968 resultados para Energy needs


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Includes bibliography


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as implicações sobre o trabalho docente com a implantação do Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores da Educação Básica (PARFOR) na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), como parte da política de expansão da educação superior do país. Para tanto, analisamos as diretrizes e a implementação das políticas de expansão do ensino superior no governo de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), dentro do contexto da reforma do Estado e da Universidade, que possibilitaram a compreensão do fenômeno que está ocorrendo na UFPA com a adesão ao PARFOR. Trata-se de um estudo de caso sobre a ocorrência do fenômeno na UFPA. Trabalhamos com fonte de dados documentais e com entrevistas semiestruturadas, tendo como sujeitos coordenadores do plano e professores do curso de Pedagogia ofertado em Belém, que nos permitiram identificar as repercussões no trabalho docente universitário, considerando fatores como: carga horária de trabalho, quantidade de turmas e o plano individual de trabalho desenvolvido no período de 2009 a 2011. A análise do material coletado possibilitou chegarmos a algumas constatações, tais como: o PARFOR tem contribuído para a acelerada expansão das matrículas nos cursos de Graduação em Licenciatura Plena na UFPA, sem o correspondente aporte financeiro necessário para a melhoria da infraestrutura e para contratação de novos professores. Como consequência dessa expansão, os docentes têm utilizado o período de férias e recesso para ministrar aulas, em busca de complementação salarial por meio das bolsas pagas pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) com recursos do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE). Com isso, o trabalho docente tem sido intensificado por meio da sobrecarga de aulas, turmas e jornada de trabalho, o que poderá, a curto prazo, provocar problemas na saúde desse trabalhador.


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The purpose of this project is to verify whether anaerobic reactors applied to sewage treatment are energetically self-sufficient. This evaluation can be made by balancing the methane produced through the anaerobic transformation stages (hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis) and the reactor energy consumption requirements. The original project included methanogenic activity tests, which could not be performed due to setbacks in the installation of an analytical instrument. Scientific articles about bench- and full-scale anaerobic reactors were investigated instead. An average substrate-to-methane conversion efficiency of 58,2±18,6% was found for the bench-scale reactors and higher efficiencies (89,2%) were found for the cases which had higher Organic Loading Rates (OLRs) values. The average energy output was 0,013 kWh/Lsewage, value unable to meet the energy needs for the reactor operation, considering equipments normally used such as temperature controller. This balance can become positive if few hypotheses are made, for example (i) to eliminate the use of temperature controller (ii) to alter the operation pattern from continuous to intermittent. Based on energy balance assessment of eight bench-scale reactors, it was observed that the implementation of a system for biogas utilization is not energetically feasible. However, interesting results were found for a full-scale sewage treatment plant, ETE Ouro Verde – Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil. Even though its substrate-tomethane conversion efficiency was about 10% only, the energy balance was quite positive, with energy consumption of 68 kWh/month and energy production of 660 kWh/month. This analysis leads us to conclude that energy recovery from full-scale sewage treatment plants should be practiced by other plants


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We need a large amount of energy to make our homes pleasantly warm in winter and cool in summer. If we also consider the energy losses that occur through roofs, perimeter walls and windows, it would be more appropriate to speak of waste than consumption. The solution would be to build passive houses, i.e. buildings more efficient and environmentally friendly, able to ensure a drastic reduction of electricity and heating bills. Recently, the increase of public awareness about global warming and environmental pollution problems have “finally” opened wide possibility in the field of sustainable construction by encouraging new renewable methods for heating and cooling space. Shallow geothermal allows to exploit the renewable heat reservoir, present in the soil at depths between 15 and 20 m, for air-conditioning of buildings, using a ground source heat pump. This thesis focuses on the design of an air-conditioning system with geothermal heat pump coupled to energy piles, i.e. piles with internal heat exchangers, for a typical Italian-family building, on the basis of a geological-technical report about a plot of Bologna’s plain provided by Geo-Net s.r.l. The study has involved a preliminary static sizing of the piles in order to calculate their length and number, then the project was completed making the energy sizing, where it has been verified if the building energy needs were met with the static solution obtained. Finally the attention was focused on the technical and economical validity compared to a traditional system (cost-benefit analysis) and on the problem of the uncertainty data design and their effects on the operating and initial costs of the system (sensitivity analysis). To evaluate the performance of the thermal system and the potential use of the piles was also used the PILESIM2 software, designed by Dr. Pahud of the SUPSI’s school.


