990 resultados para Evolutionary adaptation


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The evolutionary perspective of cancer (which origins and dynamics result from evolutionary processes) has gained significant international recognition over the past decade and generated a wave of enthusiasm among researchers. In this context, several authors proposed that insights into evolutionary and adaptation dynamics of cancers can be gained by studying the evolutionary strategies of organisms. Although this reasoning is fundamentally correct, in our opinion, it contains a potential risk of excessive adaptationism, potentially leading to the suggestion of complex adaptations that are unlikely to evolve among cancerous cells. For example, the ability of recognizing related conspecifics and adjusting accordingly behaviors as in certain free-living species appears unlikely in cancer. Indeed, despite their rapid evolutionary rate, malignant cells are under selective pressures for their altered lifestyle for only few decades. In addition, even though cancer cells can theoretically display highly sophisticated adaptive responses, it would be crucial to determine the frequency of their occurrence in patients with cancer, before therapeutic applications can be considered. Scientists who try to explain oncogenesis will need in the future to critically evaluate the metaphorical comparison of selective processes affecting cancerous cells with those affecting organisms. This approach seems essential for the applications of evolutionary biology to understand the origin of cancers, with prophylactic and therapeutic applications.


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 Mark investigated the genetic basis of environmental adaptation in invasive and native A. amurensis larvae. He showed rapid changes in genetic architecture and gene expression underlie different physiological responses to elevated temperatures in invasive larvae. These findings are the first step in understanding the potential for range expansion within Australia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The habitat of the mycelial saprobic form of Paracoccidio ides brasiliensis, which produces the infectious propagula, has not been determined and has proven difficult for mycologists to describe. The fungus has been rarely isolated from the environment, the disease has a prolonged latency period and no outbreaks have been reported. These facts have precluded the adoption of preventive measures to avoid infection. The confirmation of natural infections in nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) with P. brasiliensis, in high frequency and wide geographic distribution, has opened new avenues for the study and understanding of its ecology. Armadillos belong to the order Xenarthra, which has existed in South America ever since the Paleocene Era (65 million years ago), when the South American subcontinent was still a detached land, before the consolidation of what is now known as the American continent. on the other hand, strong molecular evidence suggests that P. brasiliensis and other dimorphic pathogenic fungi - such as Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis and Histoplasma capsulatum - belong to the family Onygenaceae sensu Into (order Onygenales, Ascomycota), which appeared around 150 million years ago.P. brasiliensis ecology and relation to its human host are probably linked to the fungal evolutionary past, especially its long coexistence with and adaptation to animal hosts other than Homo sapiens, of earlier origin. Instead of being a blind alley, the meaning of parasitism for dimorphic pathogenic fungi should be considered as an open two-way avenue, in which the fungus may return to the environment, therefore contributing to preserve its teleomorphic (sexual) and anamorphic (asexual) forms in a defined and protected natural habitat. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work develops two approaches based on the fuzzy set theory to solve a class of fuzzy mathematical optimization problems with uncertainties in the objective function and in the set of constraints. The first approach is an adaptation of an iterative method that obtains cut levels and later maximizes the membership function of fuzzy decision making using the bound search method. The second one is a metaheuristic approach that adapts a standard genetic algorithm to use fuzzy numbers. Both approaches use a decision criterion called satisfaction level that reaches the best solution in the uncertain environment. Selected examples from the literature are presented to compare and to validate the efficiency of the methods addressed, emphasizing the fuzzy optimization problem in some import-export companies in the south of Spain. © 2012 Brazilian Operations Research Society.


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Local extinctions have cascading effects on ecosystem functions, yet little is known about the potential for the rapid evolutionary change of species in human-modified scenarios. We show that the functional extinction of large-gape seed dispersers in the Brazilian Atlantic forest is associated with the consistent reduction of the seed size of a keystone palm species. Among 22 palm populations, areas deprived of large avian frugivores for several decades present smaller seeds than nondefaunated forests, with negative consequences for palm regeneration. Coalescence and phenotypic selection models indicate that seed size reduction most likely occurred within the past 100 years, associated with human-driven fragmentation. The fast-paced defaunation of large vertebrates is most likely causing unprecedented changes in the evolutionary trajectories and community composition of tropical forests.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Birds are the most diverse and largest group of extant tetrapods. They show marked variability, yet much of this variation is superficial and due to feather and bill color and shape. Under the feathers, the skeleto-muscular system is rather constant throughout the bird group. The adaptation to flight is the explanation for this uniformity. The more obvious morphological adaptations for flight are the wings, but the trunk is always rigid, the tail is short and the neck is flexible, since all these features are correlated with flying behaviour. Unrelated to the exigencies of flight, the legs always have three long bones, and all the birds walk on their toes. This leg structure is a striking plesiomorphic feature that was already present in related dinosaurs. The multi-purpose potential of the legs is the result of the skeletal architecture of a body with three segmented flexed legs. This configuration provides mechanical properties that allow the use of the legs as propulsive, paddling, foraging or grooming tools. It is the association of diverse modes of locomotion-walking, running, hopping, flying and swimming-that have enabled the birds to colonize almost all the environments on Earth.


