923 resultados para Equilibrium Poly(hema-co-thfma) Hydrogels


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A new kind of monolithic capillary electrochromatography column with poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene-co-methacrylic acid) as the stationary phase has been developed. The stationary phase was found to be porous by scanning electron microscopy and the composition of the continuous bed was proved by IR spectroscopy to be the ternary polymer of styrene, divinylbenzene, and methacrylic acid. The effects of operating parameters, such as voltage, electrolyte, and organic modifier concentration in the mobile phase on electroosmotic flow were studied systematically, The retention mechanism of neutral solutes on such a column proved to be similar to that of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. In addition, fast analyses of phenols, chlorobenzenes, anilines, isomeric compounds of phenylenediamine and alkylbenzenes within 4.5 min were achieved.


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The purpose of this study was to mathematically characterize the effects of defined experimental parameters (probe speed and the ratio of the probe diameter to the diameter of sample container) on the textural/mechanical properties of model gel systems. In addition, this study examined the applicability of dimensional analysis for the rheological interpretation of textural data in terms of shear stress and rate of shear. Aqueous gels (pH 7) were prepared containing 15% w/w poly(methylvinylether-co-maleic anhydride) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) (0, 3, 6, or 9% w/w). Texture profile analysis (TPA) was performed using a Stable Micro Systems texture analyzer (model TA-XT 2; Surrey, UK) in which an analytical probe was twice compressed into each formulation to a defined depth (15 mm) and at defined rates (1, 3, 5, 8, and 10 mm s-1), allowing a delay period (15 s) between the end of the first and beginning of the second compressions. Flow rheograms were performed using a Carri-Med CSL2-100 rheometer (TA Instruments, Surrey, UK) with parallel plate geometry under controlled shearing stresses at 20.0°?±?0.1°C. All formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow with no thixotropy. Increasing concentrations of PVP significantly increased formulation hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, and consistency. Increased hardness, compressibility, and consistency were ascribed to enhanced polymeric entanglements, thereby increasing the resistance to deformation. Increasing probe speed increased formulation hardness in a linear manner, because of the effects of probe speed on probe displacement and surface area. The relationship between formulation hardness and probe displacement was linear and was dependent on probe speed. Furthermore, the proportionality constant (gel strength) increased as a function of PVP concentration. The relationship between formulation hardness and diameter ratio was biphasic and was statistically defined by two linear relationships relating to diameter ratios from 0 to 0.4 and from 0.4 to 0.563. The dramatically increased hardness, associated with diameter ratios in excess of 0.4, was accredited to boundary effects, that is, the effect of the container wall on product flow. Using dimensional analysis, the hardness and probe displacement in TPA were mathematically transformed into corresponding rheological parameters, namely shearing stress and rate of shear, thereby allowing the application of the power law (??=?k?n) to textural data. Importantly, the consistencies (k) of the formulations, calculated using transformed textural data, were statistically similar to those obtained using flow rheometry. In conclusion, this study has, firstly, characterized the relationships between textural data and two key instrumental parameters in TPA and, secondly, described a method by which rheological information may be derived using this technique. This will enable a greater application of TPA for the rheological characterization of pharmaceutical gels and, in addition, will enable efficient interpretation of textural data under different experimental parameters.


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The density of reactive carboxyl groups on the surface of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NP) was modulated using a combination of high-molecular weight (MW) encapped and low MW non-encapped PLGA. Carboxyl groups were activated using carbodiimide chemistry and conjugated to bovine serum albumin and a model polyclonal antibody. Activation of carboxyl,groups in solution-phase PLGA prior to NP formation was compared with a postformation activation of peripheral carboxyl groups on intact NP. Activation before or after NP formation did not influence conjugation efficiency to NP prepared using 100% of the low-MW PLGA. The effect of steric stabilization using poly(vinyl alcohol) reduced conjugation of a polyclonal antibody from 62 mu g/(mg NP) to 32 mu g/(mg NP), but enhanced particulate stability. Increasing the amount of a high-MW PLGA also reduced Conjugation, with the activation post-formation still superior to the preformation approach. Drug release studies showed that high proportions of high-MW PLGA in the NP produced a longer sustained release profile of a model drug (celecoxib). It can be concluded that activating intact PLGA NP is superior to activating component parts prior to NP formation. Also, high MW PLGA could be used to prolong drug release, but at the expense of conjugation efficiency on to the NP surface. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 87A: 873-884, 2008


