164 resultados para Erythrina falcata Behnt.
Arbuscular mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations among glomalean fungi and plant roots that often lead to enhanced water and nutrient uptake and plant growth. We describe experiments to test whether inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities varies spatially within a broadleaf temperate forest, and also whether there is variability in the effectiveness of AM fungal communities in enhancing seedling growth. Inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a temperate broad-leaved forest did not vary significantly among sites. Inoculum potential, measured as the extent to which the roots of red maple seedlings that had been germinated on sterile sand and then transplanted into the forest, were colonized by AM fungi, was similar in floodplain and higher elevation sites. It was as similar under ectomycorrhizal oaks as it was under red maples and other AM tree species. It was also similar among sites with deciduous understory shrubs with arbuscular mycorrhizae (spicebush, Lindera benzoin) and those with evergreen vegetation with ericoid mycorrhizae (mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia). Where spicebush was the dominant understory shrub, inoculum potential was greater under gaps in the canopy than within the understory. Survivorship of transplanted red maple seedlings varied significantly over sites but was not strongly correlated with measures of inoculum potential. In a greenhouse growth experiment, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities obtained from tree roots from the forest had different effects on plant growth. Seedlings inoculated with roots of red maple had twice the leaf area after 10 wk of growth compared to the AM community obtained from roots of southern red oaks. Thus, although there appears to be little heterogeneity in inoculum potential in the forest, there are differences in the effectiveness of different inocula. These effects have the potential to affect tree species diversity in forests by modifying patterns of seedling recruitment.
Breeding methodologies for cultivated lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), an autotetraploid, have changed little over the last 50 years, with reliance on polycross methods and recurrent phenotypic selection. There has been, however, an increase in our understanding of lucerne biology, in particular the genetic relationships between members of the M. sativa complex, as deduced by DNA analysis. Also, the differences in breeding behaviour and vigour of diploids versus autotetraploids, and the underlying genetic causes, are discussed in relation to lucerne improvement. Medicago falcata, a member of the M. sativa complex, has contributed substantially to lucerne improvement in North America, and its diverse genetics would appear to have been under-utilised in Australian programs over the last two decades, despite the reduced need for tolerance to freezing injury in Australian environments. Breeding of lucerne in Australia only commenced on a large scale in 1977, driven by an urgent need to introgress aphid resistance into adapted backgrounds. The release in the early 1980s of lucernes with multiple pest and disease resistance (aphids, Phytophthora, Colletotrichum) had a significant effect on increasing lucerne productivity and persistence in eastern Australia, with yield increases under high disease pressure of up to 300% being recorded over the predominant Australian cultivar, up to 1977, Hunter River. Since that period, irrigated lucerne yields have plateaued, highlighting the need to identify breeding objectives, technologies, and the germplasm that will create new opportunities for increasing performance. This review discusses major goals for lucerne improvement programs in Australia, and provides indications of the germplasm sources and technologies that are likely to deliver the desired outcomes.
Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) is autotetraploid, and predominantly allogamous. This complex breeding structure maximises the genetic diversity within lucerne populations making it difficult to genetically discriminate between populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of random genetic diversity within and between a selection of Australian-grown lucerne cultivars, with tetraploid M. falcata included as a possible divergent control source. This diversity was evaluated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). Nineteen plants from each of 10 cultivars were analysed. Using 11 RAPD primers, 96 polymorphic bands were scored as present or absent across the 190 individuals. Genetic similarity estimates (GSEs) of all pair-wise comparisons were calculated from these data. Mean GSEs within cultivars ranged from 0.43 to 0.51. Cultivar Venus (0.43) had the highest level of intra-population genetic diversity and cultivar Sequel HR (0.51) had the lowest level of intra-population genetic diversity. Mean GSEs between cultivars ranged from 0.31 to 0.49, which overlapped with values obtained for within-cultivar GSE, thus not allowing separation of the cultivars. The high level of intra- and inter-population diversity that was detected is most likely due to the breeding of synthetic cultivars using parents derived from a number of diverse sources. Cultivar-specific polymorphisms were only identified in the M. falcata source, which like M. sativa, is outcrossing and autotetraploid. From a cluster analysis and a principal components analysis, it was clear that M. falcata was distinct from the other cultivars. The results indicate that the M. falcata accession tested has not been widely used in Australian lucerne breeding programs, and offers a means of introducing new genetic diversity into the lucerne gene pool. This provides a means of maximising heterozygosity, which is essential to maximising productivity in lucerne.