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This is a study on the Avian coronavirus IBV and chicken host-relationship from the codon usage point of view based on fifty-nine non-redundant IBV S1 sequences (nt 1-507) from strains detected worldwide and chicken tissue-specific protein genes sequences from IBV-replicating sites. The effective number of codons (ENC) values ranged from 36 to 47.8, indicating a high-to-moderate codon usage bias. The highest IBV codon adaptation index (CAI) value was 0.7, indicating a distant virus versus host synonymous codons usage. The ENC x GC3 % curve indicates that both mutational pressure and natural selection are the driving forces on codon usage pattern in S1. The low CAI values agree with a low S protein expression and considering that S protein is a determinant for attachment and neutralization, this could be a further mechanism besides mRNA transcription attenuation for a low expression of this protein leading to an immune camouflage.


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Conservatism is a central theme of organismic evolution. Related species share characteristics due to their common ancestry. Some concern have been raised among evolutionary biologists, whether such conservatism is an expression of natural selection or of a constrained ability to adapt. This thesis explores adaptations and constraints within the plant reproductive phase, particularly in relation to the evolution of fleshy fruit types (berries, drupes, etc.) and the seasonal timing of flowering and fruiting. The different studies were arranged along a hierarchy of scale, with general data sets sampled among seed plants at the global scale, through more specific analyses of character evolution within the genus Rhamnus s.l. L. (Rhamnaceae), to descriptive and experimental field studies in a local population of Frangula alnus (Rhamnaceae). Apart from the field study, this thesis is mainly based on comparative methods explicitly incorporating phylogenetic relationships. The comparative study of Rhamnus s.l. species included the reconstruction of phylogenetic hypotheses based on DNA sequences. Among geographically overlapping sister clades, biotic pollination was not correlated with higher species richness when compared to wind pollinated plants. Among woody plants, clades characterized by fleshy fruit types were more species rich than their dry-fruited sister clades, suggesting that the fleshy fruit is a key innovation in woody habitats. Moreover, evolution of fleshy fruits was correlated with a change to more closed (darker) habitats. An independent contrast study within Rhamnus s.l. documented allometric relations between plant and fruit size. As a phylogenetic constraint, allometric effects must be considered weak or non-existent, though, as they did not prevail among different subclades within Rhamnus s.l. Fruit size was correlated with seed size and seed number in F. alnus. This thesis suggests that frugivore selection on fleshy fruit may be important by constraining the upper limits of fruit size, when a plant lineage is colonizing (darker) habitats where larger seed size is adaptive. Phenological correlations with fruit set, dispersal, and seed size in F. alnus, suggested that the evolution of reproductive phenology is constrained by trade-offs and partial interdependences between flowering, fruiting, dispersal, and recruitment phases. Phylogenetic constraints on the evolution of phenology were indicated by a lack of correlation between flowering time and seasonal length within Rhamnus cathartica and F. alnus, respectively. On the other hand, flowering time was correlated with seasonal length among Rhamnus s.l. species. Phenological differences between biotically and wind pollinated angiosperms also suggested adaptive change in reproductive phenology.


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Two Amerindian populations from the Peruvian Amazon (Yanesha) and from rural lowlands of the Argentinean Gran Chaco (Wichi) were analyzed. They represent two case study of the South American genetic variability. The Yanesha represent a model of population isolated for long-time in the Amazon rainforest, characterized by environmental and altitudinal stratifications. The Wichi represent a model of population living in an area recently colonized by European populations (the Criollos are the population of the admixed descendents), whose aim is to depict the native ancestral gene pool and the degree of admixture, in relation to the very high prevalence of Chagas disease. The methods used for the genotyping are common, concerning the Y chromosome markers (male lineage) and the mitochondrial markers (maternal lineage). The determination of the phylogeographic diagnostic polymorphisms was carried out by the classical techniques of PCR, restriction enzymes, sequencing and specific mini-sequencing. New method for the detection of the protozoa Trypanosoma cruzi was developed by means of the nested PCR. The main results show patterns of genetic stratification in Yanesha forest communities, referable to different migrations at different times, estimated by Bayesian analyses. In particular Yanesha were considered as a population of transition between the Amazon basin and the Andean Cordillera, evaluating the potential migration routes and the separation of clusters of community in relation to different genetic bio-ancestry. As the Wichi, the gene pool analyzed appears clearly differentiated by the admixed sympatric Criollos, due to strict social practices (deeply analyzed with the support of cultural anthropological tools) that have preserved the native identity at a diachronic level. A pattern of distribution of the seropositivity in relation to the different phylogenetic lineages (the adaptation in evolutionary terms) does not appear, neither Amerindian nor European, but in relation to environmental and living conditions of the two distinct subpopulations.


