979 resultados para Environmental pollutants


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Hematological alterations in fish are considered a useful tool to evaluate pathological processes resulting from the exposure to environmental pollutants. The whitemouth croaker Micropogonias furnieri is a common species in estuarine areas and potentially exposed to many contaminants. In the present study, the hematological characteristics of fish collected at two sites in Baixada Santista (Santos Estuarine System - SES, a polluted site; and the Estuary of Itanhaem River - EIR, unpolluted site) del was analysed. The following blood descriptors were analyzed: number of Erythrocytes (Er), Hematocrit (Ht), Hemoglobin (Hb), Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Fish from SES exhibited significant lower levels of Ht and increase on MCHC and Hb. Such differences are likely related to the different contamination levels found in these estuaries.


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Previous studies have shown that particulate matter (PM) compromise birth weight and placental morphology. We hypothesized that exposing mice to ambient PM would affect umbilical cord (UC) morphology. To test this, mice were kept in paired open-top exposure chambers at the same location and ambient conditions but, in one chamber, the air was filtered (F) and, in the other, it was not (NF). UCs were analysed stereologically and by immunohistochemistry to localize isoprostane and endothelin receptors. The cords of mice from NF chambers were smaller in volume due to loss of mucoid connective tissue and decrease in volume of collagen. These structural changes and in umbilical vessels were associated with greater volumes of regions immunostained for isoprostane, ETAR and ETBR. Findings indicate that the adverse effects of PM on birth weight may be mediated in part by alterations in UC structure or imbalances in the endogenous regulators of vascular tone and oxidative stress. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an ideal tool for evaluating toxicant exposure in health risk assessment. Chemical substances or their metabolites related to environmental pollutants can be detected as biomarkers of exposure using a wide variety of biological fluids. Individual exposure to aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (benzene, toluene, and o-xylene –“BTX”) were analysed with a liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (μHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous quantitative detection of the BTX exposure biomarker SPMA, SBMA and o-MBMA in human urine. Urinary S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) is a biomarker proposed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) for assessing occupational exposure to benzene (Biological Exposure Index of 25 microg/g creatinine). Urinary S-benzylmercapturic (SBMA) and o-methyl S-benzyl mercapturic acid (o-MBMA) are specific toluene and o-xylene metabolites of glutathione detoxicant pathways, proposed as reliable biomarkers of exposure. To this aim a pre-treatment of the urine with solid phase extraction (SPE) and an evaporation step were necessary to concentrate the mercapturic acids before instrumental analysis. A liquid chromatography separation was carried out with a reversed phase capillary column (Synergi 4u Max-RP) using a binary gradient composed of an acquous solution of formic acid 0.07% v/v and methanol. The mercapturic acids were determinated by negative-ion-mass spectrometry and the data were corrected using isotope-labelled analogs as internal standards. The analytical method follows U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidance and was applied to assess exposure to BTX in a group of 396 traffic wardens. The association between biomarker results and individual factors, such as age, sex and tobacco smoke were also investigated. The present work also included improvements in the methods used by modifying various chromatographic parameters and experimental procedures. A partial validation was conducted to evaluate LOD, precision, accuracy, recovery as well as matrix effects. Higher sensitivity will be possible in future biological monitoring programmes, allowing evaluation of very low level of BTX human exposure. Keywords: Human biomonitoring, aromatic hydrocarbons, biomarker of exposure, HPLC-MS/MS.


