990 resultados para Environmental toxicology.
Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Recently was observed that pyrethroids decrease motor coordination and that calcium channels can be important targets for this effect. To contribute with this observation, this work studied the motor coordination and exploration (using hole-board apparatus), and locomotion (using open-field apparatus) of rats exposed to following treatments: permethrin (PM), PM plus calcium gluconate (CG) and PM plus amlodipine (AML). The results obtained show that CG or AML alone not changed the motor coordination while PM decreases it. CG kept the effect of permethrin; AML, however, decreased the values of permethrin to the control. Locomotor activity and exploration, which could confound results of motor coordination, were not modified by treatments. The concentration of PM in brain tissue was increased by the CG and AML. The neurosomatic index (weight brain/body weight) was increased by the PM and PM + CG. In conclusion, the combined results here obtained indicates that the calcium ion and the channels in which it is involved can be important targets for the toxic effect of pyrethroid insecticide permethrin on motor nerve activity of rats. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bees have a crucial role in pollination; therefore, it is important to determine the causes of their recent decline. Fipronil and imidacloprid are insecticides used worldwide to eliminate or control insect pests. Because they are broad-spectrum insecticides, they can also affect honeybees. Many researchers have studied the lethal and sublethal effects of these and other insecticides on honeybees, and some of these studies have demonstrated a correlation between the insecticides and colony collapse disorder in bees. The authors investigated the effects of fipronil and imidacloprid on the bioenergetic functioning of mitochondria isolated from the heads and thoraces of Africanized honeybees. Fipronil caused dose-dependent inhibition of adenosine 5'-diphosphate-stimulated (state 3) respiration in mitochondria energized by either pyruvate or succinate, albeit with different potentials, in thoracic mitochondria; inhibition was strongest when respiring with complex I substrate. Fipronil affected adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) production in a dose-dependent manner in both tissues and substrates, though with different sensitivities. Imidacloprid also affected state-3 respiration in both the thorax and head, being more potent in head pyruvate-energized mitochondria; it also inhibited ATP production. Fipronil and imidacloprid had no effect on mitochondrial state-4 respiration. The authors concluded that fipronil and imidacloprid are inhibitors of mitochondrial bioenergetics, resulting in depleted ATP. This action can explain the toxicity of these compounds to honeybees. (c) 2014 SETAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fipronil is an insecticide extensively used to control pests in crops and animals. There are relates of poisoning due to exposure of fipronil in mammals and the liver has been suggested as potential target. In this study, we evaluated the effects of fipronil and its metabolites sulfone and desulfinyl on the bioenergetics, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and calcium efflux from mitochondria isolated from rat liver. Fipronil (5-25 μM) inhibited state-3 respiration in mitochondria energized with glutamate plus malate, substrates of complex I of the respiratory chain and decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential resulting in inhibition of ATP synthesis. Fipronil also caused uncoupling in succinate-energized mitochondria and calcium efflux. The metabolites sulfone and desulfinyl also acted as mitochondrial inhibitors and uncouplers and caused calcium efflux, but with different potencies, being the sulfone the more potent one. These effects of fipronil and its metabolites on mitochondrial bioenergetics and calcium homeostasis may be related to toxic effects of the insecticide in the liver.
In the present study, it was evaluated the susceptibility of prostatic lesions in male adult rats exposed to Di-N-butyl-phthalate during fetal and lactational periods and submitted to MNU plus testosterone carcinogenesis protocol. Pregnant females were distributed into four experimental groups: CN (negative control); CMNU (MNU control); TDBP100 (100 mg/kg of DBP); TDBP500 (500 mg/kg of DBP). Females from the TDBP groups received DBP, by gavage, from gestation day 15 (GD15) to postnatal day 21 (DPN21), while C animals received the vehicle (corn oil). CMNU, TDBP100, and TDBP500 groups received a single intraperitoneal injection of MNU (50 mg/kg) on the sixth postnatal week. After that, testosterone cypionate was administered subcutaneously two times a week (2 mg/kg) for 24 weeks. The animals were euthanized on PND220. Distal segment fragments of the ventral (VP) and dorsolateral prostate (DLP) were fixed and processed for histopathological analysis. Protein extracts from ventral prostate were obtained, and western blotting was performed to AR, ERα, MAPK (ERK1/2), and pan-AKT. Stereological analysis showed an increase in the epithelial compartment in TDBP100 and TDBP500 compared to CN. In general, there was increase in the incidence of inflammation and metaplasia/dysplasia in the DBP-treated groups, mainly in DLP, compared to CN and CMNU. Proliferation index was significant higher in TDBP500 and PIN (prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia) was more frequent in this group compared to CMNU. Western blot assays showed an increase in the expressions of AR and MAPK (ERK1/2) in the TDBP100 compared to CN, and ERα and AKT expressions were higher in the TDBP500 group compared do CN. These results showed that different doses of DBP during prostate organogenesis in Wistar rats could increase the incidence of premalignant lesions in initiated rats inducing distinct biological responses in the adulthood. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2015.
Androgen exposure during sexual development induces alterations in steroidal target tissues. The objective of this study was to evaluate the uterine responsiveness to estradiol after perinatal androgenization. Pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to corn oil or testosterone propionate at 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mg/kg from gestational day 12 until postnatal day 21. Female offspring was challenged with estradiol (E2 ) after weaning (0.4 mg/kg) and at adulthood (10 or 100 µg/day), when the pituitary response was also evaluated. At adulthood, control and 0.05 mg/kg groups presented a uterine weight increment when exposed to 100 µg/day of E2 , 0.1 mg/kg group only responded to 10 µg/day of E2 , and the 0.2 mg/kg group showed increased uterine weight at both doses. The pituitary weight was similarly increased after estradiol stimulation in all experimental groups. In conclusion, testosterone propionate exposure induced an abnormal stimulation of uterine tissue growth by estrogen stimulus without affecting pituitary response. More studies are needed to clarify whether these alterations are capable of impairing the reproductive capacity of the female tract. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2015.
