993 resultados para Estimation theory


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This paper proposes a new method for local key and chord estimation from audio signals. This method relies primarily on principles from music theory, and does not require any training on a corpus of labelled audio files. A harmonic content of the musical piece is first extracted by computing a set of chroma vectors. A set of chord/key pairs is selected for every frame by correlation with fixed chord and key templates. An acyclic harmonic graph is constructed with these pairs as vertices, using a musical distance to weigh its edges. Finally, the sequences of chords and keys are obtained by finding the best path in the graph using dynamic programming. The proposed method allows a mutual chord and key estimation. It is evaluated on a corpus composed of Beatles songs for both the local key estimation and chord recognition tasks, as well as a larger corpus composed of songs taken from the Billboard dataset.


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Random field theory has been used to model the spatial average soil properties, whereas the most widely used, geostatistics, on which also based a common basis (covariance function) has been successfully used to model and estimate natural resource since 1960s. Therefore, geostistics should in principle be an efficient way to model soil spatial variability Based on this, the paper presents an alternative approach to estimate the scale of fluctuation or correlation distance of a soil stratum by geostatistics. The procedure includes four steps calculating experimental variogram from measured data, selecting a suited theoretical variogram model, fitting the theoretical one to the experimental variogram, taking the parameters within the theoretical model obtained from optimization into a simple and finite correlation distance 6 relationship to the range a. The paper also gives eight typical expressions between a and b. Finally, a practical example was presented for showing the methodology.


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This thesis presents a novel framework for state estimation in the context of robotic grasping and manipulation. The overall estimation approach is based on fusing various visual cues for manipulator tracking, namely appearance and feature-based, shape-based, and silhouette-based visual cues. Similarly, a framework is developed to fuse the above visual cues, but also kinesthetic cues such as force-torque and tactile measurements, for in-hand object pose estimation. The cues are extracted from multiple sensor modalities and are fused in a variety of Kalman filters.

A hybrid estimator is developed to estimate both a continuous state (robot and object states) and discrete states, called contact modes, which specify how each finger contacts a particular object surface. A static multiple model estimator is used to compute and maintain this mode probability. The thesis also develops an estimation framework for estimating model parameters associated with object grasping. Dual and joint state-parameter estimation is explored for parameter estimation of a grasped object's mass and center of mass. Experimental results demonstrate simultaneous object localization and center of mass estimation.

Dual-arm estimation is developed for two arm robotic manipulation tasks. Two types of filters are explored; the first is an augmented filter that contains both arms in the state vector while the second runs two filters in parallel, one for each arm. These two frameworks and their performance is compared in a dual-arm task of removing a wheel from a hub.

This thesis also presents a new method for action selection involving touch. This next best touch method selects an available action for interacting with an object that will gain the most information. The algorithm employs information theory to compute an information gain metric that is based on a probabilistic belief suitable for the task. An estimation framework is used to maintain this belief over time. Kinesthetic measurements such as contact and tactile measurements are used to update the state belief after every interactive action. Simulation and experimental results are demonstrated using next best touch for object localization, specifically a door handle on a door. The next best touch theory is extended for model parameter determination. Since many objects within a particular object category share the same rough shape, principle component analysis may be used to parametrize the object mesh models. These parameters can be estimated using the action selection technique that selects the touching action which best both localizes and estimates these parameters. Simulation results are then presented involving localizing and determining a parameter of a screwdriver.

Lastly, the next best touch theory is further extended to model classes. Instead of estimating parameters, object class determination is incorporated into the information gain metric calculation. The best touching action is selected in order to best discern between the possible model classes. Simulation results are presented to validate the theory.


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Signal processing techniques play important roles in the design of digital communication systems. These include information manipulation, transmitter signal processing, channel estimation, channel equalization and receiver signal processing. By interacting with communication theory and system implementing technologies, signal processing specialists develop efficient schemes for various communication problems by wisely exploiting various mathematical tools such as analysis, probability theory, matrix theory, optimization theory, and many others. In recent years, researchers realized that multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel models are applicable to a wide range of different physical communications channels. Using the elegant matrix-vector notations, many MIMO transceiver (including the precoder and equalizer) design problems can be solved by matrix and optimization theory. Furthermore, the researchers showed that the majorization theory and matrix decompositions, such as singular value decomposition (SVD), geometric mean decomposition (GMD) and generalized triangular decomposition (GTD), provide unified frameworks for solving many of the point-to-point MIMO transceiver design problems.

