105 resultados para Escorregamento de Talude


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A ocorrência de escorregamentos translacionais no litoral paulista é parte integrante da evolução natural das encostas, que se intensifica sob condições de clima tropical em uma morfologia de serras com desníveis em torno de 700m. Sob precipitações intensas, mesmo sem a interferência direta do homem, os movimentos de massa ocorrem de forma isolada ou generalizada, como a centena de escorregamentos registrados no evento de janeiro de 1985, em que os índices pluviométricos atingiram 210 mm em 24 h. Utilizando um inventário de cicatrizes de escorregamentos obtido de um aerolevantamento de agosto de 1985, definiu-se como objetivo calibrar e validar um mapa de índice de estabilidade utilizando o modelo de análise de estabilidade de encostas por talude infinito, disponível no programa SINMAP, na Serra de Cubatão, na escala 1:10.000. O modelo foi aplicado considerando os parâmetros do solo constantes para toda área e também variáveis em função das unidades litológicas. Os resultados mostraram que mais de 79% das cicatrizes ficaram dentro dos limites inferior de estabilidade e superior de instabilidade para o caso de parâmetros constantes e mais de 95% das cicatrizes para o caso de parâmetros variáveis dentro dos mesmos limites. Palavras-chave: Índice de estabilidade, movimentos de massa, Serra do Mar.


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O ensaio de penetração do cone elétrico e do piezocone pertence a um grupo de ensaios de campo, cuja utilização vem sendo cada vez mais difundida. Tanto o avanço da eletrônica como a rápida evolução da informática têm proporcionado equipamentos mais apropriados, menores, mais robustos e mais econômicos, permitindo a incorporação de diversos sensores a essa ferramenta de investigação. Isto contribuiu para que esse ensaio se consagrasse para a descrição contínua do perfil geotécnico, a definição do nível de água e para estimativa de parâmetros mecânicos do solo. Neste artigo faz-se uma breve apresentação do piezocone e do minicone elétrico: o primeiro vem sendo utilizado nos últimos anos, especialmente em geotecnia ambiental, e o segundo, na investigação da infra-estrutura de transportes. Apresentam-se e discutem-se exemplos de emprego do piezocone para identificação de regiões do maciço contaminadas e do minicone para detectar a superfície de ruptura de uma seção de um talude de aterro, para avaliar sua estabilidade através de retroanálises. Concluise o trabalho fazendo-se algumas considerações sobre a utilização dessa tecnologia moderna e recente em solos tropicais que ocorrem no Brasil.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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The transportation of oil through pipelines raises a concern related to safety and environmental impacts they may cause, especially when exposed to risks that affect their integrity. Among the natural phenomena that can affect the pipelines are erosion and landslides. Considering the large territory involving the pipelines, remote sensing tools have a great applicability for data acquisition. For this, visual analysis techniques were applied to perform change detection in order to monitor erosion features and landslides along a stretch of pipeline Rio de Janeiro – Belo Horizonte, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The work involved the characterization of the study area as well as the erosion and landslide processes, through bibliographical data. The satellite image processing and the application of change detection techniques were developed in two scenes for the years 2002 and 2010. It was noted a small increase in the number of the identified features, however with regard to their area, a decrease of 21.7% was observed


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Among the flow, the flows have the highest destructive potential, may cause disasters with a very high number of victims, as recorded in the events Caraguatatuba (SP) and the Serra das Araras (RJ) in 1967; Valeu do Rio Figueira, in Timbé do Sul (SC) between 1995 and 1996; Vale do Itajaí in Santa Catarina, in 2008, Teresópolis, Petrópolis and Nova Friburgo (RJ), in December 2010 and January 2011. This project aimed to prioritize the main determinants of inducing processes of debris flows by applying the method of decision making AHP (Analytical Hierarch Process). Therefore, the following stages of work were defined: research of the major factors of debris flows, questionnaire design method for application of AHP expert on the subject, analysis of the results obtained from calculating the ratio of consistency and preparation of proposal for hierarchical of conditions for debris flows. From the surveys it was possible to establish a relationship of conditions according to the scale of work, defining three levels: regional (1:250,000 to 1:100,000), Semi-Detail (1:50,000 to 1:25,000) and Detail (1: 10,000 or higher). The factors found were: concentration time, the flood wave, rain, landslide susceptibility (slope), drainage and development in the deposition. The project analyzed the results obtained from the questionnaires, which allowed the ranking of the constraints, contributing to weight constraints in studies of multicriteria mapping of susceptibility to the occurrence of debris flows. The study showed that the most of the analyzed datas were inconsistent because of the different opinion of the judges


