810 resultados para Enhanced Plasticity
The spatial and temporal evolution of a depleted atomic distribution created by laser enhanced ionisation (LEI) was employed to determine both a diffusion coefficient for sodium (Na) and an electron (e(-)) and sodium ion recombination rate coefficient in an analytical air-C2H2 flame. A depleted distribution of neutral sodium atoms was produced in a flame by ionising approximately 80% of the irradiated sodium atoms in a well defined region using a two step LEI excitation scheme. Following depletion by ionisation, planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) images of the depleted region recorded the diffusion and decay of the depleted Na distribution for different depletion-probe delays. From measurements of the diffused width of the distribution, an accurate diffusion coefficient D = (1.19 +/- 0.03) x 10(-3) m(2) s(-1) for Na was determined in teh burnt gases of the flame. Measurements of the integrated fluorescence intensity in the depleted region for different depletion-probe delays were related to an increase in atomic sodium concentration caused by electron-ion recombination. At high concentrations (greater than or equal to 50 mu g ml(-1)), where the electron and ion concentrations in the depleted region were assumed equal, a recombination rate coefficient of 4.2 x 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1) was calculated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
This paper analyzes the astroglial and neuronal responses in subtelencephalic structures, following a bilateral ablation of the telencephalon in the Columba livia pigeons. Control birds received a sham operation. Four months later the birds were sacrificed and their brains processed for glial fribillary acid protein (GFAP) and neurofilament immunohistochemistry, markers for astrocytes and neurons, respectively. Computer-assisted image analysis was employed for quantification of the immunoreactive labeling in the nucleus rotundus (N.Rt) and the optic tectum (OT) of the birds. An increased number of GFAP immunoreactive astrocytes were found in several subregions of the N.Rt (p .001), as well as in layers 1, 2cd, 3, and 6 of the OT (p .001) of the lesioned animals. Neurofilament immunoreactivity decreased massively in the entire N.Rt of the lesioned birds; however, remaining neurons with healthy aspect showing large cytoplasm and ramified branches were detected mainly in the periphery of the nucleus. In view of the recently described paracrine neurotrophic properties of the activated astrocytes, the data of the present study may suggest a long-lasting neuroglial interaction in regions of the lesioned bird brain far from injury. Such events may trigger neuronal plasticity in remaining brain structures that may lead spontaneous behavior recovery as the one promoted here even after a massive injury.
The persistent nature of addiction has been associated with activity-induced plasticity of neurons within the striatum and nucleus accumbens (NAc). To identify the molecular processes leading to these adaptations, we performed Cre/loxP-mediated genetic ablations of two key regulators of gene expression in response to activity, the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaMKIV) and its postulated main target, the cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB). We found that acute cocaine-induced gene expression in the striatum was largely unaffected by the loss of CaMKIV. On the behavioral level, mice lacking CaMKIV in dopaminoceptive neurons displayed increased sensitivity to cocaine as evidenced by augmented expression of locomotor sensitization and enhanced conditioned place preference and reinstatement after extinction. However, the loss of CREB in the forebrain had no effect on either of these behaviors, even though it robustly blunted acute cocaine-induced transcription. To test the relevance of these observations for addiction in humans, we performed an association study of CAMK4 and CREB promoter polymorphisms with cocaine addiction in a large sample of addicts. We found that a single nucleotide polymorphism in the CAMK4 promoter was significantly associated with cocaine addiction, whereas variations in the CREB promoter regions did not correlate with drug abuse. These findings reveal a critical role for CaMKIV in the development and persistence of cocaine-induced behaviors, through mechanisms dissociated from acute effects on gene expression and CREB-dependent transcription.