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Purpose: To prepare a nanoparticulate formulation expressing variable peripheral carboxyl density using non-endcapped and endcapped poly(lactide-co-glycolide), conjugated to antibodies recognising the siglec-7 receptor, which is expressed on most acute myeloid leukaemias. The aim is to exploit this receptor as a therapeutic target by constructing an internalising drug-loaded nanoparticle able to
translocate into cytoplasm by siglec receptor-mediated internalisation.

Materials and Methods: Antibodies to the siglec-7 (CD33-like) receptor were conjugated to dye-loaded nanoparticles using carbodiimide chemistry, giving 32.6 mg protein per mg of nanoparticles using 100% of the non-endcapped PLGA. Binding studies using cognate antigen were used to verify preservation of antibody function following conjugation.

Results: Mouse embryonic fibroblasts expressing recombinant siglec-7 receptor and exposed to NileRed-loaded nanoparticles conjugated to antibody accumulated intracellular fluorescence, which was not observed if either antibody or siglec-7 receptor was absent. Confocal microscopy revealed internalised perinuclear cytoplasmic staining, with an Acridine Orange-based analysis showing red staining in localised foci, indicating localisation within acidic endocytic compartments.

Conclusions: Results show antibody-NP constructs are internalised via siglec-7 receptor-mediated internalisation. If loaded with a therapeutic agent, antibody-NP constructs can cross into cytoplasmic
space and delivery drugs intracellularly to cells expressing CD33-like receptors, such as natural killer cells and monocytes.


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Incorporation of 1-alkylcarbonyloxymethylprodrugs of 5FU into poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles using nanoprecipitation methods gave increased loading efficiencies over that obtained using the parent drug substance. SEM studies revealed spherical nanoparticles of around 200 nm in diameter, corresponding well with measurements made using photon correlation spectroscopy. The C-7 prodrug gave the best mean loading of 47.23%, which compared favourably to 3.68% loading achieved with 5FU. Loading efficiency was seen to follow the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance in the homologue series, where increases in lipophilicities alone were not good predictors of loading. Drug release, in terms of resultant 5FU concentration, was monitored using a flow-through dissolution apparatus. Cumulative drug release from nanoparticles loaded with the C-5 prodrug was linear over 6h, with approximately 14% of the total available 5FU dose released and with no evidence of a burst effect. The flux profile of the C-5-loaded nanoparticles showed an initial peak in flux in the first sampling interval, but became linear for the remainder of the release phase. C-7-loaded nanoparticles released considerably less (4% in 6 h) with a similar flux pattern to that seen with the C-5 prodrug. The C-9-loaded nanoparticles released less than 1% of the available 5FU over 6 h, with a similar zero-order profile. The C7 prodrug was deemed to be the prodrug of choice, achieving the highest loadings and releasing 5FU, following hydrolysis, in a zero-order fashion over a period of at least 6 h. Given the lack of burst effect and steady-state flux conditions, this nanoparticulate formulation offers a better dosing strategy for sustained intravenous use when compared to that arising from nanoparticles made by direct incorporation of 5FU. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Poly(vinyl alcohol)-tetrahydroxyborate (PVA-THB) hydrogels are dilatant formulations with potential for topical wound management. To support this contention, the physical properties, rheological behaviour and component release of candidate formulations were investigated. Oscillatory rheometry and texture profile analysis were used at room temperature and 37 °C. Results showed that it was possible to control the rheological and textural properties by altering component concentration and modifying the type of PVA polymer used. Hydrogels made using PVA grades with higher degrees of hydrolysis displayed favourable characteristics from a wound healing perspective. In vitro release of borate and PVA were assessed in order to evaluate potential clinical dosing of free species originating from the hydrogel structure. Component diffusion was influenced by both concentration and molecular weight, where relevant, with up to 5% free PVA cumulative release observed after 30 min. The results of this study demonstrated the importance of poly(vinyl alcohol) selection for ensuring appropriate gel formation in PVA-THB hydrogels. The benefits of higher degrees of hydrolysis, in particular, included lower excipient release and reduced bioadhesion. The unique physical characteristics of these hydrogels make them an appealing delivery vehicle for chronic and acute wound management purposes.