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OBJECTIVE: Failure of energy metabolism after traumatic brain injury may be a major factor limiting outcome. Although glucose is the primary metabolic substrate in the healthy brain, the well documented surge in tissue lactate after traumatic brain injury suggests that lactate may provide an energy need that cannot be met by glucose. We hypothesized, therefore, that administration of lactate or the combination of lactate and supraphysiological oxygen may improve mitochondrial oxidative respiration in the brain after rat fluid percussion injury. We measured oxygen consumption (VO2) to determine what effects glucose, lactate, oxygen, and the combination of lactate and oxygen have on mitochondrial respiration in both injured and uninjured rat brain tissue. METHODS: Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were intubated and ventilated with either 0.21 or 1.0 fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2). Brain tissue from acute sham animals was subjected in vitro to 1.1 mM, 12 mM and 100 mM concentrations of glucose and L-lactate. In another group, injury (fluid percussion injury of 2.5 +/- 0.02 atmospheres) was induced over the left hemisphere. The VO2 of mug amounts of brain tissues were measured in a microrespirometry system (Cartesian diver). RESULTS: The VO2 was found to be independent of glucose concentrations, but dose-dependent for lactate. Moreover, the lactate dependent VO2s were all significantly higher than those generated by glucose. Injured rats on FIO2 0.21 had brain tissue VO2 rates that were significantly lower than those of shams or preinjury levels. In injured rats treated with FIO2 1.0, the reduction in VO2 levels was prevented. Injured rats that received an intravenous infusion of 100 mM lactate had VO2 rates that were significantly higher than those obtained with FIO2 1.0. Combined treatment further boosted the lactate generated VO2 rates by approximately 15%. CONCLUSION: Glucose sustains mitochondrial respiration at a low level "fixed" rate because, despite increasing its concentration nearly 100-fold, it cannot up-regulate VO2 after fluid percussion injury. Lactate produces a dose-dependent VO2 response, possibly enabling mitochondria to meet the increased energy needs of the injured brain.


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With energy demands and costs growing every day, the need for improving energy efficiency in electrical devices has become very important. Research into various methods of improving efficiency for all electrical components will be a key to meet future energy needs. This report documents the design, construction, and testing of a research quality electric machine dynamometer and test bed. This test cell system can be used for research in several areas including: electric drives systems, electric vehicle propulsion systems, power electronic converters, load/source element in an AC Microgrid, as well as many others. The test cell design criteria, and decisions, will be discussed in reference to user functionality and flexibility. The individual power components will be discussed in detail to how they relate to the project, highlighting any feature used in operation of the test cell. A project timeline will be discussed, clearly stating the work done by the different individuals involved in the project. In addition, the system will be parameterized and benchmark data will be used to provide the functional operation of the system. With energy demands and costs growing every day, the need for improving energy efficiency in electrical devices has become very important. Research into various methods of improving efficiency for all electrical components will be a key to meet future energy needs. This report documents the design, construction, and testing of a research quality electric machine dynamometer and test bed. This test cell system can be used for research in several areas including: electric drives systems, electric vehicle propulsion systems, power electronic converters, load/source element in an AC Microgrid, as well as many others. The test cell design criteria, and decisions, will be discussed in reference to user functionality and flexibility. The individual power components will be discussed in detail to how they relate to the project, highlighting any feature used in operation of the test cell. A project timeline will be discussed, clearly stating the work done by the different individuals involved in the project. In addition, the system will be parameterized and benchmark data will be used to provide the functional operation of the system.