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Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) monooxygenase plays an important role in the metabolism of environmental pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs). Oxidation of these compounds converts them to the metabolites that subsequently can be conjugated to hydrophilic endogenous entities e.g. glutathione. Derivates generated in this way are water soluble and can be excreted in bile or urine, which is a defense mechanism. Besides detoxification, metabolism by CYP1A1 may lead to deleterious effects since the highly reactive intermediate metabolites are able to react with DNA and thus cause mutagenic effects, as it is in the case of benzo(a) pyrene (B[a]P). CYP1A1 is normally not expressed or expressed at a very low level in the cells but it is inducible by many PAHs and HAHs e.g. by B[a]P or 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Transcriptional activation of the CYP1A1 gene is mediated by aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), a basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor. In the absence of a ligand AHR stays predominantly in the cytoplasm. Ligand binding causes translocation of AHR to the nuclear compartment, its heterodimerization with another bHLH protein, the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator (ARNT) and binding of the AHR/ARNT heterodimer to a DNA motif designated dioxin responsive element (DRE). This process leads to the transcriptional activation of the responsive genes containing DREs in their regulatory regions, e.g. that coding for CYP1A1. TCDD is the most potent known agonist of AHR. Since it is not metabolized by the activated enzymes, exposure to this compound leads to a persisting activation of AHR resulting in diverse toxic effects in the organism. To enlighten the molecular mechanisms that mediate the toxicity of xenobiotics like TCDD and related compounds, the AHR-dependent regulation of the CYP1A1 gene was investigated in two cell lines: human cervix carcinoma (HeLa) and mouse hepatoma (Hepa). Study of AHR activation and its consequence concerning expression of the CYP1A1 enzyme confirmed the TCDD-dependent formation of the AHR/ARNT complex on DRE leading to an increase of the CYP1A1 transcription in Hepa cells. In contrast, in HeLa cells formation of the AHR/ARNT heterodimer and binding of a protein complex containing AHR and ARNT to DRE occurred naturally in the absence of TCDD. Moreover, treatment with TCDD did not affect the AHR/ARNT dimer formation and binding of these proteins to DRE in these cells. Even though the constitutive complex on DRE exists in HeLa, transcription of the CYP1A1 gene was not increased. Furthermore, the CYP1A1 level in HeLa cells remained unchanged in the presence of TCDD suggesting repressional mechanism of the AHR complex function which may hinder the TCDD-dependent mechanisms in these cells. Similar to the native, the mouse CYP1A1-driven reporter constructs containing different regulatory elements were not inducible by TCDD in HeLa cells, which supported a presence of cell type specific trans-acting factor in HeLa cells able to repress both the native CYP1A1 and CYP1A1-driven reporter genes rather than species specific differences between CYP1A1 genes of human and rodent origin. The different regulation of the AHR-mediated transcription of CYP1A1 gene in Hepa and HeLa cells was further explored in order to elucidate two aspects of the AHR function: (I) mechanism involved in the activation of AHR in the absence of exogenous ligand and (II) factor that repress function of the exogenous ligand-independent AHR/ARNT complex. Since preliminary studies revealed that the activation of PKA causes an activation of AHR in Hepa cells in the absence of TCDD, the PKA-dependent signalling pathway was the proposed endogenous mechanism leading to the TCDD-independent activation of AHR in HeLa cells. Activation of PKA by forskolin or db-cAMP as well as inhibition of the kinase by H89 in both HeLa and Hepa cells did not lead to alterations in the AHR interaction with ARNT in the absence of TCDD and had no effect on binding of these proteins to DRE. Moreover, the modulators of PKA did not influence the CYP1A1 activity in these cells in the presence and in the absence of TCDD. Thus, an involvement of PKA in the regulation of the CYP1A1 Gen in HeLa cells was not evaluated in the course of this study. Repression of genes by transcription factors bound to their responsive elements in the absence of ligands has been described for nuclear receptors. These receptors interact with protein complex containing histone deacetylase (HDAC), enzyme responsible for the repressional effect. Thus, a participation of histone deacetylase in the transcriptional modulation of CYP1A1 gene by the constitutively DNA-bound AHR/ARNT complex was supposed. Inhibition of the HDAC activity by trichostatin A (TSA) or sodium butyrate (NaBu) led to an increase of the CYP1A1 transcription in the presence but not in the absence of TCDD in Hepa and HeLa cells. Since amount of the AHR and ARNT proteins remained unchanged upon treatment of the cells with TSA or NaBu, the transcriptional upregulation of CYP1A1 gene was not due to an increased expression of the regulatory proteins. These findings strongly suggest an involvement of HDAC in the repression of the CYP1A1 gene. Similar to the native human CYP1A1 also the mouse CYP1A1-driven reporter gene transfected into HeLa cells was repressed by histone deacetylase since the presence of TSA or NaBu led to an increase in the reporter activity. Induction of reporter gene did not require a presence of the promoter or negative regulatory regions of the CYP1A1 gene. A promoter-distal fragment containing three DREs together with surrounding sequences was sufficient to mediate the effects of the HDAC inhibitors suggesting that the AHR/ARNT binding to its specific DNA recognition site may be important for the CYP1A1 repression. Histone deacetylase is recruited to the specific genes by corepressors, proteins that bind to the transcription factors and interact with other members of the HDAC complex. Western blot analyses revealed a presence of HDAC1 and the corepressors mSin3A (mammalian homolog of yeast Sin3) and SMRT (silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid hormone receptor) in both cell types, while the corepressor NCoR (nuclear receptor corepressor) was expressed exclusively in HeLa cells. Thus the high inducibility of CYP1A1 in Hepa cells may be due to the absence of NCoR in these cells in contrast to the non-responsive HeLa cells, where the presence of NCoR would support repression of the gene by histone deacetylase. This hypothesis was verified in reporter gene experiments where expression constructs coding for the particular members of the HDAC complex were cotransfected in Hepa cells together with the TCDD-inducible reporter constructs containing the CYP1A1 regulatory sequences. An overexpression of NCoR however did not decrease but instead led to a slight increase of the reporter gene activity in the cells. The expected inhibition was observed solely in the case of SMRT that slightly reduced constitutive and TCDD-induced reporter gene activity. A simultaneous expression of NCoR and SMRT shown no further effects and coexpression of HDAC1 with the two corepressors did not alter this situation. Thus, additional factors that are likely involved in the repression of CYP1A1 gene by HDAC complex remained to be identified. Taking together, characterisation of an exogenous ligand independent AHR/ARNT complex on DRE in HeLa cells that repress transcription of the CYP1A1 gene creates a model system enabling investigation of endogenous processes involved in the regulation of AHR function. This study implicates HDAC-mediated repression of CYP1A1 gene that contributes to the xenobiotic-induced expression in a tissue specific manner. Elucidation of these processes gains an insight into mechanisms leading to deleterious effects of TCDD and related compounds.