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Les travaux de recherche présentés ici avaient pour objectif principal la synthèse de copolymères statistiques à base d’éthylène et d’acide acrylique (AA). Pour cela, la déprotection des groupements esters d’un copolymère statistique précurseur, le poly(éthylène-co-(tert-butyl)acrylate), a été effectuée par hydrolyse à l’aide d’iodure de triméthylsilyle. La synthèse de ce précurseur est réalisée par polymérisation catalytique en présence d’un système à base de Palladium (Pd). Le deuxième objectif a été d’étudier et de caractériser des polymères synthétisés à l’état solide et en suspension colloïdale. Plusieurs copolymères précurseurs comprenant différents pourcentages molaires en tert-butyl acrylate (4 à 12% molaires) ont été synthétisés avec succès, puis déprotégés par hydrolyse pour obtenir des poly(éthylène-coacide acrylique) (pE-co-AA) avec différentes compositions. Seuls les copolymères comprenant 10% molaire ou plus de AA sont solubles dans le Tétrahydrofurane (THF) et uniquement dans ce solvant. De telles solutions peuvent être dialysées dans l’eau, ce qui conduit à un échange lent entre cette dernière et le THF, et l’autoassemblage du copolymère dans l’eau peut ensuite être étudié. C’est ainsi qu’ont pu être observées des nanoparticules stables dans le temps dont le comportement est sensible au pH et à la température. Les polymères synthétisés ont été caractérisés par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire (RMN) ainsi que par spectroscopie Infra-Rouge (IR), avant et après déprotection. Les pourcentages molaires d’AA ont été déterminés par combinaison des résultats de RMN et ii de titrages conductimètriques. A l’état solide, les échantillons ont été analysés par Calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC) et par Diffraction des rayons X. Les solutions colloïdales des polymères pE-co-AA ont été caractérisées par Diffusion dynamique de la lumière et par la DSC-haute sensibilité. De la microscopie électronique à transmission (TEM) a permis de visualiser la forme et la taille des nanoparticules.


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Arterial bypass and heart valve replacements are two of the most common surgical treatments in cardiovascular surgery today. Currently, artificial materials are used as substitute for these cardiac tissues. However, these foreign materials do not have the ability to grow, repair or remodel and are thrombogenic, leading to stenosis. With the aid of tissue engineering, it is possible to develop functional identical copies of healthy heart valves and arteries, which are biocompatible. Although much effort has been made into this area, there are still inconsistencies with respect to
endothelialisation and cell retention on synthetic biological grafts. These variations may be attributed to differences in factors such as cell seeding density, incubation periods and effects of shear stress. In this study, we have compared the endothelialisation and cell retention between gelain chitosan-coated electrospun polyurethane (PU), poly (lactide co-glycolide) (PGA/PLA) and collagen-coated pericardium. Endothelial cells adhered to all of the materials as early as 1–day post seeding. After 7-day of seeding, the coverage on PU was almost 45% and that on PGA/PLA was about 25% and the least was on collagen-coated pericardium of approximately 15%. It was observed that the PU showed superior cell coverage and cell retention in comparison to the PGA/PLA and collagen-coated pericardium.