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A major challenge for a developing country such as Bangladesh is to supply basic services to its most marginalized populations, which includes both rural and urban dwellers. The government struggles to provide basic necessities such as water and electricity. In marginalized urban communities in Bangladesh, in particular informal settlements, meeting basic needs is even direr. Most informal settlements are built to respond to a rapid immigration to urban centers, and are thought of as ‘temporary structures’, though many structures have been there for decades. In addition, as the settlements are often squatting on private land, access to formalized services such as electricity or water is largely absent. In some cases, electricity and water connections are brought in - but through informal and non-government sanctioned ways -- these hookups are deemed ‘illegal’ by the state. My research will focus on recent efforts to help ameliorate issues associated with lack of basic services in informal settlements in Bangladesh – in this case lack of light. When the government fails to meet the needs of the general population, different non-government organizations tend to step in to intervene. A new emphasis on solar bottle systems in informal urban settlement areas to help address some energy needs (specifically day-time lighting). One such example is the solar bottle light in Bangladesh, a project introduced by the organization ‘Change’. There has been mixed reactions on this technology among the users. This is where my research intervenes. I have used quantitative method to investigate user satisfactions for the solar bottle lights among the residents of the informal settlements to address the overarching question, is there a disconnect between the perceived benefits of the ENGO and the user satisfaction of the residents of the informal settlements of Dhaka City? This paper uses survey responses to investigate level of user satisfaction and the contributing factors.


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Bisher wurde noch nicht erforscht wie sich die Variation kinematischer Parameter konkret auf den Energiebedarf von Regalbediengeräten auswirkt. Dieser Beitrag untersucht daher die energetischen Folgen bei unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten und Beschleunigungen der Antriebe eines Regalbediengerätes. Veränderte Geschwindigkeiten und Beschleunigungen beeinflussen jedoch auch die Fahr- und Hubzeiten des Regalbediengerätes. Daher wird ebenfalls eine Berechnungsmethode vorgestellt, mit der der optimale Startpunkt des Hubwerkes und die optimale Fahrgeschwindigkeit auf Basis der eingestellten kinematischen Parameter berechnet werden können.


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Este proyecto pretende ofrecer una visión general de una de las tecnologías más actuales de recuperación de gas en formaciones no convencionales: fracturación hidráulica o “fracking”. El proyecto está motivado por la necesidad de responder a diferentes cuestiones sobre los efectos ambientales, sociales y en la salud humana derivados de la utilización de esa tecnología. Ofrece, además, una descripción del proceso y utilización de la tecnología haciendo especial mención de los riesgos inherentes de su uso, aunque también se intenta establecer una vía de aceptación para su desarrollo cuyo fin último, a parte de los beneficios económicos de quienes la usan, es el de posibilitar la transición hacia el uso de unos recursos (energías fósiles de extracción no convencional) que requieren de dichas técnicas para mantener, a lo largo del tiempo, el suministro de una energía que se supone más respetuosa con el medio ambiente: el gas natural. En primer lugar se expone, a modo introductorio, la necesidad de utilización de nuevas técnicas de estimulación de pozos y su utilización para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas mundiales en los próximos años. A continuación se hace una revisión del marco regulatorio aplicable al gas no convencional. Seguidamente, se hace una descripción de los recursos y fuentes no convencionales de gas y la descripción del proceso de fracturación hidráulica. Se analizan los incidentes relacionados con su desarrollo y las posibilidades y mecanismos que pueden adoptarse para reducirlos. Finalmente, se proponen vías alternativas basadas en las mejores técnicas aplicables al uso de la tecnología, cuya finalidad sea la mayor consideración ambiental posible y el menor riesgo posible en la salud de las personas. ABSTRACT This project aims to provide an overview of the latest technologies in gas recovery unconventional formations: hydraulic fracturing or "fracking". The project is motivated by the need to respond to various questions on the environmental, social and human health arising from the use of this technology. It also offers a description of the process and use of technology with special mention of the inherent risks of their use, but also tries to establish a path of acceptance for development whose ultimate goal, apart from the economic benefits of those who use is of enabling the transition to the use of certain resources (fossil energy extraction unconventional) which require such techniques to maintain, over time, of an energy supply which is more environmentally friendly: natural gas. First discussed the need to use new well stimulation techniques and their use to meet the world's energy needs in the coming years. Below is a review of the regulatory framework applicable to unconventional gas. Next, there is a description of resources and unconventional sources of gas, and the description of the process of hydraulic fracturing. We analyze the incidents related to its development and the possibilities and mechanisms that can be taken to reduce them. Finally, we suggest alternative routes based on the best techniques applicable to the use of technology, aiming at the highest possible environmental consideration and the least possible risk to the health of people.


