998 resultados para Esportes - Rio Claro (SP)


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Despite the current Environmental Legislation resolution, concerning the protection of the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA), be quite rigid, in practice, is observed noncompliance with the minimum limits of protection, especially in urban areas where, historically, the urbanization processes have been executed without compliance with the minimum standards of urban and environmental planning. Given the above, the present study aimed to analyze the urban sprawl evolution at the Olinda stream APP, located in the city of Rio Claro - SP. By means of the visual interpretation of aerial photographs in the GIS/ARCGIS environment, thematic maps of the urban sprawl of the years 1972, 1995 and 2010, as well as the Olinda Stream APP surroundings, were prepared. From the maps, it was possible to measure the occupation density for each scenario and indicate from which period the urbanization process has intensified. It was also possible to quantify the loss of vegetation area and indicate the major environmental problems in the basin of the Olinda stream. Therefore, the development of this research shows its importance, considering that its results can support the public administration, assisting in proper planning of land use and occupation in urban watersheds


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The purpose of this work was the inlay’s characterization from the water supply networks of Rio Claro-SP city; as well analyze the influence of network’s aging in the actual system. To do this, some samples of inlays were collected and made chemistry analysis and X-Ray Diffraction Spectrometry. The history of the source water quality was also analyzed, to make possible to known the origins of the inlays. To evaluate the performance of the network, some different scenarios have been simulated, varying the resistance coefficient of the water supply networks of Rio Claro-SP. The characterization results showed that there are basically oxide and hydroxide of iron (magnetite and goethite) and quartz in the inlays, which are materials of high hardness. The hydraulic simulations indicated that the simulated scenarios had a variation of ~2000% in terms of loss of energy


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Estudos populacionais devem tratar de questões relativas às diferenças no número de organismos que ocorre de lugar para lugar ou de tempo em tempo, envolve a análise do ciclo de vida das espécies, destaca a interferência do ambiente físico sobre o desempenho das populações, e pode inferir sobre os processos seletivos que conduzem a mudanças ecológicas e evolutivas no interior do agrupamento de indivíduos de uma mesma espécie. O presente estudo foi realizado na Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA) localizada no município de Rio Claro, interior do Estado de São Paulo, com a ecologia de Oeceoclades maculata (Orchidaceae), através da quantificação populacional, distribuição espacial e de parâmetros de estrutura de habitat. Pretendendo-se assim, relacionar sua ecologia com diferentes tipos de ambientes, caracterizados pela quantidade de luz, estrutura edáfica, e biomassa de serrapilheira, em áreas de plantio de Eucalyptus spp e de Pinus sp com sub-bosque de mata secundária; e também em manchas de matas ciliares. O levantamento e análise de estrutura de habitat de Oeceoclades maculata foi realizado através do alocamento de 69 parcelas (de 5m x 10m), ao longo de um transecto de 1800 metros, aproximadamente. O objetivo específico deste trabalho foi avaliar se existe mudança no número de indivíduos da população, em função de variações nos parâmetros estudados de estrutura de habitat das formações florestais secundárias da FEENA. Para a identificação do padrão de distribuição espacial, foi utilizado o Índice de Morisita (Id), Índice de Morisita padronizado (Ip) e a razão de variância/média (I). Foram levantados 377 indivíduos de O. maculata, com uma distribuição agregada, tanto a população como um todo, tanto como em cada ambiente, seja ele de Pinus sp, Eucalyptus sp, ou de mata ciliar. Para...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The present work investigates solid waste temperature behavior in different depths in two cells in the Rio Claro-SP city’s sanitary landfill. One of the cells is in operation with waste disposal beginning about one year ago. The other one is located in an closed area and contain waste disposed from five to seven years before. Measures were also made in an area that have no disposed waste in order to collect reference values. The data were obtained every fifteen days. The temperature results shows higher values in the operating cell, with maximum 38,1 °C in a depth of 4,0 m. In the closed cell the highest values were 36,3 °C in a depth of 8,5 m. The highest temperature values were obtained in the operating cell due to wider substract availability that indicates a more intense biological degradation activity. With three meters depth, the temperature results were 36,6 °C in the operating cell, 33,8 °C in the closed cell and 24,5 °C in the reference area. Therefore the temperature can be used as a biological activity indicator in sanitary landfills, supporting biogas studies