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This undergraduate thesis evaluates the effects of temperature variation of the air inside the CVT gearbox on the performance of a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). The CVT used in the tests was manufactured by Gaged Engineering (GX9 model) and is currently used in a Baja prototype. It’s a mechanically operated CVT, which the movement of the pulley plates varies according to the drive shaft rotation, shifting the belt along the diameter, and varying the transmission ratio. The purpose of this work is to analyze the change in the slip factor, coefficient that compares the variation between the actual transmission ratio and the ratio of geometric transmission, and its correlation with the power variation. A test bench was built and some tests were performed, indicating that was possible to achieve output power ratios of 1.75 [ℎ


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The unpaved back roads, despite their simplicity, are of paramount importance to the municipalities that their economy basis are in agri-livestock and a large portion of their population lives in rural areas, as it is from these pathways that flow of production is performed and ensuring access of the rural population to urban centers is allowed. Aiming the importance of these rural roads, this work studies the case of pathologies found in local roads of São Luiz do Paraitinga, located in the Vale do Paraíba upstate São Paulo, due to lack of a periodic maintenance program the roads not withstood the heavy rains late in the year 2009 and early 2010, generating major impacts on society and the economy of the city. From surveys conducted in the field, it was analyzed the various pathologies found (pathology drainage, slope and platform) checking also the nature of their occurrence, therefore propose solutions for intervention in rural roads, to decrease the susceptibility of these roads during the rainy season


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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The continental margin off SE South America hosts one of the world’s most energetic hydrodynamic regimes but also the second largest drainage system of the continent. Both, the ocean current system as well as the fluvial runoff are strongly controlled by the atmospheric circulation modes over the region. The distribution pattern of particular types of sediments on shelf and slope and the long-term built-up of depositional elements within the overall margin architecture are, thus, the product of both, seasonal to millennial variability as well as long-term environmental trends. This talk presents how the combination of different methodological approaches can be used to obtain a comprehensive picture of the variability of a shelf and upper-slope hydrodynamic system during Holocene times. The particular methods applied are: (a) Margin-wide stratigraphic information to elucidate the role of sea level for the oceanographic and sedimentary systems since the last glacial maximum; (b) Palaeoceanographic sediment proxies combined with palaeo-temperature indicating isotopes of bivalve shells to trace lateral shifts in the coastal oceanography (particularly of the shelf front) during the Holocene; (c) Neodymium isotopes to identify the shelf sediment transport routes resulting from the current regime; (d) Sedimentological/geochemical data to show the efficient mechanism of sand export from the shelf to the open ocean; (e) Diatom assemblages and sediment element distributions indicating palaeo-salinity and the changing marine influence to illustrate the Plata runoff history. Sea level has not only controlled the overall configuration of the shelf but also the position of the main sediment routes from the continent towards the ocean. The shelf front has shifted frequently since the last glacial times probably resulting from both, changes in the Westerly Winds intensity and in the shelf width itself. Remarkable is a southward shift of this front during the past two centuries possibly related to anthropogenic influences on the atmosphere. The oceanographic regime with its prominent hydrographic boundaries led to a clear separation of sedimentary provinces since shelf drowning. It is especially the shelf front which enhances shelf sediment export through a continuous high sand supply to the uppermost slope. Finally, the Plata River does not continuously provide sediment to the shelf but shows significant climate-related changes in discharge during the past centuries. Starting from these findings, three major fields of research should, in general, be further developed in future: (i) The immediate interaction of the hydrodynamic and sedimentary systems to close the gaps between deposit information and modern oceanographic dynamics; (ii) Material budget calculations for the marginal ocean system in terms of material fluxes, storage/retention capacities, and critical thresholds; (iii) The role of human activity on the atmospheric, oceanographic and solid material systems to unravel natural vs. anthropogenic effects and feedback mechanisms