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Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) sind ubiquitäre Verschmutzungen der Umwelt und entstehen während der unvollständigen Verbrennung organischen Materials wie Holz, Kohle und Erdöl. Werden diese chemisch nicht reaktiven PAK in den Körper aufgenommen, durchlaufen sie eine Reihe von enzymatischen Umsetzungen, die unter der Bezeichnung Fremdstoffmetabolismus zusammengefasst werden. Die chemische Umsetzung des PAK und Prokarzinogens Benzo[a]pyren (B[a]P) führt u.a. zur Bildung des reaktiven Metaboliten B[a]P-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxid (BPDE). BPDE ist stark elektrophil und kann auf Grund dieser Eigenschaft an nukleophile Makromoleküle wie Proteine und DNA binden. Die Bildung von BPDE-DNA-Addukten resultiert in der Entstehung von Mutationen und kann zur Tumorbildung führen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Wirkung von BPDE als Modellsubstanz für gentoxische Agenzien auf intrazelluläre Signalkaskaden und die Konsequenzen der BPDE-Exposition bezüglich der Zellaktivität untersucht werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass BPDE-Behandlung von Mausfibroblasten eine intrazelluläre Signalkaskade induziert, welche zur Aktivierung der Stressaktivierten Proteinkinasen (SAPK) JNK und p38 führt. An dieser Signalkaskade sind Src-ähnliche Kinasen beteiligt. BPDE-Behandlung führt in den untersuchten Mausfibroblasten zur Induktion von DNA-Einzelstrangbrüchen, deren Auftreten zeitlich mit der SAPK-Aktivierung korreliert. Die BPDEinduzierten DNA-Strangbrüche sind die Folge der Entfernung dieser Läsionen aus dem Genom durch die Nukleotidexzisionsreparatur (NER). Erkannt werden BPDE-DNA-Addukte durch die NERProteine XPA und XPC (Xeroderma Pigmentosum Komplementationsgruppe A und C). Nach der Erkennung von BPDE-DNA-Addukten kommt es zur Rekrutierung von Nukleasen, welche die vorliegende Läsion und umliegende Nukleotide aus dem Genom entfernen. In XPA- und XPCdefizienten Mausfibroblasten induziert BPDE daher keine DNA-Strangbrüche. Jedoch ist nur in XPCdefizienten Zellen, aber nicht in XPA-defizienten Zellen, die SAPK-Aktivierung drastisch reduziert. Behandlung von Mausfibroblasten mit Benzo[c]phenanthren-3,4-Diol-1,2-Epoxid, einem PAK, dessen DNA-Addukte schlecht durch NER-Faktoren erkannt und repariert werden, führt zu keiner SAPKAktivierung. Die Aktivierung von p38 und JNK scheint demnach abhängig zu sein von der Erkennung des primären DNA-Schadens. Die XPC-abhängige SAPK-Aktivierung schützt die Zellen vor BPDEabhängiger Toxizität, da sowohl XPC- als auch p38-defiziente Mausfibroblasten eine höhere Sensitivität gegenüber BPDE zeigen als korrespondierende Wildtypzellen. Zusamenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit ein neuer Signalweg beschrieben werden, in dem DNASchäden, verursacht durch BPDE, über die XPC-abhängige DNA-Schadenserkennung, die Aktivierung der SAPK induziert. Diese Aktivierung der SAPK schützt vor BPDE-induzierter Toxizität.