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Nowadays, meditation had become larger than the mystic’s scope, entering the academy through the scientific interest in this topic. Results documented for so many centuries or the experienced monks that practice meditation for a long time are the aims for researches that want, ultimately, establish the real effects of such techniques upon the human body. Research has gone far, and many effects can be evaluated using more precise methods, specially in the medical field and neuroscience, which had greatly backed up new discoveries about the correlation between the mind, emotions, thoughts and the body, making so that mediation can walk the therapeutic ways and complementary health with more certainty and reliable results, as it is happening with acupuncture and yoga. Facing a promising scenario in the correlation between meditation and life’s quality, well being sensation and happiness, there is the possibility of using it in schools, since because of the difficulties and present challenges, those factors are not commonly associated with the acts of teaching and learning, and acupuncture and Yoga have more restrictions because of their own limitations of time and space necessary for their wide application. Therefore, the current study focused on contextualizing the meditation’s fundaments in the scientific perspective, and apply it, even if qualitatively, in two schools of Rio Claro municipality, researching 57 students from Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Therefore, it was chosen only one meditation tecnique to be applied on the treatment group. As for the control group, it perfomed normal breathing, i.e., without tecniques. The differences were then analyzed through the filmings of all the sessions of the meetings, counting the number of movements and the agitation among the students for the two groups. Another method of analysis was forms filled by both groups and the presence in a meeting at UnespRio Claro. At the end,...


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Se é inegável que as questões do meio ambiente atraem uma atenção cada vez maior nos dias de hoje, falta ainda reconhecer a centralidade dos princípios de justiça ambiental para a proteção ecológica, a atividade econômica ou mesmo o futuro da democracia brasileira. Por Justiça Ambiental entenda-se o conjunto de princípios que asseguram que nenhum grupo de pessoas, sejam grupos étnicos, raciais ou de classe, suporte uma parcela desproporcional das conseqüências ambientais negativas de operações econômicas, de políticas e programas federais, estaduais e locais, bem como resultantes da ausência ou omissão de tais políticas. Dito de outra forma, trata-se da espacialização da justiça distributiva, uma vez que diz respeito à distribuição do meio ambiente para os seres humanos. Complementarmente, entende-se por Injustiça Ambiental o mecanismo pelo qual sociedades desiguais destinam a maior carga dos danos ambientais do desenvolvimento a grupos sociais de trabalhadores, populações de baixa renda, grupos raciais discriminados, populações marginalizadas e mais vulneráveis. A qualidade do meio ambiente no qual vivemos influi consideravelmente na própria qualidade de vida. A presença de áreas verdes no universo urbano é um fator essencial no resgate dos aspectos positivos da relação das formas urbanas com a natureza, e a distribuição e a distância entre elas influi diretamente sobre as suas funções econômica, estética, social e ecológica, constituindo-se como indicador relevante para a qualidade de vida. Com isso o trabalho buscou identificar a relação entre a distribuição espacial das áreas verdes em Rio Claro e o perfil socioeconômico das populações adjacentes. A partir do levantamento das áreas verdes urbanas e do índice paulista de vulnerabilidade social para o município de Rio Claro (IPVS), foram calculados os índices de áreas verdes para as regiões de diferente vulnerabilidade socioeconômica


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In the last 60 years, many Brazilian cities practically doubled their population contingent. As a result of this process, there was an increase on the occupation level on unstable areas, from a physical point of view, and on the anthropogenic interventions at the natural ambient, reorganizing the existent process and forms. Thus, this work shows the results of the analysis of geomorphological changes deriving from urbanization processes at the Lavapés Stream watershed, located at Rio Claro county (SP). The goal of this work was reached by means of historical-evolutionary geomorphological cartography. To achieve this result, it had been prepared geomorphological and land usage charts for the years of 1962, 1988 and 2010, and a declivity chart. Those scenarios have been analyzed from the point of view of the General Systems Theory. The results were attached into an urban use restrictions chart, which allowed identifying the areas that should not be occupied, by geomorphological view and by environmental law restrictions