Background Chronic aortic valve disease (AVD) is characterized by progressive accumulation of interstitial myocardial fibrosis (MF). However, assessment of MF accumulation has only been possible through histologic analyses of endomyocardial biopsies. We sought to evaluate contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ce-MRI) as a noninvasive method to identify the presence of increased MF in patients with severe AVD. Methods Seventy patients scheduled to undergo aortic valve replacement surgery were examined by cine and ce-MRI in a 1.5-T scanner. Cine images were used for the assessment of left ventricular (LV) volumes, mass, and function. Delayed-enhancement images were used to characterize the regions of MF. In addition, histologic analyses of myocardial samples obtained during aortic valve replacement surgery were used for direct quantification of interstitial MF. Ten additional subjects who died of noncardiac causes served as controls for the quantitative histologic analyses. Results Interstitial MF determined by histopathologic analysis was higher in patients with AVID than in controls (2.7% +/- 2.0% vs 0.6% +/- 0.2%, P =.001). When compared with histopathologic results, ce-MRI demonstrated a sensitivity of 74%, a specificity of 81%, and an accuracy of 76% to identify AVD patients with increased interstitial MF There was a significant inverse correlation between interstitial MF and LV ejection fraction (r = -0.67, P <.0001). Accordingly, patients with identifiable focal regions of MF by ce-MRI exhibited worse LV systolic function than those without MF (45% +/- 14% vs 65% +/- 14%, P <.0001). Conclusions Contrast-enhanced MRI allows for the noninvasive detection of focal regions of MF in patients with severe AVD. Moreover, patients with identifiable MF by ce-MRI exhibited worse LV functional parameters. (Am Heart J 2009; 157:361-8.)
PURPOSE: To compare the abilities of scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) with enhanced corneal compensation (ECC) and variable corneal compensation (VCC) modes for detection of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) loss in eyes with band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve. DESIGN. Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Thirty-seven eyes from 37 patients with BA and temporal visual field defect from chiasmal compression and 40 eyes from 40 healthy subjects were studied. Subjects underwent standard automated perimetry and RNFL measurements using an SLP device equipped with VCC and ECC. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated for each parameter. Pearson correlation coefficients were obtained to evaluate the relationship between RNFL thickness parameters and severity of visual field loss, as assessed by the temporal mean defect. RESULTS: All RNFL thickness parameters were significantly lower in eyes with BA compared with normal eyes with both compensation modes. However, no statistically significant differences were observed in the areas under the ROC curves for the different parameters between GDx VCC and ECC (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, California, USA). Structure-function relationships also were similar for both compensation modes. CONCLUSIONS: No significant differences were found between the diagnostic accuracy of GDx ECC and that of VCC for detection of BA of the optic nerve. The use of GDx ECC does not seem to provide a better evaluation of RNFL loss on the temporal and nasal sectors of the peripapillary retina in subjects with BA of the optic nerve.
Wood-dwelling termites are characterized by an extremely high and unique developmental flexibility that allows workers, which are immatures, to explore all caste options. The endocrine signatures underlying this flexibility are only vaguely understood. We determined juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroid hemolymph titers during postembryonic development and in terminal instars of the drywood termite Cryptotermes secundus using field and laboratory colonies. Postembryonic development is characterized by a drop in JH titers at the transition from larval (individuals without wing buds) to nymphal (individuals with wing buds) instars. JH titers were low in winged sexuals and reproducing primary reproductives (< 200 pg/mu l) but were by an order of magnitude higher in neotenic replacement reproductives. The unique regressive molts of termites seem to be characterized by elevated JH titers, compared with progressive or stationary molts. Ecdysteroid titers were generally low in nymphal instars and in primary reproductives (< 50 pg/mu l). It was only during the third and fourth nymphal instars and in winged sexuals where some individuals showed elevated ecdysteroid titers. These results are the most comprehensive endocrinological data set available for any lower termite, with the potential to serve as baseline for understanding the extreme developmental flexibility underlying the evolution of social life in termites.
Infection by Helicobacter pylori is associated with the development of several gastroduodenal diseases, including gastritis, peptic ulcer disease (gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers), and gastric adenocarcinoma. Although a number of putative virulence factors have been reported for H. pylori, there are conflicting results regarding their association with specific H. pylori-related diseases. In this work, we investigated the presence of virB11 and cagT, located in the left half of the cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI), and the jhp917-jhp918 sequences, components of the dupA gene located in the plasticity zone of H. pylori, in Brazilian isolates of H. pylori. We also examined the association between these genes and H. pylori-related gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric and duodenal ulcers in an attempt to identify a gene marker for clinical outcomes related to infection by H. pylori. The cagT gene was associated with peptic ulcer disease and gastric ulcers, whereas the virB11 gene was detected in nearly all of the samples. The dupA gene was not associated with duodenal ulcers or any gastroduodenal disease here analyzed. These results suggest that cagT could be a useful prognostic marker for the development of peptic ulcer disease in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. They also indicate that cagT is associated with greater virulence and peptic ulceration, and that this gene is an essential component of the type IV secretion system of H. pylori.