In this thesis, we consider the transceiver design problems for linear time invariant (LTI) flat MIMO channels, linear time-varying narrowband MIMO channels, flat MIMO broadcast channels, and doubly selective scalar channels. Additionally, the channel estimation problem is also considered. The main contributions of this dissertation are the development of new matrix decompositions, and the uses of the matrix decompositions and majorization theory toward the practical transmit-receive scheme designs for transceiver optimization problems. Elegant solutions are obtained, novel transceiver structures are developed, ingenious algorithms are proposed, and performance analyses are derived.

The first part of the thesis focuses on transceiver design with LTI flat MIMO channels. We propose a novel matrix decomposition which decomposes a complex matrix as a product of several sets of semi-unitary matrices and upper triangular matrices in an iterative manner. The complexity of the new decomposition, generalized geometric mean decomposition (GGMD), is always less than or equal to that of geometric mean decomposition (GMD). The optimal GGMD parameters which yield the minimal complexity are derived. Based on the channel state information (CSI) at both the transmitter (CSIT) and receiver (CSIR), GGMD is used to design a butterfly structured decision feedback equalizer (DFE) MIMO transceiver which achieves the minimum average mean square error (MSE) under the total transmit power constraint. A novel iterative receiving detection algorithm for the specific receiver is also proposed. For the application to cyclic prefix (CP) systems in which the SVD of the equivalent channel matrix can be easily computed, the proposed GGMD transceiver has K/log_2(K) times complexity advantage over the GMD transceiver, where K is the number of data symbols per data block and is a power of 2. The performance analysis shows that the GGMD DFE transceiver can convert a MIMO channel into a set of parallel subchannels with the same bias and signal to interference plus noise ratios (SINRs). Hence, the average bit rate error (BER) is automatically minimized without the need for bit allocation. Moreover, the proposed transceiver can achieve the channel capacity simply by applying independent scalar Gaussian codes of the same rate at subchannels.

In the second part of the thesis, we focus on MIMO transceiver design for slowly time-varying MIMO channels with zero-forcing or MMSE criterion. Even though the GGMD/GMD DFE transceivers work for slowly time-varying MIMO channels by exploiting the instantaneous CSI at both ends, their performance is by no means optimal since the temporal diversity of the time-varying channels is not exploited. Based on the GTD, we develop space-time GTD (ST-GTD) for the decomposition of linear time-varying flat MIMO channels. Under the assumption that CSIT, CSIR and channel prediction are available, by using the proposed ST-GTD, we develop space-time geometric mean decomposition (ST-GMD) DFE transceivers under the zero-forcing or MMSE criterion. Under perfect channel prediction, the new system minimizes both the average MSE at the detector in each space-time (ST) block (which consists of several coherence blocks), and the average per ST-block BER in the moderate high SNR region. Moreover, the ST-GMD DFE transceiver designed under an MMSE criterion maximizes Gaussian mutual information over the equivalent channel seen by each ST-block. In general, the newly proposed transceivers perform better than the GGMD-based systems since the super-imposed temporal precoder is able to exploit the temporal diversity of time-varying channels. For practical applications, a novel ST-GTD based system which does not require channel prediction but shares the same asymptotic BER performance with the ST-GMD DFE transceiver is also proposed.

The third part of the thesis considers two quality of service (QoS) transceiver design problems for flat MIMO broadcast channels. The first one is the power minimization problem (min-power) with a total bitrate constraint and per-stream BER constraints. The second problem is the rate maximization problem (max-rate) with a total transmit power constraint and per-stream BER constraints. Exploiting a particular class of joint triangularization (JT), we are able to jointly optimize the bit allocation and the broadcast DFE transceiver for the min-power and max-rate problems. The resulting optimal designs are called the minimum power JT broadcast DFE transceiver (MPJT) and maximum rate JT broadcast DFE transceiver (MRJT), respectively. In addition to the optimal designs, two suboptimal designs based on QR decomposition are proposed. They are realizable for arbitrary number of users.

