997 resultados para Enfermedad aterosclerosa coronaria
INTRODUCCIÓ La vacuna pneumocòccica polisacàrida polivalent (VPP-23) es recomana en ancians i persones d'alt risc. No obstant això, la seva efectivitat en la prevenció d'infeccions per pneumococ és controvertida. Aquest estudi avalua l'efectivitat de la vacunació en la prevenció de malaltia pneumocòccica invasiva (MPI) en persones majors de 60 anys. METODOLOGIA Estudi poblacional de casos i controls en el qual es van incloure 88 pacients majors de 60 anys amb MPI (Pneumònia bacteriana, meningitis o sepsis) confirmada per laboratori, i 176 controls que van ser assignats segons Centre d'Atenció Primària, edat, sexe i nivell de risc. La regressió logística condicional va ser usada per a estimar la odds ràtio (OR) segons cada condició clínica. L'efectivitat de la vacuna va ser estimada segons (1-OR) x100. RESULTATS L'efectivitat de la vacunació pneumocòccica va ser significativament mes baixa en casos que en controls (38.6% vs 59.1%; p=0.002). L'efectivitat ajustada va anar de 72% (OR: 0.28; 95% CI: 0.15-0.54) per a MPI i 77% (OR: 0.23; 95% CI: 0.08-0.60) per als serotips vacunals inclosos en la VPP-23. La vacunació va ser efectiva per a l'MPI tant en el grup d'edat de 60-79 anys (OR 0.32; 95% CI: 0.14-0.74) com en el grup de 80 anys o mes (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.09-0.91). L'efectivitat vacunal va ser estadísticament significativa en persones d'alt risc inmunocompetents (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.11-0.79) així com en persones inmunocompromeses (OR: 0.12; 95% CI: 0.03- 0.53). CONCLUSIÓ Aquestes troballes confirmen l'efectivitat de la vacuna pneumocòccia polisacàrida polivalent (VPP-23) en l'MPI, i el benefici en la prevenció d'infecció invasiva en persones de risc i en ancians.
Un nou inhibidor del glicogen-sintetasa-cinasa-3 (GSK-3) tipus tiadiazolidona (TDZD) va demostrar recentment incrementar la supervivència neuronal i prevenir el dèficit de memòria en un ratolí doble-transgènic (APP-tau). Aquest benefici podria produirse per la prevenció de pèrdua d'espines dendrítiques associada a l'exposició a formes solubles oligomèrics del péptidoβ amiloide (Aβo). Estudiem l'efecte de Aβo i TDZD-8 en la densitat d'espines dendrítiques en neurones primàries corticals de ratolí. Trobem que TDZD-8 rescata la pèrdua d'espines dendrítiques mediada per l'exposició a Aβo. Aportem una evidència més de que GSK-3 podria ser una diana d'interès en el tractament de la EA.
En aquest estudi, s'ha intentat determinar si l'aplicació de contrast intravenós augmenta la rendibilitat de l'ecografia abdominal en l'estudi de la recurrència postquirúrgica de la malaltia de Crohn (EC). Per a això vam estudiar 40 pacients que complien uns determinats criteris d'inclusió, als quals se'ls va realitzar una colonoscopia (gold standar) i una ecografia abdominal (EA) amb contrast intravenós. Després d'analitzar els resultats, podem concloure, que l'ocupació de contrast durant la realització de l'ecografia abdominal permet augmentar la capacitat diagnòstica de la recurrència endoscópica en pacients amb EC i resecció intestinal, no obstant això la seva utilitat és menor per a valorar la gravetat de la recurrència
Les malalties pulmonars intersticials difuses ( MPID) representen la segona indicación de trasplantamente pulmonar (TP) després del enfisema. El treball és un estudi retrospectiu de 150 malalts sotmesos a un TP per MPID entre agost-1990 i gener de 2010. Es tracta de 86 (57%) homes amb una edad mitja de 49 (r: 20-67) anys. Es van fer 104 (69%) trasplantaments unipulmonares ( TUP) i 46 bipulmonars ( TBP). El diagnòstic més freqüent va ser en 94 ( 63%) malalts la Neumonía intersticial Usual. L’objectiu ha estat establir els resultats significatius en quant a supervivència i ganància funcional del grup. La supervivència del TP en malalts amb MPID és comparable als registres internacionals. Un de cada 6 malalts torna a treballar i la realització d’un TUP o un TBP no suposa més ganància funcional.