Substances that mimic endogenous hormones may alter the cell signaling that govern prostate development and predispose it to developing lesions in adult and senile life. Bisphenol A is able to mimic estrogens, and studies have demonstrated that low levels of exposure to this compound have caused alterations during prostate development. The aim of this study was to describe the prostate development in both male and female neonatal gerbils in normal conditions and under exposure to BPA during intrauterine life, and also to analyze whether the effects of intrauterine exposure to BPA remain in adulthood. Morphological, stereological, three-dimensional reconstruction, and immunohistochemical methods were employed. The results demonstrated that in 1-day-old normal gerbils, the female paraurethral glands and the male ventral lobe are morphologically similar, although its tissue components-epithelial buds (EB), periurethral mesenchyme (PeM), paraurethral mesenchyme (PaM) or ventral mesenchymal pad (VMP), and smooth muscle (SM)-have presented different immunolabeling pattern for androgen receptor (AR), and for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Moreover, we observed a differential response of male and female prostate to intrauterine BPA exposure. In 1-day-old males, the intrauterine exposure to BPA caused a decrease of AR-positive cells in the PeM and SM, and a decrease of the proliferative status in the EB. In contrast, no morphological alterations were observed in ventral prostate of adult males. In 1-day-old females, BPA exposure promoted an increase of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) positive cells in PeM and PaM, a decrease of AR-positive cells in EB and PeM, besides a reduction of cell proliferation in EB. Additionally, the adult female prostate of BPA-exposed animals presented an increase of AR- and PCNA-positive cells. These results suggest that the prostate of female gerbils were more susceptible to the intrauterine BPA effects, since they became more proliferative in adult life. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2015.
Difubenzuron (DFB), an insecticide and acaricide insect growth regulator, can be used in agriculture against insect predators and in public health programs, to control insects and vectors, mainly Aedes aegypti larvae. Due to the lack of toxicological assessments of this compound, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the toxicological effects of subacute exposure to the DFB insecticide in adult male rats. Adult male rats were exposed (gavage) to 0, 2, 4, or 8 mg/kg of DFB for 28 days. No clinical signs of toxicity were observed in the DFB-treated animals of the experimental groups. However, there was an increase in serum levels of alanine aminotransferase in the group that received 8 mg/Kg/DFB/day and urea at doses of 4 and 8 mg/Kg/DFB/day, without altering other biochemical or hematological parameters. The subacute exposure to the lowest dose of DFB caused significant decrease in testis weight, daily sperm production, and in number of sperm in the epididymis in relation to the control group. However, no alterations were observed in the sperm morphology, testicular, epididymis, liver and kindney histology, or testosterone levels. These findings unveiled the hazardous effects of DFB on male reproduction after the subacute exposure and special attention should be addressed to the effects of low doses of this pesticide.
This study aimed to provide the first biomonitoring integrating biomarkers and bioaccumulation data in Sao Paulo coast, Brazil and, for this purpose, a battery of biomarkers of defense mechanisms was analyzed and linked to contaminants' body burden in a weigh-of-evidence approach. The brown mussel Perna perna was selected to be transplanted from a farming area (Caraguatatuba) to four possibly polluted sites: Engenho D'Agua, DTCS (Dutos e Terminais do Centro-Oeste de Sao Paulo) oil terminal (Sao Sebastiao zone), Palmas Island, and Itaipu (It; Santos Bay zone). After 3 months of exposure in each season, mussels were recollected and the cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A)- and CYP3A-like activities, glutathione-S-transferase and antioxidants enzymes (catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase) were analyzed in gills. The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, linear alkylbenzenes, and nonessential metals (Cr, Cd, Pb, and Hg) in whole tissue were also analyzed and data were linked to biomarkers' responses by multivariate analysis (principal component analysisfactor analysis). A representation of estimated factor scores was performed to confirm the factor descriptions and to characterize the studied stations. Biomarkers exhibited most significant alterations all year long in mussels transplanted to It, located at Santos Bay zone, where bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic compounds was detected. This integrated approach using transplanted mussels showed satisfactory results, pointing out differences between sites, seasons, and critical areas, which could be related to land-based contaminants' sources. The influence of natural factors and other contaminants (e.g., pharmaceuticals) on biomarkers' responses are also discussed.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of new oligonucleotide primers (mcyB-F/R, mcyB-F/R-A, and mcyB-F/R-B) designed from Brazilian cyanobacteria for the detection of microcystin-producing genotypes in 27 environmental samples from water reservoirs and 11 strains of Microcystis. Microcystins were found using HPLC in all 11 strains and 19 of the environmental samples. The new oligonucleotide primers amplified fragments of microcystin-producing genes, including the eight environmental samples in which no microcystins were detected by HPLC, but which presented amplified fragments, thereby demonstrating the existence of microcystin-producing genes. The new oligonucleotide primers exhibited better specificity when used with environmental samples and were more reliable in comparison with those described in the literature (mcyB-FAA/RAA and mcyA-Cd/FR), which generate false-negative results. The better performance of these new oligonucleotide primers underline the need for designing molecular markers that are well fitted to the regional biological diversity. As this is a fast predictive technique for determining the presence or absence of microcystins, it could be used either alone or in conjunction with other techniques, such as the screening of samples to be sent for quantitative toxicological analysis using HPLC, thereby reducing monitoring cost and time. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2012.