Finally, we investigate the design of a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) modulated filterbank transceiver (DFT-FBT) with LTV scalar channels. For both cases with known LTV channels and unknown wide sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) statistical channels, we show how to optimize the transmitting and receiving prototypes of a DFT-FBT such that the SINR at the receiver is maximized. Also, a novel pilot-aided subspace channel estimation algorithm is proposed for the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with quasi-stationary multi-path Rayleigh fading channels. Using the concept of a difference co-array, the new technique can construct M^2 co-pilots from M physical pilot tones with alternating pilot placement. Subspace methods, such as MUSIC and ESPRIT, can be used to estimate the multipath delays and the number of identifiable paths is up to O(M^2), theoretically. With the delay information, a MMSE estimator for frequency response is derived. It is shown through simulations that the proposed method outperforms the conventional subspace channel estimator when the number of multipaths is greater than or equal to the number of physical pilots minus one.


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Time, risk, and attention are all integral to economic decision making. The aim of this work is to understand those key components of decision making using a variety of approaches: providing axiomatic characterizations to investigate time discounting, generating measures of visual attention to infer consumers' intentions, and examining data from unique field settings.

Chapter 2, co-authored with Federico Echenique and Kota Saito, presents the first revealed-preference characterizations of exponentially-discounted utility model and its generalizations. My characterizations provide non-parametric revealed-preference tests. I apply the tests to data from a recent experiment, and find that the axiomatization delivers new insights on a dataset that had been analyzed by traditional parametric methods.

Chapter 3, co-authored with Min Jeong Kang and Colin Camerer, investigates whether "pre-choice" measures of visual attention improve in prediction of consumers' purchase intentions. We measure participants' visual attention using eyetracking or mousetracking while they make hypothetical as well as real purchase decisions. I find that different patterns of visual attention are associated with hypothetical and real decisions. I then demonstrate that including information on visual attention improves prediction of purchase decisions when attention is measured with mousetracking.

Chapter 4 investigates individuals' attitudes towards risk in a high-stakes environment using data from a TV game show, Jeopardy!. I first quantify players' subjective beliefs about answering questions correctly. Using those beliefs in estimation, I find that the representative player is risk averse. I then find that trailing players tend to wager more than "folk" strategies that are known among the community of contestants and fans, and this tendency is related to their confidence. I also find gender differences: male players take more risk than female players, and even more so when they are competing against two other male players.

Chapter 5, co-authored with Colin Camerer, investigates the dynamics of the favorite-longshot bias (FLB) using data on horse race betting from an online exchange that allows bettors to trade "in-play." I find that probabilistic forecasts implied by market prices before start of the races are well-calibrated, but the degree of FLB increases significantly as the events approach toward the end.


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Synapses exhibit an extraordinary degree of short-term malleability, with release probabilities and effective synaptic strengths changing markedly over multiple timescales. From the perspective of a fixed computational operation in a network, this seems like a most unacceptable degree of added variability. We suggest an alternative theory according to which short-term synaptic plasticity plays a normatively-justifiable role. This theory starts from the commonplace observation that the spiking of a neuron is an incomplete, digital, report of the analog quantity that contains all the critical information, namely its membrane potential. We suggest that a synapse solves the inverse problem of estimating the pre-synaptic membrane potential from the spikes it receives, acting as a recursive filter. We show that the dynamics of short-term synaptic depression closely resemble those required for optimal filtering, and that they indeed support high quality estimation. Under this account, the local postsynaptic potential and the level of synaptic resources track the (scaled) mean and variance of the estimated presynaptic membrane potential. We make experimentally testable predictions for how the statistics of subthreshold membrane potential fluctuations and the form of spiking non-linearity should be related to the properties of short-term plasticity in any particular cell type.


