate that a dust veil in AD 536–537 might have aggravated the economic and societal crisis known from previous research.