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The Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) requires that 20% of the EU's energy needs should come from renewable sources by 2020, and includes a target for the transport sector of 10% from biofuels. This report analyses and discusses the global impacts of this biofuel target on agricultural production, markets and land use, as simulated by three agricultural sector models, AGLINK-COSIMO, ESIM and CAPRI. The impacts identified include higher EU production of ethanol and biodiesel, and of the crops used to produce them, as well as more imports of both biofuels. Trade flows of biofuel feedstocks also change to reflect greater EU demand, including a significant increase in vegetable oil imports. However, as the extra demand is small in world market terms, the impact on world market prices is limited. With the EU biofuel target, global use of land for crop cultivation is higher by 5.2 million hectares. About one quarter is area within the EU, some of which would otherwise have left agriculture.


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El informe más reciente del Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) define que las emisiones globales de CO2 deben ser recortados en un 50-80 % para el año 2050 con el fin de evitar los efectos más dañinos del cambio climático. El mundo depende actualmente de los combustibles fósiles para satisfacer el 80% de sus necesidades energéticas. La demanda de energía va en aumento y no se puede satisfacer a medio plazo únicamente por las energías renovables. Para hacer frente a los retos de esta creciente demanda de energía y la necesidad de reducir rápidamente emisiones de CO2, se necesita, entre otros, el uso de tecnologías de captura y almacenamiento de CO2. En el presente trabajo se analiza técnicamente esta tecnología y se comparan los costos de la misma según los estudios más importantes que actualmente están publicados. ABSTRACT The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that global CO2 emissions need to be cut by 50-80% by 2050 in order to avoid the most damaging effects of climate change. The world currently relies on fossil fuels to meet 80% of its energy needs. The demand for energy is increasing and cannot be met in the medium term solely by renewables. To address the challenges of this rising demand for energy and the need to rapidly reduce CO2 emissions, is needed, among others, the CO2 capture and storage technologies. In this paper, this technology is technically analyzed and compared the costs thereof as the most important studies that are currently published.


