477 resultados para Endoscopia digestiva


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Bezoar é a impactação de material estranho no interior do trato digestivo, originado a partir da ingestão de diversas substâncias, incluindo cabelos ou pêlos, fibras vegetais e outros. No presente estudo relata-se caso de um volumoso tricobezoar gástrico observado em uma adolescente de 16 anos, com queixa de dor e tumoração palpável na região epigástrica, diagnosticado através da endoscopia digestiva alta. Dada às proporções do bezoar, a paciente foi submetida à gastrotomia anterior com retirada de uma massa sólida de cabelos, com 1200 g, a qual moldava todo o estômago, desde o fundo até o piloro. Uma grande úlcera de pressão também foi detectada em região antral, cujas biópsias revelaram- se negativas para neoplasia. Após a alta, sem intercorrências, a paciente foi encaminhada ao Serviço de Neuropsiquiatria para o tratamento da tricofagia e prevenção da recorrência, objetivo final, ao nosso ver, de todo o tratamento.


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Six patients with advanced Chagas' megaesophagus with poor condition for surgical indication due to severe malnutrition and concomitant diseases were submitted to pneumatic dilatation with the aid of the endoscope. The method consists in leading the tip of the pneumatic dilatator into the cardia with the tip of the endoscope. Insufflation of the balloon must be slow and progressive with visualization of the mucosa of the cardia after insufflating of 2 pounds of air pressure. An excellent symptomatic relief was seen in the five-year follow-up but without improvement in the degree of the esophageal dilatation.


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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is an uncommon condition in chagasic esophagopathy not previously treated. In this report, a case of chagasic esophagopathy associated to GERD and complicated with Barrett's esophagus is described. Potential pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the condition are presented and commented.


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The authors report a case of intestinal involvement of paracoccidioidomycosis and discuss the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in a patient thought to have colonic cancer. The differential diagnosis should be considered with cancer.


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Background: The adenocarcinoma of the appendix is a rare disease, generally identified as an acute appendicitis in the clinical presentation. Preoperative diagnosis is extremely difficult and uncommon. Objective: To present two cases of adenocarcinoma of the appendix, unique for presenting in early ages, and a complete literature review on this topic. Cases report: First case: a 24-year-old man submitted to appendectomy for acute inflammatory abdomen. Sent to hospital due to a histopathological diagnosis of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix. Right hemicolectomy, epiploectomy, ganglion and partial abdominal wall resection were performed. The patient is now in chemotherapy. Second case: a 32-year-old man presented, during appendectomy, with vegetant lesion on the apex of the appendix. The histopathological study revealed the presence of adenocarcinoma of the appendix. Right hemicolectomy with ganglion resection was performed. The patient does not present signs of recurring disease. Conclusion: The macroscopic and clinical similarity between adenocarcinoma of the appendix and acute appendicitis makes it important to check out histopathological study results. The cases above reinforce this requirement, as the authors have found adenocarcinoma of the appendix in young patients.


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Cameron ulcers are chronic linear lesions willing on the mucosal folds, the level of diaphragmatic impression, in patients with hiatal hernia. Its clinical relevance is due to the potential risk of gastrointestinal complications, such as acute or chronic bleeding and anemia. Usually, the diagnosis is incidental by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Proton pump inhibitors are essential for the conduct of cases and the administration of iron when the anemia is associated. Already, the benefit of surgery is in refractory cases. We present a case of this entity of a 50-year-old patient in postmenopausal who developed anemia due to iron deficiency and normal initial endoscopy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introdução: Infecções por Helicobacterpylori(HP) e vírusEpstein-Barr (VEB) são comuns no mundo todo, embora o HP seja o maior fator em doenças gastroduodenais, seu percentual de associação com VEB é incerto. Tanto o VEB quanto o HP são classificados como carcinógenos classe 1 pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, e uma substancial fração de indivíduos se tornam co-infectados na adultice. Esses dois patógenos podem potencializar sinergicamente para causar gastrite crônica perpetua. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a prevalência de HP e do vírus Epstein-Barr em crianças e adolescentes. Material e Método: Estudo descritivo, do tipo transversal. Foram analisadas amostras de mucosa gástrica de 64 crianças e adolescentes através do Teste da Urease para diagnóstico do HP, da técnica de PCR para detecção da cepa cagA de H. pylori, da técnica de hibridização in situ para detecção do EBV e da análise patológica para determinação de características histopatológicas. Resultados: A prevalência de HP nas crianças e adolescentes em estudo foi de 53,1% enquanto a prevalência de VEB foi 3,1%. Entre os pacientes infectados por HP, a maioria (94,3%) apresentava gastrite a endoscopia digestiva alta, sendo gastrite enantemática a mais comumente encontrada. Na análise histopatológica, também a maioria (97,1%) dos pacientes apresentava algum grau de gastrite, com 80% classificados com gastrite crônica moderada. Cepas cagA positivas foram encontradas em 64,7% dos infectados com HP e entre estes todos tinham gastrite, com predomínio de gastrite crônica moderada (54%), no entanto não se observou correlação com significância estatística entre esses achados. Em adição, também não houve significância estatística para a associação entre infecção por HP e por VEB na população estudada, a baixa prevalência de VEB nesta análise sugere que esse vírus não é um agente etiológico das lesões da mucosa gástrica. No nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro estudo que relaciona estes dois agentes infecciosos na mucosa gástrica de crianças e adolescentes do norte do Brasil. Conclusão: A maioria dos achados deste estudo se assemelha aos relatos da literatura, contudo evidenciou-se a necessidade de estudos com maior casuística, envolvendo a população pediátrica imunocompetente afim de melhor esclarecer se há ou não correlação entre a infecção por HP e VEB em nossa região.


