1000 resultados para Espectroscopia infravermelha
In this work we present the optogalvanic effect in ionized gases in an historical perspective. This effect was observed for the first time by Foote and Mohler in 1925, and explained by Penning in 1928 for mixtures (Ne-Ar) and pure gases (or vapours) in 1937. Also, we show some aspects of the contributions of Romenian authors for the development of optogalvanic spectroscopy, which was used as a new technique only after 1964.
During the last five decades, as a result of an interaction between natural product chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, molecular biology and spectroscopy, scientists reached an extraordinary level of comprehension about the natural processes by which living organisms build up complex molecules. In this context, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, allied with isotopic labeling, played a determinant role. Nowadays, the widespread use of modern NMR techniques allows an even more detailed picture of the biochemical steps by accurate manipulation of the atomic nuclei. This article focuses on the development of such techniques and their impact on biosynthetic studies.
Paclobutrazol is a plant growth retardant which is used world-wide for increasing the yield of cereal crops. However, this compound remains active in the soil for several years and can severely affect the growth and development of subsequent crops, mainly by reducing vegetative vigor. The aim of this work was to develop and validate methods for the determination of paclobutrazol concentrations by both high performance liquid chromatography and spectroscopy. Both methods were satisfactory and showed appropriately low quantification limits. The determination by spectroscopy has, however, the advantage of being a method significantly less expensive than high performance liquid chromatography.
In this work a fast method for the determination of the total sugar levels in samples of raw coffee was developed using the near infrared spectroscopy technique and multivariate regression. The sugar levels were initially obtained using gravimety as the reference method. Later on, the regression models were built from the near infrared spectra of the coffee samples. The original spectra were pre-treated according to the Kubelka-Munk transformation and multiplicative signal correction. The proposed analytical method made possible the direct determination of the total sugar levels in the samples with an error lower by 8% with respect to the conventional methodology.
The Balmer equation is obtained from the hydrogen spectrum in an empirical way, using a graphic method; from this equation the energy level terms are derived. Emphasis is given to concepts in order to make clear the meaning of quantum numbers, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in the Schrödinger equation.
Coprolites are fossilized faeces that constitute an important source of palaeobiological informations. This paper describes the characterization of some coprolite materials originated from the Romualdo Member of the Santana Formation (Araripe Basin, south of Ceará State in Brazil) by means of two techniques: X-ray powder diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). This characterization allowed us to determine the main composition of the coprolites, of the nodulus (where the coprolites were extracted) and of the sediment (where the nodulus was found) suggesting that the material was produced by a carnivorous fish of the Lower Cretaceous.
The present article is devoted to Chemistry or Physics undergraduate students, given their difficulty to understand fundamental concepts and technical language used in atomic spectroscopy and quantum mechanics. An easy approach is shown in the treatment of the emission spectrum of the sodium atom without any involved calculations. In a previous article, the hydrogen spectrum was considered and the energy degeneracy of the angular momentum quantum number was observed. For the sodium spectrum, due to the valence electron penetration into internal shells, a breakdown of this degeneracy occurs and a dependence of this penetration on the angular momentum quantum number is observed. The eigenvalues are determined introducing the quantum defect correction (Rydberg correction) in the denominator of the Balmer equation, and the energy diagram is obtained. The intensity ratio for the observed doublets is explained by introducing new wave functions, containing the magnetic quantum number of the total angular momentum.
Determinação de misturas de sulfametoxazol e trimetoprima por espectroscopia eletrônica multivariada
In this work a multivariate spectroscopic methodology is proposed for quantitative determination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim in pharmaceutical associations. The multivariate model was developed by partial least-squares regression, using twenty synthetic mixtures and the spectral region between 190 and 350 nm. In the validation stage, which involved the analysis of five synthetic mixtures, prediction errors lower that 3% were observed. The predictive capacity of the multivariate models is seriously affected by spectral changes induced by pH variations, a fact that acquires a great significance in the analysis of real samples (pharmaceuticals) that contain chemical additives.