La introducción de la vacuna neumocócica conjugada ha modificado los serotipos causantes de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva (ENI). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las diferencias en la presentación clínica entre la época pre y postvacunal. Realizamos un estudio observacional de todos los adultos hospitalizados con ENI, entre 1997 y 2001 (periodo prevacunal), y de 2006 a 2009 (periodo postvacunal). Comparamos la incidencia, la distribución de serotipos y la presentación clínica entre ambos periodos. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que la aparición de nuevos serotipos puede asociarse con un aumento de la incidencia de ENI, especialmente en adultos jóvenes, y una mayor severidad en la presentación.
RESULTADOS: Se intervino un 60,7% de los pacientes de SV aórtica, un 25,7% de SV mitral , un 13,6% de doble SV. Además, en el 22,5% se realizó revascularización coronaria. Las mujeres presentaban más edad, SV mitral, reintervención, fibrilación auricular, anemia y peor clase funcional. Los varones presentaron más tabaquismo, SV aórtica, enfermedad coronaria, cirugía de revascularización coronaria, función sistólica deprimida y tiempo de clampaje aórtico. En el análisis bivariado relacionado con mortalidad hospitalaria (8,35%) fueron significativos la edad, el sexo, la clase funcional, la posición de la prótesis, la superficie corporal, la anemia, el número de concentrados de hematíes y el tiempo de clampaje aórtico. Se constató como factores de riesgo independientes el sexo (OR 2,92; 95% intervalo confianza 1,05-8,14) y la anemia (OR 4,23; 95% intervalo confianza 1,66-10,8) tras ajustarlos con los factores de riesgo, factores confusores y el año de intervención. CONCLUSIONES: El sexo femenino es un factor de riesgo independiente para la mortalidad hospitalaria en la cirugía de sustitución valvular.
En noviembre de 2015, se ha publicado la 3ª edición de este proceso (http://hdl.handle.net/10668/2125). Existe una guía de información para pacientes "Conozca cómo vivir mejor con la EPOC" basada en la 2ª edición de este Proceso.
La guía se apoya en los contenidos del Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica: Proceso Asistencial Integrado. http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/219
Background: The association between alcohol consumption and coronary heart disease (CHD) has been widely studied. Most of these studies have concluded that moderate alcohol intake reduces the risk of CHD. There are numerous discussions regarding whether this association is causal or biased. The objective of this paper is to analyse the association between alcohol intake and CHD risk in the Spanish cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC). Methods: Participants from the EPIC Spanish cohort were included (15 630 men and 25 808 women). The median follow-up period was 10 years. Ethanol intake was calculated using a validated dietary history questionnaire. Participants with a definite CHD event were considered cases. A Cox regression model adjusted for relevant co-variables and stratified by age was produced. Separate models were carried out for men and women. Results: The crude CHD incidence rate was 300.6/100 000 person-years for men and 47.9/100 000 person-years for women. Moderate, high and very high consumption was associated with a reduced risk of CHD in men: hazard ratio 0.90 (95% CI 0.56 to 1.44) for former drinkers, 0.65 (95% CI 0.41 to 1.04) for low, 0.49 (95% CI 0.32 to 0.76) for moderate, 0.46 (95% CI 0.30 to 0.71) for high and 0.50 (95% CI 0.29 to 0.85) for very high consumers. A negative association was found in women, with p values above 0.05 in all categories. Conclusions: Alcohol intake in men aged 29–69 years was associated with a more than 30% lower CHD incidence. This study is based on a large prospective cohort study and is free of the abstainer error.
Introduction: Plasma citrulline is not incorporated in endogenous or exogenous proteins so it is a theoretical marker of villous atrophy. Our aim was to correlate plasma citrulline levels with severity of villous atrophy inceliac patients. Methods: Observational case-control study longitudinal in children 16 month-old to 14 year-old: 48 with untreated celiac disease, 9 celiac children under gluten free diet and 35 non-celiac healthy children. Plasma amino acids concentration is determined, expressed in μmol/L, and so are other clinical and analytical data. Results: No statistically significative difference found in the referring to BMI, age or renal function. Small increase in fecal fat in celiac children. Citrulline, arginine and glutamine are significantly lower in cases (17.7 μmol/l, 38.7 μmol/l, 479.6 μmol/l respectively) than in controls (28.9 μmol/l, 56.2 μmol/l, 563.7 μmol/l). Citrulline levels are significantly lower in the severe degrees of atrophy than in mild ones (13.8 μmol/l vs. 19.7 μmol/l, p < 0.05), not happening so with rest of amminoacids. Summary: Postabsortive mean of plasma citrulline is a good marker of reduction in enterocyte mass in celiac patients with villous atrophy; secondary reduction in plasma arginine too. Just a small histological alteration in intestinal biopsy is enough to differentiate citrulline in cases and controls and besides it can be seen that high levels of atrophy present with lower plasma citrulline.