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O presente estudo, de que participaram 77.893 doadores de sangue que compareceram por primeira vez ao Hemocentro do Acre, de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2008, teve por objetivos: 1) identificar indivíduos com sorologia positiva para doença de Chagas; 2) caracterizar, clinicamente, os indivíduos com sorologia positiva para doença de Chagas e 3) orientar adequadamente indivíduos com sorologia positiva quanto à terapêutica preconizada. A amostra se constituiu de 91,6% de pacientes do sexo masculino, com uma média de idade em torno de 47 anos, todos residentes do Estado do Acre. A triagem sorológica foi realizada com a aplicação do teste ELISA, com 102 resultados positivos; destes, doze foram incluídos no estudo e submetidos a testes confirmatórios, dos quais onze tiveram o resultado positivo confirmado. Segundo a avaliação de exames complementares realizados (ECG, ecocardiograma e endoscopia digestiva alta), um doador apresentava a forma cardíaca instalada e os demais a forma indeterminada da doença. É preciso oferecer o exame confirmatório da doença de Chagas na rotina dos bancos de sangue como forma de garantir o encaminhamento oportuno a uma assistência médica qualificada àquele doador de sangue que se tornou paciente chagásico.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A study was conducted to determine the optimal time for collecting the breath examination urea breath marked with the stable isotope 13C. We selected patients before undergoing the examination of endoscopy at the Endoscopy Section of the University Hospital of Botucatu - SP. A screening was performed to determine which patients wanted and could participate. Before performing endoscopy basal sample was collected from the patient and then the labeled urea ingested. The blows were collected in double every 2.5 minutes until an interval of 30.0 minutes after were collected every 5.0 minutes until the time of 45.0 minutes . The samples were analyzed in a mass spectrometer for isotope ratio, located in the center of Stable Isotopes, Institute of Biosciences, UNESP - Botucatu campus. The data were studied and arranged in the form of graphics to better interpretation of results. Based on the obtained results it was determined that a standby time of 15.0 minutes to collect the wind is sufficient for accurate diagnosis and effective


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Background There are limited studies on the prevalence and risk factors associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Objective Identify the prevalence and risk factors for HCV infection in university employees of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods Digital serological tests for anti-HCV have been performed in 3153 volunteers. For the application of digital testing was necessary to withdraw a drop of blood through a needlestick. The positive cases were performed for genotyping and RNA. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were used, with P-value <0.05 indicating statistical significance. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were also used. Results Prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.7%. The risk factors associated with HCV infection were: age >40 years, blood transfusion, injectable drugs, inhalable drugs (InDU), injectable Gluconergam®, glass syringes, tattoos, hemodialysis and sexual promiscuity. Age (P=0.01, OR 5.6, CI 1.4 to 22.8), InDU (P<0.0001, OR=96.8, CI 24.1 to 388.2), Gluconergam® (P=0.0009, OR=44.4, CI 4.7 to 412.7) and hemodialysis (P=0.0004, OR=90.1, CI 7.5 – 407.1) were independent predictors. Spatial analysis of the prevalence with socioeconomic indices, Gross Domestic Product and Human Development Index by the geoprocessing technique showed no positive correlation. Conclusions The prevalence of HCV infection was 0.7%. The independent risk factors for HCV infection were age, InDU, Gluconergan® and hemodialysis. There was no spatial correlation of HCV prevalence with local economic factors.


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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is probably one of the most prevalent diseases in the world that also compromises the quality of life of the affected significantly. Its incidence in Brazil is 12%, corresponding to 20 million individuals. OBJECTIVE: To update the GERD management and the new trends on diagnosis and treatment, reviewing the international and Brazilian experience on it. METHOD: The literature review was based on papers published on Medline/Pubmed, SciELO, Lilacs, Embase and Cochrane crossing the following headings: gastroesophageal reflux disease, diagnosis, clinical treatment, surgery, fundoplication. RESULTS: Various factors are involved on GERD physiopathology, the most important being the transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation. Clinical manifestations are heartburn, regurgitation (typical symptoms), cough, chest pain, asthma, hoarseness and throat clearing (atypical symptoms), which may be followed or not by typical symptoms. GERD patients may present complications such as peptic stenosis, hemorrhage, and Barrett's esophagus, which is the most important predisposing factor to adenocarcinoma. The GERD diagnosis must be based on the anamnesis and the symptoms must be evaluated in terms of duration, intensity, frequency, triggering and relief factors, pattern of evolution and impact on the patient's quality of life. The diagnosis requires confirmation with different exams. The goal of the clinical treatment is to relieve the symptoms and surgical treatment is indicated for patients who require continued drug use, with intolerance to prolonged clinical treatment and with GERD complications. CONCLUSION: GERD is a major digestive health problem and affect 12% of Brazilian people. The anamnesis is fundamental for the diagnosis of GERD, with special analysis of the typical and atypical symptoms (duration, intensity, frequency, triggering and relief factors, evolution and impact on the life quality). High digestive endoscopy and esophageal pHmetry are the most sensitive diagnosctic methods. The clinical treatment is useful in controlling the symptoms; however, the great problem is keeping the patients asymptomatic over time. Surgical treatment is indicated for patients who required continued drug use, intolerant to the drugs and with complicated forms of GERD.