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Epigenetic variability is a new mechanism for the study of human microevolution, because it creates both phenotypic diversity within an individual and within population. This mechanism constitutes an important reservoir for adaptation in response to new stimuli and recent studies have demonstrated that selective pressures shape not only the genetic code but also DNA methylation profiles. The aim of this thesis is the study of the role of DNA methylation changes in human adaptive processes, considering the Italian peninsula and macro-geographical areas. A whole-genome analysis of DNA methylation profile across the Italian penisula identified some genes whose methylation levels differ between individuals of different Italian districts (South, Centre and North of Italy). These genes are involved in nitrogen compound metabolism and genes involved in pathogens response. Considering individuals with different macro-geographical origins (individuals of Asians, European and African ancestry) more significant DMRs (differentially methylated regions) were identified and are located in genes involved in glucoronidation, in immune response as well as in cell comunication processes. A "profile" of each ancestry (African, Asian and European) was described. Moreover a deepen analysis of three candidate genes (KRTCAP3, MAD1L and BRSK2) in a cohort of individuals of different countries (Morocco, Nigeria, China and Philippines) living in Bologna, was performed in order to explore genetic and epigenetic diversity. Moreover this thesis have paved the way for the application of DNA methylation for the study of hystorical remains and in particular for the age-estimation of individuals starting from biological samples (such as teeth or blood). Noteworthy, a mathematical model that considered methylation values of DNA extracted from cementum and pulp of living individuals can estimate chronological age with high accuracy (median absolute difference between age estimated from DNA methylation and chronological age was 1.2 years).


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Background Levels of differentiation among populations depend both on demographic and selective factors: genetic drift and local adaptation increase population differentiation, which is eroded by gene flow and balancing selection. We describe here the genomic distribution and the properties of genomic regions with unusually high and low levels of population differentiation in humans to assess the influence of selective and neutral processes on human genetic structure. Methods Individual SNPs of the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP) showing significantly high or low levels of population differentiation were detected under a hierarchical-island model (HIM). A Hidden Markov Model allowed us to detect genomic regions or islands of high or low population differentiation. Results Under the HIM, only 1.5% of all SNPs are significant at the 1% level, but their genomic spatial distribution is significantly non-random. We find evidence that local adaptation shaped high-differentiation islands, as they are enriched for non-synonymous SNPs and overlap with previously identified candidate regions for positive selection. Moreover there is a negative relationship between the size of islands and recombination rate, which is stronger for islands overlapping with genes. Gene ontology analysis supports the role of diet as a major selective pressure in those highly differentiated islands. Low-differentiation islands are also enriched for non-synonymous SNPs, and contain an overly high proportion of genes belonging to the 'Oncogenesis' biological process. Conclusions Even though selection seems to be acting in shaping islands of high population differentiation, neutral demographic processes might have promoted the appearance of some genomic islands since i) as much as 20% of islands are in non-genic regions ii) these non-genic islands are on average two times shorter than genic islands, suggesting a more rapid erosion by recombination, and iii) most loci are strongly differentiated between Africans and non-Africans, a result consistent with known human demographic history.


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Background The European trout (Salmo trutta species complex) occurs across a very wide altitudinal range from lowland rivers to alpine streams. Historically, the major European river systems contained different, evolutionarily distinct trout lineages, and some of this genetic diversity has persisted in spite of extensive human-mediated translocations. We used AFLP-based genome scans to investigate the extent of potentially adaptive divergence among major drainages and along altitudinal gradients replicated in several rivers. Results The proportion of loci showing evidence of divergent selection was larger between drainages than along altitudinal transects within drainages. This suggests divergent selection is stronger between drainages, or adaptive divergence is constrained by gene flow among populations within drainages, although the latter could not be confirmed at a more local scale. Still, altitudinal divergence occurred and, at approximately 2% of the markers, parallel changes of the AFLP band frequencies with altitude were observed suggesting that altitude may well be an important source of divergent selection within rivers. Conclusions Our results indicate that adaptive genetic divergence is common both between major European river systems and along altitudinal gradients within drainages. Alpine trout appear to be a promising model system to investigate the relative roles of divergent selection and gene flow in promoting or preventing adaptation to climate gradients.