Patients with intestinal failure who receive HPN are at high risk of developing MBD. The origin of this bone alteration is multifactorial and depends greatly on the underlying disease for which the nutritional support is required. Data on the prevalence of this disease in our environment is lacking, so NADYA-SEMPE group has sponsored this transversal study with the aim of knowing the actual MBD prevalence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective data from 51 patients from 13 hospitals were collected. The questionnaire included demographic data as well as the most clinically relevant for MBD data. Laboratory data (calciuria, PTH, 25 -OH -vitamin D) and the results from the first and last bone densitometry were also registered. RESULTS: Bone mineral density had only been assessed by densitometry in 21 patients at the moment HPN was started. Bone quality is already altered before HPN in a significant percentage of cases (52%). After a mean follow up of 6 years, this percentage increases up to 81%. Due to retrospective nature of the study and the low number of subjects included it has not been possible to determine the role that HPN plays in MBD etiology. Only 35% of patients have vitamin D levels above the recommended limits and the majority of them is not on specific supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: HPN is associated with very high risk of MBD, therefore, management protocols that can lead to early detection of the problem as well as guiding for follow up and treatment of these patients are needed.
En port.: Un instrumento de cooperación entre servicios públicos y asociaciones para ganar en salud, facilitar la recuperación de la persona afectada y sus familiares cercanos, y apoyar la labor de las personas cuidadoras. Esta estrategia forma parte del Proyecto 'Al lado' con... Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Ciudadanía / Participar en Salud / 'Al lado' con... / 'Al Lado' con las personas afectadas por una Enfermedad Mental Grave Dependencia /
BACKGROUND Clinical predictors for fatal pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients with venous thromboembolism have never been studied. METHODS AND RESULTS Using data from the international prospective Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad TromboEmbolica venosa (RIETE) registry about patients with objectively confirmed symptomatic acute venous thromboembolism, we determined independent predictive factors for fatal PE. Between March 2001 and July 2006, 15520 consecutive patients (mean age+/-SD, 66.3+/-16.9 years; 49.7% men) with acute venous thromboembolism were included. Symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis without symptomatic PE was observed in 58.0% (n=9008) of patients, symptomatic nonmassive PE in 40.4% (n=6264), and symptomatic massive PE in 1.6% (n=248). At 3 months, the cumulative rates of overall mortality and fatal PE were 8.65% and 1.68%, respectively. On multivariable analysis, patients with symptomatic nonmassive PE at presentation exhibited a 5.42-fold higher risk of fatal PE compared with patients with deep-vein thrombosis without symptomatic PE (P<0.001). The risk of fatal PE was multiplied by 17.5 in patients presenting with a symptomatic massive PE. Other clinical factors independently associated with an increased risk of fatal PE were immobilization for neurological disease, age >75 years, and cancer. CONCLUSIONS PE remains a potentially fatal disease. The clinical predictors identified in the present study should be included in any clinical risk stratification scheme to optimally adapt the treatment of PE to the risk of the fatal outcome.
BACKGROUND Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation is an emerging therapeutic alternative for patients with a failed surgical bioprosthesis and may obviate the need for reoperation. We evaluated the clinical results of this technique using a large, worldwide registry. METHODS AND RESULTS The Global Valve-in-Valve Registry included 202 patients with degenerated bioprosthetic valves (aged 77.7±10.4 years; 52.5% men) from 38 cardiac centers. Bioprosthesis mode of failure was stenosis (n=85; 42%), regurgitation (n=68; 34%), or combined stenosis and regurgitation (n=49; 24%). Implanted devices included CoreValve (n=124) and Edwards SAPIEN (n=78). Procedural success was achieved in 93.1% of cases. Adverse procedural outcomes included initial device malposition in 15.3% of cases and ostial coronary obstruction in 3.5%. After the procedure, valve maximum/mean gradients were 28.4±14.1/15.9±8.6 mm Hg, and 95% of patients had ≤+1 degree of aortic regurgitation. At 30-day follow-up, all-cause mortality was 8.4%, and 84.1% of patients were at New York Heart Association functional class I/II. One-year follow-up was obtained in 87 patients, with 85.8% survival of treated patients. CONCLUSIONS The valve-in-valve procedure is clinically effective in the vast majority of patients with degenerated bioprosthetic valves. Safety and efficacy concerns include device malposition, ostial coronary obstruction, and high gradients after the procedure.