Habitat instability associated with seasonal crop succession in broad-acre farming systems presents a problem for the conservation and utilisation of beneficial insects in annual field crops. The present paper describes two experiments used to measure the potential of seven plant species to be utilised as winter refuges to support and conserve the predatory bug Pristhesancus plagipennis (Walker). In the first experiment, replicated plots of canola (Brassica napus ), red salvia (Salvia coccinea ), niger (Guizotia abyssinica ), linseed (Linum usitatissimum ), lupins (Lupinus angustifolius ), and lucerne (Medicago falcata ) were planted in a randomized experiment during Autumn 1998. Upon crop establishment, adults and nymphs of P. plagipennis were released into treatment plots and their numbers were assessed, along with those of their potential prey, throughout the ensuing winter months. Post-release sampling suggested that canola and niger retained a proportion of adult P. plagipennis , while niger, lucerne and canola retained some nymphs. The other plant species failed to support P. plagipennis nymphs and adults postrelease. In the second experiment, niger was compared with two lines of sunflower (Helianthus annus ). Both sunflower lines harboured significantly higher (P < 0.05) densities of P. plagipennis nymphs than did niger. The more successful refuge treatments (sunflower, niger and canola) had an abundance of yellow flowers that were attractive to pollinating insects, which served as supplementary prey on which P. plagipennis were observed to feed. Sunflower and niger also supported high densities of the prey insect Creontiades dilutus (Stal) and provided protective leafy canopies which supplied shelter during the winter months. The potential and limitations for using each plant species as a winter refuge to retain P. plagipennis during winter are discussed.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de espécies arbóreas com potencial de uso múltiplo, nas condições ambientais da Amazônia ocidental brasileira, visando recomendá-las como componentes de sistemas agroflorestais e para recuperação de áreas degradadas. O experimento foi estabelecido na Estação Experimental da Embrapa Acre, com 12 espécies nativas e introduzidas, no espaçamento de 1,50 m entre linhas, por 1,50 m entre plantas. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Cada espécie foi representada por cinco plantas em cada repetição. As avaliações, realizadas até quatro anos e meio após o plantio mostraram que: a) todas as espécies apresentaram índices de sobrevivência superiores a 80%, com exceção de Cedrela odorata (75%), Aspidosperma vargasii (65%) e Spondias lutea (65%); b) o incremento médio anual em altura total foi maior em Acacia mangium (2,91 m) e Acacia pollyphylla (2,66 m), seguida por Leucaena leucocephala, Calycophyllum spruceanum e Gliricidia sepium com médias de 2,38, 1,56 e 1,40 m, respectivamente; c) o incremento médio anual em diâmetro basal também foi maior em A. mangium (4,98 cm) e A. pollyphylla (3,92 cm), seguidas de Erythrina fusca (3,06 cm), Spondias lutea (2,37 cm), Erythrina poeppigiana (2,17 cm) e E. berteroana (2,12 cm); d) o incremento anual em diâmetro da copa foi maior em A. pollyphylla (2,50 m), G. sepium (1,03 m), Torresea acreana (0,98 m) e Erythrina fusca (0,87 m). Estes resultados sugerem a boa adaptação das espécies introduzidas que apresentaram desenvolvimento superior à maioria das nativas, principalmente em termos de capacidade de estabelecimento e crescimento inicial.