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Xenobiotics are encountered by humans on a daily basis and include drugs, environmental pollutants, cosmetics, and even components of the diet. These chemicals undergo metabolism and detoxication to produce numerous metabolites, some of which have the potential to cause unintended effects such as toxicity. They can also block the action of enzymes or receptors used for endogenous metabolism or affect the efficacy and/or bioavailability of a coadministered drug. Therefore, it is essential to determine the full metabolic effects that these chemicals have on the body. Metabolomics, the comprehensive analysis of small molecules in a biofluid, can reveal biologically relevant perturbations that result from xenobiotic exposure. This review discusses the impact that genetic, environmental, and gut microflora variation has on the metabolome, and how these variables may interact, positively and negatively, with xenobiotic metabolism.


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Sediments can act as long-term sinks for environmental pollutants. Within the past decades, dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have attracted significant attention in the scientific community. To investigate the time- and concentration-dependent uptake of DLCs and PAHs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and their associated toxicological effects, we conducted exposure experiments using suspensions of three field-collected sediments from the rivers Rhine and Elbe, which were chosen to represent different contamination levels. Five serial dilutions of contaminated sediments were tested; these originated from the Prossen and Zollelbe sampling sites (both in the river Elbe, Germany) and from Ehrenbreitstein (Rhine, Germany), with lower levels of contamination. Fish were exposed to suspensions of these dilutions under semi-static conditions for 90 days. Analysis of muscle tissue by high resolution gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and of bile liquid by high-performance liquid chromatography showed that particle-bound PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PAHs were readily bioavailable from re-suspended sediments. Uptake of these contaminants and the associated toxicological effects in fish were largely proportional to their sediment concentrations. The changes in the investigated biomarkers closely reflected the different sediment contamination levels: cytochrome P450 1A mRNA expression and 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity in fish livers responded immediately and with high sensitivity, while increased frequencies of micronuclei and other nuclear aberrations, as well as histopathological and gross pathological lesions, were strong indicators of the potential long-term effects of re-suspension events. Our study clearly demonstrates that sediment re-suspension can lead to accumulation of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in fish, resulting in potentially adverse toxicological effects. For a sound risk assessment within the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive and related legislation, we propose a strong emphasis on sediment-bound contaminants in the context of integrated river basin management plans.