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The intensive development in the urbanization process implied a series of economic, social, and gradually, environmental transformations, essentially, since its intensification, which took place from the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America. In Latin American countries, including Brazil, there was such acceleration in urban sprawl, only in the middle of the twentieth century, fomented by a peculiar industrialization, coming from the scientific-technical revolution, which occurred in developing countries. In this context, and with a lack of planning and an effective organization, cities of the dependent countries face an inordinate population growth and an unprecedented industrial swelling. Brazil, following this trend, presents several issues regarding the gaps in the provision of necessary infrastructure to meet the most basic needs of its population and the intense activity and anthropogenic effects on the environment. In this sense, environmental problems, related to air and water pollution, degradation and contamination of soil, paving roads, reduction of green areas, urban heat island, among others, reaching ever deeper into the Brazilian urban areas. It is important the analysis in this final project, the weather events related to episodes of strong winds and the events and the impacts to the population of Rio Claro (SP) in the period 2005 to 2010, basing themselves in Geographical Climatology and Urban climate studies. In this scenario, we found the prevalence of occurrences linked to falling trees in the study area, connected, at the same time, to the occurrence and to the absence of episodes of extreme events, with measurements of strong winds, showing a connection between the events and external facts to episodes of winds


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A hipertensão arterial (HA) é fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares, uma forma de prevenção seria a adoção de um estilo de vida mais ativo.O estudo tem como objetivo verificar se uma sessão de exercícios resistidos e aeróbios provoca efeito hipotensivo em indivíduos normotensos e hipertensos sendo a P.A aferida antes e depois dos exercícios. Participaram do estudo 29 indivíduos, normo e hipertensos, com idade média de 54,96 anos ( ± 9,56 ), todos participantes do projeto de atividade física para diabéticos e hipertensos, desenvolvido pelo NAFES da UNESPRio Claro. A aula constituiu-se de aquecimento e alongamento (10 min), parte principal (40 min) dividida por: Caminhada (10 min), exercícios resistidos de membro superior utilizando halteres de um quilo (10 min), caminhada (10 min) e exercícios resistidos de membros inferiores com peso corporal (10 min), finalizando com volta calma(10 min). A Pressão Arterial foi aferida através de aparelho digital de pulso Fuzzy LOGIC, Model 3001, BioLand em repouso(M1), ao termino(M2), 30 minutos pós-exercícios(M3) e 4 horas após o termino dos exercícios(M4). Os dados foram analisados por meio do ANOVA para análises repetidas, através do programa Statistic 7.0 e significância de p<0,05. A analise estatística mostrou que na pressão sistólica não houve diferença significante do M1(137,6 ±17,1mmHg) para o M3(133,9 ±18,8mmHg) enquanto que na pressão diastólica observou-se diferença significativa do M1(84,7 ±9,3mmHg) para o M4(80,7 ±11.2mmHg). Conclusão: Houve efeito hipotensor após exercícios apenas na pressão diastólica, já na pressão sistólica não ocorreu mudança significativa embora todos os valores pós exercícios tenham diminuído, tanot na sistólica quanto na diastólica.


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This paper presents some of the territories occupied by the black community in the city of Rio Claro in the course of its history and check through their interpretations of cultural, emergence, unfolding and current use. The identification of changes in those territories was through oral history, building on the views and stories of their own community, literature review, data collection 'in situ' through research and observation of participants and resource utilization of the global network of information. It is justified by the fundamental importance of recording information in the history of the land and built space in the black community of Rio Claro, since the most part, as well as throughout the Brazilian territory, has no documentation and remains alive in the memory and the stories within the past communities, so each time you die an old man also lost part of the history of our nation