Streblidae e Nycteribiidae são encontradas exclusivamente em associação com morcegos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a diversidade de insetos ectoparasitas encontrados em morcegos da Reserva Biológica das Perobas, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. O trabalho foi realizado nos meses de maio, junho e agosto de 2008 e fevereiro, março e abril de 2009. Para a captura dos morcegos, foram utilizadas 32 redes-de-neblina, totalizando esforço de captura de 43.520m².h. A coleta de ectoparasitas foi feita manualmente ou com auxílio de pinça reta de ponta fina. Os espécimes foram conservados em álcool 70% e identificados com auxílio de microscópio estereoscópico. Os dados foram analisados por meio do estimador não paramétrico Bootstrap e estatística descritiva. As espécies de ectoparasitas identificadas foram: Aspidoptera falcata Wenzel, 1976, Megistopoda proxima (Séguy, 1926), Megistopoda aranea (Coquillett, 1899), Paratrichobius longicrus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1907), Trichobius tiptoni Wenzel, 1976 e Basilia quadrosae Graciolli & Moura, 2005. A curva de riqueza estimada indicou tendência à ocorrência de outras espécies de ectoparasitas na unidade de conservação, haja vista que não foi alcançada a assíntota horizontal. Os dados obtidos corroboram com os verificados em outras regiões do Brasil e contribuem com as informações sobre a diversidade do grupo no bioma Mata Atlântica do noroeste do Paraná.
In this paper of the catalogue of south brazilian arboreal pollen grains, the autor deals with the Papilionatae. The Mimosoideae and Caesalpinioideae are yet in preparation, so that a discussion of the three subfamilies (or families) is not possible. In relation with the systematical subdivision of the Papilionatae, we found a large correspondence with the morphology of the present pollen grains. The group of Phaseoleae contains the genera Mucuna, Erythrina and Dioclea; the grains of the studied species are very different one from another; the first of the genera possesses very volumous grains, with three colpori and a reticulated superficies; the second has three-porated pollen grains with a large reticulated superficies, and the third, Dioclea, is yet different; it possesses oblated grains, each three-colporated, with a thick sexine and a psilated superficies. So, we can say, that Phaseoleae is a erypalynous group. Dalbergieae, with the genera: Andira, Dalbergia, Lonchocarpus, Machaerium, Platymiscium and Pterocarpus (and Dahlstedtia, the only exception), has very uniform pollen grains, and may be considered stenopalynous. It is not possible to include the genus Dahlstedtia into this group. A little exception is represented by Pterocarpus violaceus, because of the reticulated sexine of its grains, while the others, also three-colporated, possess a tectate-reticulated sexine. The genera Myrocarpus and Ormosia, from Sophoreae, are very more similar to the Dalbergieae as to any other genus of the Phaseoleae.
Ectoparasitic batflies were studied on 12 species of phyllostomid bats, by making 35 nightly collections of bats using mist nets at the "Panga" Ecological Reservation near Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, from August 1989 to July 1990. Eleven species of Streblidae and one of Nycteribiidae were collected on 12 species of bats. Prevalence of ectoparasitic flies was lower than those reported by other authors for the New World and may be the result of the lack of caves in the study area, causing bats to roost in less favorable locations, forming smaller colonies. The fly, Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, was found on Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus), showing preference for adult male bats. This could be explained by the predominance of males in the bat colonies, and by the fact that females rest in isolation during the reproductive period making them less exposed to the parasites. The streblid flies, Aspidoptera falcata Wenzel and Megistopoda proxima (Séguy), were found on Sturnira lilium (Geoffroy). A. falcata occurred mainly on young and adult females, whereas M. proxima did not show any preferences relative to the reproductive condition of the host. Ecological factors are important in determining differential numbers of parasites occurring on the different sexes, ages and reproductive state of the hosts.