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Chronic inflammation leading to pulmonary fibrosis develops in response to environmental pollutants, radiotherapy, or certain cancer chemotherapeutic agents. Studies have shown that several cell types accumulate during the inflammatory process, but little information is known about what actually triggers and stimulates persistent inflammation culminating in fibrosis. As a first step in defining the events that precipitate inflammation in the lung, the biological mechanism(s) mediating apoptosis and cellular targets must be identified. The purpose of this study was to determine the molecular mechanism(s) of bleomycin-induced apoptosis in the lung using mice deficient in genes that we hypothesized to play a key role in apoptosis. Intratracheal administration of bleomycin led to caspase-mediated DNA fragmentation characteristic of apoptosis. The effects of bleomycin were associated with translocation of p53 from the cytosol to the nucleus only in alveolar macrophages that had been exposed to the drug in vivo, suggesting that the lung microenvironment regulated p53 activation. Experiments with a thiol antioxidant (N-acetylcysteine) in vivo and nitric oxide donors in vitro confirmed that reactive oxygen species were required for p53 activation. A specific role for NO was demonstrated in experiments with iNOS−/− macrophages, which failed to demonstrate nuclear p53 localization after in vivo bleomycin exposure. Strikingly, rates of bleomycin-induced apoptosis were at least two-fold higher in iNOS−/− and p53−/− C57BL/6 mice compared to wild-type controls. Laser Scanning Cytometry (LSC) analysis revealed that bleomycin exposure resulted in a 2-fold induction in Fas and FasL expression in wild-type mice but not iNOS−/− or p53−/− mice. Experiments using gld mice confirmed that the Fas/FasL pathway was the primary mechanism of bleomycin-induced apoptosis in the lung. LSC-mediated analysis indicated that bleomycin exposure resulted in a 2-fold induction in Bax expression in iNOS−/− and P53−/− mice but not wild-type mice. Furthermore, LSC analysis revealed that bleomycin exposure induced a 3-fold increase in thrombospondin expression in wild-type mice. However, thrombospondin was not expressed in either the iNOS−/− or p53−/− mice, implicating a thrombospondin-mediated apoptotic cell clearance mechanism in the lung. Together, these results demonstrate that iNOS and p53 positively regulate apoptosis via the Fas/FasL pathway and mediate a novel apoptosis-suppressing pathway in the lung. ^


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El ruido derivado de las actividades de ocio es uno de los contaminantes acústicos más importantes en la sociedad actual. Este foco de ruido no sólo se encuentra presente en los entorno de los bares, pubs o discotecas, sino también en las zonas donde se desarrollan los eventos festivos de la ciudad. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios y actuaciones llevadas a cabo desde el punto de vista ambiental que permitan conocer las principales características del ruido de ocio, los métodos de medida o los parámetros más adecuados. Por este motivo, se han fijado en estos aspectos los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral. Para el estudio del ruido de ocio nocturno se ha desarrollado y evaluado un método de medida, basado en la realización de medidas binaurales durante un recorrido y en medidas de larga duración en puntos fijos de las distintas zonas de ocio de Madrid y Cuenca. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se ha realizado una caracterización acústica del ruido ocio, se ha definido un procedimiento de actuación en el que se incluye un modelo de predicción, y se ha desarrollado un modelo clasificador capaz de diferenciar el ruido de ocio del ruido de tráfico rodado. En el caso de los eventos de ocio también se ha desarrollado un método de evaluación y medida adaptado a sus características, con el que se han medido los eventos más importantes acontecidos durante un año en Madrid y Cuenca, del análisis de estas medidas se ha determinado qué eventos son los más ruidosos, así como sus características principales y las diferencias entre ellos. Este estudio pretende servir de apoyo en la gestión del ruido ambiental derivado de las actividades de ocio, presentando datos cualitativos y cuantitativos de este tipo de ruido en sus distintas facetas y aportando nuevas herramientas que faciliten su gestión. ABSTRACT Leisure noise is one of the most important environmental pollutants nowadays. This noise is not only nearby leisure venues where people go at night, but also around leisure events like popular parties or concerts placed in urban areas. There are few studies and actions about leisure noise from the environmental noise point of view, and consequently, there are no information about the leisure noise characteristics, the most appropriate measurement methods or the most interesting parameters to evaluate this kind of noise. Consequently, these are the aims of this PhD thesis. About the noise around leisure venues, a measurement method has been defined by using the Soundwalker technique. Besides, fixed point measurements have been done in different leisure areas. With the results of these measurements, a noise characterization has been done and a guide has been developed to act in case of leisure noise problems, including a method to predict the leisure noise in this kind of areas. As well as that, a classifying model has been done to differenciate leisure noise and road traffic noise. A measurement procedure has been developed in the leisure events case. Following this procedure, the most important events happened during a year in two different cities have been measured. With these results, the noisiest events, the most important characteristics of each kind of event and the differences between them have been pointed out. This study tries to support the environmental noise management in the leisure noise case. It provides cualitative and quantitative data of leisure noise levels in different situations; it also defines an action protocol to resolve leisure noise problems and it defines new tools to manage this kind of noise.