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The slugde from decanters in Water Treatment Plants (WTP) has different composition varying, according to the region, coagulant type and dosages, the plant layout. In this work, the physical characterization of the sludge generated from decenties (ETAII the municipality of Rio Claro, Brazil), the manufacture of bodies of evidence-sludge mixture of clay (with humidity of 8% and concentrations of sludge, 5, 15 and 30%) the testing technology after burning the mixture to a temperature of 950 ° C were investigated. The main aim assess the possibility of its use as raw material in the ceramic red production. For comparison of the obtained results it was used values of the testing technology of bodies of evidence only with clay, prepared under the same conditions. In general, the addition of sludge from ETA made worse the properties of the ceramic body, however, the values obtained from the tests on the concentration of 5% of sludge, still remain within the acceptable limits for the production of red pottery pieces.


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The issue of waste, historically, has been getting worse as a result of the world´s population increase and in order to meet their needs the consumption of natural resources and the generation has been constantly increasing, especially in large urban centers. The people involved in the collection of recyclable solid waste, called from now on as collectors, are responsible for about 90% of the waste sent to recycling industry in Brazil. Apart from having a role in the economy, the collectors have specific knowledge and skills necessary to identify, collect, sort and sell these wastes. This study aims to examine the possibilities and limits of COOPERVIVA – Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Catadores de Material Reaproveitável de Rio Claro - as an instrument of the municipal solid waste management system, and its experience as a recyclable waste collectors cooperative. The methodological procedures of this study rely on the literature research on the experiences of cooperative and the management of municipal solid waste. In addition to this review of the literature, fortnightly visits to the cooperative were held in order to experience their daily activities, and testimonies of the cooperative members were collected as well as documents and reports produced by COOPERVIVA. The results of this analysis are considerations of the limitations of the cooperative and recommendations aimed at maximizing their potential as a tool of the domestic solid waste management system of and as a recyclable waste collectors cooperative. Among other things it can be concluded that the urban selective collection of waste challenges the community to the reinvention of life and the relationships each individual with the planet.


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Introduction: Physical inactivity is identified as the fourth greatest risk factor of mortality worldwide. Little is known about how physical inactivity alters the demand for use of primary health care services, and it is a subject which demands further investigation. Objective: This study aims to determine the influence that physical activity has on the demand for use of primary health care services. Methods: This is a retrospective and cross-sectional study. The Rio Claro Active Health Program (SARC), studied in this research, is a partnership between the Municipal Health Foundation and Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), represented by the Nucleus of Physical Activity, Sport and Health (NAFES) department of Physical Education and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Eduardo Kokubun. The study was carried out on residents of Rio Claro of both sexes seen at SARC. To assess the influence that physical activity had on the demand of the use of health services a questionnaire was given to participants who had attended the program since 2009. This questionnaire contains questions concerning the level of physical activity, health service use, number of both blood pressure and glucose measurement takings, number of spontaneous and scheduled medical visits, number of medications taken, number of illnesses and hospitalizations, comparing the data found in the previous year and the year after the program began. An informed term of consent was used for research participants. Descriptive analysis was carried out, using frequency, mean, maximum and minimum standard deviation. Results: Active participation in The Rio Claro Active Health program has positively influenced the following variables: perception of health, uncontrolled blood pressure, did not modify the number of diseases, number of medications in general, ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This study aimed to simulate and evaluate the sediment transport in Upper Basin Stream Cachoeirinha in Rio Claro, SP, and compare the results with previous studies performed in the same basin. The modeling software used in this study was Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which is a very comprehensive tool that discusses many physical processes. In this work, the hydrosedimentological processes were treated, aiming to understand the sediment production and transport. The Basin Stream Cachoeirinha has an area with predominantly agricultural use, especially sugar cane. The database for inclusion in software was constructed from the following elements: climatic, topographical, soil type and use and land cover of the area, also including the parameters of Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). The analysis was conducted for a period of 16 years (1994-2010), which is the range of data available from CEAPLA. The results were analyzed in terms of annual runoff and sediment yield. The average sediment delivery in the simulation was 0.94 t/ha/year, while the maximum annual contribution was 7.28 t/ha/year