Considered the best substitute for diesel, biodiesel can be blended with diesel in any ratio, bringing lots of environmental, economic and social advantages. Brazilian law Nº 11097/2005, proposes the introduction of biodiesel in to the Brazilian energy matrix, mixed with diesel at a minimum percentage of 2%. For consumers and sellers to be sure that the commercialized mixture of biodiesel:diesel contains the correct percentage, it is necessary to develop analytical methodologies to quantify the amount of biodiesel added. This work presents a fast, low-cost and simple methodology to determine the biodiesel proportion in mixtures of biodiesel:diesel, based on infrared spectroscopy.
Diffuse reflectance near-infrared (DR-NIR) spectroscopy associated with partial least squares (PLS) multivariate calibration is proposed for a direct, non-destructive, determination of total nitrogen in wheat leaves. The procedure was developed for an Analytical Instrumental Analysis course, carried out at the Institute of Chemistry of the State University of Campinas. The DR-NIR results are in good agreement with those obtained by the Kjeldhal standard procedure, with a relative error of less than ± 3% and the method may be used for teaching purposes as well as for routine analysis.
The chemical role of iron-bearing compounds on the dynamics of phosphorus in selected Brazilian latosols was investigated. The iron oxides were characterized in an attempt to assess their main chemical-mineralogical properties influencing the ion sorption mechanisms in those pedosystems. It was found that increasing total iron contents tend to increase the phosphorus adsorption capacity in the selected soils. 110 K-Mössbauer data reveal that the dominant iron oxides are hematite and goethite. Particularly for the yellower soil samples some prominent doublets, more certainly due to superparamagnetic relaxation, may be assigned to corresponding fractions of relatively small-sized particles.
In this work an analytical methodology for the determination of relevant physicochemical parameters of prato cheese is reported, using infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) and partial least squares regression (PLS). Several multivariate models were developed, using different spectral regions and preprocessing routines. In general, good precision and accuracy was observed for all studied parameters (fat, protein, moisture, total solids, ashes and pH) with standard deviations comparable with those provided by the conventional methodologies. The implantation of this multivariate routine involves significant analytical advantages, including reduction of cost and time of analysis, minimization of human errors, and elimination of chemical residues.
This paper provides a review on the latest advances and applications of the luminescence spectroscopy for the development of pharmaceuticals analyses methods, basically based on the photo- and chemiluminescence. The different forms of the drugs determination on pharmaceuticals through the fluorescence and chemiluminescence are discussed. The analyses include the drugs native fluorescence (liquid and solid-phases); the fluorescence from the oxidizing or reducing forms of the drug; the fluorescence from the chemical derivatization and their photochemistry and hydrolysis reactions. The quenching of luminescence and chemiluminescence generation for the pharmaceutical quantification are also shown. Finally, the trends and future perspectives of the luminescence spectroscopy in the field of the pharmaceutical research are discussed.
Four tropical woods, were investigated to compare their performance and natural resistances to artificial weathering using the diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT). The species were garapeira (Apuleia leiocarpa), itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba) and tauari (Couratari sp.), woods traditionally indicated for exterior uses, and marupá (Simarouba amara), that served as reference. The samples were submitted to cycles of UV radiation (350 nm) and water until 2,000 h. The photodegradation processes of woods surfaces were accomplished monitoring the changes in the intensities associated to lignin (1508 cm-1) and carbonyl group (1736 cm-1) absorptions. The results have shown that lignin was the first component to be photodegradated, resulting in surfaces mainly composed by cellulose, after 2,000 h of UV irradiation. The processes of formation and lixiviation of carbonyl compounds were different for each species. The experimental conditions used in this work were too severe to evaluate the wood density and extractives content influences during the treatment.
This article describes a projection spectrograph for use in optical spectroscopy classrooms demonstrations. The apparatus is based on an overhead projector and permits the visualization of several phenomena such as, light dispersion by diffraction gratings, diffraction order, optical fluorescence, continuous and discrete optical emission spectra, and light absorption by liquids and solids. A historical survey about the optical spectroscopy development is also presented.