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) denotes a clustering of risk factors that may affect nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and predispose to cardiovascular diseases, which are delayed by exercise training. However, no previous study has examined how MetS affects markers of NO formation, and whether exercise training increases NO formation in MetS patients. Here, we tested these two hypotheses. We studied 48 sedentary individuals: 20 healthy controls and 28 MetS patients. Eighteen MetS patients were subjected to a 3-month exercise training (E+group), while the remaining 10 MetS patients remained sedentary (E-group). The plasma concentrations of nitrite, cGMP, and ADMA (asymmetrical dimethylarginine: an endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor), and the whole blood nitrite concentrations were determined at baseline and after exercise training using an ozone-based chemiluminescence assay, and commercial enzyme immunoassays. Thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBA-RS) were measured in the plasma to assess oxidative stress using a fluorometric method. We found that, compared with healthy subjects, patients with MetS have lower concentrations of markers of NO formation, including whole blood nitrite, plasma nitrite, and plasma cGMP, and increased oxidative stress (all P < 0.05). Exercise training increased the concentrations of whole blood nitrite and cGMP, and decreased both oxidative stress and the circulating concentrations of ADMA (both P < 0.05). These findings show clinical evidence for lower endogenous NO formation in patients with MetS, and for improvements in NO formation associated with exercise training in MetS patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Enhanced sympathetic outflow to the heart and resistance vessels greatly contributes to the onset and maintenance of neurogenic hypertension. There is a consensus that the development of hypertension (clinical and experimental) is associated with an impairment of sympathetic reflex control by arterial baroreceptors. More recently, chronic peripheral chemoreflex activation, as observed in obstructive sleep apnea, has been proposed as another important risk factor for hypertension. In this review, we present and discuss recent experimental evidence showing that changes in the respiratory pattern, elicited by chronic intermittent hypoxia, play a key role in increasing sympathetic activity and arterial pressure in rats. This concept parallels results observed in other models of neurogenic hypertension, such as spontaneously hypertensive rats and rats with angiotensin II-salt-induced hypertension, pointing out alterations in the central coupling of respiratory and sympathetic activities as a novel mechanism underlying the development of neurogenic hypertension.
Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) in rats produces changes in the central regulation of cardiovascular and respiratory systems by unknown mechanisms. We hypothesized that CIH (6% O(2) for 40 s, every 9 min, 8 h day(-1)) for 10 days alters the central respiratory modulation of sympathetic activity. After CIH, awake rats (n = 14) exhibited higher levels of mean arterial pressure than controls (101 +/- 3 versus 89 +/- 3 mmHg, n = 15, P < 0.01). Recordings of phrenic, thoracic sympathetic, cervical vagus and abdominal nerves were performed in the in situ working heart-brainstem preparations of control and CIH juvenile rats. The data obtained in CIH rats revealed that: (i) abdominal (Abd) nerves exhibited an additional burst discharge in late expiration; (ii) thoracic sympathetic nerve activity (tSNA) was greater during late expiration than in controls (52 +/- 5 versus 40 +/- 3%; n = 11, P < 0.05; values expressed according to the maximal activity observed during inspiration and the noise level recorded at the end of each experiment), which was not dependent on peripheral chemoreceptors; (iii) the additional late expiratory activity in the Abd nerve correlated with the increased tSNA; (iv) the enhanced late expiratory activity in the Abd nerve unique to CIH rats was accompanied by reduced post-inspiratory activity in cervical vagus nerve compared to controls. The data indicate that CIH rats present an altered pattern of central sympathetic-respiratory coupling, with increased tSNA that correlates with enhanced late expiratory discharge in the Abd nerve. Thus, CIH alters the coupling between the central respiratory generator and sympathetic networks that may contribute to the induced hypertension in this experimental model.