Extracts of 13 Brazilian medicinal plants were screened for their antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts. Of these, 10 plant extracts showed varied levels of antibacterial activity. Piper regnellii presented a good activity against Staphylococus aureus and Bacillus subtilis, a moderate activity on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a weak activity against Escherichia coli. Punica granatum showed good activity on S. aureus and was inactive against the other standard strains. Eugenia uniflora presented moderate activity on both S. aureus and E. coli. Psidium guajava,Tanacetum vulgare, Arctium lappa, Mikania glomerata, Sambucus canadensis, Plantago major and Erythrina speciosa presented some degree of antibacterial activity. Spilanthes acmella, Lippia alba, and Achillea millefolium were considered inactive. Five of the plant extracts presented compounds with Rf values similar to the antibacterial compounds visible on bioautogram. Of these, three plants belong to the Asteraceae family. This may mean that the same compounds are responsible for the antibacterial activity in these plants. Anticandidal activity was detected in nine plant extracts (P. guajava, E. uniflora, P. granatum, A. lappa, T. vulgare, M. glomerata, L. alba, P. regnellii, and P. major). The results might explain the ethnobotanical use of the studied species for the treatment of various infectious diseases.
A total of 443 bat flies belonging to the families Nycteribiidae and Strelidae, were collected on 22 species of bats (Molossidae, Phyllostomidae, and Vespertilionidae) from Parque Estadual da Cantareira (São Paulo, Brazil), between January, 2000 and January, 2001. Eighteen new occurrences of bat flies were recorded on Anoura geoffroyi (Anastrebla caudiferae), Glossophaga soricina (A. caudiferae), Sturnira lilium (Trichobius phyllostomae, T. furmani, and Paraeuctenodes similis), Artibeus lituratus (A. caudiferae), A. fimbriatus (Megistopoda proxima), A. obscurus (Metelasmus pseudopterus), Myotis nigricans (M. proxima, M. aranea, Paratrichobius longicrus), M. ruber (Anatrichobius passosi, Joblingia sp.), M. levis (A. passosi), M. albescens (A. passosi, Basilia andersoni), and Histiotus velatus (M. aranea). Seven new occurrences were recorded for the state of São Paulo, increasing the range for T. tiptoni, T. furmani, M. proxima, Aspidoptera falcata, A. caudiferae, A. modestini and B. andersoni. The relationships between parasitism and host sex, reproductive stage, age hyperparasitism by fungi are discussed.
Streblidae flies are specialised parasites of bat hosts, mainly phyllostomids. There is a high richness of streblids in the savannah-like Cerrado region; however, there is little quantitative data available in parasitological indices. Here, we describe the component community, prevalence and intensity of a streblid infestation on a phyllostomid bat assemblage in Serra da Bodoquena, a Cerrado region in Southwest Brazil. We conducted surveys by capturing and inspecting bat hosts during the seven-month period between October 2004-December 2005. All the ectoparasites found on the bats were collected in the field and then counted and identified in the laboratory. We captured 327 bats belonging to 13 species, of which eight species were parasitized by 17 species of streblids. Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina were infested with seven streblid species, whereas the other bat species were infested with four or fewer streblid species. Megistopoda proxima and Aspidoptera falcata flies were found on Sturnira lilium, and Trichobius joblingi was the most prevalent fly on C. perspicillata. Megistopoda aranea and Aspidoptera phyllostomatis were highly prevalent and had a high intensity of infestation on Artibeus planirostris. Overall comparisons of the available data suggest that the component communities of streblids vary more between the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest phytogeographical regions than between localities within the same phytogeographical region.