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Natural coral reefs are in a state of serious decline worldwide. The pressures of over fishing, recreational activities, environmental pollutants, and global warming have stressed these marine ecosystems to the breaking point. One of the oldest methods of augmenting natural reef systems is the implementation of artificial reefs. These projects are not as simple as dumping waste or scrap materials in offshore areas. Proper material selection is vital to produce a healthy artificial marine habitat that is completed on schedule and on budget. This Capstone Project will evaluate the most commonly used materials and provide a comparison of their strengths and weaknesses. This comparison provides a valuable tool for project managers as they begin the reef planning process.


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A chemical sensor based on a coated long-period grating has been prepared and characterized. Designer coatings based on polydimethylsiloxane were prepared by the incorporation of diphenylsiloxane and titanium cross-linker in order to provide enhanced sensitivity for a variety of key environmental pollutants and optimal refractive index of the coating. Upon microextraction of the analyte into the polymer matrix, an increase in the refractive index of the coating resulted in a change in the attenuation spectrum of the long-period grating. The grating was interrogated using ring-down detection as a means to amplify the optical loss and to gain stability against misalignment and power fluctuations. Chemical differentiation of cyclohexane and xylene was achieved and a detection limit of 300 ppm of xylene vapour was realized.


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L'exposition aux mélanges de contaminants (environnementaux, alimentaires ou thérapeutiques) soulève de nombreuses interrogations et inquiétudes vis-à-vis des probabilités d'interactions toxicocinétiques et toxicodynamiques. Une telle coexposition peut influencer le mode d’action des composants du cocktail et donc de leur toxicité, suite à un accroissement de leurs concentrations internes. Le bisphénol A (4 dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropane) est un contaminant chimique répandu de manière ubiquitaire dans notre environnement, largement utilisé dans la fabrication des plastiques avec l’un des plus grands volumes de production à l’échelle mondiale. Il est un perturbateur endocrinien par excellence de type œstrogèno-mimétique. Cette molécule est biotransformée en métabolites non toxiques par un processus de glucuronidation. L'exposition concomitante à plusieurs xénobiotiques peut induire à la baisse le taux de glucuronidation du polluant chimique d'intérêt, entre autres la co-exposition avec des médicaments. Puisque la consommation de produits thérapeutiques est un phénomène grandissant dans la population, la possibilité d’une exposition simultanée est d’autant plus grande et forte. Sachant que l'inhibition métabolique est le mécanisme d'interaction le plus plausible pouvant aboutir à une hausse des niveaux internes ainsi qu’à une modulation de la toxicité prévue, la présente étude visait d'abord à confirmer et caractériser ce type d'interactions métaboliques entre le bisphénol A et le naproxène, qui est un anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdiennes (AINS), sur l'ensemble d'un organe intact en utilisant le système de foie de rat isolé et perfusé (IPRL). Elle visait ensuite à déterminer la cinétique enzymatique de chacune de ces deux substances, seule puis en mélange binaire. Dans un second temps, nous avons évalué aussi l’influence de la présence d'albumine sur la cinétique métabolique et le comportement de ces deux substances étudiées en suivant le même modèle de perfusion in vivo au niveau du foie de rat. Les constantes métaboliques ont été déterminées par régression non linéaire. Les métabolismes du BPA et du NAP seuls ont montré une cinétique saturable avec une vélocité maximale (Vmax) de 8.9 nmol/min/ mg prot de foie et une constante d'affinité de l'enzyme pour le substrat (Km) de 51.6 μM pour le BPA et de 3 nmol/min/mg prot de foie et 149.2 μM pour le NAP. L'analyse des expositions combinées suggère une inhibition compétitive partielle du métabolisme du BPA par le NAP avec une valeur de Ki estimée à 0.3542 μM. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’analyse de risque pour les polluants environnementaux doit donc prendre en considération la consommation des produits pharmaceutiques comme facteur pouvant accroitre le niveau interne lors d’une exposition donnée. Ces données in vivo sur les interactions métaboliques pourraient être intégrées dans un modèle pharmacocinétique à base physiologique (PBPK) pour prédire les conséquences toxicococinétique (TK) de l'exposition d'un individu à ces mélanges chimiques.