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In this paper we consider the problem of state estimation over a communication network. Using estimation quality as a metric, two communication schemes are studied and compared. In scheme one, each sensor node communicates its measurement data to the remote estimator, while in scheme two, each sensor node communicates its local state estimate to the remote estimator. We show that with perfect communication link, if the sensor has unlimited computation capability, the two schemes produce the same estimate at the estimator, and if the sensor has limited computation capability, scheme one is always better than scheme two. On the other hand, when data packet drops occur over the communication link, we show that if the sensor has unlimited computation capability, scheme two always outperforms scheme one, and if the sensor has limited computation capability, we show that in general there exists a critical packet arrival rate, above which scheme one outperforms scheme two. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the two schemes under various circumstances. © South China University of Technology and Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.


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The density and distribution of spatial samples heavily affect the precision and reliability of estimated population attributes. An optimization method based on Mean of Surface with Nonhomogeneity (MSN) theory has been developed into a computer package with the purpose of improving accuracy in the global estimation of some spatial properties, given a spatial sample distributed over a heterogeneous surface; and in return, for a given variance of estimation, the program can export both the optimal number of sample units needed and their appropriate distribution within a specified research area. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An empirical method based on chemical bond theory for the estimation of the lattice energy for ionic crystals has been proposed. The lattice energy contributions have been partitioned into bond dependent terms. For an individual bond, the lattice energy contribution made by it has been separated into ionic and covalent parts. Our calculated values of lattice energies agree well with available experimental and theoretical values for diverse ionic crystals. This method, which requires detailed crystallographic information and elaborate computation, might be extended and possibly yield further insights with respect to bond properties of materials.


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The three scaling parameters described in Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory (SLLFT), T*, P* and rho* of pure polystyrene (PS), pure poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (PPO) and their mixtures are obtained by fitting corresponding experimental pressure volume-temperature data with equation-of-state of SLLFT. A modified combining rule in SLLFT used to match the volume per mer, v* of the PS/PPO mixtures was advanced and the enthalpy of mixing and Flory-Huggins (FH) interaction parameter were calculated using the new rule. It is found that the difference between the new rule and the old one presented by Sanchez and Lacombe is quite small in the calculation of the enthalpy of mixing and FH interaction parameter and the effect of volume-combining rule on the calculation of thermodynamic properties is much smaller than that of energy-combining rule. But the relative value of interaction parameter changes much due to the new volume-based combining rule. This effect can affect the position of phase diagram very much, which is reported elsewhere [Macromolecules 34 (2001) 6291]


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A method for estimating the one-phase structure seminvariants (OPSSs) having values of 0 or pi has been proposed on the basis of the probabilistic theory of the three-phase structure invariants for a pair of isomorphous structures [Hauptman (1982). Acta Cryst. A38, 289-294]. The test calculations using error-free diffraction data of protein cytochrome c(550) and its PtCl42- derivative show that reliable estimates of a number of the OPSSs can be obtained. The reliability of the estimation increases with the increase of the differences between diffraction intensities of the native protein and its heavy-atom derivative. A means to estimate the parameters of the distribution from the diffraction ratio is suggested.


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This paper analyses the asymptotic properties of nonlinear least squares estimators of the long run parameters in a bivariate unbalanced cointegration framework. Unbalanced cointegration refers to the situation where the integration orders of the observables are different, but their corresponding balanced versions (with equal integration orders after filtering) are cointegrated in the usual sense. Within this setting, the long run linkage between the observables is driven by both the cointegrating parameter and the difference between the integration orders of the observables, which we consider to be unknown. Our results reveal three noticeable features. First, superconsistent (faster than √ n-consistent) estimators of the difference between memory parameters are achievable. Next, the joint limiting distribution of the estimators of both parameters is singular, and, finally, a modified version of the ‘‘Type II’’ fractional Brownian motion arises in the limiting theory. A Monte Carlo experiment and the discussion of an economic example are included.


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This paper provides a root-n consistent, asymptotically normal weighted least squares estimator of the coefficients in a truncated regression model. The distribution of the errors is unknown and permits general forms of unknown heteroskedasticity. Also provided is an instrumental variables based two-stage least squares estimator for this model, which can be used when some regressors are endogenous, mismeasured, or otherwise correlated with the errors. A simulation study indicates that the new estimators perform well in finite samples. Our limiting distribution theory includes a new asymptotic trimming result addressing the boundary bias in first-stage density estimation without knowledge of the support boundary. © 2007 Cambridge University Press.