A resposta do cacaueiro à aplicação de micronutrientes, matéria orgânica, calcário e fracionamento da adubação foi determinada em dois experimentos, instalados em solos das unidades Terra Roxa estruturada eutrófica (TR) e Latossolo Amarelo (LA), no Estado do Pará, no período de 1988 a 1993. As lavouras de cacau do híbrido Sca 6 x Be 10 foram implantadas pelo sistema de derrubada total e queima da floresta primária, utilizando-se sombreamento provisório de bananeira (Musa spp.) e permanente de Erythrina poeppigiana ou Gmelina arborea. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, sendo a parcela constituída de 20 plantas úteis. Os resultados de produção de cacau demonstraram que não houve interação significativa entre tratamentos e solos ou ano de condução do experimento. O fracionamento da adubação NPK em três aplicações/ano e a adubação NPK + Zn foram os melhores tratamentos, provocando incrementos (P < 0,05) na produtividade do cacaueiro da ordem de 27,5% e 10,9%, respectivamente. A menor incidência (P < 0,05) de frutos atacados pela enfermidade vassoura-de-bruxa, causada pelo fungo Crinipellis perniciosa, foi observada nos tratamentos em que se aplicaram uma mistura de micronutrientes (B, Cu, Zn, Fe e Mo) ou esterco de gado na dosagem de 5 t ha-1; as porcentagens de frutos doentes dos demais tratamentos não diferiram da adubação NPK (testemunha). Para o aumento da produtividade, a estratégia de adubação mais eficiente foi o fracionamento da adubação NPK (60 kg ha-1 de N, P(2)0(5) e K(2)0) em três aplicações ao ano. O efeito de micronutrientes e do esterco de gado na infecção da vassoura-de-bruxa merece ser investigado com mais atenção.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de dois sistemas de cultivo orgânico sobre crescimento, fenologia, nutrição e produtividade de cultivares de cafeeiro, e sobre as características químicas do solo. Seis cultivares de café foram avaliadas em monocultura a pleno sol e em cultivo sombreado com banana e Erythrina verna, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. O sombreamento reduziu a taxa de crescimento das cultivares nos primeiros 15 meses de cultivo. Depois de três anos reduziu, também, o diâmetro, o número de ramos produtivos e de nós dos cafeeiros; aumentou a área foliar e o tamanho dos grãos; reduziu o teor de K do solo, e aumentou os teores de N e de Mg nas folhas do café. Na primeira etapa da colheita (março/2004), a produtividade média das cultivares foi menor no sistema sombreado, o que evidencia que o sombreamento retarda a maturação dos grãos. Na segunda etapa (junho/2004), houve diferença entre cultivares, porém não entre os sistemas de cultivo. A produtividade média total (soma das duas etapas) foi igual nos dois sistemas de cultivo. As cultivares Tupi, Icatu e Obatã são as mais promissoras para o cultivo sombreado.
Erythrina verna is a medicinal plant used to calm agitation popularly known as mulungu. We purchased the barks of E. verna from a commercial producer and analyzed the alkaloid fraction of the bark by CG-MS and HRESI-MS. Five erythrinian alkaloids were identified: erysotrine, erythratidine, erythratidinone, epimer, and 11-hydroxieritratidinone. Here we report the compound 11-hydroxieritratidinone for the first time as a natural product.
Myracrodruon urundeuva (aroeira) é uma das espécies arbóreas que apresentam madeira de maior durabilidade em contato com o solo. Em razão dessa característica, populações naturais de M. urundeuva, distribuídas por quase todo o Brasil, vêm sendo dizimadas. Desse modo, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a expressão da variação genética em uma população natural de M. urundeuva procedente da Estação Ecológica do Instituto Florestal, localizada em Paulo de Faria, SP. Coletaram-se sementes de 30 árvores de polinização livre, em setembro de 1996. Com esse material, foram instalados três testes de progênies em diferentes sistemas de plantio em Selvíria, MS, obedecendo a um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 30 tratamentos (progênies) e três repetições. Foi assumido o modelo de cruzamento misto para essa espécie. Verificou-se que houve diferença significativa nos efeitos de progênies e ambiente (testes de progênies), e a interação progênies x ambientes não foi significativa. Desse modo, as progênies apresentaram comportamento semelhante nos diferentes ambientes. A melhor "performance" das progênies foi no plantio envolvendo M. urundeuva, Guazuma ulmifolia (Lam) e Anandenanthera falcata (Benth. Speg.), as quais também apresentaram considerável variação genética, indicando alto valor para programas de conservação e melhoramento genético.