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Esta Tesis aborda los problemas de eficiencia de las redes eléctrica desde el punto de vista del consumo. En particular, dicha eficiencia es mejorada mediante el suavizado de la curva de consumo agregado. Este objetivo de suavizado de consumo implica dos grandes mejoras en el uso de las redes eléctricas: i) a corto plazo, un mejor uso de la infraestructura existente y ii) a largo plazo, la reducción de la infraestructura necesaria para suplir las mismas necesidades energéticas. Además, esta Tesis se enfrenta a un nuevo paradigma energético, donde la presencia de generación distribuida está muy extendida en las redes eléctricas, en particular, la generación fotovoltaica (FV). Este tipo de fuente energética afecta al funcionamiento de la red, incrementando su variabilidad. Esto implica que altas tasas de penetración de electricidad de origen fotovoltaico es perjudicial para la estabilidad de la red eléctrica. Esta Tesis trata de suavizar la curva de consumo agregado considerando esta fuente energética. Por lo tanto, no sólo se mejora la eficiencia de la red eléctrica, sino que también puede ser aumentada la penetración de electricidad de origen fotovoltaico en la red. Esta propuesta conlleva grandes beneficios en los campos económicos, social y ambiental. Las acciones que influyen en el modo en que los consumidores hacen uso de la electricidad con el objetivo producir un ahorro energético o un aumento de eficiencia son llamadas Gestión de la Demanda Eléctrica (GDE). Esta Tesis propone dos algoritmos de GDE diferentes para cumplir con el objetivo de suavizado de la curva de consumo agregado. La diferencia entre ambos algoritmos de GDE reside en el marco en el cual estos tienen lugar: el marco local y el marco de red. Dependiendo de este marco de GDE, el objetivo energético y la forma en la que se alcanza este objetivo son diferentes. En el marco local, el algoritmo de GDE sólo usa información local. Este no tiene en cuenta a otros consumidores o a la curva de consumo agregado de la red eléctrica. Aunque esta afirmación pueda diferir de la definición general de GDE, esta vuelve a tomar sentido en instalaciones locales equipadas con Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos (REDs). En este caso, la GDE está enfocada en la maximización del uso de la energía local, reduciéndose la dependencia con la red. El algoritmo de GDE propuesto mejora significativamente el auto-consumo del generador FV local. Experimentos simulados y reales muestran que el auto-consumo es una importante estrategia de gestión energética, reduciendo el transporte de electricidad y alentando al usuario a controlar su comportamiento energético. Sin embargo, a pesar de todas las ventajas del aumento de auto-consumo, éstas no contribuyen al suavizado del consumo agregado. Se han estudiado los efectos de las instalaciones locales en la red eléctrica cuando el algoritmo de GDE está enfocado en el aumento del auto-consumo. Este enfoque puede tener efectos no deseados, incrementando la variabilidad en el consumo agregado en vez de reducirlo. Este efecto se produce porque el algoritmo de GDE sólo considera variables locales en el marco local. Los resultados sugieren que se requiere una coordinación entre las instalaciones. A través de esta coordinación, el consumo debe ser modificado teniendo en cuenta otros elementos de la red y buscando el suavizado del consumo agregado. En el marco de la red, el algoritmo de GDE tiene en cuenta tanto información local como de la red eléctrica. En esta Tesis se ha desarrollado un algoritmo autoorganizado para controlar el consumo de la red eléctrica de manera distribuida. El objetivo de este algoritmo es el suavizado del consumo agregado, como en las implementaciones clásicas de GDE. El enfoque distribuido significa que la GDE se realiza desde el lado de los consumidores sin seguir órdenes directas emitidas por una entidad central. Por lo tanto, esta Tesis propone una estructura de gestión paralela en lugar de una jerárquica como en las redes eléctricas clásicas. Esto implica que se requiere un mecanismo de coordinación entre instalaciones. Esta Tesis pretende minimizar la cantidad de información necesaria para esta coordinación. Para lograr este objetivo, se han utilizado dos técnicas de coordinación colectiva: osciladores acoplados e inteligencia de enjambre. La combinación de estas técnicas para llevar a cabo la coordinación de un sistema con las características de la red eléctrica es en sí mismo un enfoque novedoso. Por lo tanto, este objetivo de coordinación no es sólo una contribución en el campo de la gestión energética, sino también en el campo de los sistemas colectivos. Los resultados muestran que el algoritmo de GDE propuesto reduce la diferencia entre máximos y mínimos de la red eléctrica en proporción a la cantidad de energía controlada por el algoritmo. Por lo tanto, conforme mayor es la cantidad de energía controlada por el algoritmo, mayor es la mejora de eficiencia en la red eléctrica. Además de las ventajas resultantes del suavizado del consumo agregado, otras ventajas surgen de la solución distribuida seguida en esta Tesis. Estas ventajas se resumen en las siguientes características del algoritmo de GDE propuesto: • Robustez: en un sistema centralizado, un fallo o rotura del nodo central provoca un mal funcionamiento de todo el sistema. La gestión de una red desde un punto de vista distribuido implica que no existe un nodo de control central. Un fallo en cualquier instalación no afecta el funcionamiento global de la red. • Privacidad de datos: el uso de una topología distribuida causa de que no hay un nodo central con información sensible de todos los consumidores. Esta Tesis va más allá y el algoritmo propuesto de GDE no utiliza información específica acerca de los comportamientos de los consumidores, siendo la coordinación entre las instalaciones completamente anónimos. • Escalabilidad: el algoritmo propuesto de GDE opera con cualquier número de instalaciones. Esto implica que se permite la incorporación de nuevas instalaciones sin afectar a su funcionamiento. • Bajo coste: el algoritmo de GDE propuesto se adapta a las redes actuales sin requisitos topológicos. Además, todas las instalaciones calculan su propia gestión con un bajo requerimiento computacional. Por lo tanto, no se requiere un nodo central con un alto poder de cómputo. • Rápido despliegue: las características de escalabilidad y bajo coste de los algoritmos de GDE propuestos permiten una implementación rápida. No se requiere una planificación compleja para el despliegue de este sistema. ABSTRACT This Thesis addresses the efficiency problems of the electrical grids from the consumption point of view. In particular, such efficiency is improved by means of the aggregated consumption smoothing. This objective of consumption smoothing entails two major improvements in the use of electrical grids: i) in the short term, a better use of the existing infrastructure and ii) in long term, the reduction of the required infrastructure to supply the same energy needs. In addition, this Thesis faces a new energy paradigm, where the presence of distributed generation is widespread over the electrical grids, in particular, the Photovoltaic (PV) generation. This kind of energy source affects to the operation of the grid by increasing its variability. This implies that a high penetration rate of photovoltaic electricity is pernicious for the electrical grid stability. This Thesis seeks to smooth the aggregated consumption considering this energy source. Therefore, not only the efficiency of the electrical grid is improved, but also the penetration of photovoltaic electricity into the grid can be increased. This proposal brings great benefits in the economic, social and environmental fields. The actions that influence the way that consumers use electricity in order to achieve energy savings or higher efficiency in energy use are called Demand-Side Management (DSM). This Thesis proposes two different DSM algorithms to meet the aggregated consumption smoothing objective. The difference between both DSM algorithms lie in the framework in which they take place: the local framework and the grid framework. Depending on the DSM framework, the energy goal and the procedure to reach this goal are different. In the local framework, the DSM algorithm only uses local information. It does not take into account other consumers or the aggregated consumption of the electrical grid. Although this statement may differ from the general definition of DSM, it makes sense in local facilities equipped with Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). In this case, the DSM is focused on the maximization of the local energy use, reducing the grid dependence. The proposed DSM algorithm significantly improves the self-consumption of the local PV generator. Simulated and real experiments show that self-consumption serves as an important energy management strategy, reducing the electricity transport and encouraging the user to control his energy behavior. However, despite all the advantages of the self-consumption increase, they do not contribute to the smooth of the aggregated consumption. The effects of the local facilities on the electrical grid are studied when the DSM algorithm is focused on self-consumption maximization. This approach may have undesirable effects, increasing the variability in the aggregated consumption instead of reducing it. This effect occurs because the algorithm only considers local variables in the local framework. The results suggest that coordination between these facilities is required. Through this coordination, the consumption should be modified by taking into account other elements of the grid and seeking for an aggregated consumption smoothing. In the grid framework, the DSM algorithm takes into account both local and grid information. This Thesis develops a self-organized algorithm to manage the consumption of an electrical grid in a distributed way. The goal of this algorithm is the aggregated consumption smoothing, as the classical DSM implementations. The distributed approach means that the DSM is performed from the consumers side without following direct commands issued by a central entity. Therefore, this Thesis proposes a parallel management structure rather than a hierarchical one as in the classical electrical grids. This implies that a coordination mechanism between facilities is required. This Thesis seeks for minimizing the amount of information necessary for this coordination. To achieve this objective, two collective coordination techniques have been used: coupled oscillators and swarm intelligence. The combination of these techniques to perform the coordination of a system with the characteristics of the electric grid is itself a novel approach. Therefore, this coordination objective is not only a contribution in the energy management field, but in the collective systems too. Results show that the proposed DSM algorithm reduces the difference between the maximums and minimums of the electrical grid proportionally to the amount of energy controlled by the system. Thus, the greater the amount of energy controlled by the algorithm, the greater the improvement of the efficiency of the electrical grid. In addition to the advantages resulting from the smoothing of the aggregated consumption, other advantages arise from the distributed approach followed in this Thesis. These advantages are summarized in the following features of the proposed DSM algorithm: • Robustness: in a centralized system, a failure or breakage of the central node causes a malfunction of the whole system. The management of a grid from a distributed point of view implies that there is not a central control node. A failure in any facility does not affect the overall operation of the grid. • Data privacy: the use of a distributed topology causes that there is not a central node with sensitive information of all consumers. This Thesis goes a step further and the proposed DSM algorithm does not use specific information about the consumer behaviors, being the coordination between facilities completely anonymous. • Scalability: the proposed DSM algorithm operates with any number of facilities. This implies that it allows the incorporation of new facilities without affecting its operation. • Low cost: the proposed DSM algorithm adapts to the current grids without any topological requirements. In addition, every facility calculates its own management with low computational requirements. Thus, a central computational node with a high computational power is not required. • Quick deployment: the scalability and low cost features of the proposed DSM algorithms allow a quick deployment. A complex schedule of the deployment of this system is not required.