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L'exposition aux mélanges de contaminants (environnementaux, alimentaires ou thérapeutiques) soulève de nombreuses interrogations et inquiétudes vis-à-vis des probabilités d'interactions toxicocinétiques et toxicodynamiques. Une telle coexposition peut influencer le mode d’action des composants du cocktail et donc de leur toxicité, suite à un accroissement de leurs concentrations internes. Le bisphénol A (4 dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropane) est un contaminant chimique répandu de manière ubiquitaire dans notre environnement, largement utilisé dans la fabrication des plastiques avec l’un des plus grands volumes de production à l’échelle mondiale. Il est un perturbateur endocrinien par excellence de type œstrogèno-mimétique. Cette molécule est biotransformée en métabolites non toxiques par un processus de glucuronidation. L'exposition concomitante à plusieurs xénobiotiques peut induire à la baisse le taux de glucuronidation du polluant chimique d'intérêt, entre autres la co-exposition avec des médicaments. Puisque la consommation de produits thérapeutiques est un phénomène grandissant dans la population, la possibilité d’une exposition simultanée est d’autant plus grande et forte. Sachant que l'inhibition métabolique est le mécanisme d'interaction le plus plausible pouvant aboutir à une hausse des niveaux internes ainsi qu’à une modulation de la toxicité prévue, la présente étude visait d'abord à confirmer et caractériser ce type d'interactions métaboliques entre le bisphénol A et le naproxène, qui est un anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdiennes (AINS), sur l'ensemble d'un organe intact en utilisant le système de foie de rat isolé et perfusé (IPRL). Elle visait ensuite à déterminer la cinétique enzymatique de chacune de ces deux substances, seule puis en mélange binaire. Dans un second temps, nous avons évalué aussi l’influence de la présence d'albumine sur la cinétique métabolique et le comportement de ces deux substances étudiées en suivant le même modèle de perfusion in vivo au niveau du foie de rat. Les constantes métaboliques ont été déterminées par régression non linéaire. Les métabolismes du BPA et du NAP seuls ont montré une cinétique saturable avec une vélocité maximale (Vmax) de 8.9 nmol/min/ mg prot de foie et une constante d'affinité de l'enzyme pour le substrat (Km) de 51.6 μM pour le BPA et de 3 nmol/min/mg prot de foie et 149.2 μM pour le NAP. L'analyse des expositions combinées suggère une inhibition compétitive partielle du métabolisme du BPA par le NAP avec une valeur de Ki estimée à 0.3542 μM. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’analyse de risque pour les polluants environnementaux doit donc prendre en considération la consommation des produits pharmaceutiques comme facteur pouvant accroitre le niveau interne lors d’une exposition donnée. Ces données in vivo sur les interactions métaboliques pourraient être intégrées dans un modèle pharmacocinétique à base physiologique (PBPK) pour prédire les conséquences toxicococinétique (TK) de l'exposition d'un individu à ces mélanges chimiques.


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Final report (SW-508) describing work performed for the Federal Solid waste management program under Contract no. 68-01-2684.