Objectives To introduce a comprehensive and reliable scoring system for the assessment of whole-knee joint synovitis based on contrast-enhanced (CE) MRI. Methods Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST) is a cohort study of people with, or at high risk of, knee osteoarthritis (OA). Subjects are an unselected subset of MOST who volunteered for CE-MRI. Synovitis was assessed at 11 sites of the joint. Synovial thickness was scored semiquantitatively: grade 0 (< 2 mm), grade 1 (2-4 mm) and grade 2 (> 4 mm) at each site. Two musculoskeletal radiologists performed the readings and inter-and intrareader reliability was evaluated. Whole-knee synovitis was assessed by summing the scores from all sites. The association of Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index pain score with this summed score and with the maximum synovitis grade for each site was assessed. Results 400 subjects were included (mean age 58.8 +/- 7.0 years, body mass index 29.5 +/- 4.9 kg/m(2), 46% women). For individual sites, intrareader reliability (weighted kappa) was 0.67-1.00 for reader 1 and 0.60-1.00 for reader 2. Inter-reader agreement (kappa) was 0.67-0.92. For the summed synovitis scores, intrareader reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)) was 0.98 and 0.96 for each reader and inter-reader agreement (ICC) was 0.94. Moderate to severe synovitis in the parapatellar subregion was associated with the higher maximum pain score (adjusted OR (95% CI), 2.8 (1.4 to 5.4) and 3.1 (1.2 to 7.9), respectively). Conclusions A comprehensive semiquantitative scoring system for the assessment of whole-knee synovitis is proposed. It is reliable and identifies knees with pain, and thus is a potentially powerful tool for synovitis assessment in epidemiological OA studies.
Studies have provided evidence of the important effects of omega-3 fatty acid on the brain in neurological conditions, including epilepsy. Previous data have indicated that omega-3 fatty acids lead to prevention of status epilepticus-associated neuropathological changes in the hippocampal formation of rats with epilepsy. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation has resulted in extensive preservation of GABAergic cells in animals with epilepsy. This study investigated the interplay of these effects with neurogenesis and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). The results clearly showed a positive effect of long-term omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on brain plasticity in animals with epilepsy. Enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF levels and preservation of interneurons expressing parvalbumin were observed. Parvalbumin-positive cells were identified as surviving instead of newly formed cells. Additional investigations are needed to determine the electrophysiological properties of the newly formed cells and to clarify whether the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on brain plasticity are accompanied by functional gain in animals with epilepsy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The periaqueductal gray (PAG) has been reported as a potential site for opioid regulation of behavioral selection. Opioid-mediated behavioral and physiological responses differ between nulliparous and multiparous females. This study addresses the effects of multiple reproductive experiences on mu-, kappa- and delta-opioid receptor (Oprm1, Oprk1, and Oprd1 respectively) gene activity and mu, kappa and delta protein expression (MOR, KOR and DOR respectively) in the PAG of the female rats. This was done by evaluating the opioid gene expression using real-time (RT-PCR) and quantification of each protein receptor by Western blot analysis. The RT-PCR results show that multiple reproductive experiences increase Oprm1 and Oprk1 gene expression. Western blot analysis revealed increased MOR and KOR while DOR protein was decreased in multiparous animals. Taken together, these data suggest that multiple reproductive experiences influence both gene activity and opioid receptor expression in the PAG. Post-translational mechanisms seem particularly relevant for DOR expression. Thus, opioid transmission in the PAG might be modulated by different mechanisms of multiparity-induced plasticity according to the opioid receptor type.
Prenatal lipopolysaccharide reduces motor activity after an immune challenge in adult male offspring
Prenatal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure causes reproductive, behavioral and neurochemical injuries in both the mother and pups. Previous investigations by our group showed that prenatal LPS administration (100 mu g/kg, i.p.) on gestational day 9.5 impaired the male offspring`s social behavior in infancy and adulthood. In the present study, we investigated whether these social behavioral changes were associated with motor activity impairment. Male rat pups treated prenatally with LPS or not were tested for reflexological development and open field general activity during infancy. In adulthood, animals were tested for open field general activity, haloperidol-induced catalepsy and apomorphine-induced stereotypy; striatal dopamine levels and turnover were also measured. Moreover, LPS-treated or untreated control pups were challenged with LPS in adulthood and observed for general activity in the open field. In relation to the control group, the motor behavior of prenatally treated male pups was unaffected at basal levels, both in infancy and in adulthood, but decreased general activity was observed in adulthood after an immune challenge. Also, striatal dopamine and metabolite levels were decreased in adulthood. In conclusion, prenatal LPS exposure disrupted the dopaminergic system involved with motor function, but this neurochemical effect was not accompanied by behavioral impairment, probably due to adaptive plasticity processes. Notwithstanding, behavioral impairment was revealed when animals were challenged with LPS, resulting in enhanced sickness behavior. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.